Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle 26: In the case of Kenji Mitsuze (29 at the time of the accident) (Part II)

During the carriage to the Wang capital Landgries, Hexar thanked him for rescuing him from the worst possible environment. Then, speaking of staying in the village of Zorquis long after they were reborn and never taking a step, they seemed to lose interest in Hexar, who didn't have anything else dramatic to say, and immediately heard of the inherent skills. Thank you. This one seems to be destiny.

"With that said, Barnes, what is your unique skill?

I look the greatest, Belgrid the First Prince has asked. Hearing that Hexar was only decent for a moment, but I immediately thought of it. I didn't see their inherent skills when I saw the status earlier. I guess I didn't see my unique skills not only in my family and in the village, but also in the reborn Japanese.

Hexar felt a little resistant to answering honestly. They are aristocrats. Besides, there are two Duke sons who reign at the top of this country. Besides, I just checked my status to say that they're both eldest sons. Besides, don't you say you're the eldest son? Furthermore, the eldest son and eldest daughter of the Baron of the Court Mage. The other one is a civilian, but he seemed to be dating quite a long time, without making him feel drawn, and he felt very normally talking.

Don't let the atmosphere drink you. I need to speak with confidence here. Otherwise, you will be licked, and you will be thankful for your salvation for the rest of your life. Already with these four people and myself, the power relationship is a negative start. Where I said what I was on the verge of slavery (it's not an exaggeration to say that my status hasn't changed, but I'm already a slave), I didn't even think my power relationship with them would open any more, but I just wanted to avoid being mentally humiliated.

Anyway, let's buy some time. I need some time to think about it.

'Whatever your inherent skills are, what did you say about them?

In the guise of no concern, Hexar said, taking care to sound very natural. It seems that my unique skills become effective when there is a direct dispute with the Japanese. It seems that each reborn Japanese person possesses separate and inherent skills when it comes to God's stories that he remembers in disquiet. You may not go with everyone, but you should pull out as much information on unique skills as possible before answering.

Of course, I am not going to be hostile to them, which would be the royalty or the highest nobility in this country. We're just talking about having to sell cards as high as possible. I wanted to get an overview of other people's unique skills first, because I could do a few things to do that.

'Mm-hmm. That said, you only checked your status. Me and Alec were the first people I met. You were about six years old. Six years ago now? Damn, you look like a busy Japanese face, so I was stunned.'

The oldest son of the Duke, who named him Senreid Stoles, said with pleasure.

"Fuck you, I was just growing up in a box and I didn't even know how to look at my status until then..."

In response, Prince Alexander Bergrid answered with a broken face whether he was also an interesting part of his memory.

"And then was it last year's head position? Oh, spring. I met a mule during a gardening party '

Stoles decided to ignore everything Belgrid said.

'Oh, you surprised me then. When I told this guy there was an abalone waving a weird cloth on the tree, I looked for a while and said,' Hey, isn't that a circle of sunshine? 'Cause you say so. I've never seen a purple sun circle before. "

Belgrid also got on with the story of Stoles laughing without showing his obsession with the light mouth he said.

"Shit, you have no choice, do you? All I had was wine. It will also look purple. Let me know if there's any other way."

This one was said by a civilian man who named himself Munair Sagual with a face that didn't seem very funny. Apparently his father is Alexander Belgrid's father, that is, a squire who serves His Majesty the current king, Agenor Belgrid. The difference between heaven and earth is not so much the same civilians as Hexar.

'And then, like, summer? Because of this, I learned of the possibility that Baron Geglan's daughter, a court magician, was Japanese. I was surprised to see you. You're Japanese, and you can already use magic. "

'There's still four magical levels, though. Mr. Barnes, if you're interested, I can tell you.'

said the Baron's eldest daughter, who named herself Lantier Gegran while smiling. Well, is that why you say that even the shallowest relationship was already dating for a year? It seems better not to think it's that easy to get in between them. Conversely, it would be more convenient for you to keep some distance from me to find my brother.

