"I sold all the products I took this time to the Knights of the Marquis of Webdos. They took it for a total of 9 million zennies. I'm offering a little discount, but this is a little cheaper because the item I took at the moment doesn't fully meet the other party's request."

Uh, 98 sandals, 20 boots, 49m cloth, 10 cushions? Did I sell what I made appropriately on my own that high... They say it's millions of zennies a horse, so to that extent, you're also going to buy some change for one horse? The first thing I was worried about is stupid sales.

"I've bought a bunch of tools that I think I need to make rubber in the future with this sale. I was able to buy it a little cheaper because of Sendoher-sama's voice. Here's what I bought."

Heggard looked back and peeled off the cloth he had put on the carriage. The carriage looked like it had quite a bit of luggage on it, but there are many things that I don't really know about when they remove the cover and look at the contents. I have to open the bag. I don't know what's in it. Well, besides the bags, I can see things like metal pans and cauldrons, and I don't know what.

"I bought this equipment from a blacksmith who went out of business in Keel. I also bought other pots and buckets needed to make rubber for pouring in. And then, although it was decomposed, I bought one. Xu is later assembled and used to plow the field using one of our horses. Tell me who you need. I haven't decided on a price yet, but I'll lend you every horse."

When Heggard boasted, he heard cheers from everyone around the corner. Um, I thought you'd take money to lend the horses, but lending them free of charge might rub them in order or something, and setting the amount of the loan at a lower price wouldn't be much of a problem. Anyway, is it now possible to introduce livestock into agriculture? Whatever your history, you're satisfied that you've been able to achieve your goals.

"We will announce the details of" "after tomorrow. And I have to talk to you one last time. So far, Al in the house has made about the rubber, but from now on, he will make more, and he will need a lot of hard work. That's why we need more people to help. We'll have to make the first order for the moment, and we have a lot to do."

Heggard says so and looks around at everyone again.

"Taylor, Embelt, Arnold... and then, yeah. Diane and... that's Mun. Diane's not here right now, but tell her later. Learn from Al tomorrow about making rubber. Farn and Miloo are already starting to learn, but I'll let Farn explain the details tomorrow. Good. And, naturally, I'm paying for it."

It was the sons and daughters of the squire who were called. Mun is the only one in his 20s, but the rest are all teenagers and young faces. Emberto and Diane are 15 years old, who have just grown up this year, and Arnold is 17 and still young. Because it is a dwarf, my beard grows with chibi. Taylor is the oldest except Mun at 19, but in Japanese common sense, he's old enough not to even be a kid as a socialite. But being young means having a soft head and remembering well. Let me work out at best.

"And if this business is on track... it will take three to four years for it to work... I can't promise, but I want to eventually make this rubber product a village industry. I think we'll all have a hand in rubber manufacturing in the future. And when that happens, I want you to think that some of these guys will quit farming and focus on making rubber."

Everyone honestly listened, but some looked anxious around 'quit farming'. Looks like the young man and his parents called earlier. Honestly, I think it would be happier to be involved in rubber manufacturing.

"Do you have any more questions?

Heggard just tightened up that was the end of the conversation. Then my hands rise from some. Heggard nominated Beckwith, the squire chief.

"Um, did you end up at Lord Kindo's on your way home? I understand Sir Kindo wants to order rubber."

When I heard that, I started Heggard, and the complexion of everyone who stood changed. No way......

"Ah... the... I forgot. That's not good... I'll have to go... I'll come back to Dorrit tomorrow..."

That evening Heggard talked again after the meal.

"Farn, Miloo, can you make rubber now?

"Yes, but I don't think I can make it without Al's prepared notes yet"

Farn says. That's right. I'm doing it from the latex collection, and it's only about three months old.

"Well, then tomorrow Al will coach him from the latex collection. Yeah, it's up to Taylor and the others to coach you. Farn. Your immediate goal is to be able to completely grasp the proportion of the mixture so that you can make one rubber as soon as possible. You'll be joining the Knights of Webdos next year or next year, so you can do it completely before then."

