
He walked several times using a passage-terminated metastatic crystal, hoping it would be a passageway leading to the nine layers of the labyrinth, a space that stretched into the centre. This time Mizuchi and Engela are out of the slayer (Slaters).

"Hey, hey, the next time a troll or something big comes out in the room, I'll use my bracelet. I can use it once a day, and for today, let me use it."

Since his first day in the labyrinth, Ralpha has wanted to use hydrated (Bracelet of) (- Dead Body) bracelets (- To Water). I have no choice but to be honest, when I see the body turning into water in an instant, I have to be aware of its usefulness even in response.

Oh, this is certainly useful.

Ideal for assassinating hostile opponents if you let Mizuchi use them in the future.

Originally Mizuchi is well educated as an assassin, and would have a high success rate if he chose his opponent.

And processing is possible without leaving the greatest evidence of a corpse and without taking time.

I didn't want to have it because I thought so.

But depending on what you think, you would be right to have deposited it with Ralpha.

I don't think it's that easy to let go of what I got once because of this guy, even if I told him to give it back. It's not weird that you assumed you got it from me because you're an idiot at last. That said, I think there may be a perception that I'm just keeping it as soon as I ask you to use your bracelet abilities.

"Right. Then use it when the next big one comes out."

When I told him that and gave him permission, he was spreading his nostrils and making his nose rough.

"I'm coming ~! Nurehiki!

Ralpha assembled four bodies of Cave Troll pulled out the demon stone and cast a spell (command word) when he touched it.

The corpse of a troll that was lying together turned into water in an instant, and spreads shamelessly.

"HOW! Hahaha!

What the hell is so much fun? The moment it turns into water, he ends up wet and wearing water on his lower body, jumping heavily backwards to avoid getting wet. There won't be any water in the combat shoes (boots), but my pants are soaking wet.


Xenom says sorry, but Ralpha's already a good year, and parents won't feel responsible that far. I think it's his problem. Yeah.

"Fine. Hey Ralpha. I'll dry you out."

Touch Ralpha's wet trousers, which came close with a laugh, and dry them with dry (dry) magic. Oh, you're giving me permission to use dry magic?

"It's good to have fun, but you know what? When you get back, it's a swap fight, okay?

I don't think it makes sense, but I wanted to keep my mind at bay.

"Mm-hmm. I hope you're here to challenge me."

I guess I am. Indeed.

It doesn't make sense to update the first health test threshold, one hour, twenty-three minutes and forty seconds, so the Killers (Throwers) don't run anymore, though. But if you're caught off guard, you might be challenged and flipped. The most right wing to be challenged is Bastral, followed by Engela and Zulu. Everyone also hears that they are working on their own operations. There seems to be one guy, and some guys trying to challenge in pairs or threesomes.

This time everyone but Rocco and Kevin have expressed their challenge to the replacement battle. That said, they're not giving up either. On the way home from Wang Capital before this, we saw the two of us running on Mount Outer Ring. I would simply not be sure to clear the threshold yet.


Yesterday, the day after returning from the labyrinth, is off the day. And today is a day of exciting replacement battles. It's not strange to describe it as waiting for some people. It should be noted that Bastral faced tension and didn't seem to sleep very well yesterday either.

Some challengers will come out, I think. But can you challenge Bastral to beat Auga? Now that Bastral is used to taking on quite a few opponents' fights, he can defeat them pretty quickly, one-on-one.

"Okay, you ready? Let's go... Ready... Start!

Rocco and Kevin, plus the twelve, excluding my combat slaves, ran in unison.

Surveillance officers in the first half of the course will be around the time they are already on the field. The second half of them are also departing towards the holding area in turn. All that's left here is me and Xenom.

"What do you think?

Xenom, who put his arms together and dropped off his departure, came talking to me.

"Because it's not a group with Carm and Ginger...... Kim too. It would have been fun if they'd put together."

