6 Sep 7446

The rest of the monsters were sometimes scratched and were no longer enemies.

Six Augamages, half of the monsters, were all defeated by the hands of the slayer (Slaters), and similarly three of the other half were hung in the hands of us the slayer (Slaters). As a result, we are 75%. Three quarters. Well, I wouldn't be prestigious to say that quite a few of the augs are three-quarters because they also scratch black yellow balls (Black Topaz).

Only three were defeated by the power of purely black yellow balls (Black Topaz).

And one victim. Of course, he's not a killer (Slaters).

It is a lot (Rostal-Milstron) of shield holders belonging to Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz). The head of every helmet (helmet) seemed to be shaken by the blow of an orga stick and died instantly.

"Status open...... shit!

"" Lot...... "

"" So many augs... "

All of the killers (Slaters) were hand wiping away the weapon stains as they watched the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) looking at the lot's status. I'm the only one who doesn't use weapons.

"Ah... yes... rescue, thank you... thank you. Thanks."

That's what Andersen said when he got back on his feet as soon as possible and bowed his head to us.

Members of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), who were drawn back to reality by the leaders' thank-you, also come verbally to say thank you.

"You're welcome. You'll have the demon stone of the orga I've finished here. Zulu, Engela. Pick up our share. Guinness and Bastral, mark this one out of there. Oh, I don't mind picking it. Mizuchi, I'm sorry to have to call Giberti."

Dare I say it in a clerical voice, I saw Andersen. You don't complain, do you?

Naturally, I didn't complain.

Some members of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) seem to have minor injuries, but they still seem to have magic, too, and they can wipe about as much ass in front of them.

It must have been a great pain for them to lose one of their members, avant-garde and capable of using magic on boulders. They're giving up any more exploration and going home.

"Should I even stay with you to the original crystal stick?

I tried to suggest not to dislike it too much. But he said, "I'm just going back the way I was, and I'm fine. I'm sorry to bother you," he said no.

Honestly, I'd appreciate it if you moved from here to the center of the eighth floor. Eight layers is what keeps Zenom waiting. He says it's black yellow balls (Black Topaz). He has the strength to finish off three with as many as six orgasms raging in front of him. There are at most five orgasms we meet in the aisle. If you don't get lucky, you'll be fine.

Barr seems to be responsible for Lot's body. The overlay armor he wore (Sprint Mail) is broken down and handled.

"You owe me again... This thank-you must be..."

When Andersen said so, he led the Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) on his way home.

But that's it.

I thought you were going to complain about wandering off your prey or something, but did you see our power and realize that there was a considerable separation in strength? Honestly, the way we kill orgasms is brilliant in my eyes. Some guy looked like that, like he was impressed, like he was shocked.

Top teams are the only boulders.

I should admit it honestly and not put up a meaningless void.

Actually, I'm just used to it, so I'm not much apart from my strengths.

Especially, getting used to it, on the other hand, has the terrible part of causing alarm, mechanically fitting into the pattern, with the added advantage of not being able to continue to take the lead no matter what the opponent does. I even have to imitate being an alarming asshole. It definitely lets me exert more power than I can.

If you tell me, I think the Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) was too "used to the labyrinth” to be alarmed. I recklessly have enough to come to the new hierarchy and go to my room in a few weeks. I'm sure the six layers went through at a fair rate. I wonder if they were able to fight well against seven layers of augs because they boast that much higher strength. I'm sure he got here without a single injury.

I guess that's why I was in a hurry too. I'm sure it's just my imagination (but I think it's probably hit me) that I've been able to share a six- and seven-layer map with the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), such as "I didn't know I'd come to the seven layers before because I was scared to this extent of demons" or "If I'd fought calmly, I'd say Auga would be few and not our opponent". Thanks to you, I was able to come to the seven layers in an unexpected short time "or something.

I'm sure there was also a lead fight under the water between Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) and the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood). Which is more informative, which is more useful, and which crosses the seven layers sooner.

They have a hell of a lot of strength in the first place. I can't help but get ahead of the kids (it's about us). But even sunlight (Sun Ray) on track went to six levels. Turn on your own. I don't know if you thought of that as a blind eye, but the kids took sunlight (Sun Ray) well into their hands and not just stepped on it, but even incorporated it into their own power.

I thought the kids who had been eating stalls for quite some time in the seven layers were making a lot of money from the Orga Demon Stone, but by absorbing sunlight (Sun Ray) they stepped back into the lower layers again. Well, were you just feeling the limit that it was a single party? Although we were somewhat close to the Green Group (Verdegli Brotherhood) because we both felt threatened, we should use this as an opportunity to formally join hands.

Six or seven layers came in good shape in their shade. We still can't get to the Seven Layers Demon Room, but the kids say it's made to tell as soon as they see it. Ha ha, is this the seven-story demon room? The Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) also said they haven't reached the room yet, and we're the ones who get ahead.

Good teacher for me on the other hand. Urgent. Alarm. Both are great enemies.

8 Sep 7446

The second day I began my exploration of the Nine Layers.

In one of the monster rooms we confronted an amazing monster.

Suddenly Mizuchi screamed as he was forming his way to the Mon room as usual.

"All the best, Flames Lower!

There are still plenty of twenty meters from Mizuchi to the entrance to the Mon room to lead the way.

I don't want to be the dumb one asking why at a time like this.

Zulu and Engela, who were on both sides of Mizuchi's diagonal back, immediately retracted, and Tris and Zenom stuck to the aisle wall.

Me and Bell run out from the rear of the line, but before that, Ralpha and Guine, lined up on both sides of Mizuchi, are holding hands toward the room and starting to concentrate. Bastral hasn't reached the magical level of four yet, and Flames Lower can't be used. After getting a little lost, I held hands in the same way.

