12 Aug 7446

I was supposed to spend another day, a week in the labyrinth in total, but I'm telling Kathy to go back to Balduk this evening. The exterminators (Exterminators) would have been able to carry their luggage to the four layers twice, and the massacrers (Butchers) would have been able to carry all of them to the six layers because they had Xenoms on them. Can you tell on the way back?

Once they moved up to six layers, the massacrers (Butchers), mainly the Xenom, were wasting among the six layers of metastatic crystals. They were going to wait for us to get back and come home with us.

"Mr. Gried! Mr. Xenom is amazing!

"Whoa! That was brilliant, the hassle of getting rid of that aug in no time!

Kevin and Jer roll together excitedly. Huh? Xenom cleans up in no time?

"Mr. Firefrid, I knew you could count on me."

"Well, I was able to concentrate on the rest of you, on one auga..."

"The magic was also easy to use"

Meese, Carm and Vince seemed pretty helpful too.

"Oh, you're not in the right shape"

"Yeah, boulder......"

"Oh, my God, that's great in all the sickness, accuracy, power and timing of the attack!

Ginger, Kim and Hiss were also impressed and reputed. The killer (Slaters) faces, including mine, look like they deserved it, but Ralpha followed Niya. It just makes me smile a little bit.

Until now, Zenom has commanded the slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators) many times. But I've never fought as many monsters together as Auga. Only temporarily showed me where I broke out. It's nothing to hide, but did you take full advantage of that axe? I thought so and listened, but I didn't seem to have fully demonstrated my magical axe abilities. Well, that [Hand Back Throwing Axe "Cold Axe of Returning"] is a tremendously high performance that I normally used by hand.

Hmm? That said, Rocco is leaning over silently.

If this looks like it, I guess I've got a couple of augs tailored up, and it's a lot of money.

Sounds like the biggest fuss......

"Rocco, you're the only one who's hurt. Isn't that not enough training? Why don't you run, too?

Meath begins to drool her sermon over the leaning Rocco. Are you hurt?

"Stop it already, Meath. Rocco did his best. The timing of the first step was more thoughtful than anyone, including me. It did devour the attack of the meetups, but if that wasn't an orga, Rocco would have endured it well. Sure, the otum in the orga is weak, but the technique of manipulating a stick is a first-rate technique. The power is also very strong. It's a big deal for Rocco to take it properly and get it done with a broken arm with a shield."

Zenom quietly craves such a meath and lifts Rocco. I see, one way or another, Rocco stepped on the dodge, and to cover it, Xenom would have had to instantly kill the aug he took on. Xenom doesn't usually force him or fight fancy fights, but when a party is in crisis, he can turn around and be aggressive once and for all.

Zenom says he beat two pairs of orgasms twice. Rocco was seriously injured during the later battle. Sounds like it was a little over two hours ago. Based on the fact that we're supposed to be transferring in a while, Zenome ordered Meese and Vince to use healing (cure) magic one at a time until the level of natural irrecoverability infused with little magic left over.

This is what I've always said. At worst, if it's healing (cure) magic that uses only four MPs, most magicians on the cheerful side should be able to afford to use it once, even if they can't recover their magic (MP) afterwards. There's a lot of food here, and even in the worst case scenario, the survival kit behind Xenom's hips holds a restraint rope.

Fortunately, we both seemed fine out of magic. Besides, Xenom also said that the Auga assault was stopped in a well-scaffolded wasteland because Rocco stepped in well. If Rocco had been a little slower, it would have been a battle in the meadows with a little worse scaffolding.

However, Xenom said, "Even if the scaffolding is slightly worse, the situation is to that extent, whatever. I don't know. It's him," he laughed. Even if you're decisive, you're judgmental. I hung the magic of complete healing (cure-all) on Rocco, and then let Mizuchi hang the magic of complete healing (cure-all), and I overheard Rocco saying, "The deed is something someone sees."

There are more than seventy kilograms of supplies centered around various consumables such as soap and spare arrows accumulated between these six layers of transferring crystals, soba flour and flour, and some preserved foods that I said chicken eggs and olive oil, which will be of great help during my next labyrinth exploration.