The three of us, Carm, Ginger and Kim, will definitely come through the threshold. And then... is it about Gel that I can be sure of? Of these, Carm and Kim are going to try in pairs, so it was a lower horse review that I'm sure this group will get the right to challenge.

Ginger challenges Jer and Meath in threesomes, and Sanno and Lutz are the two of them. Vince and Hiss are each alone, and it seems that Rolic and his battle slaves, Dender and Karim, will also try as a group. It is said that it will depend on Meath's hard work that Ginger's group may gain the right to challenge among these.

"Hmm. Looks like Carm and Kim are still the right-wing ones"

"I think so."

"But it would be tough on Carm and Kim..."

Heh. I knew Xenom would agree. Carm's bow arm is top notch. Not as good as Bell, but that one would be special. I have the guts, and I think the instructions to my allies are accurate. But Kim is more of a problem with augusts in the avant-garde. The spear she uses is a fairly long substitute, and if she can use it well, she'll be able to arrow with the bow of Carm without bringing the orga closer together. However, it would be difficult to find a gap in the attack that would cause a lot of damage by the spear, with a full hand in tow to the Auga. In other words, it is seen that the processing of the auga takes a corresponding amount of time.

Contrary to them, a threesome led by Ginger is similarly reluctantly biased in offense, but it's also possible that the other can tap into a major offense while either Ginger or Gel is banging the org, and Meath, who refrains from being in the rear guard, can use magic. In particular, Ginger's spear strength was very high, and it was thought that he would also be able to deal with the Auga alone. I can say that doom is overwhelmingly high. Rocco and Kevin both have more avant-garde power than she does, but they won't reach the threshold.

That said, I think it will be a long and short time because the number of people taking the challenge will be the same. There are only two of us, especially Carm, and it's going to take a while to defeat them, but there are also two of us on the Slaughter's side who will be challenged. I'm guessing you think there's plenty of winning opportunities if you nominate a relatively low-strength Engela and Bastral.

But Engela and Bastral can already defeat the Auga one-on-one, and they can even continue to whirl one-on-one. I think it's tough. Then it seemed more desirable to Ginger, who had made things say to the height of his annihilation and tried to surpass them in the time to defeat them anyway.

I guess the only reason she won't challenge herself is because her combat experience with Auga is only a small one of her recent Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) rescue requests. I just don't think she's confident because that's the only time she took on a decent aug was during the last octopus beating.

"I agree... Ginger would be more likely to be working with Carm too, or if she were alone"

"Right...... by the way, how far does Al think everyone else is going to eat down?

"Everyone else will still be difficult..."

I haven't measured the time properly, but I have a general expectation based on what happened during my morning run, etc. I think the gel is a hard and critical line, but it wouldn't be very much below the threshold.

"Which one of us will come back first, Carm or Ginger?

Hmm, that's a tough question.

"I wonder if it's Carm?

I remember the other day on the seventh floor, I came under my tree to watch and talked a little bit about Carm's tweezers.

"Hmm? I hear Ginger would be faster, huh?

"Sure. But I think Carm's going to try pretty hard this time, too. I think you could think of cutting me an hour and twenty minutes."

"Hmm, bet...... don't look like that. Sorry."

Yeah, yeah. I don't like to subject a hardworking guy to betting.

And make it laugh in the middle of it.

I can't help but laugh and be laughed at during training or after the results in production.

Now they and they are working hard on exams that are real rather than daily training.

Fulfilling, the first one back was Ginger, as expected. Her time is one hour, seventeen minutes and thirty seconds above the threshold sufficiently. Carm and Kim also came back after cutting an hour and twenty minutes. And then, to some surprise, the gel came back an hour, twenty two minutes and thirty seconds, a time that exceeded the threshold by more than a minute. I earn more than seven minutes on ginger and gel. Now if Meath outperforms an hour and 31 minutes, these threesomes can also earn the right to challenge.

