Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle 27: In the case of Ryoichi Mitsuze (34 at the time of the accident) (Part II)

A few days after Hexar, my brother in previous life, showed up.

Ark exchanged information with Hexar as he did every day. And he had succeeded in gaining considerable knowledge. The harvest was that Hexar admired himself as Kenji did in his previous life, and was able to reconfirm where he relied. Besides, it was significant that he had mastered magic skills, albeit still at a low level. Maybe I can learn magic. I also have a home in Landgries, and I thought you said you'd stay as a slave to the downstairs.

Furthermore, it was significant that I could also try the details of my unique skills outside the village in the middle of the night in Kawahara, which I could not confirm by myself.

"Hold on, you're a boulder brother. That [Transformation (Polymorph Self)] is amazing!

It seemed to Arc that Hexar would go deeper into the excitement as more and more details of his skills were discovered.

'What are you talking about? Your [Skill Invalidation] must be pretty big, huh?

Ark replies with his hands on his hips, as if to be slightly simplistic.

"Mm-hmm, but still, compared to my brother's [Transformation (Polymorph Self)], I can't help it. Mine won't do any good if I just spend my normal time. In contrast, under any circumstances, I can only think of something useful. '

That's true too, Ark thought again, but he didn't say it.

'If there's a problem, you'll get used to it. It's going to take a lot of practice. I don't think I'm going to make it to the boulder. "

'Mm-hmm... right. But I think my brother can handle that. "

'Don't be so easy on me. [Skill Invalidation] Because I know what it's like for you to try to use magic, I feel like you can use it if you practice, but it doesn't work. I'm so glad you're here. "

'What are you talking about? You forgot the footage God showed you? Me, I can't forget if I want to... There was a brother's name right under my name, and I believed he was alive somewhere...'

Speaking of which, Ark remembered that even at the time of his encounter with God, he initially thought it was a dream and was flushing it appropriately. I didn't see or hear it seriously from the beginning. Of course, I didn't forget the content of the event or conversation itself because it was a forcibly poured memory, but I don't remember the video or anything. Still, I thought it was a good dream, and I still think it's quite possible that I'm still seeing the dream go on. But I still had the feeling of saying somewhere in my mind (possibly real).

Hearing Hexar spend a year looking for herself, and the hard stories from her birth, Ark was aware that his consciousness was starting to change only slightly. My brother has been rubbed by a rough wave of harsh oaths, somewhat but even felt spiritual growth. Of course, there were parts of me that felt dumber than before, but when I thought about it carefully, I realized that it would come firmer to say that only my sensibilities were back in time.

(For once... I don't think it's possible first, but isn't it really a dream? No, that's stupid...... There is no real reason. In general, how can you believe that you were reborn with your memory and thinking skills left behind... But... God... can you argue with me if God tells me I can do that?... Besides, then there will be no God in reality. Magic is real until my [Transformation (Polymorph Self)] too...)

Ark shakes one head and shakes off the thought that has come to his mind, he tells Hexar.

"You've been able to verify most of it. By the way, your people... what kind of relationship is that? How well do you know what's going on?

'Yeah, as I told you before, I'm looking for my brother, and I'm working on a map of the country, and I'm hiring him as an escort on the road. It's like a guardman or an SP. You don't know the circumstances of rebirth. The prince is stopping me, too. We've been dating... for about a year now. They're all nice people. "

"Do you have a back-to-back relationship with them or something?

'Behind-the-scenes relationships... they're all originally mere adventurers. There's no reason for that, is there? That would be family or something, but it's like we all live alone.'

"Then is it okay to end it..."

Hexar looks up to Heaven when he puts his arms together and sees Ark squeak like that.

"End of story!? What are you talking about?

"Think about it, Kenji. I can transform. Now a man can transform into anyone except a really small child - a baby or a toddler. I mean, it changes from status to status. Sure, you're right. Don't be helpful under any circumstances. '

That's what I said and saw Ark smiling niggly. Hexar looked suspicious for a while, but it seemed like he immediately came across something.

"Is that what you mean..."

'That's the thing. But you'll need to be ready to go around.'

That's what Ark said (after all, is it a dream? Kenji is somewhat more comprehensible).

'Oh, sure. We have to crush a lot of possibilities that seem unnatural. Yeah, I got it. If my brother says... I'm sorry, but it sure looks like they'll have to die... Killing itself isn't that hard unless you're fighting from the front, and...'

"Hmm? And?

Ark was interested in what Hexar was about to say. I usually had a voice as small as I might have missed hearing it, but I've been curious because this is the time for this kind of consultation.

"Um, I don't know if you know, and I doubt you'll believe me, but promise me you won't laugh and listen."

'Oh, of course. I won't laugh, I promise'

And Ark overheard something amazing. Of course, I imagined it thin. That's when God said, 'You can't see yourself without something leveling up'. But now I'm ready.

(Level up your experience... you've made up your mind. I knew it was a dream, this world. Looks like you could do anything if you decide to!