'Oh, yeah. Mr. Barnes, you might want to teach Lane some magic. Alex and Cell have a position, and we don't get much time for magic training because we have a lot of things to do. I can't let you go to Wangdu all the time, either. I still have to do this at my parents' house. "

'Mmm... you sure do. Neither I nor Cell have been able to train in magic at all times. I even doubt you have the qualities in the first place. There are only two other types of elemental magic, even mules. I guess Barnes has to find his brother, huh? Then maybe it's better to remember the magic. I hear adventurers sometimes fight demons directly. "

Magic or... could Sir Gallorias, lord in the village of Zorquis, and his son and daughter, and a few of the civilian squire, have used it? There was no one at all who could use a serf. I don't know if I have a talent for literacy, or magic, but if I can use it, it's going to be quite a valid note. I thought so. Hexar bowed his head to Lantier Gegran that he was good at magic.

"Mr. Gegran. Please teach me magic. I know it's not something I can promise you, but I'm going to work hard to learn."

'Yeah, sure. Oh, yeah, about your unique skills, what was it? Mine is an intrinsic skill specializing in magic. [Magic Acquisition] There is no level in this unique skill, but for some reason the level came to (MAX) last month.... I hear this skill is easy to grasp the trick of witchcraft, but it's still hard. And since the level reached last month (MAX), the amount of magic healed is amazing. "

'Oh, that's what you said. You know, healing about ten times faster... my unique skill is [super recovery]. I'm at level six now. Even if you get hurt, it heals pretty fast. I don't need healing magic. "

That's what Stoles and Gegran saw Hexar. Stoles seems to be somewhere proud of his unique skills. In a short time, but to some extent in Hexar's head, he also caught a thought. The resulting material is not sufficient, but judging from this material, it may be something like a lifeline in a sense to call it intrinsic skill. We should probably get through this using anything, even haphazard.

'I see... that's amazing. What is Mr. Sagual?

'Hmm? I'm the toughest of all. [Tolerance (Parallax) Paralysis) (- Tolerance)] That's the guy. Also, unlike magic, "disguise" is a special skill passed down from generation to generation to my clan... it's a special ability.

Sagual said a little shy.

(I know it's a big deal not to be paralyzed, but it's definitely an inherent skill that seems soggy compared to these two)

Inherent skills would still be like lifelines and trump cards. I thought I should say it with confidence.

'I see, you're all a big deal. My intrinsic skills are for contention. Maybe, if you work out well, I'll be able to stand around quite advantageously in a struggle by force. I was good at Kendo. A sword is a little something.'

Kendo himself was apprenticing his brother and doing it with middle school, high school and college, so I'm pretty confident. I didn't have any connection with the national tournament or anything, but I still have a four-step position, and if I use a long product, it will be one-on-one, so I won't be late. Since the body is forged by farming, the same generation will be able to overwhelm it if you eat a good meal and rest.

Even after the locust plague, it's not like he didn't train to fight at all. From the outset, I was able to pretend not to brace myself, and I saw and judged the movements of Sir Gallorious and his squires who were training. It would be a swordsmanship of a completely different system than Kendo in the first place, and it is not comparable because it is a double-edged sword movement, but the swordsmanship of Aus, dressed in heavy armor and dominated by single-handed penetration with a shield, seemed dull compared to Kendo.

"My unique skill is [Skill Invalidation]. I've never used it before. Once upon a time, according to God in my dreams, someone else's reborn Japanese can't use them unless they're beside them using their skills, but they can invalidate the inherent skills of all reborn people. '

Although Hexar said this, he thinks that it is not limited to the inherent skill that can be deactivated as that way of saying God. I think maybe it will nullify the magic skills, the skills that subhumans are born with, and the skills of Saguar's "disguise" as well.


Prince Belgrid peeled off his eyes. Hexar thought he hadn't heard the prince's inherent skills yet, so to speak.

'No, wait... you've never used it?... So unlike Lane, you're really in a zero state?... Mr. Barnes, did you say you met God? What's this all about? Are you lying to me?

Stoles said with great suspicion, then stuffed to Hexar. As a hexer, I had no idea what they were saying.

If you're told you're lying, you're only lying in part, but then enough to delude the effects of the inherent skill into something limiting. But we don't know this at this point. Did either of these two use any magic? No, these two didn't have any about magic skills. So after Sagual or Gegran secretly used some magic and inhibited it before they realized it, they told these two in some way?

Suddenly stuffed in a part of his mind, Hexar makes his eyes black and white and manages to succeed in twisting the words out.