It should be noted that the bastral cannot exceed the threshold either, but it will still run out of an hour and a half now. There was a subtle look on his face. Kathy doesn't seem to understand very well, but her husband's nervousness seems to be conveying.

Delaying the threshold was about six minutes before Lorrick came back with the look on his face that was still dying. I still don't see the featured meath. Ginger and Jer don't seem to care and stare down the road. In contrast, Carm and Kim rented a shower at the Boyle Pavilion and went to sweat.

Vince is the next one to come back.

Time is one hour, thirty-two minutes and ten seconds.

Was Meath no good?

I'm sorry to hear that again.

And Meath, Sanno and Dender came back in dough.

Time is one hour, thirty-three minutes and thirty seconds.

Ginger and Jer were comforting the weeping meath.

Then Lutz and Karim returned, finally so that a constant hiss of breath fell in.

Hiss' time isn't so bad either. You're cutting an hour and a half.

It's an amazing evolution compared to a year ago.

Allow for a brief gymnastics after a short break to break the muscles.

"Well, it was Carm and Kim who got the right to challenge. Challenge who and who?

I asked the two of them back in the shower.

Especially since the belly of the two of us seems so determined.

"I'll try Surge and Marceau."

Carm answered.

"Is that okay with Kim, too?

Kim nodded as she hid her leaking fighting spirit.

"Okay, okay. Enter the labyrinth the day after tomorrow. The members are Carm and Kim. Engella on the bastral. And then there's Mizuchi, Ghine, Xenom, Tris, Ghiberti, and me. Everyone else rest until we get back. I think he'll be in the labyrinth for four to five days."



Day of joint training throughout.

Needless to say, Carm and Kim had some amazing things going on with Bastral and Engela. Even during the break, each of these four were split into groups for a secret consultation.

Where leaks are heard, Bastral and Engela seem to have Engela avant-garde in Orthodox and Bastral uses spears, or magic, to aim for gaps while she is around.

"I'll put an arrow in my face first. Then I'll dump the bow and slash it right in. You poke that gap with a spear..."

"If you get hammered, you'll buy yourself some time, but that's dangerous, Mrs Failure is not tolerated. I want you to trust my spear here."

"But then I'll be decisive."

"You were ready for that. We're gonna have to have a third round with Auga, right?

"... right. You can't rush it."

"Yeah. Let's definitely do what we're used to each other. Marceau's a big deal too, but I still think the other neck is a surge."

"Sure... if you're one-on-one, you can't beat Ginger in a mock."

"Me, too."


"I've dealt with two orgasms, too, and I can't beat Surge."

"I hope so."

"Oh, cut it off and show it off. So put your bow on it."

"Yeah, I got it."

I was talking about that. Then one day, as I did when Lindbell and his wife drew the old sunlight (Sun Ray) into the seven-story Augamage room, I put a stone on the ground and started consulting on what looked like an operation.

When I realize that Bastral also consults with Engela and the two of them, something on the ground and with a serious face. Their strengths would be battle experience and bastral magic against accumulated augs. Carm and Kim, on the other hand, are inexperienced in fighting Auga, but have not been able to compare the experience of adventures in the labyrinth, and are quite capable of dealing with that for any opponent. And it's more manoeuvres for ranged attacks than bastrals.

Other members are also taking a break a little far away from seriously trying to stay out of their way to work out the operation.

But naturally, the topic is whether the Carm and Kim pairs can go beyond the Bastral and Engella pairs. It should be noted that I was wrapped up in Zenom, Mizuchi, Tris, and Bell to see how both sides were doing. 'Cause you'd be making a bet anyway. I don't want to hear it.

Xenom called on Ralpha as he looked narrow on his shoulder, but stopped.

Look at that lively, entertaining look, Ralpha and Guine won't heal anymore.

I'll leave you alone for fun where I can't hear you. Because I can feel the progress just being cared for to that extent, okay.

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