'... I mean, they think if we kill some creature, we'll level up and get a little stronger. To be honest, I'm not saying it with certainty either, but I have some circumstantial evidence, and I don't think I'm wrong. Besides, you totally believe in Prince Alex, the cell, the mule... Apparently, the execution of some kind of death sentence for a sinner at the time of the trial is so hung up that these three can carry it around. That's what Lane seems to think these days too... I'm going to stop the demons on the road. "

(Ha ha, you're a kid, this guy. That's... that? If it's a dream, do you have it? Then I'm confused, too.)

'Right. I thought it was still a little early because it was pre-adult, but I should leave the house, too.'

"Brother, are you okay? You don't have to rush it. If you keep saying you can't find it yet, you can pull the money."

As a hexer, I wanted to keep the risk of exposing myself to the existence of Arc down if I were to end my fellow adventurers anyway.

'Oh, I guess so. But goodness hastens. The planting should be faster. We need to get more information from young people'

'Mmm, if that's what your brother says...'

Hexar had gained Ark's confidence, and also a sense of wonder and relief in the way he said grand things.

"That's why I was able to confirm the will of His Excellency Associate Sir Arnik Strife. As a Prince's immediate SS member, a few years will be a day of training. I haven't been able to get in touch with you for years, and in some cases this could be a raw breakup. Please complete your farewell now."

Hexar carefully bowed his head to Ark's parents and said clearly. As a matter of fact, I thought the answer was settled if I tried to be a hexer. There's no way they're going to say no.

"Oh! Your Emissary, my Ark, no, Arnik is in Prince Alexander's SS!

"What an honor! Ark, you have to work hard!

"Father, mother, of course. Ark will necessarily try to help His Royal Highness the Prince!

"Arc. You... I envy you... hold on tight"

"Ark, watch your body..."

"Good luck, Ark. And if you have a good man, introduce me!

"Brother Irv, my sister-in-law Meath... I will try not to tarnish the name of Strife. And, Sister Evesa, to the boulder... I can't promise, but I will try."

My sister above Ark is married and married to her squire's family. My younger sister is still at home, but she is twenty-two years old, and she is still of marriageable age.

The day after that, Ark, who had finished packing his bags, followed the village of Rieddus by trying to snap into the back of fellow Hexar adventurers running horses.

When I continued my journey for about a week and entered the direct jurisdiction of the King and proceeded for a while. It's time to have breakfast in a village and then leave, and it's time for noon.

(Well, can I come here...)

"Shall we find a suitable place to camp today beyond the next village"

"That's what I'm saying, Hex... Brigadier Strife is with you, and he's your first SS candidate, isn't he? I don't care about the camp..."

That's what a veteran adventurer leader man says, but it was Ark who got his mouth out there.

"Hey, there's no such thing as overnight or two-night camping. It's okay. Besides, you do camp in training, don't you? It's perfectly fine if you think it's a preliminary exercise. I'd rather have it from me."

"Hmm... I'm sorry you said that, Ark. In the first place, it's necessary to camp here. I'll leave the watch to Ark tonight. This isn't SS training, but we need to see aptitude. Don't give me a hand."

"... Well, it's not a place with a lot of demons around here, so I don't think there's a problem first..."

Still, the adventurers looked anxious, but I honestly obeyed Hexar when he convinced me that it was a SS condition, and that I could drink if it was light. If Hexar, who has slept with him for about a year, says he will see the arc like an examiner, he has no choice, and there are few demons in the area. It is also significant that I have stepped on the idea that there will never be a major problem.

The three adventurers were able to easily finish off with low-quality, low-alcohol-mixed paralysis pills. So he also elucidated the characteristics of [Transformation (Polymorph Self)], which he had not been able to try before. Transformation was possible only if the subject touched a part of his body even after his death.

"Hmm... you're right. I didn't think it would be a problem first because even hair that had fallen out quite a while ago could be transformed..."

"Oh, right. My brother is right about this..."

Filling the grass beside the street with bare-skinned three, and sleeping together in turn until morning, the brothers walked out, towing four horses. Because Ark didn't have the skill to ride.

After days of disposing of two horses there in the big city, the two slowly moved to the Wang capital Landgries while also practicing their brother's riding.

Arriving at Hexar's house in Wang capital, they quickly ordered the slaves to work together to kill Hexar's slaves when they made them dig deep holes in the garden, and Ark transformed them into their slaves. The body has been buried in a deep hole that I let myself dig.

"I'm going to Lane's tomorrow. Follow me as he is. Just listen to me and keep Lane's character and the way I talk to you in mind."

"Oh, of course. I need to know what's around me, even if it changes..."

"Right. Well, it's only gonna be a year or so before those guys get out of the Knights. I need you to know something about the King's Capital by then... Horses should practice more. I know you're not serious, but you're still supposed to be planted in the White Phoenix Knights, so if you're not very good, you might get suspicious from there."

"Whoa, let it be. You know me, don't you? I'll do as many as I can."

"Right... my brother has always been able to do anything. My brother will be fine. You're gonna make it."

"Naturally. Hehe, you look forward to it."

Ark and Hexar looked at each other and laughed happily.

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