July 30, 7445

If I could afford it, I would have been run off by a fish who would have picked up a needle, and I gave a thought about my misery. Why did Heroskol disappear? I can think of a few reasons, but it doesn't matter as early as any. At least he chose to disappear from before everyone of his own free will. It's a shame to say that I'm spared about the missing Heroscol, but I can't help thinking of what's past as gutsy.

Six reincarnators are already under my umbrella. Eight if Claw and Marie will join us. Nine if the Falergers are added here. Put in the missing hero scoll and you'll have ten. If there were as many as ten people, it wouldn't be strange to have one or two people who don't fit against me. We will have to feed on this one in the future.

Thirty-nine Japanese were reincarnated into oath, including me. Thirty-one of them because eight of them have died as babies. And DeLeonora's already disappeared with the prison dew, so it's thirty. As of the age of seventeen, it is significant that one third of them have found their place and have been directed to some degree of feelings.

How many of the remaining twenty are still alive? There's no clue if you think about it, and you're just wasting your time thinking about it. I'm concerned about the reincarnators who say they're on Dabus, but there's nothing I can do so far, and I can't afford that.

In the first place, you don't even know who we are. Miki, no, if Lils hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known either. There is a difference between heaven and earth between being able to predict existence and being confident. I guess I'm lucky that's all.

As if staring even in the illusion of Heroscol floating in the sky, he turned to Murowa, who is still a stash of killers (Slaters) when he shouted "excuse me" to the Falergers, who are still looking up into the sky. Oh, I'll show you about my face before then... No, can I do that later?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Al"

"I was distracted at the end. I'm sorry."

Tris and Bell flew in and apologized when they noticed me walking into Murowa. I've heard it many times already, fine. I also had a reflection. I raised my hands to the two of them bowing their heads in line and tried to control them without saying anything more.

"But I've hurt everyone, and if I take a wrong step, I'm pretty dangerous... take responsibility. Say anything."

"Any dangerous role, sir."

That's what Tris and Bell say and bow their heads to a special victory. I got a little angry.

"Hey, both of you. Listen carefully. Don't make it easy on me to take responsibility or anything! Number one, how, what would I have done to take responsibility? You shouldn't take responsibility for anything! It's what you carry from the beginning! I don't know if I can figure it out yet, but think about it."

Strengthen and say, "Think of the next thing you can do to help. You guys had an experience connecting in the future," he said and sat down.

Both shitty kids...... apprentice Xenom. Even Xenom would have had regrets, reflections. You must also feel responsible. Neither do I. But Zenom and I are prepared to take responsibility for our decisions. I'm not even going to say I'm ready. I didn't say anything about responsibility during the reflection, so I thought I knew exactly what to say here. It's not sweet.

I confronted everyone who was in the mood. Catherine also sat alongside Bastral at the end. It's okay. You won't even have to think about her until you say something from the other side. Beer and pork skewers were properly ordered. That's fine for lunch today.

Now, talk shit not funny......

"Sunlight (Sun Ray) has decided to absorb them all as killers (Slaters), except for Heroscol. I found out he disappeared. I even wrote to you politely. He wants to keep his distance for a while."

Eventually they will ask something. Continuing the word by controlling everyone.

"It's his decision. I don't have a choice. But at least fourteen people, excluding him, are going to be under our umbrella. I talked to him a little yesterday (the other day), but it's going to be three parties. Naturally, there is no balance of power between the parties. Everyone basically stays this way. One or two of them will be under the command of the two and three forces of the slayer (Slaters)."

Everyone shut up because I made a clear declaration.

"Let Guineh and Bastral, and then everyone but Giberti, take turns to command the two and the three armies. The eight of us, including me, turn it around in order, but we don't always go alone. Ralpha, Zulu, Engela. You won't let them out alone for the time being. Become a team with someone from me, Xenom, Tris, Bell and Mizuchi. So at least two of them, four of them at maximum, get out of the current killer. Be prepared."

Tilt the beer jock that finally came out and he talks further.

"However, the time has come to switch the labyrinth between the two armies and the three armies to the support of the one army and go deep. Eight or nine layers anyway, if you're going after ten, you'll always need a support party. When the time comes, it will be harder to move on without a full party, so anyone who is traveling to the two armies will be joined along the way."

And add at the end.

