14 Sep 7446

This labyrinth row goes with Engella the Massacre (Butchers) and Tris the Eradicator (Exterminators). We the Slaughter (Slaughters) they got out are nine layers of investigation with the remaining nine. If anyone wants to replace a member in the middle of next month, I'll do that test, and if the member seems to change, then I'll see how it goes in the labyrinth once, and if there doesn't seem to be a problem, I'll try to make a nine-tier breakthrough in that next labyrinth row. If no replacement takes place, head to the area similarly seen as the center of the Nine Layers in the labyrinth row immediately after the replacement battle to make a breakthrough.

Everyone seems more motivated to hear this, but the boulder was only a former member of Sunshine (Sun Ray) and no one was standing up to the veterans. But Sanno and Lutz, who wish to enter the slayer (Slaughters), and four of Lorrick's battle slaves, Dender and Karim, eager to promote their masters with themselves, have shown a great deal of intrusion and are overly glaring in their eyes.

Because Sanno and Lutz are in person. Still. And if you wonder why Dender and Karim, apparently, "Slave earnings are my husband's. If my husband makes more money, his salary will go up every step of the way". I see. I thought you had a lot of ideas.

Lorrick is in such a position to forgive them. Of course, Lorrick himself wants to enter the slayer (Slaters), but he also appears to be moderately powerless, even amidst tension. I was calm only to be in the Knights of the Falergers for a full knight's reign. After all, those who come with proper training can see room everywhere. Maybe he understands that this margin reduces mistakes.

19 Sep 7446

I heard something a little unexpected when I got back on the ground. All the survivors of Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) apparently pulled away the inn and returned to their place of origin. There was nothing to say when I gathered a few rumors with interest. Looks like we're simply going to deliver the demonic stones of the deceased members to their families.

Apparently, Viscount Andersen's territory is north of heaven, so it just seems like he said he took off the inn once because it would take quite a while to get back and forth. Especially if you didn't come back just like that because it's just a degree of acquaintance. He didn't return right after that because he was looking for a request to escort a caravan to his hometown. You didn't seem to have a horse for everyone in the boulder.

The important thing is to have a hand in hand with the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood). One top team for the time being (?) To be gone from Balduk. It's also a great opportunity to widen the gap. There's nothing to say, especially if you can lure me into a hurry by bringing home nine or ten layers of treasure, but I guess I can't do that on a boulder. The Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) will have also regained the depth of caution and tension they had from the beginning in this case of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

Anyway, Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) won't be back for a few more months. Take this and everyone says, "Why don't we just go to the tenth floor? Greed, you can go, can't you?" and other guys said things like loose hoops again. Sure, it can't be good news for us, but that doesn't make us less dangerous in the labyrinth.

I stopped talking when I said that I would not make a rescheduling so I would dive solemnly.

He also said that the refrigerator (refrigerator) he brought to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce in Wangdu a while ago sold with a value of 160 million Z. But the guardian ring Ring of Protection has no tone out. I thought I'd go all the way to Wang Du during this holiday. However, despite the fact that Tris and Engela have fallen out of this labyrinth row, there was a place in my eyes where I was only as alert as before, so I had to train hard.

We Killers (Slaughters) had zero non-map effects, but the Massacres (Butchers) were silver on five levels, but we've found ore, and the Eradicators (Exterminators) have discovered a party that was wiped out on three levels, laying down their gear. It's nobody's fault I couldn't get the treasure, but I'm a little lonely.

28 Sep 7446

Back from the labyrinth again. The only thing that worked last time was expanding the map, but this time we're getting the treasure right. It was obtained from the altar shrine by smashing four Cave Trolls who had been summoned on nine levels.

[Excluding Earth Magic (Earth Amulet)]

[Gold, Silver, Yellow Balls (Topaz)]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 28/9/7446]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance: 30]

[There is a chance to disable the magic of the Evocation system by combining ground magic with no magic]

[There is a constant chance to disable the magic of the Evocation system, which combines only ground magic and no magic, using the wearer as its goal. Also, there is an equal chance that the earth's elemental magic standalone will be disabled]

in the form of a small pendant top or brooch.

