8 Sep 7446


Looks like Zulu and Engela are stuck in the fallen Mad Trent.

What else? It's a tree. Am I right?

This was a rough one.

You can't cut it open with a knife or a sword.

"Xenom, Larfa. Can you help me pick the demon stone?

"Hmm? Yeah, you do"


Meanwhile, Dr. Mizuchi's lecture continues.

'They say it in all sorts of games, but Trent is three kinds apart. Originally simply a spirit or something close to it. Wood spirits and mourning gods, if you call them Japanese, are usually the kind of things that help them feel good. Next, there's the famous Tolkin novel named Ent, which naturally distinguishes between male and female. Perhaps you made it based on the legacy of the wooden essence that remains in the rest of the world. You can say it's the same next time, but that's what made it ferocious for some reason, and it's most of the game, so as an enemy, this is what comes out as a monster.'

Hmm. Tris, Bell, Guine and Bastral are also listening with a nod of hum.

"You're the worst third type of person this time. The underground labyrinth, I was in the dungeon. You can make that decision. But I'm pretty lucky. There are so many magical things that I can take from Trent that when I process them into bows and shields... they burn quite a bit... '

Ah... well, don't look at me like that.

I didn't know.

Look, you look like you have no choice but to do it all.

Whatever the monster's gear is in the first place, you can't imagine using your body as some kind of material, can you?

I don't know about fur or big fangs.

Huh? Have I told you?

Were you listening?

Oh, you heard about the medication ingredients.

Oh, but, isn't the burnt delicious?

Doesn't matter?

Oh, yeah.


He whispers in some whisper next to Trent, when he realizes that the Zenoms have fallen. I think I noticed a paragraph in this story.

"Um... ma'am, what the hell is this demonic stone...?

"Mizuchi, where is this demon stone?

Zulu and Xenom asked Mizuchi.

Asked Mizuchi also looks difficult. I guess I don't know.

That's right.

It's a tree.

Eventually, I threw an axe into the chesty spot and looked at it.

The saw was craved because it was hard and the blade couldn't get through.

I cut it off with a Xenom axe to try and branched my right arm (?) 's status is [Trent Material] and [Appraisal] still seems quite valuable, as Mizuchi said.

I had no choice but to branch and throw away about the thin branches that were growing so much over my head that I couldn't seem to use them, and carried them all the way between the eight layers of metastatic crystals for each carcass that was wood, where the demonic stone decided to pick them slowly. But I broke a very broken bone to carry this guy.

It was past midnight when I hung the rope and pulled it back in turns to the original metastatic crystal (probably as far as six to seven), and they were all heterogeneous, even though they were traveling with some rest.

But when Tris said, "Please put the rope on this part. The center of gravity is here," he said. It was very helpful that he gave instructions on where to hang multiple ropes. Trent's timber apparently varied in density from place to place, a place that was probably off the center of gravity we all expected.

Even when it comes to wood in the first place, it is not geometrically beautifully shaped because it is the stage of the tree before it is properly treated. Even if the density didn't change so much, I don't think they would have guessed what our eye mass was.

Don't be useful for plain ~, [scale] is. I thought so. I might not be able to use anything else. Once I appraised Tris' [scale],

[Inherent Mastery: Scale; Allows comparison of the two subjects selected in consciousness within one minute of the use of the Mastery...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... MAX-level augmentation capability is that capability will also be available for the organism, but keep in mind that clothing and equipment will be handled as a different subject]

There was.

Since when were notations added?

How do you know the center of gravity if you use it on monsters and people?

You mean you can see Bell's center of gravity?

The center of gravity would be uneven if it was armor made of heavy metal or something, but it wouldn't change that much to the extent of leather armor.

I wonder if I can throw air if I let you do judo or aikido or something?

Why don't you let me fight on the sidelines at the next training session?

