10 Sep 7446

But, well, whatever it is, I could get here pretty well.

I'd say it's a pretty good pace to have traveled with a down gibbertie on my back along the way.

It is also significant that Zulu is wearing the leather armor he used to use.

This speed is not possible with metal belt armor (banded mails) drawn from a bouldering blade (Bright Blade).

And he stepped into the six layers just before 9: 00 a.m.

This time, the transfer occurred at a point of approximately seven kilometers to the crystal rod.

Quite lucky to pull this place in the first shot.

This would allow us to break into the seven layers in the morning sufficiently.

Until recently, these six layers have also passed through several times with Zenom and Mizuchi. Thought you wouldn't have so much of an aversion to the metastasis trap anymore, but the previous psychological burden doesn't seem to go away. Sure enough, if I saw a place in front of me where my buddies could be moved anywhere, it might be as if I even had trauma as they did.

The metastasis trap is horrible too, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm more afraid of monsters that suddenly show up and attack me like an ambush using that trap. I couldn't help but be vigilant. Therefore, it felt more like moving forward at a rate of early walking than “rushing through" even in this layer.

Mizuchi says, "Sure, it's a little late, but I'm getting through pretty quickly" hey... When was the last time we came together, we took a few minutes to get through each other. Still, I admit it's tremendous progress.

Usually it feels like it's time to stick to the wall by surprise, but this time I didn't mind those gingers and gels slowing down at all. When Guine looked at the map. I just showed him the way it was and said, "There's a transfer trap about three meters ahead of me from that slightly raised wall over there," but he walked straight along the wall and didn't change the pace at all.

I want to turn around to be vigilant (especially if a pig shows up nearby and gets stuck and hung up on a trap, it's tough), but I even put up with that. Even if we don't do this, they will remain forever traumatized and will only be able to twist with a bright blue face every time they cross the metastasis trap.

I thought it might have some effect on members with similar trauma if we let them overcome it here.

I don't even look at Ginger and Gel, who would be going blue and wading, and the pace of walking forward stays the same: "Leave the guy who lags behind. Go back if you can't. We can still get right back to the fifth floor here, and there's no demons. It won't take you five minutes to run," he said and proceeded. I don't even work with Carm, Meath or Lorrick trying to sue me for something.

Then both the worried ginger and gel came after me only slightly late. We're walking, too, and it's obvious because I know if we walk at the end of the aisle, we can get through without hanging from a trap. But it's a tremendous advance compared to when we used to dive into sunlight. It's a big deal.

Well, that's good.

We'll be on good alert next time.

But things were going well for the first thirty minutes or so, and then twice along the way, he was struck by a sudden appearance of Cave Boer. The first time Cave Boer appeared was on the front, so he and I stopped at Zulu while receiving Mizuchi's magical support. But the second time was from the rear. Gel and Meath were at the rear of the line at that time, but their luck seemed a little bit better. The moment Cave Boer showed up, Giberti was just turning to give them a snack baldukki.

I was surprised, but calm down and stick to the wall and say, "Back!" Thanks to Giberti, who shouted, he was able to cut through without injuring anyone here, thanks to the work of a gel who sheltered Meath and slammed a pig.

It was about eleven in the morning that we arrived between the central metastatic crystals, without any major trouble and without the appearance of the powerful enemy Quad Hand Ape or the Lord of the room. The Lord's Cave Great Boer in the halfway room was able to deal with everything by me and Mizuchi exploring the position and number from outside the room with life sensing (detecting life), entering the room and viewing it, and using attack magic to hurt my leg.

Carm and I both seem to think that Mizuchi and I are terribly sharp.

In addition, there appears to be some untrained missed six-story room master class demon stones (which can be sold at roughly 150,000 to 250,000 Z per unit). Naturally, there are untrained even for me. I want to collect them all. It would all be more than a million z......

"It's a thirty minute break. It's your last break, so get some rest. Prepare only Balducci for Giberti. Yeah, just line up in a frying pan."