'Ugh, lying... rude! What the hell are you saying that based on?

Sagual opened his mouth against such Hexar and Stoles as he put his arms together.

'Well, wait, Cel. Lies or not... we haven't talked about God yet in the first place. It is unnatural to say that you have suddenly met God or something in such a situation.... status open... you have no skills whatsoever... hey Mr. Barnes. You'll be eating suddenly, but I'll tell you. God can't see you unless you have a higher level of skill. At least these four think so'


Hexar got it right.

"I met God when I was seven. I think it was the first time the mastery of 'Disguise' was leveled. I've never used any of my unique skills before. Still, I could see God. So it turns out that even if you don't level up your unique skills, you can still meet God."

As a hexer, it's a blue sky thunderbolt. I never thought I'd get stuck in here.

"All three but me met God at the same time as leveling their unique skills. I'm not the only one with unique skills, 'disguise' skills, but I'm pretty sure I met him when his skills were leveled up. Mr. Barnes, I don't think you're lying. But I don't think you're talking about it all."

'What do you mean?

Gegran asked a little strangely.

'For example. I mean, don't you have any special skills like my' disguise '? It's also the one that doesn't show up in status like an inherent skill. I can't look into all this stuff except self-declaration. Maybe that's leveling up. Also, there is another possibility. It is also possible that there are elements of the level other than the status.... Whoa, guys, don't look like that. It's just an imagination.'

'Hey, wait a minute, please. Is there a level other than skill?

Hexar said as he panicked.

'No, I told you it was an imagination, didn't I? I don't know. "

Sagual unwrapped the arm he was putting together and shrugged his shoulder.

'Wait... it makes sense what Mule said... Perhaps there is something called level besides being able to see it with an open status... Inherent skills can only be seen in person in the first place, and special skill level information can only be seen in person... Even if he has information that he doesn't even see...'

Belgrid tends to interrupt as he covers his face with his left hand and stretches his open right hand toward the sagual.

"Huh? What is that?

Stoles made a fool of it.

I was upset as I said it myself, to say the sagual of the person I said it to. What? Something's hooked... Level other than skill? Level up...... and hit the knee like something flashed by accident.

"Level! Yes, level! When I say level up, that's a level!? He level up, Mr. Barnes!

Everyone looks strange in a suddenly shouting sagual. But only one responded with a calm voice.

'That's right. Mule is right. It would be a level. Barnes is not lying. Perhaps Barnes has gone up his own level. That was a good game, wasn't it? You must be the guy who calls it an experience level.'

Looks like Belgrid arrived at a similar conclusion, much like Sagual.

'What are you talking about? So when you level up, you're going to go up "chira," "sukiyasa," or "yeah"? Asshole.'

Stoles told him to throw it away, but the tone also sounded somewhere to be expected.

'Hmm, I don't get it very well because I've never played a game...'

Gegran doesn't get it any better, but he whined bossly in a small voice as he said.

'Well, fine. Barnes, your [Skill Invalidation], but give it a try. I want to know the effect. I'll tie my body up just in case I get busted. If you're hungry and unbearable, I'll feed you, and if you want to sleep, you can go to sleep.'

When Belgrid said so, Stolls and Saguar immediately took the rope out from under the carriage chair and tried to tie Hexar's body with it. Only Gegran looks blatantly disgusting.


'Oh, this was the first time you used unique skills, wasn't it? Then is it impossible not to know... Use magic to use unique skills. It would be a pain in the ass if they let you out of magic. Just in case. "

Stoles and Saguar tied Hexar up by wrapping him around with rope, saying so.

'Well... is it time? [Super Recovery (Super Recovery)] can't try that, and if it's disabled, that's troublesome. [Resistance (Parallax) Paralysis) (-Torrance)] Okay... Lane, even hang me on the mule for "Paralysis" magic. Mules are then resistant with inherent skill. Barnes, try to stop it. "

When Belgrid commands, Gegran says, "You have no choice," but quickly concentrates on the sagual. In just about ten seconds, Saguar's body shivered fine as if it had been hung on a mollusk (dust). Symptoms of paralysis.

