Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode One Hundred Eighty-Three: Each Approach

August 8, 7446.

There is also the convenience of a Holiday for the Massacre (Butchers) and the Eradicator (Exterminators), and from this morning, when I put it down for a day, we the Killer (Slaughters) stepped into the Labyrinth again. In this labyrinth row we are sending Xenom to the slaughterer (Butchers) and Zulu to the eradicater (Exterminators). The nine remaining men, including me, will be the main force in the nine-tier exploration, but neither the slaughterers (Butchers) nor the exterminators (Exterminators) will be allowed to conduct extended training in the labyrinth, as they have done so far, but they will not be allowed to do so in a comical manner.

I'm also giving them another assignment from this time on than hierarchical tread time. Explained from the easy one's eradicators (Exterminators), they are allowed to carry consumables around dried meat up to four layers. Spend a day and a half transporting supplies between four layers of metastatic crystals. With the exception of us Killers (Slaters), there are only three parties that have so far set foot after the fifth layer: the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) and the Fire of Purgatory (Gehenna Flair).

Put one of them here as a lookout. The other nine will be transferred to the ground as soon as they unload their bags and will be back in the labyrinth with supplies on their backs.

Next, the Massacre (Butchers). They also carry loads (porters) as their main task. They will be asked to reload the supplies gathered in four layers between the six layers of transferring crystals. One thing to note here is that both genocides (Butchers) and eradicators (Exterminators) are switching member configurations. I moved Ginger and Hiss from the Eradicator (Exterminators) to the Slaughter (Butchers) and instead from the Slaughter (Butchers) to the Eradicator (Exterminators) my battle slaves Henry and Ruby.

The massacrers (Butchers) will be made up of almost former sunlight (Saint Ray), so leave it to the Zenom, who is at a glance from everyone, including them. Even for them, Xenom is a reassuring leader and has no doubts about his definitive prowess. He also says as bait, "If you want to see how the outbound road goes and Zenom gives you OK, you can bust the aug with seven layers to the extent that you don't force it".

Thanks to this time, the morale of the massacre (Butchers) is unusually high. Members who have taken the form of being left to the eradicators (Exterminators) are likely to regret it, but they know best that they have low strength in joint training and so on. To be honest, I wanted to move Lorrick alone into a massacre (Butchers) where it was easy to earn experience.

They snorted at me last night when I talked to Carm and Ginger about this. Above all, he has a lot of magic to use. Regardless of healing magic, attack magic is essential in the battle behind the Labyrinth.

In particular, Carm has previously experienced combat on seven levels. You can say offensive witchcraft is a must to deal with an ogre, so much so that I rather actively agreed. The death of members, including Rolic, was not taken into account, with the expectation that Xenom would surely accompany one of the orgasms. If I'm going to move to seven layers too and deal with only the few orgasms I meet in the aisle first, I don't think it's a problem as long as Zenom is there.

Besides that, there was also a reason that Lorrick was the eldest son of the politically and economically powerful Count Falergers family. He'll have foil on him (Lorrick), and he can expect some kind of assistance, such as the Falergers sending combat slaves who learned of his work. If that is true, it is certainly a thankful thing, and we sometimes hear similar stories, so it would be a pleasure if it were realized. With more combat slaves, it's possible to rotate members.

Experience gained per person decreases, but it becomes a bottom-up for low-level people. There is no need for everyone to reach the realm of the best adventurers. Even if you can't use all your stretched talents, if you can level up, if you're lucky with that time, you'll benefit from an increase in HP.

Anyway, I called in Lorrick where I mounted the agreement between the two of them to see him, but he's been saying no. The main reason for this was to say, "The transfer itself is fascinating, but I have a combat slave to take responsibility for". Carm and Ginger were outraged to hear it.

The reason is, "If you're going to say that, what happens to me (Al), who gives both the slaughterers and the uprooters combat slaves and in some cases even sends them out to Zulu and Engela? Am I (Al) not responsible for my own combat slaves? It was their say." Though I thought I'd be listening to that, I admitted his hopes because I was exactly going to take responsibility for their lives and I felt like I was off what Lorrick was trying to say. And just a little sympathetic to Lorrick's way of thinking.

I haven't broken up about slavery somewhere yet. It feels like hiring a low-wage employed person. Born and raised in a less affluent but somewhere laid back village of Barkud, and growing up with little touch with the tragic aspects of slavery would also be a major factor. In addition, all the slaves touched were also serfs and central to the workforce.

