Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode Two Hundred One: A Day in the King's Capital

October 6, 7446.

I came back from the labyrinth.

Elfin Cheinmeil, the clasp of the elite, is worn by Mizuchi, and the rubber armor she has worn so far is carried by Giberti in her empty luggage. I wear it for several reasons. Because one is too conspicuous.

The Elfin Chainmail is a strange piece of magic (magic item) that can be anyone but the Elf, but when someone equips it, it looks like a slightly obsolete regular clasp (chainmail). Of course, if you take it off, it will also look like a shiny clasp (chainmail) similar to the new one.

However, if the equipped person is other than the elite (elf), when other elves put the equipped person into view, they instantly know that it is a very powerful and familiar magic item (magic item). At the same time, I feel strongly uncomfortable that the gear owner owns or equips Elfin Chainmail, the elite claw. But that's not true if the gear person is an elf (or Dark Elf).

The same goes for situations that are not equipped, but once Mizuchi recognized that the owner was Tris, he said those discomforts faded (they didn't disappear). Also, if you don't put it in sight - for example, put it in a bag or something and put it in front of you - there's no problem.

Then you might want to put it in a bag or stick it in Giberti's luggage, but that discovered another problem. I don't have a problem with it at first, but if I carry it that way, it feels more and more heavy when I hold it. If it is not worn, it usually weighs about fifteen kg, but after less than an hour, it feels twice as heavy for the person carrying it.

Then it would be better if Tris or Mizuchi wore it. When Tris wears it, he has to disassemble and carry his metal belt armor (Banded Mail), so it's easier to carry it because Mizuchi rubber protectors are overwhelmingly lighter. For that reason, Mizuchi was carrying it.

Also, because it is a size that can be worn even by people who are quite large, it is necessary to resize it because Tris wears it or Mizuchi wears it. Resizing the clasp (chainmail) is actually not very difficult. Even amateurs can do it with guts. This is just a story where you don't need special technology to resize.

It is possible to do this to anyone as long as they can work with guts using specialized instruments like radio penches. I've also seen Barkud's squire take care of the clad many times when I was a little girl, and I've seen him resize to fit his new housekeeper when he gives up the housekeeper. The work had been made to be done by slaves, but it took about two to three weeks to resize the care anyway. The appearance of rubber protectors also helped free them from such work and concentrate them on another productive task.

By the way, even for this resizing, Mizuchi and Tris know which chain to unline and pack if they wear it. Everyone else is refreshed, including me. So not only would it be more efficient for the slaves to do it, but also for Tris, the wearer, to work with them. The subject of the work, of course, should be enslaved.

Let's see if we can show up later at the Ron Slyle store. The slaves for the sausage factory have already delivered all twenty, but it's okay to add a few more. Zulu and Engela have training, and resting their bodies is part of the job. Giberti doesn't have time to develop a new menu with Bastral in Giberti, or recently ask the Wang Capital Chamber of Commerce to use it for cleaning and inspection of the factory.

Looks like neither the slaughterer (Butchers) nor the eradicater (Exterminators) are back yet because they came back a little early. I decided to redeem the Demon Stone one one one foot away and return to the Inn and return to the entrance square later.

After dinner, Ralpha came back to talk about a new piece of magic (magic item) and wanted to see it. I didn't want to use the armor because I seem to understand that it is likely to be evil noticeable when used by other than elves. Yeah. But he didn't say anything about exorcism (amulet), but he felt untrained. Pretty elaborate and beautiful sculpture, so it looks like an elegant ornament if worn. You're still a woman in that place.

Speaking of which, I had not yet deposited the magic item (magic item) with Ralpha. Tris in particular is the second in a short period of time, and I think "this was a bad idea," but it's a later festival. But no earth magic (earth amulet). I want to sell it, no, I want to sell it. Next time it seems useful to you, I'll turn it around as a matter of priority... Oh, yeah.

"Ralpha, I'll give you this. Take advantage of me when you get a chance."

That's what I said. I was so happy to get my hydrated (bracelet of) (deadbody) bracelet out of the room storage (... to water) and give it to him. Cholo...... you're an honest and good guy. Look, there, stop staring at the poor kid. It's you, Gwyne. They all look good, don't they?

