August 3, 7446.

"So, why did they shake you?

I repeat the same question a few more times to my drunk, camel-wrapped sister.

"... I appreciate the favor, and I like it, but my wife decides to be Claire alone, or something like that... I know... I know that..."

And your sister returns the same answer. It was the first eight layers of breakthroughs that complimented me on "That's just how I worked out," but I'm already a cunt. I was finally inviting my rested sister to a consolation party in the name of what I call a meal.

It was about fifteen o'clock that I entered this ranked store there called Mulhas. It should be around 20: 00 by now. My brother oversees the handover of working procedures for the repair of various rubber products in the workplace under Roslal and Wendy and Diane, and by now it will be time to bring everyone to an end until dinner.

Me and my sister have been at the table in the back of the store for over five hours. At some point, one big bottle of wheat shochu (about a helicopter) is empty. I drink about 80% of the time. You have weak liquor, sister. I had broken the wheat shochu about ten times the juice to make it easier to drink as I remembered the chewy of my previous life, but it was quickly snaggy. I'll tell Mizuchi later. You can definitely beat your sister for booze.

"Uh, poisoning (neutralize poison) One more time! This is delicious!


I only sigh in my heart (my sister is drunk and unable to concentrate for witchcraft) while I hang my sister several poisonous neutralizations (neutralizing poisons). Order extra squeeze juice and honey from Minkan, and then refill the ice from the ice space as well. Of course I can get it out myself, but it's a store, so I should pay to order it. I should be thanked by the store because I'm putting the drunk back in the syrup and drinking again.

"Ngu, Ngu! You know how to drink. Praise and send!

"Oh, thank goodness happiness"

Return a thoughtless reply with a crusty-style dish of sawdust with no soy sauce and just a salty flavour. I cut and eat it with a knife and a fork because it comes out of the shell and is served on a plate, but there is no flair or shit. I'd love to eat it with chopsticks because it's a corner. I forgot to bring the chopsticks.

"Ah! I want that one! Balducky!"

"Yes, sir. Hey, Zulu."

He looked back and spoke to Zulu, who was eating and drinking with Engela and Giberti at the table next door.

"Yes, I'm going"

I'm sorry, but you don't drink. Engela and Giberti seem pretty good drunk and fun, and the only decent guy left in the sense of my protection already is Zulu. There shouldn't be anyone left with John and Terry sleeping at the factory even if we go to the sausage factory now. If we don't have the stock left, John and Terry will be knocked out of bed by Zulu to make sausages in the middle of the night... next time I'll buy you some candy balls too.

"So come on, Yury, if you say so, yeah, you're nice to see.... ahhh"

Oh, no. It's me who wants to mourn. How did this happen?

A few days have passed since then as I dragged the Donneols around to go around the whorehouse or shoe shop or something that I'm good at, once again they remember each other's faces with my slaves, and I briefly showed them how to make sausages, and it just took so long to teach them how to handle the necessary affairs and keep a sales ledger.

That fold, my sister finally contacted me that I could take the day off, so I rescheduled and invited her to dinner, let her get drunk and forget it all once, and this is it when I tried to dissipate her. Simply put, my sister was in love with Sir Yuri Grohoretz.

But naturally, the First Knights are a super elite course in the Kingdom of Romberto. At the time of joining the group, almost everyone else in the Knights was a full Knight, so I guess it was highly appreciated in their place of origin, and that would be natural to have a spit on it. It's not uncommon or irrelevant for someone already married.

He was already married when he joined the First Knights as a squire, and even had children by the time his sister took up the reign of the Horseman. Naturally, your sister will be after Sir Grohoretz's Second Lady seat.

Honestly, if the First Knights were married, they would be first, but second, but not dissatisfied. My sister herself, she's also a knight of the First Knights, and instead of enough gold to not have trouble living her life, it's like earning more than a country lord is promised by Aus general standards. In the unlikely event that you can even stand up in great skill and make it to the Squadron Leader, I will also pave the way as a formal Sir. All hail.

"Lord Groholetz loves his first wife. You don't mean you're not the kind of person who marries a fluffy second lady because they're young. You're a good man."

"That's right... someone who joined the First Knights a year ahead of me, and he's amazing, experienced and dependable. Always kind of you to care around me... I don't know right or left. You said you were smart and cute about me..."