Since the beginning of the rubber business, the center of the workforce has also been created for the new squire and his family. But agriculture was still a major core industry. I can't be invisible to the workforce that supports that agriculture. Slaves who continue to work from morning to evening with cheap wages and without holidays on a busy basis are an important asset, but no one was ever driven by tragic circumstances, such as their families being torn apart against their will. Instead, the parents were dealing systematically with slaves in a way. I think he was just trying not to let go of his precious fortune so easily because he had just assigned a job to an individual.

There are many different ways of thinking about this, but at least I have both a father (Heggard) and a mother (Shall) who say, "Slavery is not only an important workforce, it is an important inhabitant that makes up the majority of the population. As a lord, you have to take responsibility for the lives of the people," he thought, treating the slaves under the idea. Because I grew up looking at it, I think that some of my thoughts imprint the impression of "how to treat and treat the ideal slave.”

For both parents, slavery was "those who should themselves be protected with all responsibility". Maybe. It's actually a complex that I haven't broken that far. Of course, it's hard not to like it.

He (Lorrick) is not the eldest son of the wealthy Count Falergers family against me, but he is born the eldest son. Since childhood, there have been many slaves in the house besides serfs. He said he was an unusable slave. Such slaves are easily sold off. He said slaves working in his parents' homes had been sold in years, even if they were long, with the exception of a few good ones.

Lorrick was always sorry about those situations. For the first time in his life, both Dender and Karim battle slaves, privately owned, seep through the idea of making him adorable over the years. One way or another, I think he was nurturing ideas close to my parents naturally. The only difference between me and me is that I want to be on my side and watch all the time or I want to be able to live my life without my husband, which is not the kind of thing to say.

Which is more suited to the current oath than the former. There are idioms that are considered ideal for the slaves of the Aus, who say, "Blessed are the good masters, faithful and live a good life". I guess Lorrick thinks to embody it. That's something to be recognized and deserved. Even I want to embody that idiom myself. I just thought it would be the same where you aim just a little differently than Lorrick.

I still think you've just grown up in a senior aristocrat. Neither do I. Tris and Bell are from the aristocracy, but they're not familiar with “auspicious” mindsets like Lorrick's. When it was, a little time after we met, there was something he used to say when the three of us were eating when Heroskol was also there.

"I don't think slavery is allowed. But it's just vain to resist it, beyond how the world works. In the last few months, I've learned a few important things."

Heroskol tells Lorrick that drunk turns around and says so.

"Hmm? What do you mean?

"At least if there's anything I'm going to buy a slave from now on, I'm going to let him live a good life for me about that slave's life."

When I heard that, I thought, "Heh." Somehow I felt sorry for Bastral because I didn't think it was the line that anyone who forcibly rescued him from the slave class would say. At the same time, I also wondered if he would have thought a lot about it in him. That's how I advised him if I bought a combat slave. It was not until a few days after that that that I heard that Lorrick had bought two combat slaves.

Then he has always adored Dender and Karim. I guess you're not thinking about becoming another party. So much so that the emigrants publicly said they wanted to be with the three of them. All three continue to run as they look at the gap to move to Killer (Slaters). The other day, I was happy to say, "We've come to the point where the three of us are fifteen minutes away."

Anyway, although everything didn't go the way I initially hoped, a new formation was decided.

All we have to do is continue our exploration of the Nine Layers, and we just want some accomplishment.

12 Aug 7446

This is the second day I started exploring the Nine Layers.

There was already a familiar altar in the room that I bumped into earlier after making my second transfer along the way. Before entering the room, bury and consolidate the entire body with dirt by just necking out the gargoyle around the center of the room, which has fifty m squares.

"Ralpha, Tris, Engela. You guys cut in (Avant Gard). Target the summoned big man."

Three people nod silently. Ralpha is tongue-in-cheek.

"Guineh and Bastral are the" Spear Interceptors ". Don't let it get any closer to whether it's Kobold or Goblin."

Guine grips her mustache with the piercing spear beside her, and Bastral looks nervous in the assault position holding the spear firmly with both hands.

"Mizuchi and Bell can be either magic or a bow, so knock them into Kobold or something and confuse them."

I guess they expected to be told that. When I checked the bow string already on my left hand, I pulled the arrow out of the arrow barrel behind my hips (Quiver).

