12 Sep 7446

The Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood) said they were back late last night. Because that's about half a day slower than the usual killer (Slaughters), I would have been pretty forced to step through the labyrinth. I don't know what the ex-number one looks like. After breakfast, the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) showed me how to use it when I was heading out on the slopes beyond Mount Outer Rim to conduct joint training.

I guess Vilheimer (the old man) felt quite anxious, too.

Well, I know the information about the first child the king cares about, so I can't help it. I don't care as far as I'm concerned about the information that Andersen is a bastard. It's only worth a degree of whether it'll be a seed for the king's couple fights later at best (though that's even suspicious because it's really even more so now). Besides, I don't even know what you're talking about with the King and Vilheimer, and I'm not interested because it's not directly related. If you get paid, you're someone else.

Anyway, he went to the Kisho Pavilion for the remainder of the reward and the redemption of the Demon Stone.

"It's the money back. Make sure."

That's what Bath said, putting fifteen gold coins on the table. Of course I check the status of each piece thoroughly before accepting it. But it's an old, dirty gold coin. When you pay people, pay them with a beautiful guy. You'll find out. That's just my assumption.

"Sure. And don't worry, I haven't even spoken to Mr. Andersen about the example."

Of course, the case in point is that she is the king's first child.

"I'm not worried about you. You wouldn't be an idiot, either. What kind of magic did you use more than that?

An arm-wrapped Wilheimer tells me to stare at me.

It would be quite compelling if I had a good voice to turn Dos in.


Magic? What are you talking about?

See, so is your neighbor Bath... You two don't look scared.

"One night...... no, I can't believe I'm going to seven levels without a day. I know you have a good map of the seven layers, but even considering the time it takes to spot the black yellow balls (Black Topaz)... you're lucky enough... no, it would be too soon though. … is there a way to move to the lower tier other than the transition crystal in the center of the layer (floor)?

Vilheimer said as he peered into my eyes.

If Bath is lying or not, he's just gonna have to miss it. He's gonna pay attention to me one by one.

You know what? I've been using it for a long time.

There was a neighborhood under their eyes, and they seemed heartless or cheeky. We returned from the labyrinth yesterday with a similar face, so I just got a little intimacy when I thought these old men were just as desperate to rush the labyrinth as we were.

But nothing seeds or tricks... Hmm.

"Well, whatever there is. But if it's magic, I want you to tell me no matter how much money you have."

It's not a waste of billions, is it?

"Hey! You sure you don't want to use a metastatic crystal but you'll span the layers!? You know!?

Bath rides himself out on the table and screams.

Shut up, already. I know. We can go from at least three to maybe fourteen layers in less than a minute. If I told you, you'd be happy to jump in. You want me to let you dive? It would be a one-way ticket though.

"Huh. You don't know. If I knew, I'd want you to tell me."

I shook my shoulders at my feet and said in a sigh. Then he made a fool of himself like, "What are you talking about, this guy?"

"Shit, you look so annoyed..."

Vilheimer mumbled in a whisper when he looked evil with a sinister face that chewed up a bunch of bitters together, "So... hey hey hey hey hey hey hey... even if you know... hey hey hey hey hey..." But how about that? I found out about the Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) this time, but after releasing the information, some of you will wait for the defenseless adventurers to destroy themselves. But......

"... you wouldn't say that if you knew. If I tell you, more dead people will die in vain."

"Unplug it. Don't say anything special about dressing it. What kind of people are you in?"

"You'd better sell the information and then your asshole dies."

That's right. Are we all together to think?

"But, well, don't you mean you really don't have that kind of hand"

"I guess so. We'd be happy to sell it to people."

Ah. Low birth ingredients, bad birth adventurers don't like being slaughtered.

It's like the ingredients from Japan or a country in the north.

It's a world that doesn't suit me as an elegant nobleman.

Now, even though it's seven layers, I don't think it will be roughed up to the point where less powerful adventurers are coming.

Even black yellow balls (Black Topaz) are critical to their total annihilation.

I'd rather not have the Green Group (you guys) easier than that.

That's the only way they could vandalize us.