By the way, while me and Zulu, Belle and Guine were pulling, Tired Ralpha was getting his ass kicked by an angry Xenom about to sit in the tree. Zama.

September 9, 7446.

The calf Giberti was making for me (a stewed dish of vegetables and pork like potov. Baldukki, of course) is moderately salty, feels different and exotic, and stains tired bodies, and young people eat more. We're going to spend the day picking demon stones from that big Trent without going back to the ground. I had extra bacon and eggs cooked and it flattened beautifully too.

I wanted to leave Minotaur alone because it stinked, but I still want to finish the bathroom outside.

You want to take a shower in a bright open place, too.

Mizuchi and Bell were shooting arrows in the back of their heads like hives to clean them up quickly.

Minotaur has only worn about his waist roll these days.

The first great axe I had was also getting worse and worse, and from the guy I knocked down about ten years ago, I only have crude weapons like stone age axes.

I don't even feel a little pathetic.

Zulu and Engela picked the demon stone from Minotaur's body without complaining one by one, and pulled it over and went to dump it in the cadaver behind the pillar. I don't know if it's due to temperatures of about 15°C, but in roughly five days the meat starts to rot and becomes white boned in less than a month. Seems to stay on a year-by-year basis when you get white bones. Behind the pillars are already more than thirty numbers of minotaur bodies and white bones rolling.

I fell asleep as soon as I took a shower.

I wanted to slow down a little the next morning, but still around seven o'clock they all get up and surround Trent, who was left alone in the corner of the room.

Using the magic of Transmute Rock to Mad, Giberti's favorite iron pan with a sad face, he made a saw while muddy in a vessel made of ice and bleeding his nose. I could do a guy with extra high performance than the saw in circulation at the oath (he just stretched out the appropriately shaped cast iron and bladed it with yasley), but seeing Giberti's face kind of makes me feel subtle.

As for the iron material, it also has a pattern, and crushing Zulu's two-handed sword (bastard sword) is more pure. Since it would be of high quality, it should be able to take a lot of ingredients, so fleas and hammers could have been made. You could have done that, but the sword is expensive. They also crushed more than a million Z's and made saws.

Though I made the saw, it's not good if I hurt the demon stone, so I can't grind it through my thoughts. The only place to go bold was to carefully dismantle it using the Xenom axe as well.

It was already past noon when I managed to pick out the demon stone.

Yeah, it ended up behind my face forehead.

Thanks to this, a good amount of wood has been turned into merely precious rubbish.

The Demon Stone is worth a little less than two and a half million. If it sells in due course, it's about 17 million Z, but even if you expect a slightly higher rating, the bee will hit you. They are about the size of an org, but they come in different shades. Pretty close to white.

Tired, so the wood decided to go back to the ground next time.

He took the demonic stone obtained from Trent and gripped it as he climbed the stairs to the ground. I don't know if he's here, but I was going to make Mr. Church proud of me.

Unfortunately, Mr. Church was not there, but I was very proud and patient with the young men of the Knights of Balduk reporting the results. The eyes of the Knights, who saw the splendid Demon Stone, opened with envy, but when I politely congratulated him, he gave me information.

"The purgatory flame (Gehenna Flair) back this morning was also bringing back a splendid demon stone. It was a little smaller than that, but a shade no less superior. They got everything from a monster called Fresh Golem, who was in a three-storey room. I hear there were some seriously injured members, but the killer (Slaters), the purgatory flame (Gehenna Flair), the top team is a boulder."

Ooh! Did those guys hit the fresh golem too!?

Well, I guess they had a bunch of maneuvers to beat.

How old were you when I was here?

It was like four to five million.

You're less impressed because you redeemed it after being slapped down by the fourteen layers.

"Oh, and with that being said, it sounds like there's still a party out there that's not coming back."

Heh. But it's not unusual because it's out like that every month. Let me ask you where they are. That's when I tried to ask you which dump was dodgy.