It should be noted that this time the genocides (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators) were unable to take home any noticeable treasures.

Tomorrow morning at first light, we'll go to the Lon Slyle store for two more people, and when we order an extra child's slave, we'll go to Wang Du with that leg.

Also, there was something I had to do tonight.

I'm sorry I was tired the night I got back from the labyrinth, but I let Tris, Bell and Mizuchi hang out pretty late. Later in the night, Guine and I, Ralpha, who came back, mixed up along the way, but was drunk and useless. Then he fell asleep lying on the table, sitting in my room's chair in a gap with his eyes peeled away. It's just not a bed. It's better, but Mizuchi and Bell were carrying it to the room like it was a pain in the ass. Me and Tris were looking at each other and clapping their shoulders as we listened to them knocking on the door and waking up Zenom.

7 Oct 7446

He also showed his face to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce by displaying his face at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters in Wangdu and abducting John, who had slept in the factory's quarters after a little look at the books. Terry hadn't gone out because he thought he was going to play with another slave. Kids should have some time to play. I left Russeg's son Harris at the factory voicemail instead of John taking him out.

About the ring and the exorcism.

We agreed to sell the guardianship ring Ring of Protection for 140 million Z. We talked about the contents of the capability and how to verify it by getting a report during the year. Then, a new magic item (magic item) was commissioned to sell the ground magic removal (earth amulet).

"Status open. Hmm…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………"

The magic of magic sensing (detect magic) seems to have been activated in about five seconds.

I was roared after they looked at me like I said "unbelievable," as I had expected.

I guess there's never been such a magic item (magic item).

Didn't you know even if there was one?

In anticipation of this, I kidnapped John.

To demonstrate, John was called to wait at the entrance to the Chamber of Commerce, and in the corner of the backyard, ground magic removal (earth amulet) was lowered from his neck to make him stand. I have to be scared, so I'm turning around.

"Never move. Hey, it doesn't even hurt. No, it might hurt a little, but I'm not gonna do anything that's gonna hurt you badly, so bear with me."

Of course, it was tested last night.

There's no way I'm going to hit you.

Approximately 50% chance to activate Earth Magic Exclusion (Earth Amulet).

I only tested attack magic twenty times though.

I've tested elemental magic over a hundred times.

My maternal great-grandfather's cousin's grandson (the earliest other person), the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, is watching over his accomplishments with a tense face.

Of course, I've paid for it.

"Okay, here we go. Starting with Stone Gravel...... Huh!


The stone debris released from my left palm towards John's left hand scratched off the moment it hit John.

Oh, we're lucky from the first shot.

John won't be aware of anything.

"Next is elemental magic. John, if I give you a signal, take a big breath and turn around. Block your ears and nostrils with both hands. Okay? Okay, let's go."

When I said that, I walked right beside John and sprinkled about three levels of soil, about a bucket of soil, from John's head.

Well, not this time.

John was surprised and said, "Wow! I yell," but you immediately remembered what I was commanded to do. I stand soiled.

One more time.

No. Let's let John take his breath.

One more time.

Ugh, not yet. Not this time.

Already John is buried from above his knees to about his thighs.

No heart or sharp eye of the chairman of commerce (suspicious?) I'm starting to.

One more time.

Now it looks like it's activated safely.

The last soil I put out fell on John's head and vanished once and for all, either touching it or not.

Of course, the soil you put out by then will not be affected. Stay put and keep John's perimeter filled.

"Well, here's the thing. Looks like you can strike down ground magic about once every two times. But when earth magic and unwittingly another elemental magic is added, it cannot be dispelled. You'll need more verification around here, but whatever the web or sleep cloud is, it'll be dangerous for boulders to try with fireballs and lightning bolts."

Tell the Chairman of Commerce as he pays off the dirt on John's head and shoulders.

"If you still doubt it, I'll wear it this time. You can let someone else try the magic of the earth."

"... no, that's fine. This... would come with a pretty good value. In some cases, we can hold an auction... in a hurry?

