Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?
Episode Twenty-eight: Dropping Off
Well, it was me who decided to end the liaison (connection), but I can't come up with any good ideas on how to do that.
You can kill yourself at any time, but now you're building a rubber shed and building more stables. It naturally makes a scene when it starts badly.
It's no wonder you're not an adventurer and escort when you're gone, like last time.
I guess I'm naturally not a decent person to be doing liaison (connecting) etc, but this engineering shop (?) I can't even tell if I'm permanently employed or temporarily employed in.
Either way, it would be unlikely that they would disappear during the work they undertook, and they would be searched because the workload on the remaining artisans would increase.
No matter how many bodies you say can be turned into water, the search for a missing person for no reason will be carried out quite thoroughly, even at the level of the village of Barkud.
And when I thought about it that much, I realized.
It ends in an environment where no one has seen or seen it, so it is treated like a disappearance.
Can't you make it look like an accident and kill him?
I'm kind of starting to think like a killer.
but this is a decision I've already made.
I had some thoughts the last time I disposed of my liaison (connection), but Mun is still the person I need.
I've been taken care of so far, and there are feelings I've lived with, except when I go to bed.
It wouldn't even be a comparison if it were Mun with a stranger, but also with a guy who makes a living such as a liaison who joins the kingdom of Davas, and his belly is so determined.
There's nothing else to say when you think about what I'm going to do with my life.
All right, let's make it look like an accident and dispose of it.
Failure is not tolerated.
You should think that if you can't dispose of it in one blow, you'll never have a chance to make it look like an accident again.
It's not a good idea to traumatize and kill. Should I let him fall to death while working on a roof or beam?
No, I just said the roof is four to five meters tall.
If I were to die suddenly as much as I fell, I wouldn't be able to do it without too much bad luck.
So what do we do?
Combine water and earth magic to create a slow-acting poison?
Imagine a fugue and you could make about tetrodotoxin.
But if I made it, how do I get it to eat?
It's hard to mix it in with food because all the craftsmen eat the same soup.
Can't you do something with Fall Death Plus Alpha...
Don't let your heart come rough thinking about this all the time.
If there's anything unnatural about multiplying an outing battle, it's a problem...
I was thinking about this while doing my supervisory job of creating rubber.
Now Diane and Munn are working on cutting out a rubber belt for boots from the rubber plate. Farn is pouring Ebonite raw materials into the mold next to it. That size would be the shape of the part that would be the fastening of the belt.
He carefully pours Ebonite ingredients from his handkerchief into a small square ring-shaped mould.
Taylor and Embelt are stirring barrels of hard rubber vegetables with charcoal and sulfur already mixed in by Miloo. Arnold seems to be working with Miloo on a sole by sticking a cut out sheet to the shape of the bottom of the boot.
Work is going well.
Seems I'm the only one who hasn't been handy...... do you want to experiment with mood swings a little bit?
Move to the warehouse you use for your mother's workshop to create dirt with ground magic.
Sort the soil from the side where you create about a bucket of ground magic using level 3 or so. Sort the soil so that you sift it into the soil using no magic.
What you're doing is, because of this, you're experimenting with whether iron can't be removed from magically made soil.
I'm thinking that it wouldn't be strange if there was some iron in the soil, but is there something wrong with my mind? The iron is almost zero.
Sensibly, only about 2g of iron can be removed from the soil about 1m high and 10m square.
The MP used to create such a tiny amount of iron is going to need a tremendous amount.
It's about 3 to 4 times with level 5 ground magic to create 10 m squares of soil first. This alone makes me use 20 MPs. I would have to use magic hundreds of times if I tried to make this amount with level 3 ground magic.
So now the aim is not to remove iron, but to practice how to sort it a little more efficiently.
The MP that I use to sort the soil I produce is magical, but this one uses about 1000 MP.
I would calculate eating 10 MPs to sort a cubic meter. Perhaps no one can create metal but me. I don't even know if I can make a few 10g a day, even if I worked hard in the morning, noon and night.
It's harder to dispose of the massive amount of soil you've produced than that. Even if I magically turn it off, I'm going to use as much MP as sorting. At best it produces about 10 g of iron a day, or just over two hundred yen balls, considering even disposing of the soil produced.
It would be useful if there was magic that could directly produce metal, but with something like that, weapons would have been cheaper, and civilization would have advanced more.
By the way, I also tried to see if I could sort precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum in the process of sorting iron, but this one was refreshing.
It is not impossible at all, but it seems better to think that precious metals cannot be removed basically because of whether precious metals of the order of sand grains can be removed.