"The guy who's out in the two armies, the three armies, will be rewarded with a headcount of what he earned at the party on the go in addition to 2% of the demon stones in the one army as before. It's like a travel allowance. But don't think you can make money having fun. The two armies, the three armies, need to be brought up at least for a support party. It's pretty tough, and the blame's heavy. Anyway, be prepared to go to the Second Army or the Third Army. I need you to take full responsibility."

I stared at Tris and Bell again and said. They didn't really know if they understood it or not, but there still seemed to be something they both thought about and their faces looked tight. Good.

"The next labyrinth row is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. First leader, but I need you to go with Tris and Bell. Tris has Ralpha, and Bell has Xenom. The other party-splitting will be discussed and decided by me and Carm by the end of the evening. I think I can tell you what shape it took tomorrow morning."

That being said, I take a seat when I gather a few skewers of pigs that have just come out and eat munchies. I put the money on the table and I said, "Then I'll put the inn back. I only paid until today," he said, leaving the store.

When I got rid of the Kailug Inn and returned to the Boyle Pavilion, I headed back to one of the stores with that leg. The store I was about to show my face in, "Slave Shop Ron Slyle". When it was time to go check to see if there was any information on combat slavery, around the end of next month we got information saying that the Slave City was going to stand in Wang Du. "That means this conflict is over," she imagined, pushing Madam about purchasing.

Will my brothers be in Barkud Village by now? Or would you be already there and headed this way? I hope no one is dead... No, my brother and sister were there on the battlefield, so there's no such thing as a war victim out of the village. My sister who expedited in the first place isn't back yet... isn't she? I can cry with vegetables if I'm back and shikato.

The two and three armies of the killers (Slaughters) consulted with Carm, but the seven who added Newman and Hallein to the five below the Falergers took the form of three armies and the rest two armies. The Falergers will be the only ones who can use magic in the three armies, but they decided to take the form of a member seconded by one. Either way, I'm not going to force you to do it while it doesn't involve strength, and in some cases, I'm likely to make my opponent earn experience with oak and hobgoblins on one or two layers for the time being. It should also be called an army, one or two from the killer (Slaters), and as long as there are guys who can use magic, they'll be fine.

I'm done talking to Carm. I'm going back to the Boyle Pavilion. Then Mizuchi sat on my bed with a big face. Are you still there?

"Hey, the..."

Mizuchi is showing off her new rubber bag and inviting her to nod her tongue with a little cracked tongue first. I know how you feel. I want to, too. But I need to calm down and think about something.

"What, it's too late and you can go back to your room. Kathy didn't even use your room, did she? You got no problem with that, do you?


Son of a bitch, you're such a jerk. Can't you put up with it a little longer?

"How dare you? Tomorrow you're gonna have to watch collaborative training, too, so go to bed early."


"A pig! Get dressed and get out of there. I still have to. Thank you. I'll deal with you slowly tomorrow, so leave me alone today."


I pushed my tongue-beating mizuchi out of the room, and when I was alone, I slowly began to gather my thoughts. After that, I checked the room for any unusual changes. There seemed to be nothing unusual about it and it was well cleaned. I thought I wouldn't be scattering it out of Mizuchi's personality, but I was relieved that it was as I imagined. Oh, will the lad do the cleaning?

I thought of it and opened the crate by the bed and there were a few less rubber bags. Plus, the new ones are missing four bags! Those guys, just for a month, would have been in the labyrinth too... and I don't think I could afford that the last few days. Belle is still a woman to be afraid of.

Types are usually reduced, but Bastral and Engella seem to be in the range of common sense. While transferring the money in the crate to my purse, I also kind of hated knowing what was going on with everyone when I tried this, I thought.

1 Aug 7445

Today, at dawn, the faces of the newborn slayer (Slaughters) were assembled in front of the Boyle Pavilion at 8 a.m., which they had told in advance. Everyone has already finished breakfast. We announced the grouping we consulted with Carm last night in front of everyone and moved to the vacant space used by Sunlight (Sun Ray). This one's huge.

"Me, Zenom, Mizuchi, Tris, and Bell, one of the five will be the leaders of all of us. The only one in this that can't use magic is Xenom, but when Xenom becomes a leader, we send other guys who can use magic with us, so you don't have to worry about it there."

The old Sunshine (Sun Ray) members nodded at me. Team splitting was calm with what everyone could have expected, and it was helpful that I didn't seem particularly complaining because it was something I discussed and decided with Carm. I was worried that there would be no complaints because the quality of the Demon Stone I could make in the labyrinth would be out of step, but apparently it was a concern.

