19 Oct 7446

Between the three layers of metastatic crystals. Luckily there was an empty spot on the wall as some other parties camped. Because there are so many people, there is talk from all over. Most of them have known each other for a long time.

"What do you say? Are you tired?

Speaking as Guine serves Mizuchi's brewed tea to Carm and Kim.

"Thanks. Hmm, I guess not so much. It's not much like the pace of a massacre."

Kim is smiling and answering.

Well, that's true. Because now not only the massacres (Butchers) but also the eradicators (Exterminators) are camping here, breaking through to between these three layers of metastatic crystals in their first day. It doesn't just change the pace so dramatically. Oh, Guine didn't send me out, and maybe I haven't been able to feel it. Maybe I'm just feeling that other parties besides the original killer (Slaters) are slower to break through the labyrinth.

Other times, each of the Zenoms rests his tired body and talks about something that he can't wait to cook for Giberti's dinner.

However, Bastral and Engela are still eager to talk to Hiccup at the end of the wall without adding to that.

Somehow, it looks like Carm and Kim, the challengers, have more room. I got a little weird thinking that the side standing on it was better prepared as if it were a challenger. It's okay, if you calm down and do what you always do, you won't lose so easily. On the contrary, I was in a hurry to run some strange maneuvers that I wouldn't always do, and I'm more scared when it slipped.

It's not about me talking right now. I'll make you do whatever you want.

October 20, 7446.

We made it through the four and five layers and arrived between the five transferring crystals, so it's a small pause.

The campsite where the black yellow balls (Black Topaz) were used is dusty but has also expanded considerably. The place where the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) is used also has considerably more luggage. And although not the corner of the room, the place of purgatory flames (Gehenna Flair) is also quite packed and seems to be developing well.

I didn't hit the course that passes between the altars on this five levels. The rate through the five layers is naturally faster than the pace of the massacres (Butchers). And rather than say, I also say it's just not much different from yesterday's pace.

There was no particular problem with Carm because he was going through a faster pace the other day during one of his black yellow balls (Black Topaz). but I'm not used to this pace, so my expression is tough on boulders. Since Kim has never been here at this pace since the fourth tier, her mouth has diminished and her expression is cloudy. It would be mental fatigue, not fatigue from draining the strength of both of us. It seems to have strong local power, most importantly. And then there's the experience.

Bastral and Engella continue to consult each time they take a break, including a small pause, as usual today, and nothing in particular has changed.

Looking sideways at the two who don't have that much of an afterthought for tomorrow, Carm explains to Kim about the six-layer metastasis trap.

"It's that metastasis trap, though. The Slaughters are walking around the six floors to make almost a complete map. It's easy to cross if you go through the end of the aisle in turn. So it looks like you don't have to think too carefully."

"... I've heard that many times. But..."

"It's okay. That's what I've been thinking. But it's okay now. You're not even new to this, and you've been through this many times already, right?

"Yes, but... I don't care what they say about the extent to which it hangs on a trap... No one knows if all the traps are together... and if I disappear..."

"I don't think you'll be allowed to do that once you're in the Killers (Slaters). Don't go hanging around there forever."

"If you say..."

If you say so. You still don't trust me, either. I'm dating him. I can't help but compare the lengths.

He finished his break and transferred to six layers.

After the transfer to the sixth floor, it is time for the third mon room to approach.

Standing at the head of the party, I see the room from behind the aisle with [appraisal] vision.

... There seems to be no danger, but this is... troublesome. I said to everyone, "Looks fine" and walked away without even slowing down. I think they noticed us. I waved him gently and gave him a gesture that he wasn't a demon.

"Whoa, Guiney!

Upon entering the mon room, Garban Discord, commonly known as Garn, who was on guard with the flames of purgatory (Gehenna Flair) where he was taking his rest, approached the aiming Guineh and called out. This is the one I waved at right now.

Orange decorations marked by flames on black-dyed armor as usual stand out.

"Ah, Mr. Garn. How's it going?

"That's it, thanks to a leader who looks like shit." Don't you have a ginehan!!

Pushing Gurn over, leader Heggs Whiteflame flew over and took Guineh's hand.

I hear the rest of them were sitting around, getting up from the place and coming up with straw to surround Guinness and Xenom.

"Ah, Mr. Firefrid, we're out of time"

"You're out of time!" Ruru "Ruru"

"Oh, you haven't seen it in a while..."

Naturally, none of us, other than Guine and Xenom, were spared any interest. I'm not even greeted. It treats me like air, like I'm not on the spot at all.

"Have a cup of tea."

"If it's easy, I can make you some tea."

"Oh, let me tell you more about this previous story, Mr. Firefrid's young man"

"That's good!

"I want to hear it too!

Xenom, that's very popular. There's a bitter laugh at us left behind.

"Hey, fucking leader! Offer me a break."

"Ku, what the fuck... oh, not really..."

Oh, you were admitted to exist for once. When I was wandering around four or five layers, I'd say they were really ignored unless we took action from here... I was just a little happy for some reason.

"That's about it, useless!

"... Shut up already... ahhh, Greed Han. I'll make you some tea, and then you can take a rest here. There you go."

The Mountain People (Dwarves) speaking in the Granan Valve (Granish) appropriately pointed to the corner of the room. It won't take another two hours to get to the metastatic crystal from here. I don't have a choice. Shall we take a break? Oh, man, I looked back at everyone like I said. Everyone looked delicate.

