10 Sep 7446

I wasn't even sure if it was Andersen's sister's voice, but I felt like I heard a woman's voice coming, so I felt a natural smile zero.

"Come on now!

Shouting like that slightly modifies the direction by aiming at the area where the vitality was sensed earlier.

It flows behind me like the trees in the woods fly.

He jumps over a small rock about the height of his chest and runs again at the same time as he lands.

Is the gap between the trees about 70-80m away?

I felt like I could see the back of an orgasmic monster.

The vegetation of the trees is thick and the overall picture of the population is still unclear.

Hurry up.

No matter what you think, Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) is at a disadvantage.

Hurry up!

I should slow down a little bit because it would be bad if even the little stone in the weed took my leg.

But now leave your luck to heaven and run unobstructed as nothing without weeds or pebbles!


There was a woman screaming.


A voice that sounds like it belongs to an ogre at about the same time.

I can feel the color of winning somewhere.

Hurry, hurry!

Damn it!

Sweat's in my eyes!

I've been traveling since last night and I'm pretty sweaty too.

Is it too hydrated?

Wipe the sweat flowing with your left hand and run without slowing down.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!!

"Gap! Goazo!

"Gorgeous! Good gibbet!

You'll see me desperate now.

I can see it!

About twenty meters away, there is a place where the trees have opened somewhat.

Seems like the sesame grass is growing.

Turn your back here and stand on one knee. There's an orga standing somewhere.

This guy is the closest.

Just ahead of him, there's still one guy sitting on the ground with his back to this one as well.

About five meters away, there are two back of an orga that makes fun of you with a stick in your hand.

And beyond that is the shadow of a member of Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz).

There are only three of them standing and seeing their upper body from the weed.

Behind it, two orgasms seemed to be teasing black yellow balls (Black Topaz) as well.

I don't think it's the right number, but I don't even have time to check it now.

The Augs don't seem to notice me yet, but it will be a battle against time at the same time as their actions. When I hid my body in the trunk of a tree about 10 m behind me, I thought slightly about when I would clean it up.

I wanted to use Chain Lightning with a large amount of MP, but the positioning relationship is poor.

He butched Stone Catapult into the middle of his throat and let him die instantly, the back of the guy on the left side of the Auga standing with his back to this side.

Immediately clumsy (fumble) sorcery against the guy on the right.

I was sitting back in a hurry trying to look back, ignoring the aug and hanging a firewall that extended the effect time in front of them for traction to the back aug.

It is a flaming wall about 20 m wide and 3 m high that runs from the passage wall to the wall.

I've folded it five times.

Do you think the depth of the flame is 1m?

This will be fine for a while.

The augs in the back, the augs in front, then a surprise voice rises from the black yellow balls.

Now the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) and the aug in the back should have been separated.


Between the back of his head and neck, the guy closest to him and standing on one knee was distracted by the flaming wall, poking his sword at the basin.

The sword didn't go for it, he stabbed it with a hard hand.

All of a sudden I got my sword from behind. Auga was frightened.

Nevertheless, he gripped the foregrip with his left hand for more strength and pierced a breath.

Must be the tip of the sword popping out of Auga's mouth.

I guess I could have destroyed the medulla oblongata.

It looks like the strength fell out of my body as soon as I trembled through the august.

Quickly pulls out the sword, notices me, and rushes toward the other one trying to get up.



He slammed the gunbed into his nose and ran through it, advancing to the guy who had earlier hung the clumsy (fumble) sorcery.

The height of the sesame grass seems to be low around this guy, about 20-30cm.

I'm looking at this one with a surprised face.

I can't seem to get my hands on a stick in a hurry.

"Whoa, whoa!

He thrust the sword on his right flank, quickly pulling it out, lowering his posture as he rotated right, rotating the sword so that the tip of the gun handle hit him and poking him behind his right knee.

Disfigured, kicked the back of the orga with the stick removed full of force, one, two or three compressed empty blades (air blades) so that if you immediately put your left hand on your back, you could step on your foot and even hold onto the stick. Thanks to this, the gloves on my left hand were dirty with the blood of an orga.

He immediately takes it back and jumps back into the weed, which is about a metre high, facing the crushed orga on the tip of his nose.

Auga sat back and swirled the stick in her right hand in an unexpectedly quick move, even though she was crushed on the tip of her nose.

Stay away from the detour of a stick that swings horizontally against a boulder.

Anyway, I swung it around with force as if there was no such thing as a weed.

Say Dobba, so much so that the grass made a sound as if it was a small explosion and the front of the orga opened in fans.

Auga does not try to get up in good shape, but holds a stick in a position where she remains on one knee.

Sometimes I'm just good at white soldier warfare on boulders.

You would have eaten my attack on your leg or around your lower abdomen if you had continued the motion of standing up like that.

We have to be cautious with guys like that.

Looking at me watching how it was, Auga looked like she was sneering and laughing (straw) when she licked her nosebleed.

I suppose you'll think of me as a similarly easy-to-give chick with black yellow balls (Black Topaz) compared to an ogre.

"" Glee doh!

A voice of joy rises from the direction of the black yellow balls (Black Topaz).

Shut the fuck up and watch! My power to lead a true top team!

The ends of my lips catch on.

I'll decide next time!

Put the auger under the cover of the helmet, slightly lower the position, and take the push again.

When he tries to get up, it's a battle.

The wall of flames still holds loose for more than a minute.

Auga wants to see my gap and get up.

I deliberately want to see a gap and aim to get up.

That said, they would spot it as a trap if it was too obvious.

Weaving both sides of the feint, I moved to draw a circle around the orga.