"First I release the fireball towards the miscellaneous fish. Afterwards, if necessary, I will use magic to cover you as appropriate while speaking up. Finish the gargoyle if you can afford it. All right, let's go!

The Lord summoned this time is the Green Gargantuan Spider. It's a horrible monster with a fierce poison.

But just as when he got here, Tris' swinging blazing sword of flame (Flame Tan) wielded its full fierceness, lighting a fire on the creepy green fiber that startled to grow on the spider's body surface, quickly blunting the movement of the gargantuan spider. The yarn coming out of your butt (it's like natural web magic) doesn't pose any threat to Tris waving the blazing sword (Flame Tan) either.

At the same time, the summoned Kobold also hit the fireball with its central aim, quickly killing more than half instantly, and was shot with a spear of Guine and Bastral, an arrow of Mizuchi and Bell, before moving and using magic. Gargoyle is killed without being able to do anything.

The flame-wrapped and slow-moving Giant Spider goes with fewer and fewer legs by Engela's steps (broadsword) and Ralpha's hand axe (tomahawk).

Finally, the spider stopped moving when he got his hand axe (tomahawk) slapped on the head.

At the same time the temple of the altar opens.

All this time, we all watch the shrine.

After eight pairs of gazes stained with anticipation, the temple door opened.

As usual, Engela reached inside the temple and grabbed what was sitting. It seemed difficult to grasp and my right hand as well as my left hand stuck inside the temple. Ho ho. I wonder what will come out...... Everyone will squeal their throats and stare at what Engela will pull out of the temple.

The metal ore that came out is a little bigger than softball. Is it silver because of the shade? It would be superb because it's not dark. Millions of Zs won't go down, but don't get stuck.

"Silver...... Luxury, but not money."

"We've become extravagant too... but silver..."

Ralpha and Bell sighed at the same time.

"This is so heavy..."

That's what Engela's been offering me. I have it with both hands.

"Status Open"

[Tungsten Ore]

"What? No!?"

I was surprised to see the status. Engela almost took off the ore because I accidentally raised my voice. Everyone who looked at it like it was jammed seems a little surprised by what the hell happened.

It is not precious metal or anything on Earth, but it is quite rare. That said, the price is known. Thousands of yen per kilo and cheaper than silver. Since the specific gravity is close to platinum and gold, the average person probably never heard of it, as famous as it is for being plated and used for fraud.

But the more distinctive thing is that the melting point is high and it doesn't dissolve easily even at temperatures over 3,000 degrees. If you make pots and stirring sticks with Transmute Rock to Mad magic, you can make any alloy you want, even if you don't know the magic. But if you know the formula. Even platinum and osmium can melt with fire magic and thirty MP.

Appraisal sounds like tungsten I know. This amount would make a pretty big crucible if only I could work out a handle for the pan and stirring stick.

I found this good stuff.

"Hey, what's that? Isn't that silver?

"Oh, listen and be surprised. Tungsten!"

Mizuchi had his eyes round when he heard that. And he's like, "If you make a sword out of it..." or something. You're familiar with this guy. Tungsten is also a metal with considerable hardness. But it's too heavy to carry a weapon in your hand, right?

"Tangu... what's that?

"It's tungsten, Lar"

"Guine, you... you know what?

"I think I've heard the name..."

"I don't know. Is it more precious than silver?

"Oh, an industrial blade or something..."

"Does Tris know?

"Hmm, that's all I know"

Mizuchi began explaining his nostrils to everyone.

"Because it's hard, it's used to drill for metalworking, and because it's heavy on top of it, it's also used as a core material for" fast armored bullets "and" APFSDS "in" tanks ". It's also used to armor tanks because it doesn't go through the radiation."

Whatever the drill is, you even know the tank's armoured rounds and degraded uranium well enough to be professional. A little impressed. I'll compliment him and he'll say, "Huh? It's common sense in my industry, isn't it?," she said wonderfully.

You, weren't you in the same food industry as me? Are you really that grown-up vertebra? How do you know that in the first place? Maybe there's no one else in that company who knows that and can say it slurred. Whew, normally even people who know tungsten are more likely to come out first if it's a scam or a bulb filament. I don't understand that you won't touch it at all. Don't save all your weird knowledge. It would have been better if you had studied more...

Regardless, her knowledge is currently quite helpful. Besides, I'm not free to ask too many questions.

But I got good stuff. The pod is going to help make warheads and all sorts of things anyway.

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