September 9, 7446.

"So, what can I do for you?

I'm borrowing out Murowa. I took a little nap so my head feels refreshed.

There are several tables in the store, but a table for four in the middle, where Vilheimer and Bath sit, and me and Carm (Carmine Michaus) sit across the street from them. There are other slayer (Slaters) members all gathered around, including combat slaves.

Naturally, I want everyone to put psychological pressure on me, but I say be strictly cautious about cursing and moving around. Being a nobleman, I don't like unproductive behavior, so I don't forget to check the signal from me or Carm to the point where we can all look at it. I can't believe we're making tea on the way out.

In the first place these two are leaders and sub-leaders of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), where the crying child also shuts up. It doesn't work for them, either, just as cheap threats don't work for me. The most effective thing would be to ignore it. Especially if you think we killers (Slaters) are "not aware of anything" and are indifferent to catching up with them.

So I said to everyone, "Just talk dumb with as much voice as we can talk about. I don't have enough problems laughing. But don't take a blatant ridiculous attitude either. Don't turn your attention to this one. Think of it as air," he says. Also, just in case Mizuchi sat in the corner and asked for a lie breakthrough (detecto rai) to make it less noticeable. Her surroundings let Engela and her two former knights solidify into slaves.

"Guine, why tea? Huh? Hiss too?

"Mm-hmm, somehow. Why don't you let Lar have some tea, too? Mizuchi, put some ice in it."

"Cold tea with ice is delicious too."

"Dender, Karim. He also worked well this time. You can eat with chiles."

"" Thank you. Your husband. ""

"... I mean Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz)"

said Vilheimer.

"I want you to tell me the date and time we last saw each other and the circumstances"

Bath supplemented.

I explained honestly without concealing one thing because it was nothing else to hide. That we met three afternoons ago in front of a seven-story mon room. And right after the start of the fight, Lotto (Rostal-Milstron) was suddenly knocked down and in crisis, so he politely tells them that we cut through with a helper knife that we were watching.

"So, what's that Mad Trent... so-so. You're using magic."

"I think it would have been tough if I hadn't kept you in tow at Mr. Al's Flames Lower."

"I let Flame Javelin in"

"It's the demon room on the north side of the seven floors... damn it, we need to break through the seven floors once and go the other way... damn it!

"Lot is dead..."

Bath said with a sinking look on his face. Vilheimer has the look of spitting evil and chewing up bitter bugs. You don't eat anything, by the way?

And tell them that they offered to accompany them to the crystal bars they had transferred to the seven layers, but they refused. Yes, I would have received an express guide fee if you had accompanied me. Seven floors x seven people x 100,000 Z (guide fee) x five (express rate). About 25 million Z is the lowest line. Seven stories would be worth our day or two. It's not expensive. They can pay for it.

Mm, I also feel like it's a pretty balanced and good pricing if you think about it this way around the seven layers.

"Jer, why don't we go to Luxor later?

"No, I won't... and Luxor is such a cheap place to go to get sick."

"Oh, I knew it? I asked the Hoogs Swordsman for a long sword last month, and I'm a little short on money."

"Then stop it honestly... Ah, Meath, why don't you go get a drink after this?

"Anyone else hurt?

Says Bath with a worrying look on his face again.

"Mr. Kirk and Mr. Barr have a little injury, and Mr. Rolle (Laurel Narzomelin) has a light stroke, isn't he? It didn't seem like a big deal."

While I was talking, Carm was scooping Balducky with a clear face and pouring it down his throat with bean tea. I also swallowed a kazot with plenty of calamari and drank bean tea. Tastes good.

"No, no. Where's Lutz?

"Isn't that a toilet?

"He's close to pissing. Four layers today."

"Stop while you're eating."

"What about Lot's body? Nh, nh!... you were only taking the demon stone?

said Vilheimer. It seems a little irritating. I am deliberately coughing up something.

"No, Mr. Barr was in charge of the body. His gear seemed to split up and carry away."

"Hey, what are you gonna do tomorrow?

"Um, it's bad for Kathy, but you want to put your face on the factory a little bit. I was thinking of something new with Larry when I heard from Mizuchi."

"Delicious one!?"

"Of course."

"Huh? What? New menu? Larry, have you eaten yet?

"No, we're still in the middle of something, Mr. Ginger."

"Admiral, shouldn't we proceed honestly here already?

I ear to Vilheimer as Bath looks a little worried. The volume of the voice also seemed a little louder because the area was slightly gay. I managed to hear it.

"Oh, you're pretty good with knives and forks, too."