Heggard says so, this time turning to Miloo.

"Is Miloo able to magically dry rubber now?

"Yes, Father. I can do it now. Al told me it was okay."

Yeah, Miloo can use everything but wind magic, so efficiency isn't as good as mine, but I can dry the rubber without any problems.

"All right, Al, I'll start tomorrow. Three months from now, we'll be able to buy some horses, and we need to build more stables. Craftsmen should be here from Dorrit to work on the stables in ten days. Everyone seems rude. The whole Gried family will be licked. The craftsmen have ordered that a shed for the manufacture of rubber be built before the stables are added. The hut is empty along the river. Al, think of an easy cabin to use. Tell that to the craftsmen from me."

"Yes, Father. I get it. And then I have a question, okay?

I wanted to ask you about the blacksmithing tools that were of interest to me.

"Hmm? What?

"It's a blacksmith tool, can anyone use it in Barkud?

"For the most part, I get it. And then you do something about it. You can use people."

"Huh? Me?

It was surprising. But let's think about things. If Heggard knows the basics, can't he just magically do something about it? No, no, it's money if you can, you have to think about it as much.

The next day, Heggard headed to Dorrit again early in the morning. I was in front of members gathered in the garden after noon after a break from MP consumption in the morning. I'll go pick up some rubber noodles for now. They are all trained in farming, sword training, etc., so they don't seem to be anything like a two-hour journey each way. Especially since it's two hours on my leg. I'm sure it's no big deal.

I'm going to do a field sampling while I teach the latex sampling method. I've already set up a small bucket on 200 rubber noodles, so I just need to collect the contents of that bucket. At the same time I collect it, I scratch the trunk of the tree with new scratches, but I still have scars from the past, so I can't get lost. Not to say I'm unfamiliar, if I did a bunch on the boulder, the sampling went smoothly, and it was over in no time.

Latex collected is then taken back to the village (Latex can collect about 40 Kg per 10 days from 200 trees. less than half when generated into rubber) Pass to Farn and Miloo and finish. It's already evening, so Farn and Miloo were magically powdering the charcoal and sulphur ore they mix with latex, but it's not until tomorrow that they actually mix and produce all kinds of rubber.

The next day is the task of refining the rubber and pouring it into the mould. This is not a very difficult job either. We already have the mould, so just pour it in with care not to overflow. Once poured in, our sister and brother would hang the magic of dryness in turn. I can do more and more rubber products. The three brothers were more efficient than doing it alone, but the number of people increased and the efficiency was even better.

As long as we have latex, we can actually make deliveries to the Knights in 10 days, right? I also get the feeling that the hardest part is the boots that use the least rubber, but I can't help it. I can't make boots myself. I also make a lot of things out of skin when I crush pigs in the village, but I wear boots, no, only the parents in the house can afford to wear them, and I can't help but have no manufacturing know-how. In the meantime, I now fastened the middle and bottom of the boot to just make a few belts for plate mounting. I tried just one leg with a sample for the plain hassle work, which modifies the boots Heggard bought to make it easier to install the rubber bottom, and then left it to Taylor and Embelt.

Time keeps running out just explaining to them the characteristics of rubber and how to pour it into a good mould. It's true that time passes rapidly when you're teaching people.

Heggard will also return and receive additional orders from Sir Kindo, as will the construction of additional work huts and stables for rubber. I haven't had any problems so far. And I was alarmed.

That's when Mun reported to me. I hear one of the carpenters from Dorritt has a liaison (connection).

That's what I was saying. The work of the craftsmen is not yet finished. Would it be a hassle if I killed him again? I asked Mun to identify him and appraise him. What is it, level six? He always looks half open and can't even turn his head. The sun is still high, and how did it end? You want to wait till night?

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