"Count three. Barnes, when it reaches zero on the countdown, the mule removes it from the paralysis with the inherent skill of [resistance ((paralyzes) paralysis) (-trerance)]. Deactivate it with your [Skill Invalidation] unique skills. Skills are easy to use. Normally, you should be able to use it if you are aware of using your skills. Let's go...... three, two, one, zero!

Hexar had an unspeakably odd feeling from her the moment Gegran stared at the sagual with a strange eye before the countdown began. This discomfort disappears about ten seconds after it occurs, earlier than the countdown begins. Then I also got another weird feeling the moment the count went to zero. This one can tell the sagual is the source.

(Does it feel like someone is using their skills on the reborn Japanese? Is that what you knew before I used my unique skills... All right, you want to try? I'd have to sell it high at best)

Be aware of the unique skills of [Skill Invalidation (Skill Invalidation)] in mind. The discomfort became foggy as soon as possible. At the same time, it drains mentally intensely, as if it had accumulated with hard work, and a strong sense of mental fatigue pushes on. Somehow, I felt that I would be able to use it one more time, but it would be tough twice.

"Ko, this is the unique skill...?

There was a loud voice for too many events.

Belgrid, Stoles and Gegran were observing the sagual without having to worry about such hexers. Sagual didn't see anything unusual. As always, the whole body seems to be finely cramped like a pimple.

"Mule, that's enough."

Belgrid spoke so loudly but saw no change in the sagual. On the contrary, there was even a panicky color floating in Sagual's eyes.

"Barnes! Stop [Skill Invalidation]!

That's what they said. Hexar panicked and thought in his head, "Stop," "End," or "Abort." A few seconds after that, Sagual recovered.

"Buha! Ah, I'm scared... I can use my unique skills, but it doesn't seem to work... I thought I'd stay paralyzed until Lane's magic effect time was over... '

Four people were staring at Hexar with their own eyes.

In the three weeks leading up to the arrival of Wang Du, an analysis of [Skill Invalidation (Skill Invalidation)], Hexar's unique skill, was actively conducted around Belgrid. Since Hexar's magic would expire after a few uses, he did not even have a busy conversation, assuming various situations.

The result is that the effect time is about ten minutes per skill level. However, it can be interrupted even halfway due to Hexar's will. Once interrupted, it is not possible to resume even during the effective time. If the effect of [Skill Disabling (Skill Invalidation)] is needed again, the unique skill will have to be used again. All four unique skills can be deactivated. The effect range was approximately 20 m around the hexer per skill level.

Furthermore, it was found that once Hexer used [Skill Invalidation], it would not exert the effects of anything that could use any unique skill within the effective time unless Hexer was interrupted. It is well understood that this is a case of inherent skills that persist. For example, if Stoles scratched with a knife on the palm of his hand uses [Super Heal (Super Recovery)] within the scope of [Skill Disablement (Skill Invalidation)], it will not work.

Originally, [Super Recovery] reduces the recovery time until the wound is fully healed, but the bleeding stops to some extent at the moment of use. However, this does not happen within the scope of the effects of [Skill Invalidation (Skill Invalidation)]. After that, when you get out of the range of effects, you don't have to use [Super Recovery (Super Recovery)] again to get the effect of [Super Recovery (Super Recovery)], and the bleeding of the wound stops in a flash.

Thanks to this, there have also been new discoveries regarding the inherent skills of Saguar's [resistance (paralysis) (- trelance)]. Similar to when [Super Recovery], paralyzed magic was applied, and within the effects of [Skill Invalidation (Skill Invalidation)], the use of [Resistance (Paralysis) Paralysis) (-Torense)] did not work, but when the paralyzed sagual was brought out of the effect range, the paralysis was resolved. In other words, it was thought to only work for a moment that I had used until then [tolerant ((paralyzed) paralysis) (-trerance)], but it turns out that it actually has an effect time.

Also a magical skill, but this one was also found to inhibit. The magic could not be used within the effects of [Skill Invalidation] during the effect time. However, this magic that lasted was effective when it was brought out of the range of effects.

Hanging "light" magic on the stone within the effect range does not glow, and when it is brought out of the effect range, it begins to glow. And I also found out something new here. Use a "light" that lasts for five minutes in the range of effects, spend a minute not taking it out, and then the stone glows for about four minutes when you take it out.