Everyone is resting in silence. Giberti also began adjusting his belt when he received his back from Zulu, who had kept his back. Multiple injuries are also assumed this time, so he also goes to the seventh level. Injured people aren't the only ones carrying wings, though.

Of course, the Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) camp was in the same condition that morning.

Looks like we haven't gone wrong.

"Right here. Finally."

On the seventeenth transfer, it was possible to transfer to the place leading to the mon room on the north side.

The north mon room is about six kilometers away.

You have to break through the north mon room once to get to those who moved here before, but the Augamage room can get through without a fight by moving along the wall.

Thirty more minutes since I got here. It hurts to have wasted time, but bad luck with the transfer has to break through any mon room other than the north, and also between the seven layers of metastatic crystals, and again through the mon room on the north side. I'm sure it's the fastest way to turn out, but I guess I'm in a hurry.

"Okay, Zulu back to the right with me in the lead, Lorik back to the left, Jer back to the right of Zulu, Ginger back to the left of Lorik, Ghine behind me, and Ghiberti behind it. Behind the gibberties are Carm and Meath. Mizuchi is attached at the end. The interval is five meters. Make this basic. Let's go."

Run out for a few minutes.

I've suddenly thought of something.

Mon on the north side, if we move a little over the room, why don't we go ahead and make a loud noise with the Audible Glamour sorcery?

I also feel that if the aug in the aisle hears that sound, it will come close to something. If the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) are camping somewhere, or waiting without moving due to injury, you may notice reinforcements. Even if not, it would make sense to just possibly be able to divert the attention of the aug from the black yellow balls (Black Topaz).

Gel and Meath opposed me when I paused the move and told everyone that so that I wouldn't suddenly use it to surprise everyone. Don't use magic to that extent. They wanted me to keep it warm for the fight against the Auga. On the contrary, Carm, Ginger and Lorrick agreed with me.

"Gel, Meath. Well, watch. Greed, if you say so yourself, you'll be fine."

"Look at the other killers (all). You look fine."


Ginger and Carm said with their mouths together, and Lorrick said nothing in particular.

"You guys, what have you been listening to at the meeting? If you've been listening to reports of killers (Slaters), you should be aware of that, right?

"That's right. You said Lar, too, right? Greed, I've never seen you mean it."

What? Are you kidding me, what have I ever seen, that fucking kid!

You looked so insignificant and not serious!?

I've fought for real many times. Even when I was in the sunlight, I meant it when I was the last Augamage opponent. There were injuries to the slayer (Slaters) and I couldn't afford them. I mean it all the time.

You think you're serious about jumping into a series of powerful sorceries like you've never seen, or a cannonless gun. Or cancer, that idiot. You can't seriously and desperately wear it. You don't come out without such a kid in mind. If you think you're serious about dying crazy, giving it all up, squeezing all your spirits and fighting, you're a soldier for life.

Then I've fought desperately before. I was desperate and desperate when I dusted the vampire, I was insane at the death of full force, and even the amount of magic I used for witchcraft is a good place to behave. What do you say without thinking about it as desperate?

That said, listen up again......

Ralpha's not that dumb, either.

I guess I'm doing everything I can to make it right.

I don't know, because it sounds like 'Initial School High School'. I don't know much about it.

I guess I have a brain miso so I don't have to be feathery to desperate and give it all my strength and squeeze my whole body to fight. Horned bears when I was a kid, vampires since I came to Balduk, and dugeisers. I don't want to fight that critical battle again.... as long as you keep diving into this labyrinth even if you do, you could continue to fall into similar situations.

Sometimes in the labyrinth, a monster ambush will put the party at a disadvantage. It is conceivable that it will be subjected to powerful monsters that could not have been anticipated or to massive raids. Gel or Mizuchi, but if the members of my party were in crisis, it would be then again that I would be desperate to give my full strength and squeeze my whole body into battle.

"What's going on?

I guess I even looked strange. Mizuchi called out.

"No, it's nothing..."

"Anyway, neither Jer nor Meath will tolerate the opposite. Follow the leader."