Why don't you go to the eighth and ninth floors anyway?

"Hey, what's that side? Don't dress yourself up."

"No way, were you serious?

I took a seat leaving two people who were dismayed by the word that there would be a futile death (to one). I got what I want, and I don't need it anymore.

After receiving the gold, once you return to the Boyle Pavilion and put the fine one in your purse, you wear a rubber protector and hurry to the outside of Mount Outer Ring where everyone is training. I'm totally late. Early on in my arrival, when I handed over yesterday's special allowance to a non-combat slave member, I told him to come to the Demon Stone redemption shop when training was over.

By the way, I approached Kim and Sanno, Bastral, who were looking around as sentinels, excited to kill the signs, thinking I was talking about yesterday because of the training itself. You were serious. I'm sorry I doubted you.

After that, he trained until after noon to confirm the collaboration, ate lunch and dissolved after noon.

After redeeming the Demon Stone at the Magic Prop Store, when I went back to the Inn and took off the protectors, I only lowered my sword on my hips and went to invite Mizuchi to the labyrinth. But once in a while Mizuchi asks me to take a slow nap by the lake. It's always hard to rub your spirit down with magic training every time you're off, every time you're free. Sometimes, okay?

Mizuchi and I are walking along the river.

There's a group of people burning, mourning, and funerals in the river plains. Funeral services are not uncommon because Balduk's population is over 30,000, so someone dies like every day. but you saw the spicy smell when you were about to spill in with your date for a while around the corner, and they were the ones I knew when I tried to distract them. Do it yesterday or even today in the morning...

"That, black yellow balls (Black Topaz), right?

"Right.... the funeral of the dead."

I could imagine that it would be for a funeral to be carried out on the ground without purposefully taking demon stones from the bodies. Only taking demon stones on boulders is a last resort.

On the firewood arranged in such a way that it is easy to burn, place a legged table made of wood called a wooden “funeral home" on which rests a body anointed with sotom oil that squeezes the fruit of a plant called sotom to make it easy to burn and light a fire.

This funeral home is made of a combination of thin trees called Laruc, a flame retardant tree. Even though it is flame retardant, it burns because it is normal wood that is just difficult to light. It won't be used as a building material because it won't get very big. Because it's not tough, and it's only about five centimeters in diameter at most.

Fueled firewood is added sequentially, usually about two hours after the funeral home burns out, and the effect of sotom oil is that the body will only be bones and demon stones. Of course, the cremation is not as strong as in the Japanese crematorium, so even if the bones can be slightly cracked, even the original old man will remain properly shaped.

Their funeral was almost over.

The remains of the three are almost exclusively bone.

I can't help what I saw.

There's a good chance he's noticed this one over there (because the river plain is only about three to five meters wide with precision, and right beside it is the road), so he just tried to pass by silently.

"You came all the way here?

I used a battle axe (Battle Axe) from a lion tribe (Lios) with a pale complexion like a zombie, and Barr came to voice. No, it's not. Who likes to come?

"Mr. Gried..."

I bow my head with Andersen looking sorry.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

That's what Mizuchi and I will say and bow our heads. I don't know what else to say.

"I'm sorry I bothered."

Kirk has also called out.

"Lot was my disciple. Gary and I have been dating since we were kids. Thanks."

Vix also thanked him as he dropped items.

"Marine relied on me for that... I'm glad you came"

Lol also says with an instant (shiny) crying eye.



It's kind of a strange vibe. I want to go now, but I feel like I'm not going either.

I hate it......

I took a nap after all.

Mizuchi and I broke up in each room when we went back to the inn as a sneak, and slept in bed until dinner.

13 Sep 7446

I'm going to the labyrinth tomorrow, so basically I'm off for the day. However, as young as you are, we recover quickly, and we still train in magic at the top of the labyrinth today when we finish our run.

Apparently the members are working on a new menu with the Bastrals and all the killers (Slaters) except the busy gibberties shopping for consumables tomorrow and beyond. And Lorrick and his battle slaves, Meath on Vince, and for some reason Jer. It goes up to a total of nineteen. I had no choice but to take care of five of my battle slaves, except Meck, and two of Lorrick's battle slaves, so I decided to have Zenom and Jer do battle training combined with pocket money.

