Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle 26: In the case of Kenji Mitsuze (29 at the time of the accident) (Part I)

"The minds and bodies of the people who work for the magic, let us protect them!

"You can't overlook the rushing evil!

"Come on, be ready! You evil dark kiddo!

"The smell? I'm gonna convert all the Japanese into Dark Kyodley!

"Eat it! Karosikik!"

"Hi Norma Beam!"

"Such a tiny attack, deactivated with a lowkie hover!

"Come on, everybody, let's go!

"" UQ Show Basket Rencue Punch!






"" Wow, it crumbles!! "

"" Just kidding, Queeren Queue... "

"Evil is doomed. But in this broken age, the second and third Dark Kyou buds are about to germinate!! For the sake of everyone in a weak position, save, fight, Petit Loki After 5!

"Come talk to me anytime!

"Anonymous is OK!

"We're on the workers' side!

"The Righteous Bureau of Standards Warriors are unbeatable!

"All five, Petit Loki After five!

Ryoichi Mitsuze glanced at the little smartphone screen, taking his eyes off the recording screen, staring at his brother Kenji and grinning. The screen shows Kenji's daughter enjoying a hero show in this amusement park.

"So, this is your meeting with that factory this evening?

Oh, and Kenji answers, manipulating the smartphone to call the image it was recording.

"I don't know how things changed when they showed me blueprints."

I look at the small screen of my smartphone and tell my brother Kenji, looking like Yoichi was in trouble.

"I let this place and this place out the window. And I made the kitchen a little bigger."

"Huh.... By the way, my father and mother are dying to meet Yujin. Bring me to see you next time. The good minister of the house has grown. I can't help but play with my cousins."

"Um, it's hard to move until March. Next weekend, we're going to have a nursery interview."

"I'm not saying I can't, but you've calmed down well, too. Sometimes you show your face and reassure your father and mother. Misako will be glad you're here."

"Okay, I'll tell you to go again next weekend when I get home today. Say hello to your sister-in-law."

"Whoa... Whoa!!

"What the heck!!

Kenji Mitsuze raised his voice and cried at the same time as his consciousness became clear. He realized that his emotions had exploded at once, caring for the relief he seemed to have helped despite the major accident, the mental shock coming from his blindness and the safety of his dependable brother Liangyi, five years old, who, in his own consciousness, sat next to him until earlier. At last, the second sight of the senior of the company, who was sitting next to his brother and nagging him, was only a little hooked to his heart.

Thus, on February 14, 7428, Kenji Mitsuze raised his voice to Aus. He was a pretty big, healthy baby as a Puppet (Hume) by the name of Hexar Barnes.

Fortunately, Kenji was raised with care until he reached the age of three. Geographically central to Viscount Biden, more than two hundred kilometers northeast of the Wang capital Landgries, politically managed to survive a high infancy rate as a civilian child in the countryside and the village of Zorquis. In an initial year or so, I was raised without much suspicion that I was rotten to remember the words anyway in an attempt to find a way back to Japan, the original world. Beware, I have refrained from speaking in an adult tone except when practicing words alone to this day.

Actually, there was a reason I was practicing where no one was around. If I wanted to talk normally in the first year or so, I would have spoken, but if I distracted myself from the mundane things, it would be a so-called baby word. Even if I still get distracted, I'm going to be polite talking to myself, but I'm tongueless, and the language makes me childish. It is significant that it accounted for the majority of the reasons simply that it was embarrassing and didn't want to talk.

But six months after Hexar was three years old, a great calamity struck the land. Locust. The swarm of flying locusts (batas) that apparently occurred in the west ate up Viscount Bidden territory by the time it was completely skinless. It seems that what I hear is recorded that it occurs in this region in a proportion of about once every seven to ninety years. But this time only thirty-eight years after the last locust plague. Viscount Biden and neighboring Viscount Boeken and Ginoboog, who had taken little or no precautions against the span of the outbreak, suffered enormous damage.

The damage to Viscount Biden's territory, which was located in the middle among them, was tremendous, the pre-harvest wheat was completely eaten up and even the roof of the house, clothing and other items of plant origin were damaged. The forest also left the trunk of the tree naked round, and there was no weed left, a miserable sight. It is only the carcass of Tonosama bata, which covers the ground when the rest of the people say what they can eat, and after a few days to a week, the moisture evaporated and is no longer what they ate.

Although Viscount Biden of Boulder also announced a tax credit, it still doesn't make it half. Sir Gallorias, lord of Zorquis, rigorously took the tax. Though the Barnes family sold the slaves they owned and managed to collect taxes, the remaining slaves were full of old men and children of unscrupulous age. I had to worry about taxes from next year onwards as early as possible. Then, less than three years later, I began to struggle with people who would farm the fields properly.