In other words, the activation was not delayed, and within the scope of the effect, it would be a unique skill, but it would be magical, but it could be used. It just doesn't work. However, in the case of magic, the effect continued once the effect was exerted outside the scope of the effect. Light persists even if it enters within the sphere of effect with a lit stone. If it is during the "light" effect time, it starts to glow from the moment it first comes out, and then re-enters it and the light doesn't go out. but naturally, it disappears after five minutes, which is magical effect time.

But Hexar kept his mouth shut about what was important here. Before using [Skill Disabling (Skill Invalidation)], it was reported that the reborn Japanese can feel using magical special skills and unique skills, but only the unique skills can be felt. Because the skill used differs in the way it feels in the case of intrinsic skill and the case of special skill, it is only discernible to Hexer.

The other is that I felt isolated from Belgrid. Even though he is a former Japanese, he is also royal and the attitude of greatness itself is not angry. The inherent skill is also powerful, something that I think the royalty deserves, so much so that Hexar even convinced himself to some extent. However, due to the inherent skill of being able to attribute it to nothing in an instant, after we met, I began to feel somewhat isolated after a few days. It's probably because I wasn't blatantly avoided or disparaged.

Yet another part of Hexar felt unnatural. As a hexer, I miss Japan. I also wanted to talk about it, but I started talking to Stoles and Saguals about it, and to some extent Nori was getting better, and Belgrid would always try to change the subject. In particular, there was a strong tendency to talk about age, occupation, etc.

Stoles and Saguar seem to be in their thirties, and they themselves died in their thirties. He said he was an old man leading up to Gegran. Perhaps Belgrid was young. What you're saying is so weird, you don't feel like you're young, so are you high school? I'm sure that's his complex, I decided to think, and then I realized I wouldn't even touch Hexer after.

Hexar's level of inherent skill was three between his arrival in the Wang capital. Early on his arrival, Hexar, bought as a slave, became a slave from the civilian population at the shrine and was soon freed and a free people. Small within walking distance of the royal castle, he also received a house and was given a horse. Also, when I received twenty gold coins as payment, I was advised to hire a companion or buy a slave.

As a hexer, I learned to resist buying slaves, but I bought one slave because I needed someone to look after me around me and take care of my horses because Sagual told me to "don't worry about the money because I can get it from the prince anyway".

In the next few months, I will learn magic from Gegran, and if it starts to bud, I will continue to train for about a year. If it doesn't seem to bud, the magic is going to give up completely, recruit new people, buy slaves, and embark on a journey to look for my brother, mainly under the direct jurisdiction of the King and the Duke of Stoles. When we talked about that, Belgrid was happy to say, "You should."

About a year later, Hexar embarked on a journey to find his brother, having met three types of elemental magic, excluding water, and no magic. He hired three veterans for the trip in the name of hiring escorts as a request to adventurers. All three were introduced by the administration to an adventurer who was honest and combined in strength due to the pressure of Prince Belgrid.

Yet another year passed. Hexar returned with a map to the King's Capital about once every six months, but at that time he traveled again quickly, to the extent that he would only face Gegran for a moment. The four Japanese had three men joining the Knights of the White Phoenix, which was also due to the fact that they were not able to get time to see each other so easily.

When I flutter back, I leave the map and walk away. Hexar really didn't even want to go home because he was desperately searching for his brother, but he had no choice but to break it off there.

But that's when I finally met my brother. He lived quite comfortably as the third son of a laid-back village lord named Ridas, east of the Duke of Stoles territory. In the reincarnation range, it was midway between the east and the southeast. The brothers spoke for days.

'Right. I thought it was still a little early because it was pre-adult, but I should leave the house, too.'

I'm not even fifteen years old enough for about six months.

"Brother, are you okay? You don't have to rush it. If you keep saying you can't find it yet, you can pull the money."

'Oh, I guess so. But goodness hastens. The planting should be faster. We need to get more information from young people'

'Mmm, if that's what your brother says...'

One evening on the way home, not in the village for good reason, but camped along a street that still seemed safe, they bought their own watch and went out and killed three escort adventurers. Hexar, who had spent about a year as an adventurer, had already paralysed his feelings about life, but it nevertheless took a lot of thought to hang his comrades who had come with him through the ordeal this past year. He also had an aversion to his first intentional murder.

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