My members will be Mizuchi, Ralpha, Belle, Tris, Ghine, Meck, Vince, Meath, and Lorrick's magic.

"I want to be able to use cloud-based attack magic, because I can't even use windcutters... do I have to practice airbashing or airhammer? I barely practice wind magic attack magic..."

"Hey, Mr. Greed. I was wondering if I should practice ice cream for magic warheads if I'm going to use javelin?


I don't have much magic anyway, and I'll only be around for about an hour because I'll be mentally snagged right away even if I let him recover.

But what kind of blow would Vince, Meath and Lorrick want to play?

The Bastrals told me to come to Murowa that evening, so I couldn't replace myself with the usual but I was supposed to have dinner at Murowa. Is that Balducky's new taste? and we all expected it, but it wasn't.

It's rolled cabbage. I was wondering if the ingredients were just onions in pork ground beef seasoned with salt and pepper, what is it? It also tastes a little nostalgic.

Oh, is this shiitake mushroom?

I guess I gave it away from Mizuchi. On the surface of the rolled cabbage was simmered in consomme soup, also wrapped in bacon, and the cabbage was thick. It's delicious, but it's hard to say that boulders are as excellent as those served in restaurants in previous life. I can't help it.

"You used to have cabbage at times like this."

To put it as impressive, it is a little expensive, but the purchase itself seems possible because crops of some sort of bifurcation are also imported in Wangdu that are out of time. Yeah, hey, as much as they say there's nothing you can't buy in Wang Du as long as you give me the money. Looks like Kathy brought him back from the factory on purpose.

"This is Shiitake Mushroom. You also use dried shiitake mushrooms (Rothrudge). Well done."

Is that it? Doesn't that mean Mizuchi's birthplace is Mizuchi? With that said, last month or so, you said you wanted to go to Tukerin in Wangdu because you ran out of shiitake mushrooms.

"Yes, Mr. Tukelin recommended me to thank Balducky."

Well, as for this one, I just thought it was a thank you or a thank you for the preservative. Maybe it's not a bad idea to trade him for the kingdom of Lyle in earnest. With that said, he was called “foreigner" by the king. Mizuchi said he was the point of contact for the assassination operation. Is that all?

Ah... it may be a hand to ask the Kingdom of Lyle to investigate. According to Mizuchi, Lyle's caravan is not only going to Lomberto, but also to Dabus to trade mushrooms and secret drugs, and what did you say to the escort? It seems that it may be a warrior hierarchy, so you should put a little more on it and send it to the investigation along the way.

I thought I'd come up with something good, so I talked to Mizuchi that night and he said, "You're going to know the inside line" or something. But I can't do anything if I care about that. Besides, I don't have the guts to be known. There are a lot of foreigners in the first place, aren't there? There are examples of Mun. There's not going to be a guy who doesn't investigate the other guy's territory where the skirmishes are going on, and maybe he's sending an outsider's kingdom of Lyle or another country to investigate.

It's not like you want to hide what I'm investigating. I just don't have enough hands. Instead, I just don't have to travel long enough to investigate. Everyone can work out within my sight. Assuming you let a guy of about Mizuchi's strength head to the investigation, I asked him how much it would cost him, and he said, "It's not like assassination, and I don't know. But in the case of assassinations, it can be in hundreds of millions," he said.

It is difficult to think that boulders are that expensive because of the different degrees of difficulty. However, you may be charging for allocating a certain amount of good combat time. That said, unlike assassinations, the degree of danger will vary, and even some will certainly be cheaper.

If we can make Claw and Marie investigate together and compare the results against each other, the investigative power of the Kingdom of Lyle can also be applied. Finally, the pipe can be fat, and depending on the content, it may be useful as an ingredient to judge whether it is favorable to us, threatened with conflict, or neutral.

I guess I only have a quote, and it's not a rush, so the next time I go to Wangdu, I guess I'll go have a cup of tea.

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