Yes, yes. I've had this conversation several times now too... My sister, who came out of the country without any busy life experience, was only attracted to Sir Groholetz, who was older and worthy of reliance. I overtook the First Knights in their careers because of their excellent witchcraft, but I guess that had nothing to do with my sister. When I say you look like a sister, you look like a sister.

As far as I'm concerned, I joined the First Knights about two years ago to deduce a man named Robert Bush who is being admired as a squire. I'm also twenty-three years older and one older than my sister, and I'm sure I have a Hungry spirit with me because I'm just like my sister, the third son of some jazz family. He's quite a beautiful guy with a wild face, and from what I've seen, he's not a bad character. There's no way there's someone in the First Knights who doesn't even know how powerful they are.

But, well, we won't even be talking about it right now, and I'll hang out with you by the way today.

6 Aug 7446

The handover of various tasks is almost over, and the day has finally come for the brothers to return to Barkud with the Ryogs. It is unfortunate to say goodbye to the family of squires who supported me in a little over two years without a shade, but the Russegs also take over the role.

"Beware of your body, Master Al"

"Thank you for your help. It's my pleasure to share with you."

The Ryogs spare their goodbyes by saying so with their mouths, the elderly Rosrall and Wendy sit next to your stand, and the young Luke and Diane consolidate their carriage protection with their escort squire.

"It was this one who took care of me. You guys are fine. See you later."

Time runs out after dropping them off early in the morning due to a slight misalignment of the Donneol family's household tools, shop lectures from Yoturen mothers and children, etc. The sausage factory is doing better than I thought, and since I can get the support of the Russegs for this minute, it would be okay to leave it to Kathy first. With Bastral and the battle slaves, I decided to go back to Balduk after lunch this day.

"Bye, Kathy. We'll be back from the labyrinth on the twelfth as originally planned, so come to Balduk that evening. The factory is closed until the 15th while you're out."

Because the first launch is key. For another month (one), I said by controlling Bastral, who insists on putting Cassie here and producing without rest. You can't do that. They have been working (learning to work) here and without rest since last month's factory exam run.

Sure, that's what I need to do at first, but sooner or later, I was bound to make a holiday. It is better to inform the Lombertier vendor to become a customer as soon as possible, as well as to have less trouble later.

It's only after everyone gets more used to making them take the day off in rotation to run every day. Nothing. I'm not trying to give a slave a break with warmth. People think working without a break will make their job less efficient. I can't take a break from agriculture. I'm going to pay you as much as I can eat, and the use of that money won't clog your life just for the meal of the day. I'm not going to tell you how to make a hobby when you're a slave, but everyone needs to breathe (refresh).

The slaves who make them work at the sausage factory are all going to get them to work in order from a guy who is loyal and well-nourished, and there are aspects I want them to get used to my way from early on. Whether you've just learned the letters on a day off from work or want John and Terry to be teachers and learn the letters, which are taught from bastrals to simple calculations, is your real aim.

That way their next generation will know the letters from a much younger age. It will be ten years and twenty years before the meaning of half the men and women of the same age, aligned in the same race, comes into effect. I heard from Mizuchi. It took the way of the Kingdom of Lyle as an example, but the validity would be valid.

About a hundred young slaves, mainly less than thirty members of the current killers (Slaters). It's the minimum number of people we really think we need by the time we're sealed up in the territory. No matter what happens, it's better to have more slaves who don't betray me. Well, it costs a lot of money, and it's a little bit further, and we'll go after it.

He left the owner of the carriage he had rented to Bastral, and arrived in Balduk as he sat back on his podium talking to Bastral. When I gave Giberti the cost of renting a carriage and the cost of food for the labyrinth row to go back, he headed to the inn, but no one was there.

I guess we're all going somewhere to see each other. As far as I'm concerned, I'm telling him I'm going back to Balduk today, so both the massacrers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators) are supposed to be on a date today for the day I'm on the ground, and I couldn't help but send Zulu and Engela to the Carm and Ginger Inns.

They both need a meeting, and we all wanted to rent the right store tonight to talk about future policies. Zulu and Engela returned shortly after, but they were both hands on hand. I had no choice but to go back to the inn once and tell him to leave his stuff and come back, and me and Bastral decided to take a shower and kill time.