As for the training, me and Xenom decided to take the lead and tap into the killer (Slaters) way. As for magic, he made them use attack magic on a regular basis and let them get used to one attack magic. The use of witchcraft involves magic, of course, but requires concentration, so anyone who meets the required level basically only practises healing witchcraft. If you're an adventurer, add one type of attack magic to it, to the extent that you practice it if you feel like it.

Normally, I don't practice offensive witchcraft so much as training. Because you're going to expose your hands, and more importantly, you're going to be mentally tired. So when practicing, it's natural to be careful not to be seen by anyone, such as in the labyrinth. But for me, I don't care what's in their magic hands, so I just chose someone to increase their proficiency in witchcraft to the point of consuming MP up to about half of the time on a regular basis.

Naturally I complained about that, but "The most immature thing about magic in the original killer (Slaughters) is Ghine, except for the bastral I just remembered. I'll admit that if I can attack faster and more colorfully than she can, I'll say it in my hand. Hey, Gwyne. Ordering that stone and tree to let go of its offensive magic like it was there," the complaint subsided when he saw that he just kept releasing "Flame Bolt" and "Air Cutter" and finally releasing "Flame Javelin" with a single shot, a mental concentration that would take no longer than five seconds. Her (Ghine) MP remains eighteen.

"Hey... you're seventeen, right?

"Oh, right. Three kinds at that early..."

"Me, twenty-five... but I can shoot sooner if it's just" Stonebolt "though. I can't do three kinds of things. It's been quite a while since Arrow stopped practicing, and Javelin hasn't practiced since she eats magic... it'll take ten seconds."

"I'm twenty-five too. I'd be sooner if I were just a" stone arrow "too..."

"That's the worst arm you've ever had?

"Sure, Gried, you were awesome too, but no way..."

"No, I got healed in seven layers, but even then..."

"Oh, my God."

"Well, that dark elf, that's more than that..."

"This level is the lowest line. And as you know, the Killers (Slaters) don't run away from demons in the labyrinth. Unless it's something else, basically, we deal with all the demons we meet. The lord of the room is everything. So attack magic is important. It is also important about healing magic, but positioned it as important as it is. Anyone who can use magic, keep that in mind."

Speaking to the members of the old daylight (Sun Ray) who are surprised and face to face with nearby members, he goes on to say more words.

"Sometimes magic is used during collaborative training. Of course I will do it then in the woods beyond Mount Outer Ring and in some cases in the labyrinth. But we don't have to consider magical collaboration for the moment because we haven't even reached that level yet. Right...... four to five hours to get one layer through the whole party, healing magic up to about five to six times, two layers about the same. I guess it feels like we're going for three layers when we can do this."

"Slaughter (Slaughters)......"

"Be reasonable..."

"I guess Carm was right about the sunlight."

"I knew you couldn't..."

"Some of you may be listening, but the killer (Slaters) enters the labyrinth in the morning and before that evening he arrives in the room of a three-layer transfer crystal stick. Four layers and five layers are eaten by these two layers for half a day because the boulder takes a little longer. And, basically, I get a good night's rest every day. The next evening after entering the labyrinth in the morning, if you are in a position to reach the room of a five-tier transferred crystal rod, you can think about whether or not you want to be on the frontline team. Of course, as soon as we meet the demons and the owners of the rooms along the way, we will take them all down and retrieve the demon stones."

Ma, if you can do this without hardening it with ice, I'll seriously think about it. If you're a member criterion of the Killer (Slaters) today, Zenom does about seven to eight and about two magic users of Tris, and if you have a map of Ghine, you'll be pretty tired, but maybe you can. Whatever the Xenom class is, I can't do it because I don't think the Tris class wizard is graffiti. As far as I know, I'm not even on the top team.

Yeah, we're talking about magic power. If you say it with special magic skills, level five is all in the top team anyway. If it's just the level, it's more than Tris. Because of this, Balduk's adventurer and strongest wizard is Roswella's old man, who is solidifying himself in combat slavery except for the killer (Slaters). Elemental magic can be used by all species to level five, magic is close to six five, if only level, it exceeds the Mizuchi when we first met. I'm still active beyond forty years. Even if it is MP, there are 54 total quantities. He should have been able to use "Cure All" for quite some time.