However, I can take some chromium and nickel. The manufacture of stainless steel would not be impossible at all, either, but it is unrealistic because of the small amount.
The last few days have been distracted by the sorting of metals.
That's because Heggard got me used blacksmith equipment, but it's not like I can blacksmith, so this isn't beyond the scope of play.
Whoa, that sounds pretty out of the way.
While playing this way, I keep thinking about the disposition of that liaison (connection).
But I can't think of any idea how much to think about. I can't help it.
A few days later, an example liaison (connection) confirmed at a distance that he would climb up when he was making a frame for the roof of a riverside rubber shed.
Subtle approaching.
Timing is also important, but we must definitely stop breathing.
I approached him in the guise of being intrigued and intrigued by the fact that it was unusual for me to build a cabin and a child who had come to see it nearby. I do the basic floor plan for the equipment arrangement of this cabin, but it is Heggard who is telling the craftsmen that, so the craftsmen should only see me as a mere child.
Sit about 10 m away from the cabin under construction and sit on the cutting edge of the wood to look up at the cabin under construction. Eight artisans, with their parents in, seem busy assembling with umbilical and wooden nails.
Five of them are working on it. The example man is moving over the beam as he continues to work. All you have to do is wait for the timing. I don't come in just the right position after a few minutes as it is.
Mm-hmm. You're in trouble. But it hasn't been 10 minutes, and we'll see how it goes for a while.
About 10 minutes have passed. Not yet.
Another 10 minutes or so have passed. Oh, looks like you're moving again. Can we go?
Yeah, I think I should. Using wind magic here would look like I let the wind blow me and slip my legs. Loose, but just right. There's also wind.
I tried to blow his body with wind magic.
Naturally, the timing is predicted so that you can't see the light of your hand toward those who make the wind.
But I don't know what to say, but every frame of the shed under construction swayed a lot.
It's underhanded.
Looks like everyone who was climbing up and working on it as well as the guy of interest slipped their legs.
This is not good.
They all scream at each other but fall within a second. If it's true, only the target liaison (connection) was going to use wind magic again where they slipped their legs and let them fall out of position and fall out of their heads, but they all fell out surprised that they slipped their legs and couldn't do anything.
After I first used wind magic, I was just watching it.
But I just have to take advantage of what I've done rather than leave it like this.
I was working downstairs, mixed up with an artisan in a rush for an accident and approaching a liaison (connection).
I hope you're lucky to die, but if you take an appraisal, it just seems [condition: both legs broken] and there's nothing else in your life.
We'll only have a chance now that we're all in a hurry because there are a few other injured.
I don't want to, but I can't help it.
Ground magic will produce about a glass of soil, so that he can't hold back his voice unwittingly around his mouth, and he'll have to cling the MP in and drop the collapsing beam on the head of a pathetic liaison officer.
Will MP be able to go if I pour in about 2,000?
I just have to get close and make it look like a beam that collapsed in the wind crushed him just before he tried to heal magic.
When I was thinking about that as I ran out, I could see my parents jumping up screaming the contact's name and running out.
Are you close?
You can't kill him badly. Do I really have to cure magic because I have no choice......
The most seriously injured of the fallen injured was a liaison man, so he can't fit in and perform healing magic. At the same time tell Grandma Shami to come and cure the next man.
So I sat down, pretending to be exhausted.
These were the only two people seriously injured enough to break a bone, so there would be no problem leaving the rest alone. I just did some healing magic that even these two couldn't work together. If I really did healing magic, I would soon be healthy, but I didn't want to be suspicious there, so I took my hands off.
Because some people know I have a lot of MP's in rubber making. At first, anyway, it wouldn't mean I'd end up being too suspicious either.
The liaison officer was apparently the son of a parent acquaintance and was hired on a temporary basis only this time. Pretty much appreciated by him and his parents.
My back itched and I couldn't help but say nothing and get thanks, such as being thanked by the person who tried to kill me.
Also, after taking a break from treating five injured people, Mr. Shami, Shal, Farn, Miloo, and I hang the healing magic again, they can continue the work again tomorrow.
Um, I'm in trouble. The direct conversation also cut me off from killing you.
I really shouldn't be such a sweet thing.
But even though the boulder magically treated me for an injury, I don't get the will to kill against a guy who bows his head to a kid like this. What are we really gonna do?
I thought the cabin was underhanded because the wind broke and it collapsed, but no one blamed me for that because it was in the process of being built.
Also, my parents appreciate our healing magic, and I don't think I dare talk boring here, and I didn't say anything. Probably won't be clueless anymore, okay.
