Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode One Hundred Ninety-Eight: Black Yellow Jade 7

10 Sep 7446

Anyway, it is good to say that the rescue of Red Andersen, the leader of this purpose, Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), was a success.

They have also recovered considerably from the healing witchcraft of members of the Killers (Slaters). Of course it is close to the minimum, and the pain would still be quite there. Except for that, however, it can be said that there is no longer any obstacle to action to the extent of walking.

"Well... first of all, I would like to express my condolences to the deceased. I apologize for not being able to rescue you in time. I'm really sorry for all of you. but don't let it get you down"

I do feel sorry for you. It didn't mean he didn't know anything about it.

But it's someone from another party. It's also an employee of another company who came to threaten our pioneering business district. Still, I need a social dictionary.

"But whatever it is, I'm relieved you're still alive, Mr. Andersen. By the way, we'll take the Magic Stone of the Auga here."

"Of course. It's your battle."

He turned it into a reply by clapping his shoulders and smiling niggardly, and ordered everyone to collect demonic stones.

Mizuchi and Karm are waiting beside me. Carm said something. I do, but I understand what she's trying to say, how it feels. Gently raise your left hand to control the calm. No matter how much, you can't admit it.

This time he entered the labyrinth at the request of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), but naturally for completion, it is not a request of a character that can be promised or otherwise. Fifteen hundred and five hundred in advance, and only thirty million z. when it's done. It's a lot of money, but if you get shipwrecked in the mountains in Japan, they're gonna charge you a lot of money from the hunting club and the local youth club that drove you out on the search.

It is also possible that Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) will come to us with a new request to "save ourselves," but we should not take this. If you don't want to die, pay for it, you shouldn't say it if you're not really willing to kill it. It's a double charge.

I just made it to the Kerms, and this time they're promising a 5% reward for the asking fee, and it's natural to make an incremental effort, but it's about bad adventurers (yakuza) who do it until they bend the point. Especially since it's not funny to be honest about getting seven layers roughed up. There's no better layer (floor) than this if you're going to make money. You don't get treasure without an altar. Whoa, can't you deny the possibilities I get just because I don't know? I've never tried mining or anything.

I guess it's because I know it wasn't much to think about or much to be praised for in Orth's common sense. Looks like Carm honestly gave up too.

"Can you wait a little while until the demon stone is collected? And you're not hungry? There are some preserved foods, though. Oh, of course, I'll pay for it. You can have one Orga Demon Stone. What do you say?"

I guess their food situation was getting pretty bad after all. I heard a sawdust and spit swallowing from a member of the Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) holding back behind Andersen. Well, unless you cross a critical line, you don't eat man-shaped monsters or your buddies' meat.

I'm sorry to say this so many times, but what I don't want you to get me wrong is that Aus doesn't have a culture such as cannibalism or cannibalism. Rather repelled. Sometimes the skin is tanned and used, but it is not eaten. Assuming there was a culture like eating, I think I would categorically reject a humanoid monster that said orgasm, oak, or goblin as long as I had other foods that were dyeing the oath.

I just think there's something wrong with my mind about eating monkeys and human-shaped monsters in a world where farming can grow wheat and other cereals in the first place. You don't have to know if it's an emergency evacuation, it's too primitive hunting brain.

Me and Mizuchi, I'm gonna take that shitty preserved food out of Carm's survival kit. The water bottle was then also filled with hot water and dried meat was added to the soup.

"As you can imagine, we've come to your rescue directly from the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood)"

"I thought you didn't.... Take me to the metastasis crystal to the six layers. And this."

Andersen took one demon stone out of the bag he lowered to his waist when he sighed. Look at the status to make sure it belongs to Auga. I'm getting paid to do a good job.

"Got it. I'll take care of it."

I offered him some preserved food and soup. The members of the slaughterer (Butchers) who said Ginger, Meath and Gel, who started Carm, who was next door, picked demon stones but still watched how this one looked, also seem satisfied. Eight hundred thousand z.o.g. demon stones make a lot of money from a nine-meal preserved meal. The same way Mt. Fuji's coke is expensive.