There's one shadow that's closing in on us. He is a Mountain tribe (Dwarf) of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and a Rembal (Rembal Flameshaft).

"Don't You Know Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz)?

You don't know why.

... That's not what I meant. I can tell by the look on your face.

"What's going on? Yesterday? Oh, I met him about yesterday on seven levels..."

When I heard that, Rembal looked at me and said, "I'm not back from the labyrinth yet. I should have gone back yesterday even if it was too late if I was planning to. I don't think so..." or cancer.

They're not back, are they? One of them's dead. Yeah, there was an injured man, and he's moving slowly while making a map, checking. Wouldn't it take a while if I met an ogre and we were taking a break? There's something about the top team not coming back for a couple of days. I hear the rest of the team will be camping in the labyrinth.

"Please stop making bad jokes about people. We were in trouble, so we gave them backup and we rescued them, right?

I said it in a slightly outraged voice. Naturally, right?

"Oh really... sorry. I'm sorry to hear that. But, yeah. If you don't know, fine. I'm sorry to interrupt your tiredness."

When Lemball says so, he walks away from us and into the corner of the entrance square. There's a chair in the shade ahead of him, apparently in a fixed position there. She ran away as soon as she said something to Zophy, the slave of Vilheimer she saw one day. Is the destination a wooden pavilion?

After redeeming a little other than Trent's demonic stone, the big man, he returned to the inn, and after a short time of slowing down, the use came from the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood). I thought maybe not, so I didn't go outside.

"Mr. Gried. Excuse me, our general (Roberto) wants to talk. If you have time tonight, could you come to Dollar Leon? I don't mind a few more. Also, if it's a hundred million robberies out there, if you specify a location and time, I'll go here."

Mr. Bath (Birthright Keltein), you're still in trouble.

Dollar Leon's dishes are very appealing, but I'm a little tired, so don't worry about the heavy stuff.

I really do, but I just want to eat.

It's hot.

"Eighteen o'clock, Murowa, okay?

"Okay. I think this one's gonna go with me."


I thought for a second as I looked at Bath's back on the way home. It is good that the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) are in a cooperative relationship. Perhaps even including the point of confrontation against us. But what about that worry?

I don't think Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) feed the monsters like that. That's a strong aug, but I don't know how many days it took them to move to the seven layers, but they're tracking down to the Mon Room without causing any busy damage. I don't think it's that easy to get hit.

Well, we just lost one of our members. Aren't we just being more vigilant and careful than usual? If you think calmly, Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) went to the seven layers, 'cause not twice or three? Mon, I don't know if you're distracted by the reason you went into the room, but I think you're just getting back to your starting point and moving on.

Andersen's sister would be able to do it, and if she can't, a monster would have killed her a long time ago, leaving her with only demonic stones and excretion.

To be honest, I figured I'd have the right strength as a party to reign at the top in the city of Balduk. Don't make a fuss about it being a couple of days late to get back out of the labyrinth. Speaking of polar theories, if there wasn't enough rope in the survival kit that we were all having when we defeated Trent that we were killers (Slaters) would have sawed and dismantled Zulu's two-handed sword (Bastard Sword) on that spot.

Mon, right after you defeated the Lord of the Room. Though it seems good not to worry about you for a while, the perimeter alert and whatnot would have taken the manpower, and it should have been quite late to return. If it was today that was defeating Trent, I still think it would have taken an extra couple of days than planned.

I would have dismantled the wood and transformed torrents into portions that I could carry by myself, carrying heavy baggage to and from the transfer crystal.

In the evening, the slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators) also returned from the labyrinth. Just fine, so I told them to eat at Murowa today, too, and let Dender, Lorrick's combat slave, run to hold the store down.

Hehe, it's Vilheimer's old man.

I'll surround you with nearly thirty tonight.

You'll have to wash up and talk.

I don't think it's a big deal anyway.

Sometimes you want to drink Vilheimer's old man's scary face to a dish.

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