"Well, as a slave head, I'm not going to scratch your husband's shame, Master Coroyll."

"... ku... shit, to this guy... hinder..."

"But the Admiral."

"I know..."

IHI, I don't know what it is, but watching Vilheimer's regrettable face makes me happy. Do you want to have fun? Looks like Carm has a face that says don't hunt him down too much.

I scratched my left cheek with my left hand (that's a signal to be quiet) and opened my mouth.

"Rest assured. I'm not drinking, and I take good care of my weapons."

My voice sounded slightly louder in Murowa's store, which suddenly became quiet.

This time, I forbade alcohol to a few guys I thought I needed it. What I really felt I needed was Mizuchi and Ghine, Zulu, Ghiberti, and Carm. Mizuchi goes without saying from the point of view of combat and magic. Guine also needs to know where she is in the labyrinth. Zulu is my slave-head, and he has power. I don't drink in the first place. Giberti should be there to a better extent considering the potential for strong work to occur in Zulu's complement. Carm is the leader of Old Daylight (Sun Ray) and, tentatively, a substantial slaughterer (Butchers) when there are no outsiders from the slayer (Slaters). Besides, it is also a testament to the fact that the slayer (Slaters) has firmly absorbed the old daylight (Sun Ray) and placed it firmly under his control.

"No... Kuku, this guy... how far... oh, already! Yes, request rescue of Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz)!

Vilheimer, distorted in the face, spat remorsefully.

"... Hmm? Why would you do that to me? Will the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) not work? Are you in a cooperative relationship with Black Yellow Balls?

I had predicted it might be a request for a Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) rescue with about half the possibility, but I was simply interested and wanted to ask what reasoning I would give. I'm mean, but I'm also willing to let you say it's because the Killers (Slaters) are better up there than the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood).


"Of course we're going to move, too. Mr. Greed, we're already ready. I just got word that I found the missing Lember (Lembar Colemain) in a private room in the Honey collection until the end. We're going to the labyrinth as soon as this is over."

After watching Vilheimer sitting next to him with a face like that, Bath said, clapping his shoulders. The Honey Collection, by the way, is the name of a whorehouse in Balduk fighting over one or two. He went on to

"Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) and I were in the labyrinth in turns. We always spent a day exchanging information with each other after one of them returned. Of course, I admitted a little back and forth about the schedule, but three days on the boulder... the limit. Running from now on, it will take another three days to get to the seventh floor. You'd be a little quicker, wouldn't you?

I said, and I saw Wilheimer's face again.

... rescue hey...

I should have joined Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) on the way back then. The scope of the search is quite limited. The destination from six to seven layers is less than about two hundred. More than half of them do not pass into the mon room. There's about twenty places leading to the mon room on the north side.

Looks like we've been rendezvous since the last time we used our route, and given the time we won't be back, it should be somewhere distant there. With accurate maps, we can count their crystal bars with one hand and narrow them down to the point where the change comes.

Indeed, Bath is right, we can enter the seventh floor on the evening of the second day, even if it's normal. I think it's possible to go into seven layers around midnight as we leave tomorrow morning if we cut the rest time to the limit. It would be quicker if I were alone.

If we hurry through the seven layers (if possible, it would be more efficient to move to the place leading to the mon room on the north side) and follow the vanished tip to break through the mon room on the north side again and return to the crystal rod where the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) have been transferred from the six layers...

"Don't you have something to say?

The fact that Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) is one of us is already broken. Though there will be words to say. “Please (Pleas)". And a guide fee. We can't just move because we're moving our members.

"Admiral, Greed, you seem like a prospect. If you keep your mouth shut, it's a bad impression."

"Shit... I can't help hiding any more if I already know. Yes, I was selling your information to His Majesty the King. With Red Andersen."

Hey, what!? That king (the old man), I was impressed with his ears, but he even used the top team (these guys) to suck up information! My voice leaks when I say "accidentally” from a slayer (Slaters) member as well.

I needed a lot of mental power to keep my expression from moving, too. Because of that, he was flying somewhere about Pleas and money.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with being leaked to the king. I'm not thinking of anything hostile, or talking to you about a plot. You only have that much information about how many layers you're going to at best, how much you seem to make, how much you seem to be fighting. It's not like I'm angry, but it's definitely not funny.

Carm elbows the table and makes one leg stick out of the table. From the guy who recognized it, in turn, all of the killers (Slaters) glanced at Vilheimer.

Although Vilheimer was stared at in unison and showed only a little color of agitation, he soon seemed to regain his self.