I think it's worth a lot.

I don't think a billion of this is going to go down.

Looks easy to verify by name.

It's just a big deal to know in my [appraisal], but it's not fatal for me, and I decided to sell this sooner or later. If anyone asks me if I'm comparable to Wand who can use fireballs, I doubt it, but I also feel like I'm going pretty good Sen.

And the guardian ring Ring of Protection, but the buyer's hopeful appeared. The offer price of the other party is 140 million Z. A letter from the Sandark Chamber of Commerce says the price is based on the fact that the buyer already owns a ring with the same name and already has knowledge of the ability itself.

"What's the matter?

I talked to Tris and Mizuchi, Zenom opponents, in my room at the Boyle Pavilion. Note that Rolic has nothing to do with this ring, so I'm not calling him.

My heart is set, though.

"140 million is another big sum."

Says Xenom as he sips Mizuchi's brewed tea. Absolutely.

"Surely, wasn't it a condition of sale to tell us how you looked it up with what abilities?

Put your arms together, tris says, but it's a little different. Conditional to tell me that "after this one sells for a convincing amount". Otherwise it is also possible not to ask and sell abilities and verification methods, so I avoided what seems to be the case. But in this case, it's going to be difficult. I already own a magic item (magic item) with the same name, whether it's a word from your ancestors or whatever, but if the person thinks that they "would have the ability," "I'm telling them it's this kind of ability," but the answer itself doesn't have a problem.

I also have no words to give back to you if you say "I didn't admit the need for verification because it's the same name" or "I put the ring in place because I knew my abilities beforehand and then I tried a minor injury" on the point of how I verified it.

In any case, I did not envisage such a case. There was already a guy with an item with the same name, and I didn't even think he'd say he wanted another one.

It explained the detailed terms and conditions that Mizuchi had given Tris after the sale.

"But here you are. When this happens, it can only be judged by the amount..."

Says Tris as he slaps his right thumb around the left elbow of his assembled arm.

"The ability tells me, and I think it's good if it's over 100 million...?

Mizuchi says it's refreshing, but it's a magic ring, even though it's not that big of an ability, is it? You and I are the only ones who know it's not a big deal, and we have to convince everyone... Xenom seems surprised to hear a lot of money, okay? But hey...... I feel spared somehow. However, 140 million Z is a lot of money. Other than that, there's a good reason I have to sell it right now in a hurry. All right, I wonder if anyone will notice soon.

"What do you think of Tris? Surely 140 million Z is a big deal. But all I know is my ability. It is also the ability of the buyer to assume that it“ would have the same ability because it has the same name ”. I don't know if you can tell me how to verify it..."

I told Tris with a reluctant face, like I couldn't make up my mind.

"Wouldn't it be nice to sell it? That's the only way to be sure, even if you use something you don't know very well, it's only going to be about amulet, right? It's 140 million at any rate. It's hard to think of things that would be too cheap to be bought and beaten down if the Duke of Sandark Muscle were to run the Chamber of Commerce, right? He's a relative, isn't he?

Zenom replied on behalf of Tris, who thought only a little about it. Xenom seems to have answered without thinking too deeply, but I can nod what he's saying. But amulet...... You're right when you ask me.

"Normally when you say" Guardian's Ring of Protection, "you say" HP, "or something that restores life slightly or increases defense. Even if that ring had similar abilities, I'm pretty sure it's a less sparing ability unless it's something extra powerful. And..."

I looked sideways at Mizuchi saying so. Tris unwrapped the arm he was putting together and took after her as he hit his knee and opened his mouth.

"Mr. Al! I forgot what was important! Turns out we already have a magic ring with the same name. Think of yet another thing that came up with a ring with the same name. Are the values the same then? Hey, that's what Mizuchi thought too!?"

Right. There are three occasions when there are two. Mizuchi is right. I don't have to know if it's too powerful, and if it's that capable, I don't have any... right?

"Sure. Tris, you noticed the good part. Seems like you don't mind the Xenom, and I'll sell you the ring."

That's what I said to finish the conversation.

Well, one or two, I don't think the price moves that big because it's new, but for once, yeah.