When the flames burst out of Mizuchi's hands, they stretched toward the room.

Me and Bell, who lined up with them, also used Flames Lower's magic when they held hands.

After Mizuchi, the flaming tongue also stretches out of my hand and joins her flame......!


Breaking through the flames of Mizuchi. Something black and pointy is flying over here... no, it's stretching out!?

Just burned by my flames, pointy things burn down, but there are still more and more of them.

About a minute later, Belle, and then Larfa, and then Guineh, the bastrals each let the flames erupt from their palms, and the passage completely in front of them was filled with flames. Oh, Bastral seemed to need a vision of his goals and he hadn't done anything yet.

Originally, the image of the portable radiator is strong against Flames Lower's magic. I try to converge and use it, but everyone seems to have the assumption that the flame of the flamethrower spreads funnelly. I tried to use it by imitating it and spreading it into a funnel.

Having confirmed that, Mizuchi stops Flames Lower's sorcery and gives instructions.

You touch my back and you say, "Keep moving. Fire does not weaken, but stronger if possible," he says.


It's cheap.

When I start walking, this time.

"Stop. Everybody behind me! Zulu and Tris put up their shields. The magic...!

That's when the ice arrows flew through my flames lower that spread!

That's not ice bolt or ice javelin!

At least it's arborest!

I guess breaking through my flames is just making the warhead smaller.


Maybe Tris played it with a shield.

"Surge! Shoot me if you see me!

Did Tris shelter Bastral?

And not long after I thought, Flame Javelin was released from my side.

I already know that. I can see some from the side of the flame. Even if it's illuminated.


And it moves.

I have hands.

I have legs.

The taller you are, the more you look up.

Probably five to six meters.

My hands feel like thick branches have changed.

That finger-like part is gaining tremendous momentum and burning by me.

A new finger extends from the burnt end.

The legs seem to have a thick trunk split into two strands, not too fast but moving nicely.

That speed will be to the extent that adults walk.

Is it because Bastral's Flame Javelin hit it?

He seems to be on the run like he hates the flames, but he still moves around in such a way that he doesn't back down and avoids my flames.

And an ugly, distorted old man's face to a height less than four meters from the ground.

Is it distorted by pain, or by what we hate and distort when we come to vandalize where we are?

Branches spread over his face as if it were broccoli or cauliflower, even with leaves.

Looks like a broadleaf tree to me.

I don't know.

"They're coming!

I've figured it out.

This guy uses magic.

But maybe when using magic without leaking, you need to concentrate, and in the meantime, the movement stops completely.

I don't come with my fingers stretched out, and I never wave my arms around.

But terribly, the time for mental concentration on magic is surprisingly short.

Whether there is a second.

As far as I know, the guy who lets the arborest-class attack magic go so fast was about me, but the world is still huge.


Now it looks like Zulu played it. I hope you owe it to my warning.

"I don't care if you're flame-based or fire-based, just focus! The next time I shoot a fireball, shoot it at the signal all at once! Tris, Zulu. Long ago! Protect everyone until the concentration is over!

A few seconds after that, Mizuchi seemed to release a fireball.

Then it would be Bell's. It would be Fireball's, Ralpha's and Guine's. Flame Javelin has two shots.

Bastral is even more flame javelin a few moments behind it.

The monsters who ate flaming attack witchcraft in a row clearly blunted their movements and seemed weak.

"Don't be alarmed! One more time for anyone who can shoot!

Mizuchi's hanging voice sounds.

[asexuality/7/25/6444 · MadTrent]

[Status: Death]

[Age: 1002]

[Level: 18]

[HP: -36 (1439) MP: 2 (65)]

[Muscle Strength: 35]

[Jun Min: 19]

[Dexterity: 39]

[Endurance: 36]


[Special Skill: Water Magic (LV.5)]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic (LV.5)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (LV.5)]

[Special Skill: Spike Half-Limited (Half-Damage From Piercer)]

[Special Skill: Slash Half (Half Damage From Slicer)]

[SPECIAL SKILL: Low Demon (Minor Glove of) Invalidity (-Invarnerability) (except Fire Magic)]

He was quite a horrible opponent.

Looking at the subwindows of the species, I could tell, but it would have taken more time to defeat them without the weakness of being vulnerable to temperature changes, especially triple (triple) the damage of the flames. Also, this time it didn't really matter, but if it was an attack by a heavy slashing system such as an axe or a halvard, the damage would have been double (double). Finally, even when attacked by magic, it possessed an incredible special skill of disabling elements other than Level III fire magic when it was mixed with that magic.

Besides, I've used attack magic.

I'll have to keep using Flames Lower. I'll have to prevent it in the anti-magic field (playing arborest-class offensive magic with a shield on a boulder would be a shield, and Zulu would be hard on us to withstand the momentum, I would have just said. Maybe I can't either), but then I can't tow against arms and fingers like those branches.

I see.

Mizuchi, you know everything.

I didn't seem to know disabling magic if I admired it and praised it. But he knew he was extremely vulnerable to fire, like a troll.

"The trees burn with fire, so they're weak."

He said something like that, but that's how much I can imagine.

Oh, me too, when I thought it was a tree, I must have thought the flames were weak... but I didn't.

"Why didn't you let Xenom throw you an axe?

"Huh? Because Mr. Xenom's axe isn't metal to the pattern. Maybe it's okay in the flames, but when you come back, it's hot and you can't hold it, right?

I see. I knew it.

But an ordinary mon room with no altar or anything?

You knocked down a mighty enemy, but no reward, or something like that.

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