Buddha's face also up to three degrees. One day five layers. Uncurse. This previous Auga Mage room. It would be enough if I served you three times. Oh, did you help me when I took in the sunlight? Besides, I used to hear a bit of a good story among the more metastatic crystals. And it would be over my loan, and even if you paid me this much, I wouldn't be able to hit a bee.

Talk to Andersen, who is somewhat pale, whether he has arrived comfortable by eating and drinking like he is greedy.

"The metastatic crystals you used are definitely around the corner, right?

"That's right."

Andersen answers as he twists his hard-baked biscuits.

"I'll send you that far. Balducki is available between the six layers of metastatic crystals. You can eat right away, or you can stay back on the ground. But..."

"I know. The Greens are here, too, aren't they?

"That's what I hear."

Maybe, even if it's going pretty well, it'll be good and four-layer by now. I think it's still three layers if I predict.

"When did you get in?

"The Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) should have been last night"

"Yes, you are... No, fine. You'll be depressed to hear it...... Then I'll leave someone in a room with five layers of metastatic crystals."

The collection of demonic stones is also over, and Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) says they will give out as much as Z1 million per person about transporting the body. As for Gary and Marin's bodies, Zulu and Giberti were to carry them. Sometimes Barr has recovered considerably for the lot where the corruption began, and he carried it.

Finish conserved food and soup snacks sequentially from those who are free. This is because we decided that we would not have this body on the boulder until we rested in this place for about five hours, combined with some major pauses.

Two more. Seven layers is pretty easy to walk in, unless we're a place with a lot of familiar members and tall grass like this surrounding us, so it's no problem to go to a metastatic crystal if you have a midway fight or a small hour's walk. There is also the hand of moving forward a little without rest. However, I have been able to secure the Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) for a single purpose, only to consider the possibility of losing my mind.

"I'll keep an eye on you at first. You must be tired, and you rest."

Mizuchi offered to thank me, but I want to keep my watch in at least two places. I mean, me and you still have enough room left to say that. Be patient.

Sitting on a branch of a tree a little further away, I stood on one knee so I could jump out at any time and be on perimeter alert, and Carm approached me softly.

"Thanks for letting me make money"

You're welcome.

"I need to take it when I can. Better get some rest now..."


Calm leans against the trunk of the tree with her back to me as she replies halfway.

"Hey, Mr. Gried."


"This time, I thought again, how much physical strength do all the killers (Slaters) have?

What answers did you give to Carm, who told you like he was scared? He's about two general medicine squadrons I'm seriously training. It won't even reach the regular "R (Ranger)" of Winter Warfare (CWCT) "Troop r (Ranger)" on a boulder. I've never let you go crawling or highport walking.

"I finally got to follow you... You pulled my leg."

If you know what I mean, it made plenty of sense. If it was just us, no, it would have been much faster if it was just me.

"This is just my opinion..."

Yes, I foreshadowed it and looked down at Carm's knob.

"Adventurers should be able to do a lot of things by themselves. But I think the basics are running. It's about being able to keep moving as long and as tight as possible. It's a short break to move on. It's not a big deal compared to being able to handle swords and spears well, being familiar with traps, or being able to use some sorcery."

"You've heard of it..."

Because I've told you before. I've told you so many times to get smoked trying to get me to shut up.

"So is magic. Techniques for attacking magic are important. But how short it can take to activate... it doesn't make sense if you can't fire when you need to, even if you're good at hitting enemies. All you have to do is intimidate me if I don't hit you. Of course I never got past hitting it then. Even Calm doesn't shoot all the time trying to hit a bow, right?

"... I've been shooting at you with the intention of hitting you..."

Oh, yeah... I think it's the right thing to do.

"I just want to say that it's more important to put him in a position where he can shoot right away. You can't always afford to shoot in a favorable position. I just think it's more important to move fast and shoot fast."