Anyway, this morning we confirmed the collaboration and let all the killers (Slaters) know what Old Daylight (Sun Ray) was capable of.

Soon the original killer (Slaughters) remained intact, the two armies became known as the massacrers (Butchers) and the three armies were soon to be called (Sooners). I don't like the name until the massacre (Butchers), but I don't even understand it, but it's almost there. Then you can kill (Slayers) or something.

In the afternoon, as we were all eating dinner, three people - Zulu, Engela and Ghiberti - had bowed their heads to "buy it back". Tris also said, "I was a slave past me. Please," he pleaded with plenty of acting skills, not comparable to Bastral's radish actors, so after eating dinner, he went to the shrine and bought back the three of them.

On the way home, I asked him what happened to his salary last month, and he said he had already received it from Tris yesterday. The amount was the same as when I was there. Oh, and so is that. I had a little time to train this afternoon, so I had tea with the slaves and Mizuchi too, and then I was on my way, and the guy I didn't want to see found me.

"Wouldn't it be His Excellency Associate Lord Gried who would go there? More than anything, he still looks shitty. Just hang out."

Wilheimer's of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and Andersen of the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) were drinking tea at an open terraced table at the rice restaurant. You stink of trouble.

I said to Mizuchi, "Drink some tea, as appropriate. I'll be there later," he said, sitting on the open chair at their table as he was invited.

"Hey, you did good, you son of a bitch."

"Really, I didn't think this would happen..."

"Ah, one bean tea"

This is what I was thinking anyway. I ordered bean tea from the clerk.

"I've heard rumors. Lindbergh and the others are done."

"Hulk and Bean were part of it."

She heard more about it from me. But I kept my mouth shut about nothing.

"Well, as far as I'm concerned, I was unexpected... but I'm in trouble"

"Because I took Gael's revenge. Well, fine. But you did a great job sticking it out to the Knights. Kill him in the labyrinth and he won't rot."

Gael is the guy who was pulled out of the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) to feed your bills. Betray yourself (?) He said he took my revenge on the guy who went into another party... same thing.

"That's what I hate about this guy. You're loose, you're cute, you don't show weakness. Damn, you can't be alarmed, you son of a bitch."

"In the end, Sunlight (Sun Ray) is absorbed by the killers (Slaters)... we're going to give them a lot of support... but I didn't know they were after absorption."

Here comes the bean tea.

"Oh, give me fried beans"

You can eat about beans because you only eat lightly. Bean tea and stir-fried beans go well together.


"Listen to me!

Stand still and look at the two faces.

"Hey, what... so staring"

"What, Andersen, are you lit? Think old."

"Huh!? You can't do that!

When you blow it out lightly, you say, "You promise you won't complain about anything, right? I said," I included bean tea in my mouth.

"You bastard, I knew you were after absorption! I thought I'd let it split inside out and wipe it out after aerial decomposition... shit"

"I'm not complaining anymore. If I'd known from the start, I would have let him bite one or so and pulled through around Hulk, Bean, Carm and Meath, but I made a promise, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm thankful, so I won't say anything now. Just..."


"I thought I'd tell you for once. We'll get our hands together. Going for seven layers from now on"

I didn't think so. Is it a declaration of war?

"Heh, it's about time. I thought you weren't. Sounds like you two have known each other a long time before this one... I'll tell you what I know anyway, but tomorrow I'm going into the labyrinth for seven layers with loading (porter) in as well. I'm used to it, so it's about seven layers light for us, so there's nothing wrong with that."

I told him as I chewed up the fried beans that came out right away.

"Well, aren't we tough? Don't bark later."

"You're confident. But you better not look at us sweetly. I'll find you seven layers of treasure before you do."

There's no room on the seventh floor between the altars. Yeah, there may be gems and gold mines, but I'm not looking for them. Well, whatever Auga was, the other top teams were even digging for ore in the labyrinth. Sunshine (Sun Ray) is also gold and silver. You used to dig a lot of ore. Take the liberty of turning around the auga and killing time.

All I had to do was interact appropriately and make sure it was only important. I don't think so, but I don't know if I've even joined hands with the Purgatory Flame. This one didn't seem to have anything to do with it as expected. I was just a little frustrated. Well, it can't possibly be hand-in-hand or absorbed with the others over there. For once, you're worried.

Tomorrow we will aim for seven layers without four: Tris, Bell, Zenom and Ralpha.

I don't know what to do.

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