But all the people who were taking the lodge at the Boyle Pavilion while we were in the shower were coming back. I asked Mizuchi where he was going, and all the killers (Slaters) went as far as the outside of Mount Outer Ring to train since this morning. Hmm.

Anyway, it's possible to talk to Carm and Ginger this evening as planned. It's bad for Zulu and Engella, who are back again, but when I let them head to the Carm and Ginger Inns again, I ordered them to come to Mlowa as soon as possible after a break, and asked Zulu and Engella to go to Mlowa first and pick up the place if they didn't have any particular business.

Sleep on your back on the bed at Boyle Pavilion for the first time in two weeks and try to sort your head out a little bit. The content is about the formation of the entire three teams of the killers of the moment (Slaughters). By entering the Ninth Floor this time, I have failed to perform as King of the Founding Fathers and have become a one-leap man.

It honestly doesn't matter to me how many layers I went to in the Labyrinth of Balduk in such a corner of the Orlad continent. Even King Jianguo's performance was lost and the foil was attached, but it has no further effect. That said, the foil of honor is something that cannot be bought in gold by boulders, so I intend to make great use of it whenever possible.

Well, I'm the one who went into the labyrinth in search of treasure just like so many adventurers gathering in the first place, so nothing but a breakthrough in the hierarchy. It is true that we were aiming for a deep hierarchy under the expectation that our share would be relatively higher simply because we would have fewer competitors (competitors).

When the doors of the altar shrine that we first met on the ninth floor were opened, it was much expected, but it could be said that it would be very beneficial to just build a prediction that things would not be so simple because it was a ska.

I'm sure the altar shrine doesn't contain everything from the beginning.

What was said in Balduk was something like, "The Founding King founded the Kingdom of Romberto based on the treasures obtained on the eighth floor, so I guess he could have singled out quite a lot of the treasures of the altar shrine that existed on the eighth floor," and I didn't have the material to deny it either. I wanted to believe more than that. Because I wanted to think that if I went to the new hierarchy, I could pick up all the treasures between the altars there, and it would have been more convenient for me to have been.

However, it turns out that there are still skulls between the altars, regardless of the ore obtained by digging the walls and floors (it's superimposed that some old Tsurhashi is not wasted), so they are forced to modify the plan.

When I was able to go to the Nine Layers, I said, "Just be safe and explore the Nine Layers appropriately, and you will get a lot of treasures that nobody has put their hands on. In case you didn't get a treasure as expensive as you can get a territory, you can't possibly get a treasure of that value overall if combined with the ten layers of treasure ahead of you, and now you're farewell to such a mold-smelling labyrinth".

It's really for raccoon calculations you don't take, but by the end of next year at the latest, you'll have to go away with the labyrinth (only dressing up, of course, will continue the adventurer challenging the labyrinth) to look for ingredients for the medicine Mizuchi needs, and if you can find it. It would be pretty much aligned even if it wasn't completely out of sight. At the same time let Zenom and Ralpha, accustomed to travelling to her escorts to make maps of the Dart Plains around Guineh, accompanied by a few suitable combat slaves to explore. I was paranoid about seeing the time and sorting out that valuable treasure and dedicating it to the king...... or something.

But that would not be wholesale by the Inquirer, or even I thought somewhere in my mind. Looks like you're right this time. Unless I'm lucky enough, I guess I still need to dive into the labyrinth for a while. Mizuchi says that "normally the deeper the hierarchy, the better the chances of getting it from the altar, and there should be more precious items" and other appropriate odors, but the rationale is that it seems to be a game from a previous life, so I don't trust it at all.

Even if, as we all say, Mizuchi's views are correct (maybe right), whether it's more probable or more precious treasures are available, because in the end, what we do is no different than what we've done before when it comes to making sure treasures are available on the altar.

If you try it on me, there will be more prizes from first to third class for lotteries sold by Mizuho Bank, and it's hard to say "good for you" because the number of winning lotteries has doubled or tripled. Not bad, of course.

It's just that we didn't even get summoned to the big, special altar monster we first saw on the eighth floor, and the temple door was open from the beginning.

Come on, it's time to go. I have to root for Carm and Ginger named Meet before I make the announcement to everyone.

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