Returning to the ground and heading to the Bardukki stalls that Murowa took over for me, the eradicators (Exterminators) had already riddled Bardukki. Zulu talks with the sister of the lion tribe (Lios) who serves as a seller, behind the stall, in the corner of the square somewhat pleasantly. I don't mind.

I contributed to the sale of Murowa when I was stuck in a dry delicacy with chiles. Unlike the Killer (Slaters) stalls, which only had children, Murowa stalls also serve beer. I knew it was beer for sausage, right? It's not cold, though. I feel that there are more guests in the stalls of Murowa without a heart. Oh, because there are thirty of us?

16 Aug 7446

Take three days of rest and step back into the labyrinth.

This time it is planned to be two and a half weeks (half months) because there is a wealth of material support, and if we go back up to six layers, we can get fresh food supplies. I won't be out until the end of the month.

I will be spending two consecutive weeks on nine levels.

It should be noted that only the last day of August 30th will be cut up in the morning, and then the rest of the day will go to the Chamber of Commerce of Wang Du with me in Mizuchi.

The Massacre (Butchers) is reluctant Mizuchi, but the Eradicator (Exterminators) is accompanied by an honest Engela to help him explore the Killer (Slaughters).

I told Kathy to take a proper three-day break a week later (of course she didn't have to come all the way back to Balduk) and pulled away the bastral that was stuck forever.

"Well, guys, let's go"

17 Aug 7446

It reached between the six layers of metastatic crystals.

I was just a little worried, but all the important supplies were safe and sound.

Tomorrow we'll even go to the eight-layer transfer crystal, and when we kill the minnows and put our stuff away, we'll be back here again.

And I need to carry my baggage again and go up to eight layers.

If I can, I'll have to come back within seventeen hours because I want to poke at that next Minotaur's surprise.

Therefore, assuming we reach the back of the eighth floor before tomorrow evening, we will return immediately.

Then, by midnight without rest, he breaks through the seven layers and rests among the seven layers of metastatic crystals.

If possible, I'm going to travel without rest to the eight layers of metastatic crystals and then get some rest.

I don't mind crushing it for about a day, assuming it takes time.


I left for the seventh floor at 5: 00 a.m.

Due to good metastasis luck, we arrived at 8 a.m. between the seven layers of metastasis crystals.

After taking a break for about an hour, he steps into the eight layers.

He defeated Minotaur well at the end and arrived between the eight layers of metastatic crystals about a little around thirteen o'clock.

Seventeen hours from now it will be about six o'clock tomorrow morning.

We all talked about the break, but it was decided to go back and forth again after a little imposition by the end of the day.


Seven and eight layers twice in a day.

If you do it, you can do it.

On the verge of a change of date, I was relieved to think "we can all sleep for four and a half hours even if we think about taking turns" while twisting into a blanket in bed between eight layers of metastatic crystals.

I can't use magic. I just need to pinch Zulu and Giberti in the middle.

Me and Xenom sleep six hours.

I was tired, so I immediately fell to the loose ends.

19 Aug 7446

Okay, nine layers.

Two weeks from today until the end of the month, along the way I have to go back up to six layers to procure supplies, but I can explore nine layers in abundance.

He was in the mood as he pulled the body of the minotaur who took the demon stone far away.

Today's harvest just filled a blank in the map.

I didn't even hit the altar room.

I ate lunch, but at night I took home crabs that Guine had tailored and finished with crab shabu-shabu.

Crabs don't feel fresh when they're killed with Tris' Flaming Sword (Flame Tan).

I'm sure it's because of the freshest feeling that the individual who destroyed his brain with a single blow with a spear pierced by Guine.

I like a pretty guy as much as I can because I can tailor quite a few of them, right?

I feel subtle after many meals in a row, but once a week or so, crab food feels really delicious.

But I have to go far to throw away the garbage because of the smell.

August 20, 7446.

The search is progressing well.

I didn't even hit the altar room today, but the gold ore was peering into my face from the wall of the room where the Lord was.

Good to have it Tsuruhashi.

It is a fine gold ore with nearly a hundred kilograms.