"I can't tell you that I can't pay you any more, and I can't help talking about it now. Pay 30M Z as a thank you for the rescue of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz). However, if Red, the leader, survives under absolute conditions, we have to achieve that reduction."

Oh, yeah. It's money. Kim, you can't afford a reduction. Express guide fees are a big rule to get your subjects out of the labyrinth alive. Vilheimer says, "If you'll take it, it's an advance," and stacks fifteen gold coins on the table. That's fancy.

But I've always thought these two teams were close... did they do the same thing? You know, I've been appealing to the coordination system lately without looking around, and it's been a long time since we've been friends, right? Still, I find it odd to give out a lot of money with Pong, but, well, no.

"Fine. Mizuchi, Ghine, Zulu, Ghiberti, Carm...... Hmm, I don't seem to be drinking, Ginger, Meath, Gel, Rolic. Get ready to go back to the inn and go to the labyrinth at once. Give out five (5) points of the Rescue Reward. Meet me at the entrance in an hour. Oh, Mizuchi, stay with me like this. Excuse me, Engela, Henry, Meck, go with Guineh to the Boyle Pavilion and get me and Mizuchi's gear, too. Go."

Giberti began to indulge in the dishes served. The extra food in Giberti's room is for a day, and if I can take it, I'm going to take it. Otherwise you'll be framed for putting your hands on the emergency food in the survival kit. I haven't made dry bread yet.

Bell started negotiating with Tris to hand over Balducky's inventory to Murowa's old man. Everyone who's been called by me but Giberti has been running out for a long time.

"So let me ask you something. A wooden pavilion is fine."

I left Murowa with the rest of the Ments drinking and looking a little remorseful.

Me and Mizuchi heard something a little unexpected when they put me through to Vilheimer's room in the wooden pavilion.

"Little known, but Red is the king's common son. The king is much younger than you are now... he's the first child I've planted at the time of the Knights' squire. It's pre-nuptial, so it's not public."

"Not to speak of an unpublished bastard, she only had her first daughter and she joined the Second Knights at the same time as an adult, but she didn't know about it until the time she was on the stage of taking up the reign of the Orthodox Knight," she said.

"I guess I was young and rebellious at the time. I guess I felt like I was being bewitched by my parents' seven lights. So I jumped out of the Knights on the verge of becoming an adventurer with my squire's younger brother, who had been serving my parents for a long time. No body."

"You've been in the labyrinth with me at one time. I belonged to the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) until he called in the familiar squire. About a year."

"Thanks to you, I remember being a king's dog, so I can't even tell you how great it is."

"I didn't fight anything. He just wanted to be independent."

"Flying out of the Knights seems to have had a bad break with the King and his parents for a while, but I guess we made up. Looks like there's been another connection for years."

"Never divulge this story. Only a small number of people know. You wouldn't bother to buy the king's unhappiness, would you? I also don't want to leave her alone and let her die and buy some unhappiness. I want to do something to help. I'll do anything for it. I'll keep my head down. Please, go rescue me. Even if we don't make it, we just want to collect the Demon Stone."

I listened only to him, and he dispersed early because it was also something that was being chased by time. They're going to the labyrinth with them, too. I confirmed later that Mizuchi didn't seem to be lying either. It should be noted that my information was requested by the King about two years ago, and he reported every time there was any movement, but as expected, it was not a big deal.

Mizuchi and I talked a little while between Mizuchi and the two of us, less than enough to make our way to the entrance square from the Kisho Pavilion.

"Hey, why do you, like him?

"Huh? Do I look like I like it?

"Oh. You seemed happy to go for cover when Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) entered the mon room three days ago."

"... well, I'm sure you don't hate it"

I think there's an opening between heaven and earth where “I don't hate” and “I like” and "I like”. You were laughing then.

"I thought you were looking at me a little bit back in the day... after thirty, I'm single"

What? Sora. Is he pathologically compassionate? I think I look a little strange. Mizuchi seemed to have overlapped his old self. But after thirty years, I can't believe I'm single. Nobles have enough to sweep and throw away. Because if you can't interest your own home as a new nobleman, life itself is easier because it's less taxing to stay as a pre-nuptial associate. The outside is bad, though.

Even if I marry someone other than the head of some aristocratic family right now (or someone who is determined to be the head in the future), the rank will have to be civilian (if I were the head, I would normally be the head of the famous Grid family, and if I was the head of the other family, I would be the corresponding rank) and pay 10% in addition to the luxury tax. Even your sister should be aiming for a squadron leader in the First Knights more than she failed to marry. As of the Horseman, it is certain that the civilian with the name of a servant of the Duke of Lomberto, the king, will prevail, but if he becomes Squadron Leader, he will become a Sergeant.