October 5, 7446.

"This is...!

Angela whined at me as I went up the altar and peered into the open temple of the door.

"Armor...... it's clad (chainmail)!

Ho ho. Thank you to the monster I just killed, Black Killer Mantis and Fellowship Mall, Cannibalus Ivy Tree. He was just quite a strong enemy.

The clamshell (chainmail) that Engela pulled out of the temple was as brilliant as new. If Ralpha was there (she's away from the Killers (Slaters) this week with Xenom) it would have been loud.

"" That's...!! "

I look so serious that Mizuchi and Tris are scared.

You wondered about that, when Bell said, "What's going on?" He asks, "but neither of us replies.

I'm just staring at Engela with a serious look at her as if she were going to find out who she is.

"What the fuck?

There are no other unusual members besides them. Engela looks happy coming at me from the altar with a clasp (chainmail), but nothing changed. I guess it's a magic item (magic item) because it has a reaction to the magical little magic (cantrip) of magical instruction...... Touch the clasp (chainmail) I received from Engela and see the name quickly.

[Elfin Cheinmeil, the clasp of the elite]


Is there a curse or something against the elves?

[Elfin Cheinmeil, the clasp of the elite]

[Mithrill Steel Chain/Sphinx Leather Band]

[Condition: Good]

[Date generated: 5/10/7446]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance value: 150000]

[Performance: Physical restraint rate: 5%]

[Performance: Average penetration: minus 26%]

[Performance: Armor and Protection Average Damage Reduction Rate: 18%]

[Effect: Slash Half (Half Damage From Slicer)]

[Effect: Half-Limited High Temperature Exhalation (Half-Damage From Firebrace)]

[Effect: Weight Loss of Attachment (Weight Alleviation)]

[Effect: Noise Reduction (Noise Reduction)]

[Effect: Self Hidden (Rise Hiding) Shielding Rate Increased (- In Shadow Rate)]

[Effect: Auto Repair (Auto Mending)]

There is no element of curse.

Wonderful magic item, on the other hand!

Except for the very high endurance value and effect, it is slightly better than the normal cladding (chainmail), but the special effects that stick to the six categories are amazing. It also had a set of coifs (like hoods) with proper cheeks (face guards). Of course, they think about it in a set.

Half the damage (half-damage) system and self hiding (rise/hide) It's hard to figure out what kind of attack (in shadow rate) is applicable or hidden, but otherwise you'll notice it after a few days of use. Still, this is polished and perfect like new, so I think I'll soon find it where the rate of self-covering has increased. Oh, would it be less noticeable if even a surcoat or a feather weave from the top would go hand in hand with noise reduction (noise reduction)?

"" This... "

Two elves say something again. We look at each other in the face and hesitate to say go ahead.

"They say Elfin Cheinmeil, the clasp of the elite. You feel something?

I don't feel anything.

"Elfin Chain!?"

Unexpectedly, a voice leaked out of Mizuchi's mouth as he said.

What the fuck?

"Reasonably… Ah, it's a fairly elegant piece of magic (magic item), this"

That would be so.

By the way, what makes sense?

"Somehow you feel like you exist, don't you? What a way to describe it..."

"Yes, Mizuchi is right. I don't know what to say..."

Apparently, Mizuchi and Tris feel like the aura this armor emits. From the name, it's Elfin Cheinmeil, the clasp of the elite...

"So, if this is pretty good stuff... you put it on, Tris. Mizuchi got a rubber protector, okay?

"Huh? Are you sure?!?"


I don't know, but shouldn't an elf wear it because of his name? I know it doesn't have to be an elf to wear anything, but somehow, yeah. It's not like I can see all the effects in a subwindow, and I don't like it if it's not an elf or something that doesn't work.

It should be noted that Mizuchi did not reveal any particular emotions.

I was just a little horrified. It's the rubber protector my sisters gave me anyway. Let's use it until it's worn out with me. Regardless of the physical restraint rate, the average penetration rate is much more damaging than the cladding (chainmail), so much so that it approached the metal armor (platemail).

Well, it's tomorrow to get back to the ground, but what happened to the ring?

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