Hexar was also driven out to field work before turning five, imposing hard heavy labor on his children, including weeding and sprinkling water. As much as I thought I would die of overwork if I didn't take my hands off and labor my body as much as possible due to the good prior procedure.

But at the end of five years old, one night after making six years old present, Hexar, who fell asleep, meets God. It was only a few minutes of the meeting, but all he gained was some new knowledge, some doubts were resolved, and he gave up.

I can't stay like this. There must be a brother somewhere in this world. Um, as long as you have a smart, dependable brother, you can work it out together? You should look for your brother. But even if a child with no money and no life force leaves the house, he is visible to drown in the wild sooner or later. Now would be the time to indulge in the desire to pop up and spend time in the tunnel.

But even if you're just spending a lot of time blurring, no more than the second child of a civilian is a keeper. They will eventually become the slave class, be treated by their eldest children, and in some cases be sold somewhere, as this time. Couples can even be torn apart at that time. The sight I've seen so much in the last two to three years was regenerated in Hexar's brain.

There are not many options in this Dabus kingdom to avoid that. The best thing I know is that I managed to do it until I was an adult, volunteered for the Knights, and was hired. I'll save money, and I'll have a higher profile. Leaving the Knights won't bother the squire's mouth because of the numerous pulls. Even if you are an adventurer, if you are an ex-knight, you will go first and you will not have trouble working. You'll also be able to search for your brother at your leisure.

... It would not be entirely impossible, but this future (Michi) seemed difficult. The reborn self seems to have physical advantages, but it is not something that I have found out whether it is true or not. At least as of the age of five, I know it won't make a big difference from the other kids.

It would be difficult to say that this is a very effective skill because the inherent skill [skill deactivation] that I possess has, according to God's story, the ability to deactivate the skill of the reborn within a certain range that revolves around me, but it has no effect on the skill possessed by the subpeople and demons of the reborn Orth.

I was originally interested in unique skills, but didn't know how to use them. It really doesn't matter because it seems that you can't use your skills unless someone else is using their skills next to what God told you.

Still, I thought about whether I could not make effective use of it, but it didn't take long until I decided that there was nothing useful other than fighting with the Japanese. I mean, it doesn't help in any way to recruit for the Knights. Well, the Barnes family is currently in distress and I don't even think they can get satisfactory combat training. Now I aspire to the Knights of Viscount Biden territory, and it is more obvious than seeing fire that even if I take the test of hiring, I will be bounced. You won't even qualify for a recruitment exam in the first place, etc.

The next point is not to aspire to the same Knights, but to join the Knights as infantry by conscription, not to orient the Knights, and to emerge with some skill. This is something I've heard too, but even after two years of expropriation, it seems that a good soldier can sometimes stay in the army because he's a squad leader or something. Hard work could also pave the way for a squire in some jazz house or something.

Otherwise, the highest civilian soldier in this Viscount Biden army will receive a certain amount of gold, 500,000 Z. (fifty silver coins) at the end of the two-year expropriation period, as well as a salary of one and a half silver coins a week (900,000 Z. per year) during the expropriation period. There is also the hand of saving this and doing some business. You can build some wealth there and then travel to find your brother.

It was not assumed that he would die in battle during the expropriation period. There seems to be a conflict going on every year with the Kingdom of Romberto in the north over the Dart Plains, but the number of war deaths in a year is two hundred at best. It seems that there have been fewer than a hundred years, so I thought that if I were in good order, I wouldn't die like that. In the first place, it is more likely that Viscount Biden's Knights will not enter the war during the period they are being requisitioned. It is also after the devastation caused by the locust plague, and it will not be if we are going to a golden war for decades to come. This is it, Hexar thought.

Expropriation is an obligation for civilians between the ages of thirteen and twenty-five or less. Both men and women are equally expropriated, but women are often older in relation to power. Fortunately, I'm a man, so if I'm lucky, I can join the army at thirteen. While wealthy civilians and others say they sometimes escape expropriation by paying four gold coins instead of being expropriated, there is no room for that in the Barnes family today.

The only other thing I could think of was a miracle-like probability thing. For example, the chances of a city craftsman taking an apprentice are low, but there is no reason to say that there is zero hope at all. But I haven't had a job in my hands since my last life. The likelihood that the craftsman will blindfold you and ask you to be a disciple is lower than if you were going to die tomorrow on a meteorite.

If you're not a craftsman, and you're a merchant, you can handle it, but you've never heard of a merchant taking an apprentice, etc., and you don't even know what that means. There's no reason to think of it in common sense but to inherit it it from your own child. I didn't even think there was a drunken merchant who politely wanted such a kid of a country eaten civilian to get a job at a big chamber of commerce. I think I can make my business bigger better than most merchants if I have the opportunity to appeal to myself, but it's a natural story because I don't have any contacts.