I couldn't carry it to the boulder, so I took the time to turn it into a golden stick while bleeding my nose again.

Eight ten-kilo sizes.

It is considerably more pure than the gold ore previously obtained in the six layers.

I even stamped 'K24' and English letters and Arabic numerals on the first one in good shape, but I got stuck in Tris and Bell, so I put it back.

You're the ones who don't get the joke.

The stupid Ralpha said, "You're pure gold!" and was thrilled.

I divided it up and took it back to the eight layers.

Stack the sparkling golden stick in the corner of the room, and we'll all have lunch and go back to the Nine Layers.


"It's a glow you want to watch forever."

I had difficulty peeling off the said gne.

The afternoon ended only with exploration.

21 Aug 7446

Get tungsten ore again.

This time from the altar as well. The size seems to be only a little bigger than last time.

Continue your search because there is only one.



Maybe that's the area.

It would be the center of the nine layers as well as the center of the eight layers.

Somewhat out of the way.

I tried to move along the wall for a while, but I also don't see any crabs wandering down the aisle.

Is there a boss here?

I guess I'm here.

You can fight, but I don't think I can use my skills again anyway.

I can't be optimistic enough to bet on those who can use it.

Then it would be better if Mizuchi were here.

It's only after ten o'clock.

We should probably explore another passage here.

I stepped into another passage leading to the room.

During previous explorations along the way, it was connected to a point where time had expired and it had turned back.

I see.

22 Aug 7446

It returned between six layers of metastatic crystals.

New food is being placed.



Oh, there's even a Maynage dried food!

Don't be shy, Engela.

Boulder, you're my slave.

...... hmm?

Is that it?

Shit, did you come through six layers of black yellow balls (Black Topaz) and show your face here?

It was set in an empty corner with new camping tools.

There was gold in the barrel of the shower, like the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood).

And then there was a brand new little toilet in the shower room, which said "Say hello" with charcoal or something.

A bitter laugh comes to mind.

I took the time to finish about forty orgasms with seven layers.

I didn't meet Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

Of course, so is the Green Regiment.

23 Aug 7446

The exploration of the nine layers is going well.

Sounds good.

Tris' Flaming Sword (Flame Tan) is still starving for Troll blood tonight.

I didn't hit it between the altars, but it was quite explorable.

It sealed everyone's opinion that the pot was good and turned it into a dried maynage.

Dried fish tastes good whenever you eat it.

24 Aug 7446

Got Magic Weapon (Magical Weapon).


A total of two dozen, twenty-four.

[Blind Arrow of Blindness]

According to my [appraisal], whatever the size of that wound or where it hit, the creature this arrow pierced would be completely blind for at least five minutes, as long as it pierced the arrow butt until it was completely hidden in the body.

However, once effective, the arrow loses its magical potency, making it no different from a normal arrow.


Do you want to sell it?

No, you can sell swords, axes, and other magic items.

But I don't think this guy can do it.

"It feels like smashing the eye of the person you hit by the name."

"Other abilities must be hard to think about."

Bastral and Bell are talking.

I'd be surprised if other abilities stick together under this name.

"Hmm, sounds good for someone who's going to use Augamage or some magic, depending on what you think"

"Oh, I see. You're so sweet."

Sure, Ralpha's eye is good.

Magic is mostly unusable when you're blind.

Almost all attack magic, in particular, will require goal setting.

It's not impossible at all if you touch something and release it at zero distance against it, but if you stick close to it the other way around, you don't express attack magic like flying a warhead unless you imagine it too strongly.

I wonder if two moves like me would concentrate on doing nothing else at all (not even breathing) and still take a few to dozen seconds.

The healing (cure) light (light) can be used even if you're blind (even if you can't see the goal), but if you touch it, that's what opens the status.

Let's give this guy to Bell. There's a lot of them, so you can put spares in the arrows and mix both.

But once I use it, I lose my ability, and it stinks of trouble to explain it.


Another course discovered a way out into a nine-story centre-like square.

There was between the altars, but it was a ska.

I'm bored.

It's good because the map is filled properly.

26 Aug 7446

It was also a scar to go and hit between the new altars today.

Mmm, too bad!

27 Aug 7446


You know what?