"Yes... I'll give you a break too"

With that said, Carm went back to everyone. What I'm saying is more for soldiers than adventurers.

After that, only two battles were fought against the Auga during the period up to the metastatic crystal, and the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) safely moved to the six layers. While we recovered the demon stone from Auga's body, we took a short break to follow the original path and returned to the six layers using the central metastatic crystal. Of course, the Augamage room bypassed the outer perimeter, avoiding the fight. It's not that I didn't want to show the Carms the fight, it's because I'm really tired and I didn't like to concentrate any more on my spirit to use magic.

The balduckies I had prepared for the six layers were firmly gone. They said they would leave one in five floors and wait for the arrival of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood). We don't want to be a bed of dirt in this labyrinth either, we want to lie in a proper bed in the inn.

It didn't take long enough to get back to the ground, so I decided to go back without a break.

On the fifth floor, Barr, exhausted of his soul, fell asleep round the corner of the room, so he quietly cast a spell of transition to keep him awake. I just smiled a little bit because there were a few untouched balduckies beside him.

When I got back to earth, it was already just past midnight or the time when the sky was starting to whiten. Asking the Knights of Balduk, who escorts the labyrinth's taxpayers, if Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) has returned safely,

"I hear you all rescued him. No, it's a big deal."

He said, so we could all laugh knowing that the mission had been successfully accomplished.

Because at this point the payment of special remuneration of 30 million Z. 5% and one and a half million Z. to everyone but slaves was decided. A million and a half million in less than a day's time would be delicious.

Also, for Demon Stone, the total amount sold would be close to Z 20 million (the business hours of the “Demon Prop Dunhill” I always use were long past). It's less than 400,000 Z here because it's 2% of the killer (Slaters) treatment. Together, it would be a calculation that could have knocked out nearly two million Z's of money overnight. I'm glad you made over 35 million dollars overnight, even for me.

At the corner of the entrance square, the battle slaves, starting with Engela, were also waiting for us to return. They came running right over, and they were delighted with the success of the mission. Huh? What? You guys have been waiting since last night? Right. Thank you for your hard work. But Engela. You, you let the senior wind blow and force everyone to stay up all night, didn't you? You all look tired and sleepy. I won't show you my disgruntled face because it's in front of me.

"I'm happy to feel it, but from now on, I don't have to worry about waiting that long. Unless I ordered it."

So they also decided to invite him to dinner. Jess, the youngest of the slaves, ran off to inform everyone of our return.

When I went straight to Murowa without changing clothes, I ate and drank a lot and left without much time. Because fatigue was really sleepy at its limits too. After returning to the Boyle Pavilion, I tried to fall asleep without even staying, but for some reason Mizuchi was involved. Go to sleep, already. I want to sleep, too.

"... glad it wasn't what I expected... but..."

Am I?

"Hey, do it"

It's almost dawn. Give me a break.

"Quiet, huh?


11 Sep 7446

Back from the morning run (surprisingly, all the members of yesterday were in the run) and Kirk from Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) had come to the inn as a use. Andersen says he wants to see you. He wants to have dinner with me.

The Green Corps (Verdegli Brotherhood) should pay for us. And they won't be back yet. They thank me when I help them, and I have nothing to settle for. I don't need it for black yellow balls (Black Topaz) anymore. There shouldn't be any over there. When I asked him wondering, he said, "Still want to thank you properly".

It can't be that much said and denied. But I didn't know that Andersen's sister was so polite. Of course, she's a nobleman, and she's educated in the Knights, so I guess it's possible to behave politely. I guess that means I'm so grateful.

I'm turning it off completely for the day, and I have time to go to the labyrinth because it's due after the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) returns and finishes clearing the rewards. We decided to have dinner together.

After finally resting his tired body and having a little late lunch, Mizuchi and Lorik invited the three of us to dive into the labyrinth again and briefly consult each other about the future after practicing witchcraft. Neither Mizuchi nor Lorik have anything else because they are relatively old before reincarnation and often have a pretty decent idea.