I have a grumpy feeling that it's been a complete match pump, but there's no way it's happened, and worrying about it here doesn't make it anything. The craftsmen call me Boy Boy, and behave intimately.
Oh already, what the hell am I supposed to do!?
... but things moved.
Early horses came from the Marquis House of Webdos the next day.
Request to participate in the next scheduled troop outpost.
I know it's supposed to be a pleasure because it's a chance for a rubber protector or other proof of action (Combat Proof), but I've just had some thoughts about people's deaths lately, and it's the day after I did it until the attempted murder. I think of Heggard, who keeps up with the soldiers, and the squire who follows him.
It will be a month before Barkud's army leaves the village, apparently.
Heggard has ordered the manufacture of protectors to make sure he can make deliveries against the Knights and Lord Kindo by then. Improvements were made to see if this would happen, so manufacturing by the deadline is fine.
From that morning onwards, size the bodies of all members who march and make protectors. Time is limited this time, and it's full of Marquis Knights orders, orders from Sir Kindo, and the manufacture of protectors. I don't have the task of needing an MP if I even make an improved protector mould, but busy things are busy.
I'd like to ask if I can skip the sword archery, but I know the answer, and I myself understand the need for sword training, so I'll have to spend some time trying to figure it out.
Oh, yeah. It's not a big deal to me, and should I tell the liaison that we're going to be in the war? Let's be honest and happy that the problems that have been bothering my head these days can be solved.
When information was passed on to the Liaison Officer (Connect) through Mun about the Gried family's participation in the battle and their departure from the village of Birkood a month later, the Liaison Officer (Connect), on the grounds of his physical condition and the treatment of his injuries, became sure that he wished to return to Dorrit.
However, the parents did not allow it, and the addition of stables and the construction of work huts proceeded on a steep pitch.
Is it because they treated the injuries and the artisans' morale was high, in just under 20 days both work was completed and a fully expanded stables and a working shed for the manufacture of rubber that was quite satisfactory?
It seems that the members who leave for a skirmish with the Kingdom of Davis will also go to Shall, headed by Heggard. In addition, all of the squire are involved in a total of 10 locations.
Even though it is small, the army is an army because it goes to defend the Kingdom of Lomberto or to invade it.
I dropped out with the villagers who stayed as I stroked my chest down that the protectors of all the dispatchers had made it.
Since two horses are used for the carriage, and Heggard rides the military horse with only one, no horse can be used for farming or pioneering until they return.
Since the order from Viscount Kindo has already been delivered, a set of free-size spare protectors made just in case have been loaded into a carriage full of goods for the Knights.
The wagon is watched by Beckwith, the squire chief, and Charles sits next to him.
Originally, food, clothing, etc. are also loaded into the carriage, but this time with the goods and essential military supplies, the carriage is already full, so food, etc. is bought as much as necessary along the way, and will be replenished with keel after delivery. The squire, solidified with hard rubber and ebonite, looks tough in a black monochrome and looks a little well-dressed.
I asked Heggard earlier that metal armor already seems to exist in this world, but the sheet-metal full-body armor (full-plate armor) I imagined is only available to senior nobles because it's too pricey, and the average soldier seems to be a hard-edged leather armor or good and clamshell (chainmail).
Regardless of the leather armor, clasps (chain mails) are often not worn during marches because of their considerable but heavy defenses.
Compared to them, the reputation of protectors such as quilts, who are inherently fastened with rubber bands on clothes such as those called under armor, was tremendously good.
Naturally, there are also types that can be worn on top of leather armor.
Although it was troublesome to have to make several types of equipment because they were poorly equipped by the squire, I have nothing to say if this protector will increase everyone's survival rate.
Under the armor and leather armor of the members who will be marching this time, consider fitting the protector and pass through the rubber band, as well as a modified belt hole.
They also have women in the military because they are not so inferior to men and women in oaths.
That's WAC, in my common sense.
Especially since the female members of the militia I was in at the time will not be assigned to the combat personnel of the front combat unit from the point of view of maternity protection.
Indeed, much before reincarnation, women should have begun to be assigned to the front combat forces on their own, and women were also subject to conscription in Israel, so is it not a problem in itself to have women in the army?
You're just ahead of the culture of the planet?
Well, either way. This isn't Earth, and it would be more crazy compared to common sense on Earth and Japan.
In the future, if you have an order, it seems better to make one for both protectors and women.
That's what Heggard, who happened to be there when he made Shall's protector, said.
They say if you march out, you won't be able to go home for months to six months.
I had a hard time keeping my body down that I wanted to salute.
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