Auga shows a move to try to restrain it.

The black yellow balls (Black Topaz) seem to be hanging by their wounded buddies, but a few showed signs of approaching me.

I guess I'll say cover.

Shall I use it?


I measured the timing and tried to move on.


At that time, a lion tribe (Lios), who had rushed in like a disease with a roar, had his sword slashed from side to side into the head of an orga.

With a large sword blade stuck in it until the middle of his skull, Auga was desperate.

Zulu kicked the auga, pulled out his sword, and looked at me like he was asking for directions.

Showcase retrieval.

I guess Mizuchi ordered me to do it too.

"There are two in the back of the flame. Line up!

I ordered Zulu to smile bitterly and stood between the wall of flames and the black yellow balls (Black Topaz), ignoring those who approached me for my cover.

And then one killer after another (Slaughters) arrived on the battlefield.

It's not the number of two remaining orgasms or anything else.

Everyone seems to be using a lot of strength and snagging, but there are times when they just work out on boulders from time to time.

He makes good moves that seep tiredness into his expression but are still crisp.

I won't have a problem leaving it to you.

"Gu...... thanks. Thank you again for your help."

"Well done for coming."

"Ugh, I thought I couldn't do it anymore..."


"Huh? That helped...?

The surviving black yellow balls (Black Topaz) have spoken out of gratitude when they understand that the danger has left.

But there were two other deaths besides the lot.

It's Gary (Gary Bagmire) and Marine (Marine Luckma).

No one was intact, headed by Kirk (Kirk Dunkel), the half-dead injured subleader, even among the five surviving.

The leader, Andersen, also had an open fracture in his left arm, and Roll (Laurel Narzomelin) had also broken his right leg.

Barr, who looks relatively minor, also looks pale and has four broken ribs, and Vix (Vickens Balchemy) had a pretty bad bruise.

I left the treatment to Mizuchi and Guineh, Meath and Rolic, and spoke to Andersen.

He said he could have spent the first day of his life right after he broke up with us.

The problem is the next day.

Though Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), who came to the seventh floor and first met a group of three Auga, except for the Mon Room, managed to defeat Auga, Marin is seriously injured here.

I got to devote a lot of time and magic to her treatment.

Of course, the injured are in addition to her.

We also had to leave some leeway to fight the Auga, and it was difficult to inject magic into the healing only.

Still, Marin had once taken his life, and the atmosphere still seemed bright, pushing back what he had made quite a bit of money on the seven layers.

That night, Marin threw up a lot of blood and it turns out her guts weren't healing.

At Andersen's discretion, he decided to give priority to healing magic on Marin.

Thanks to this, I was able to return to my state of well-being.

At this point, the sorcerer had not yet suffered major injuries, except for Marin.

Furthermore, Andersen suggested pulling the demon stone out of Lot's body to make him a little lighter, but he refuses to do so because of the opposite of all the party members.

The Viscount Andersen family is not so wealthy, nor is the territory so great.

As Vilheimer's old man said, Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) are all from the same town except for Marin, and that's twenty and thirty years, many of them dating since childhood.

Each other's parents and brothers are just familiar with each other, and younger members are just the kind of guys who have even had older members change their amusements.

I guess it was a statement that I was quite prepared and determined to make as Andersen, but at that time he even said he was disapproved and horrified.

Kirk and Barr took turns taking charge of Lot's body, and Marin decided Gary and Vicks would take turns.

Naturally the speed of travel is considerably slower.

And less vigilant eyes.

He managed to get through the next day, but there were more injuries to the boulders, and the healing of the sorcerer was a priority.

Because magic cannot be used and magic is wasted if the sorcerer remains injured.

Marin hasn't recovered enough to use magic yet.

And the next day (yesterday).

Even though there was a struggle this day, I managed to get through it.

If you proceed with caution, you can return to the metastatic crystal in a day or two.

Though somewhat injured, he's a first-rate adventurer.

If it's about two augs, I can handle it.

Even if the three of them are opponents, there will be no sacrifice.

By this time, Marin, who had been hung with healing magic many times, could not use magic either, but had recovered to the point where he could walk alone with a spear instead of a cane.

However, it is still apparent that walking rather than fully healed is finally possible, and in other situations where the injured person is present, the fight of the august opponent was tough.

More people get hurt again.

Marine also says magic can be used, but if there are other seriously injured people out there, the magic of healing has to be broken over there.

Even more overnight today.

Black yellow balls (Black Topaz) attacked by a group of five orgasms in this forest are driven into battle defense.

Though sticky for quite some time, at some point the number of augs had increased by three more.

Kirk, the key subleader of the avant-garde you can count on, was also rendered powerless, and Gary was also desperate with a stick on his head.

Marine, who was squeezing his power to form a wax, was also attacked and killed because of fatigue or where he lost his balance.

Everyone was full of creativity, and Auga was up to playing with black yellow balls (Black Topaz).

The Augs were playing with them, almost losing their resistance, keeping the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) to a point where they didn't bother to kill them.

When it lasted thirty minutes and was about to be dominated by despair, I heard something bursting in the distance.

Two of the orgasms were ordered to see what was going on, but they left the line.

But in the meantime, I realize that Andersen and Roll are audible glamour sounds.

Is it the Killers (Slaters) or the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood) who come here?

It is natural to think of the return as a slow and paralyzed green group (Verdegli Brotherhood), but there is no way to tell this one where he is.

But I can't give up hope.

Sticky for a little while and bet on a slight possibility.

I showed up where I was desperate to resist.

You looked like a messiah, didn't you?

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