In fact, I used to worry about what I would do to organize a separate task force around Guineh to advance the investigation near the Dart Plains. Then I was going to organize more than half a separate task force with the cheap idea of "I won't have any harm in doing the information gathering".

But I reconsidered my thoughts on this Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) thing. Even those powerful black yellow balls (Black Topaz) didn't stand teeth in the seven-layer orga. Of course, we have a lot of experience, and it's hard to imagine that we're going to be late for Auga Mage or something like that. but when you die with a little distraction, you are certain to die with a single blow.

I'll put it aside for a second.

It is also something that could be considered thanks to Mizuchi's unscrupulous, high-performance demon sword. The fact that the hands and feet and head are completely cut off is because I was [appraising] those cut off hands and feet when I felt like it and realized it. For human-shaped monsters, if the overall HP is 100%, the head and limbs become useless with roughly 10-20% damage.

It seems to do about 10-20% damage to one place if it runs out and you can't move it, or if that's what gets cut off. Even the same race seems to have individual differences in physique and so on.

The torso becomes useless with about 40-50% damage. I mean, you think you're gonna die. I'm sure of it first. This damage can only be imagined as a result of observations. I can't say anything because there are so many exceptions. For example, if you poke your heart in a breath, HP will mostly die with a negative endurance value.

If it's not an attack aimed at such a steeple, you can seem to expect as much damage as the weapon performs, but that's also not constant. Occasionally, it seems to cause damage that exceeds performance, and sometimes ends with damage that is not very far from performance. Sometimes I can only do a small amount of damage if I think it's a clean hit, so I'm not sure. Somehow, I feel that the person with the larger figure is more difficult to deal damage to, but I feel like it's my fault. Also, if you were wearing it, the performance of the protective equipment would seem to have something to do with it.

It often exceeds the overall HP, no matter what you think when you add it all up to the torso. I wonder if it's a bat or a toilet koologi. It seems to be perfectly the same as the overall HP, and some guys even suspect that there is some kind of site HP for zombies or gools, even if they are human shaped.

Anyway, if you hit a steep spot, there can be enough instant death. I can't think of any countermeasures other than an overall increase in HP. I've talked to Mizuchi, but I can only imagine that if there were monsters like giants in the human form, if HP had four or five digits, there wouldn't be an instant death if my sword hit my neck. I also think that if you pierce your heart thoroughly with cannon type attack magic, you will be killed instantly.

Let's get back to it.

I'm never happy with my current strength. Yeah, enough as an adventurer. Of course I don't care enough to get one or two more, but I want to be a reincarnator if I can occupy that seat. Except for Claw and Marie, I wouldn't be able to do it first.

Besides, whether it's an investigation of the Dart Plains or sending Guineh to make an accurate map, it can be later. I do want to talk about maps, but it is more important and useful than that to say what the state of the territory and what kind of deputies there are, and what kind of people there are in the native luxury (nobility) who are not deputies, and the state of various industries and future prospects. I thought it would be better if I left a letter about this with Barkud's caravan and let Claw and Marie take a little detour as they arrived.

In the meantime, since he is the descendant of the nobility of the common son of the example, he decided to properly receive him even if he had contact with him. It's troublesome but not in exchange for everyone's life. Looking at Claw and Marie's life lightly when I say this, the danger would be higher in the labyrinth, and I couldn't break this one's power.

It should be noted that Andersen's call was really just a thank you and I didn't touch on her origins either.

The Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) will return and dive into the Labyrinth again once the compensation has been settled, but I thought I would undo the formation of the Massacre (Butchers) and the Eradicator (Exterminators) and keep it to the extent that I couldn't help but provide support for the Killers (Slaughters).

Let's focus on leveling up and creating a nine-tier map for the moment. That said, the goal was a breakthrough of nine layers in two to three months, no matter how long.

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