"Hey, don't be silly. Whatever you think, feel sorry for yourself, but don't like it."

"Oh, no! I'm not fooling around."

"I hope so."

"Princess Knight Red...... a little too much standing...... fuhi"

"What? What? Are you jealous?

Were you admiring the princess? Not to mention this guy's a good year, he's young now. Maybe that's what women are like.

"Hmm... you're a princess. You admire me? I can't do the princess, but a little better thoughts..."

"Shit, no! Nothing to admire!

Oh, my God, you're turning red.

You want to be a princess. Isn't that a little cute?

In the entrance square were not only the killers (Slaters), but also the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood). Me and Mizuchi wear the rubber protector we wore till noon again.

"Look, it's a forcible army. Repeat until transfer to a location of not more than ten kilometers. And I'm not walking. Basically all the demons that come out along the way are left to me and Mizuchi, Zulu. Everyone else focus on protecting Giberti and each other. Then, I don't pick demon stones, including the Lord in the room. I don't have much time. According to metastatic luck, the target is an hour to break through each layer. Rest is thirty minutes between each layer of metastatic crystal. We'll be on the seventh floor by tomorrow morning!

Everyone but Mizuchi and Zulu was out of line. And Guiney and Giberti.

"Hey, what's that side? Running for what? I told you it would be ten long courses at every level. When you're running, you're running twenty kilos."

I put my hand around my hips and looked around. Anyway, Guine would be tough on Giberti.

"All right, let's go!

"" "" Respond!! ""

That's a good reply.

Three layers, no, I'll pull you up to four.

Think again around there?

It would be one hand to put Mizuchi aside and get ahead with me and Zulu in charge of Guineh.

"All right, fifty-first minute. Thirty Minutes Break"

Some parties were resting among the more metastatic crystals, but they all exhaled loudly and fell asleep in the corner, knowing it was boring. The breaking distance is roughly eight miles. The time now is about 21: 20.

Literally all the monsters have either ignored it or kicked it and pushed it through. As soon as I discovered the monster in the back of the aisle with my appraisal vision, I was dashing with me and Mizuchi (if, of course, there was no trap between them) to clean it up. You don't have to use ice to figure out a layer or two.

Regardless of the monsters in the aisle from around the three layers, even icing to deal with the lord of the room...... can you handle it with attack magic?

10 Sep 7446

The time is zero: 30. The date also changed.

Everyone can't seem to hide their excitement that they've fallen through three layers of crystal bars in about four hours.

It should be noted that the gibberties went down, so Zulu and I alternated. Thanks to this, Giberti saw quite a recovery.


"Meath, can you go? If you can't seem to do it, you can say here," I can go! It's okay. "

I see.

Then why don't we go after the break?

You were watching her, and Jer and Lorrick are also inspiring.



And the night dawned at 5: 30 a.m.

We reached the crystal bars of the five layers of transfer.

It also gets hard to rush through the boulders when they are four or five layers.

The hidden doors where the zombies are hidden ran through all at once, but usually about as fast as they could get.

"That ice is outrageous."

Carm sighs and says.

"Oh, my God! Awesome!

Gel is also showing tiredness but can't hide his excitement. I can't help it. The monster that was summoned in the altar room, Sylvan Wolf, gave him about twice as much ice as five levels to stop eight.

"If you can use Cure All, to that extent..."

I said with a bitter laugh. I'm pretty tired of boulders, too. I don't even need acting to pretend to be the wind that uses a lot of magic.

"It's time to take care of magic. It's tough, isn't it?

Meath looks pretty bitter. I said as I fell into my bunk without even taking off my leather armor. But the feeling of another hard work, shows up on my face.

"Well, to that extent, you said it was an easy win. It's okay."

I said as I took off my helmet and removed the protector.

The next level is six, so I took a shower in turn and decided to take a break for about three hours.

At first, he showers the weary Guine, making sure she sleeps as continuously as possible.

Gel, Carm, Zulu, Mizuchi, Me, Ginger, Giberti, Rolic and Meath are next in line.

"Steady... big deal..."

"Oh, from now on... we were of little use"

"Me too... I only use spears to count after all..."

"By the time we caught up, the fight was over..."

Ginger and Carm blur.

Speaking of which, Lorrick was silent all the time because of his fatigue and thought he had been drinking water hanging out until just now, he was already snoring.

Yeah, well, we can't have an army of killers (Slaters) if we can't catch up.

Good luck with that.

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