I don't know if you noticed my face (maybe it doesn't matter). Carm told Jer and Meath to piss off. Yeah, I missed it because I'm not in battle, but this is the middle of seven layers that wouldn't be weird no matter how nervous it would normally be.

"The seven layers (here) are bright, so they have good prospects, and if you're properly alert, you won't be in such an easily ambushed shape. Mizuchi should not fail to be on all perimeter alert. Let's go."

I just called and hurried ahead.

The mon room on the north side also fell out by moving along the outer circumference and traveled to the entrance where I had previously met Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

As far as I can tell, so far, there's nothing unusual about it.

Mon, other than when I left the room, I rushed here, so the time is a little past lunch.

"Rice later. Let's go."

From the mon room we went into the woods about a hundred meters or more down a wasteland passage.

There must be about one hundred fifty meters of forest.

Maybe there's an orga somewhere in this forest.

There's no way you can get away with it if you hook up with my life sensing.

The moment I sensed it, I dashed all I could toward the orga, and before anyone but Zulu could catch up, I saw it like before. I slaughtered it with enemy specials.

If the number is more than three, I can use magic, but if it's less than two, I can start with a sword.

Once through the woods, the meadow continues for about 100 m.

Ahead is the woods again.

I set as far away a perimeter as I could as a goal and used the magic of Audible Glamour.

The seven-story aisle is quite wide, and although the ceiling is very high, it is in the end tunneled.

Wouldn't the sound of magic reach quite far?

A loud bursting sound echoes through the seven-layer aisle.

An audible glamour would be sufficient if used every five hundred meters.

It's just an idea.

In less than a mile, you will be able to reach the divide to the metastatic crystal, where the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) have been transferred to the seven layers.

We arrived at the divide about enough time.

Nothing has changed so far.

I also slaughtered all the augs I met.

Since the boulder has an amount of money, I spare the demon stone of Auga, but you can rescue the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) and then return slowly to collect them.

Probably, the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) that broke up with us were responsible for the bodies of our people, and we'll have some precautions for monsters, so the pace of progress will be slower than usual.

Isn't it like two hours from the mon room so far?

Speak up to Guineh and reiterate that this is indeed likely to lead to the metastatic crystals that Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) have been transferring.

That's when Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) apparently defeated Auga's body on the outbound road, and found it a little more from a monstrous neighborhood.

There are three confirmed metastatic crystals at the end of this divide.

The black yellow balls (Black Topaz) should have transferred from one of them and were about to proceed towards the metastatic crystals they used.

We found traces of camp (camp) less than two kilometers from the first divide.

It's a place with a nice rock by the aisle wall.

I guess I revealed the night here that day.

This is what happens when the number of people goes down, holding the body and alerting the monsters?

There have been several tracks of battle so far on the road, but I'm pretty sure the demon stones were removed from Auga's body, so it's not a dispute between Auga.

No, I don't know because I've never seen Auga compete with each other.

You only saw me wearing goblins.

It is not clear whether it is a battle on the outbound route of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) or a battle on the return route.

Then about a mile.

As a killer (Slaughters), the closest thing to the Mon Room to the next two miles or so, I plugged into a super lucky "hit" split to the metastatic crystal.

"There won't be any here" because it's too close to the boulder, but if the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) had been wiped out on the way back, it would be ants.

I have to check.

I did a careful investigation to where there was supposed to be a metastatic crystal (not that we used it, so I can't see it and I won't touch it), but I just smashed Auga and Goblin to death.

There are only a few stops ahead.

Return on the dash to the earlier divide to move further.

There are several divides on the road, but everything is over there.

In disillusionment, it was thought that there would be no investigation (mapping) ahead of the divide leading to the unknown on the way back to the ground with the body.

Ignore all those divisions and run about two miles again.

I use Audible Glamour on a regular basis, of course, and I use it on Mizuchi and Guineh.

The time for them to concentrate on their magic is the break.

And I plugged into the split path to the metastatic crystal again.