It's time for you to get tired of it, huh?


Is that right?


August 28, 7446.

Go to the sixth floor to supplement the food.

There was no one between the metastatic crystals, but obviously there are signs of evolution in the camp (camp) of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

It has developed to the same extent as the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood).

Not as good as us, of course, but they were still carrying enough equipment.

In the afternoon he returned between the eight layers of metastatic crystals and went to explore the nine layers.

29 Aug 7446



Is this it!?

Between the luxury edition of the altar?

Not when I thought so.

It was simply that the demonic room was stuck for two consecutive times.



Besides, they say there's no ordinary altar.

He seemed a little upset because he hadn't gotten anything over here since he got the [Blind Arrow of Blindness].

Calmly speaking, he also has a track record this time more than the period he was diving.

It is a magical weapon (Magical Weapon) called [Blind Arrow of Blindness] in two Ores.

I've never earned this much treasure in such a short period of time.

Even so, the only thing to dispose of is the gold stick.

That's all there is.

Total eighty kilograms.

Previously, it was refined and wholesaled at a value greater than 30 million Z at about 20 kg.

Four times that this time.

More than 100 million in easy wins!

You have a good track record.

That said, Ralpha said that as far as I'm concerned, this is still a shortage.

It's a magic item (magic item) from a new altar by my side.

[Refrigerator (Refrigerator)]

[Beach Materials/Iron]

[Condition: Good]

[Processing date: 29/8/7446]

[Value: 13500000]

[Endurance: 678]

[Performance: Internal temperature 4 degrees; 1490 value/day]

[Effect: Refrigeratable storage of items stored inside. No humidity regulation function]

That's worth a little more for a higher endurance than the old guy.

It's a big load, and we should just go back.


August 30, 7446.

Well, today's the last day.

We'll cut it up in the morning.


Have you moved to the same location as before for the first time?

Sorry to bother you.

I re-metastasized it another time.

This is my first place.

Let's get back on our minds and go!

Let's go.

Ralpha and Guine didn't react in any way, but Bastral told me, "You look old."

Oh, yeah?

The destination of the metastasis had quickly become a parting way.

Left for now?

It's unfounded.


You have a metastatic crystal.

Am I right over here?



It's another metastatic crystal soon.




The room with the altar?

Shall we finish here today?

Turn the summoned Green Poison Lizard and burn down the Kobold as well, snapping the neck of the gargoyle.

Okay, one last shot.

I wonder what's coming out?

Won't you answer it?


This time, as usual, I had Zulu look for the temple because Engela is not here, but something seems to have happened.

"Your husband! Congratulations! Something looks like a ring!

"" Ooh!

I accidentally leaked my voice too.

Magic rings are famous.

That's how much I know.

Eh, it brings back harsh memories at Master Mira's.

Down from the altar, Zulu puts a ring over his palms and offers it to me.

It was a little humorous to see the big lion tribe (Lios) treat the little ring as if it were important while rounding their backs.


The five millimeters wide is a gold ring that looks scratchy and dull.

Gems are embedded.

Instead of standing nails, it fits directly.

There are cuts on the opposite side of the embedded gemstone, slightly opening the gap.

I see, free size, is that why?

It's a ring, just in case.

Unmagical detect magic.

I have a reaction.

Remove the gloves on your right hand and pick them up with two thumbs and index fingers.

Zulu, the penetrating glove, touched it and you're gonna be fine.

"Status Open"

[Guardian's Ring of Protection]


I had another voice unexpectedly.

That sounds like a good name.


"What is it?

"What was your name?

Everyone feels intrigued.


Just give me a minute.

[Guardian's Ring of Protection]


[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 30/8/7446]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance: 50]

[Performance: Damage Reduction; 1HP]

[Effect: If an object fitting this ring has something that damages HP, it can reduce the damage taken by only 1 HP by the magic of the ring. Deductible damage up to 1 HP per day]

It's a shame.

"The name is amazing. [Guardian's Ring of Protection] That's right."

"" Oh!

I dropped a pompous ring on Bell's palm, which was close by.

Everyone is looking at their names as they say it.

Shall I sell this?

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