As a rule, it is not convenient to understand the way in which business has progressed, even if you have been able to dive into a merchant at the end of the line. Whatever you suggested would have been in vain.

In other words, he thought it would be more profitable to do soldiers, save money, do some business on his own, and more likely to succeed. At the time, Hexar couldn't help knowing that even the Kingdom of Dabus would need a licence to apprentice the neighboring Kingdom of Romberto and establish a Chamber of Commerce, or that it would cost a lot of money.

Thus Hexar's childhood passed.

Nine years after the locust plague, when Hexar had his twelve-year-old summer, a major turning point came to Hexar in a way he did not anticipate. We are still dragging on the locust damage in the Barnes family (which is not otherwise uncommon because Viscount Biden territory itself, as opposed to the entire village of Zorquis, was about to run out of love for the Barnes family, who, as Hexar, still can't recover), and the summer when the annual tax payment approaches always gives us a tingling atmosphere.

One day, he said, a line would pass through the village of Zorquis, whether it was royalty or grand nobility. The only aristocrats Hexar will ever know are Sir Gallorias, lord of the village, and his family. They do have a better life compared to civilians and serfs, but they were fifty hundred steps away and thought the low-income people at the bottom of previous life's society were still living a more cultural and rich life. Let us worship at first sight what it is like to be the supreme royalty of Aus. I was grasshopping on the side of the street passing through the village on the day foretold by this thought.

Near lunch, when the sun supposedly plunged into Jomtien, an army came ahead of several knights. The army line seems to be pretty long and the butt seems so far away that you can't see it. This is not the first time I have seen an army because very rarely an army passes through the village of Zorquis.

However, this time the army is not the same as the army that has so far passed through the village of Zorquis. I know at first sight that there are many things that seem luxurious from the equipment, and most importantly, the percentage of knights who rode them seems high. Normally the number is one twentieth of the infantry or not, but this time the army is more than one fifth like a knightly cavalry.

Ha ha, this would be the army of the great nobleman's escort. I rested my grasshopper hand and watched. In no time, two large carriages with eight heads approaching to be protected by the army. Standing on a boulder and looking at it is awesome. The knight in front of me who came to the village the other day said he should bow his head when the carriage passed and not look directly at it, so he bowed his head and stole a look at the carriage at the top of his head.

It is a luxurious carriage on boulders. Ten adults are likely to ride well, and the decorations are splendid. It really feels like the "nobility" Hexar imagines. When I first noticed, the head of the army of this escort seemed to have stopped in the empty space ahead. By the side of the vacant land, the river is flowing, so it's time, and will you interrupt the journey and take it for lunch?

Will there be a total of 500 troops of escorts long enough to be as long as one kilometer long? The spacing between horseback riding and horseback riding seems to be more than five meters empty, as does the spacing between the infantry men armed with two rows of longitudinal spears. If this were to take a simultaneous lunch break, eat and give the horse a drink of water, it would take two to three hours. The speed is slow. It's about the speed of adults walking because it's easy to walk in the village now, but it would be a little slower if they left the village.

Must be three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon. I can't travel 20 kilometers per day even if I think of it as three kilometers per hour. In the end, he doesn't leave the realm of the undisclosed old army. I saw what I saw, and I thought Hexar went back to farming. They may be expropriated from next year, and if they don't work well, they may be sold as slaves. That's all I had to avoid.

A month later, the army said it would pass through the village of Zorquis again. When summer passes and autumn is visible. I've already seen it once, and this time Hexar showed no interest. It was a real coincidence to have been involved and could be said to be a heavenly dispensation truly. A noise broke out in a row resting around the vacant land in the village, as last time. Several chickens, a valuable source of protein in the village, had been stolen and chased around. The feathers that looked chilli were black as crows, and one characteristic caught my eye.

That's the hen I keep at home. One every two to three days, lays precious eggs. We need to take it back in peace somehow.

"Ha, ha, you suck at cells"

"Oops! Then you do it, it's hard."

"Oops, then don't miss it... Shit, did you take it off"

"His Highness Alex. That's not how you hold the bow. The right hand pulls more straight."

"Hmm? Like this?

"That's right. Like pushing a bow out with your left hand...... oh, that's a weird grip"

"Whoa, Mule, don't fuck with Lane. Try it yourself."

"... no, I can do that on a boulder"

"Stop now. That chicken belongs to the village, right? I'm not impressed with that."

"Ah...... yeah. Right."

Apparently the noble children ordered the soldiers to line up their shields to make a square, where they were playing to shoot chickens with their bows at play that they had left alone in each household, including the Barnes family. Teaching me if I'm a good knight or a soldier with a bow. So I'm pretty sure it's half the play. Because of the girl's caution, the two of them, obsessed and arrowing with bows, honestly listened and seemed to have stopped me.