The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce answers by flipping the Earth Magic Exclusion (Earth Amulet) handed to him by me and looking around.

"We're not in that much of a hurry, but how much time will it take for the value to come on?

"... this is all I have. I need some time to announce, and I want you to see it for six months. At least."

Oh, about that. Should I watch it for a year?

"About six months minimum...... ok. Fine, thank you."

Auctions (auctions) of expensive goods in the Kingdom of Lomberto are not open competitive formats like the market, but private bidding methods. I'm with you in selling it to the person who offered you the most expensive amount. According to the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, the value of this land's magic exclusion (Earth Amulet) can be prohibitively expensive (n billions of Zs, etc.). Well, I guess so.

I let John take a bath in the water because I was allowed to use the well with the courtesy of the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, and when I let him dry all at once, I left the Sandark Chamber of Commerce behind. I bought John a bag of candy.

John was sent to the factory, and once he appeared before the Green Chamber of Commerce, he went to Tukelin's treatment center. There are souvenirs, of course. Cassie's going to Balduk, so the factory's closed, so it's jade lamb. I have not transported the last stock I had in my head office (currently I have not transported the finished product pre-packed with lamb (yomo) from Barkud. Just balloons. They pack lamb (yomo) at the head office and make it a finished product. Lamb (Yomo) is also Russeg's wife Millie's specialty dish).

Lamb for souvenirs.

Somehow it reminds me of my previous life's neutrality and handicrafts.

Water lamb, you haven't eaten in a while.

"… from the beginning of the year, the testing of the sol leash (name of preservative) we have been supplying has also been completed, and we expect to be able to sell long-term quality assurance products to the public"

"Oh! Put Balducky in Elle Hay...... how wonderful......!

I'm glad you're so happy for me. After continuing the prototyping of preservatives supplied like mountains, the goal of completion has finally come to pass. Place a balducky mixed with preservatives on the side of the road to set a simple trap. If you wait an hour, the rat will hang. Occasionally the wild dog also hangs. That's how we've determined the amount of rats that won't die while making honorable sacrifices.

Originally clams were attached to whether it was sodium nitrite or sodium sorbate, but whether appraised or looked at the name by status, it was named "sorlease," and it only said waste produced simultaneously in the process of purifying the poison called soliller from a mushroom called sorhog. So at first, we let them try about 1 ppm (001%), a very small amount that would make even toxic sodium nitrite but not conservative, and 2 g per 100 g, a lethal dose in adults. It should be about 60 to 70 ppm.

But contrary to me and Mizuchi's idea, even mixing 2% didn't kill the dog. If you consume two grams at once with a body smaller than a person, you should die. Thoughtfully I could use the magic of poisoning (neutralizing poison) or detoxifying (removing poison) and I ate it and I was fine. Conversely, it was so much scarier to mix any more and change the taste and texture.

Nowadays, it has been found that mixing at about 2,000 ppm (0 and 2%) will be fully effective. It's okay to leave it open in the labyrinth, which is a cold, dry environment there, for about two months, or three weeks (eighteen days) on the ground. I wrap it in a hemp bag or something and seal it in a rubber bag and I know that even on the ground I can eat it yummy for two months. Now I'm just making a little more stuff to mix up and testing how much I can withstand preservation.

He asked Tukerin to ask his country how much time he needed before the end of the year. The price was 30% of retail to the extent that there were no legs. It would be about once a few months at most, the quantity would come together quite a bit in a single transaction, the preservatives are being wholesaled at just like prices, and Mizuchi would want to look good in the country. I would also like to sell my thanks to the Kingdom of Lyle as the Green Chamber of Commerce in the first place.

Especially since they have to pay 30% of the purchase price to the Lombertian administration as customs duties, the amount they pay to the Kingdom of Lomberto amounts to about 40% of retail.

In any case, processed meat other than sunny strong salt products was very pleased because they rarely enter the Kingdom of Lyle due to transport problems.

Well, tomorrow at the labyrinth, we train lightly in adjustments and magic, and the day after tomorrow, we train as a whole.

I have to get back.

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