The metastatic crystal is about 1.5 kilometers from here.

This is also a good place to “hit”.

No anomalies were found on the road from the divide.

I went back and found another trail of camp around a hundred meters away.

Surprisingly, there were signs of spitting blood.

I didn't think it had progressed much, but it looks like there have been additional injuries.

Did you get hurt in the battle with the resurrected Auga?

I don't know who it is, but it sounds like a major injury that can't even be healed by a magic user who told Andersen, Kirk, and Lol about Marin.

If you fought, you would have used attack magic, and it would have taken you a while to recover.

Even if you're in charge, the speed of travel will be considerably slower.

The tracks of the battle on the road are still starting to mix with the bodies of brand new orgasms as well.

They were working pretty hard.

He also found traces of the camp three miles ahead of him.

Now we are certain that we lived until last night.

I guess I managed to get this far with vigilance holding the body of Lot, a large package.

Maybe he was taking a break from every fight to restore his magic.

Here we finished a little late lunch early with soba noodles and balducky.

It was a slower walk than I imagined.

Makes me feel considerably more alert because not only have I struggled in the mon room, but I have also struggled with the augs who have begun to resurrect on my return journey.

According to Guine, the final candidate's metastatic crystal is seven minutes away.

They are leaving for the seventh floor before 5: 00 that morning.

It was around evening that I went through the seventh and eighth floors and met us in the second circle.

If the outbound battle with the Auga was going well, and they weren't even hooked up to the mon room and going well, their transition crystal would still be the final candidate.

Travel speed is slow, and I might need another night.

"I know you're worn out for this minute, but you're gonna live."

"Otherwise I'm in trouble. There's a commission on it."

Meath and Jer are saying that, but they haven't failed to be on perimeter alert with serious eyes.

"Absolutely... Whatever the money is, you'd better live, wouldn't you?

Lorrick barges in with a frightened voice, but he seems to think it's a joke.

"What do you like to say? I have the strength to come up to seven levels. It would be more helpful if you were dead... but if you were, you'd get a reduced commission..."

Ginger blurred with a troubled voice.

"Don't slap me for nothing. Come on, one more breath. Let's go."

Mizuchi scolds everyone like that.

We discovered the camp's tracks again about four miles away.

Now you will be certain that you lived until last night.

On the road so far, it has become a corpse that has not begun to rot to the extent that it appears to have gone through several battles and is dry of blood.

"It should be about three more miles. Let's hurry."

Take Guine's word, everyone runs.

And by the time I was walking through the woods along the way, life reactions were sensed on my life senses (detect life) leading the way.

The number is two.

The distance is about two hundred meters away because it's pouring in MP and (though still less than it should be) extending twice as far.

Try it again in a row and it looks like it's moving toward us.

Unlike [troop formation (partisation)], you're not user-friendly.

Is it an orga?

It still is.

It pops out of the depressed and lush woods.

Almost at the same time, I also pop out into a meadow-like place where grass grows as tall as a waist that spreads ahead of the woods open.

I saw two orgasms running toward this one.

Finish one with a stone arborest missile.

Another shot, stone arborest flew by my side where I thought.

I felt slightly off track toward the aug trying to avoid it.

It's the same stone arborest missile as me.


I only looked back once at the moment I thought so and said, "Hurry!," he exclaimed, beginning a dash of full speed.

That orga would be a reconnaissance.

Did you notice the audible glamour and come to see how it went?

It sucks.

The fact that there is an orga between Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) and...

Even in the best of circumstances......

No, now stop thinking.

We should hurry as soon as possible.

Running through the side of a fallen orga.

Hurry up.

I ran through the meadows and into the woods ahead.

Immediately use Life Sense.

There was a reaction as expected.

The number is eleven.

The distance is a little over 100m away.

There must be seven survivors of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) because Lot is supposed to be dead.

Can you still make it?!?

"I'm here to help!

Raise your voice from the bottom of your belly.

I hope you heard me.

""... whoa!

"... ahh!

"... Keteh!

All right.

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