(Thanks. Looks like he's not dead, and he's not hurt. Good......)

Hexar made sure that the chickens in the other house seemed safe anyway, just the chickens in the house, stroking their breasts down with ho.

One of the soldiers was ordered by a girl to catch a chicken and walk over here. He easily catches two wings and enters the hall so that the way he holds them at the same time doesn't hurt the chicken. I'm sure he's from the countryside.

"Kid, look, I'll give it back. I'm sorry about that. Well, give me a break. Because we can't resist..."

That's what the soldiers said and apologized for giving me back my black hen. Appreciating the seemingly gentle soldier, Hexar, who received the chicken, confirmed again that there were no scratches anywhere, bowed his head and tried to leave the spot.

"Hmm? Wait!

There was a call to stop where I tried to turn my heel back. Hexar is rigid as a bikle and looks back without a scratch. My face is lowered so I don't see it in person, but I couldn't hide the tremor on my leg. Are you going to make me your target this time?

"Face up."

That's the voice of the first guy to laugh.

"Can't you hear me? Face up."

Raise your fearful face. but my eyes remain off the mark. I saw it in person and didn't know what I was going to do because of it.

But the shock ran on four noble younger brothers who saw Hexar's face.

"I knew it..."

"Cell, you've noticed so well..."

"You're here..."

"Josh, bring the chicken to that person's house. … and then you. Come here and show me your face better."

Without any idea what had happened, Hexar stood, but was taken a chicken by an earlier soldier, pushed to the back by another soldier and finally began to turn his head.

When I went to their side, I was pulled into the carriage with or without them.

'Face me up. You don't have to look away. "

"Do you understand Japanese?

Don't worry, we're not suspicious.

'You're Japanese... status open... Mr. Barnes. Don't worry. We're Japanese. "

Speaking almost simultaneously in the space of just five people, closing the carriage door, Hexar was surprised to hear Japanese for the first time in twelve years.

'Huh? Oh, well, don't say that at once...'

"'I knew it!!

"Oh, the Japanese!

"There was no madness in my eyes!

"Shh, wow. You're really Japanese!

"Oh, oh... good."

Hexar turned his full attention to them, making a scene with his mouth full of surprises. Of course Hexar was no less surprised than they were.

They saw the status, they showed it, they didn't know what it was. A royal named Alex (it was natural to look great), who couldn't keep up with the rapid expansion and was annoyed by Hexar, who tells the story with traction, says.

'Anyway, you have no untrained family right now. Your brother's out there somewhere. You can tell me you want to look for that, okay?

"Oh, you're right."

"All right, hang on a second."

That's what Alex started to tell the soldiers when he jumped out of the carriage.

'Don't worry, Mr. Barnes. Alec doesn't do anything wrong.'

"It's hard to be around. Shouldn't I give you a word?

'You're not going to. Mr. Barnes is a civilian in this territory, and you won't be able to shut up and do whatever you want to your lord, will you?

"So why don't you tell that lord?"

"Mule. It's not that easy. This is not the direct jurisdiction of the King. You should study a little more. '

'Heck. I'm just a civilian countryman anyway...'

"Don't be so humble anymore."

Soon Alex returned to the carriage and made an OK mark with his thumb and index finger, smiling at him with a garlic.

"Barnes. I'll be no longer a civilian, but I can help you. Sooner or later, for good reason, we can do it to civilians and nobles, so don't worry about the area. '

The tease was quickly found out. It's easy. Speak to Sir Gallorias, lord of the village of Zorquis, and at the same time let Hexar's parents tease him of a great deal of money. He bought Hexar as a sidekick slave, and as soon as he returned to Landgries, he would free himself from slavery to become a free people, and at the same time take the form Alex would hold.

Being a free citizen has restrictions on movement, but the king's territory is vast, so even if it takes about adults, it can't all go around very well. It is expected that by then we will be able to exercise greater power than we do now, so let us handle it appropriately and make it civilian as a reward. It is difficult to push a free people into the Knights on a boulder. An army would be fine, but then it would be difficult to find Hexar's brother.

Kim appropriately hired a companion because he would do it, and as an adventurer he was first told to tour the kingdom and look for Hexar's brother. Their guess is that one or two people are still reborn in the kingdom, too. The cell of being the son of the Duke of Stoles was also able to give about permission for territorial passage, so it was thought that a total of about three to four people would be possible if the area combined.

I'm lucky I didn't even wish for Hexar. The adventurer was a fool, but it would have to be stopped too. It is also understandable that it is important to actually walk around and make a slightly more accurate map because there are no exact maps. I can't measure it, so it would be a long way from accurate, but I hope it's more accurate than it is now. Perhaps what they call a handle is to use it to create a map.

At any rate, Hexar couldn't have refused to grasp the dripping spider thread.

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