I don't know. But somehow, I like this guy named Heggs. Perhaps there is sympathy because the members seem to be abusing me. I turned around again to give a response.

He's not here.

Is that it? If you unilaterally declare it to me, you've already abducted Guineh!?

Was that a remnant!?

"Sa, Mr. Firefrid is here..."

"Hey, Meema. You had Raider's leaves? Give me that..."

"Yeah, to them, too?

"Shit, it's for Mr. Firefrid and Mr. Guiney."

"Yes, the other goldfish huns were drinking earlier. You have leaves, don't you? That's enough."

"Eh, heh, heh, heh, don't sit here."

"Ah, Cora! Guiney, over here!

"Yes, it hurts! Don't pull it!

"Leader! Get off me! Although Guiney would be in pain!

"Please don't fight anymore. Next to Mr. Heggs at first, then."

"Oh, no."

"Oh, there's a beef. Eat it. Eat it."

"Huh? Are you sure? Happy!"

"Muhihihi, Guinehan laughs with his face."

"Hey, Gurn, Vigo, Bob, don't go back to the lookout, you guys are on duty, right?

"He's watching. He's coming." "He's right." "

"Damn... well, they wouldn't miss a demon." "Yes, they do." "

Damn it. But I'm not going to neglect the watch. Past experience has shown that purgatory flames (Gehenna Flair) are never easy to watch. But you said it was a bees? That's a super fancy fruit that does 50,000 z or more per room!? I've only eaten once in a restaurant course in Wangdu too......

"There's trouble with purgatory flames, too."

"Those guys, they've been around for a long time. Looks like Kevin wasn't the only one."

Carm and Kim also talk in a face like they have no choice.

I guess it was oh too for sunlight (Sun Ray).

"Engela, Bastral. Stand guard with me. I'll keep an eye on that and that passage over there. Engela's over there and over there, Bastral's over there, please. Mizuchi, Tris, Kim and I will be back in a few minutes."

"Xenom, Guine. It's time to go."

Twenty minutes later, he went to the noisy purgatory flame (Gehenna Flair) in his car seat and spoke to them.

"Excuse me, I've been called"

"What, already?

"What, Mr. Gried, it's the afterlife! You haven't come next to me yet, Guiney!

"No more! I'll see you next time with Bob. Hey, let go."


"I'm sorry, Bob. We're on our way. Let him go, Guine."

"Shh! Mr. Firefrid, let me talk to you again!

"I bruised you!" Yes! "I did!

"Greed, I think you're interrupting. Let's keep going."

What are you doing?

"No... Now excuse me"

What do you want from me?

I don't like it anymore...

But these guys, don't let it get too spare on the six floors.

I know I've been here a couple of times already and I'm pretty used to it, but it's a boulder in a way.


When everyone has a breakfast prepared by Giberti, a meeting is held before the transfer to the seven layers.

Check the regulation.

"You can start with a pair of challengers, Carm and Kim, right?

"I don't mind."


"All right, then I'll be the last to check. Carm and Kim challenge Bastral and Engela. Whoever wins is the slayer."

I have already spoken many times but I repeat it again.

"Win or lose is decided by taking on one orga and the time it takes to defeat it. Repeat the battle with Auga three times and the shorter total time wins. Time is measured with this clock's magic props. Measurement starts when I say" start ". There are distances and positional relationships with Auga, but there is no injustice in this."

Four people nod.

"The battle can do anything. Slashing with a sword, poking with a spear, shooting a bow, using magic is free."

I looked around at the four people snorting in turn and said:

"All right, when you pull out the demon stone and put it over your head, that's the end signal. Don't forget."

We need to find an auga just right for the test first. I don't want to go for the Eight Layers or the Mon Room, so I don't have to choose where to transfer, so I'm comfortable.

"I'm ready, and you can come anytime! Yes."

Kim says in a prestigious way.

"Huh. Then let's go. Jukuda!"

Transitions took place instantaneously, and our surroundings shifted from a dim six-layer transition crystal to a bright seven-layer like midday. There doesn't seem to be any orgasms or goblins around.

I checked my position on the map and if I walked appropriately, it was going to hit the orga, so I shifted my gaze toward the right hand, without any particular basis. With any luck, there will be an orga in the woods that stretches about 100 meters away.

"Go that way with the umbrella number (Wedge One). If I find an orga, I'll lift my left hand."

The formation has been largely explained. Even the massacrers (Butchers) are taught by the leader who traveled, so explaining only the details is enough.

Enemy enemies using life sensing (detect life) sorcery on the way to the forest. In my case, because of the high level of magic, it is also a strength to extend the range with less magic (MP) than usual.


I guess I'll have to move a little.

On the way over the woods, use Life Sense again.

There he is. Sensing range critical, nearly two hundred meters ahead.

Looks like one for good.

Wilderness or meadow ahead through this forest?

Auga or Goblin. It's one, so it's probably an ogre.

I kept going for a while and captured the monster in my sight.

It's still an ogre.

He sits in the middle of a meadow open from the woods, blurry as if even in the sun.

When I gave the signal of discovery, I lowered my posture.

We approach carefully to avoid discovering this one by mistake.

I see just the right bushes of trees in a place where they will be through the woods in fifteen to twenty meters.

It's big enough and would be great for watching games.

I said softly that I would hide myself in the bush and wait for everyone to come together about time.

"There's an orga over there.... You see that? It's him first because he looks like one. Carm, Kim. You ready?

"Fine, but let me talk to you for a second"

Oh, I don't mind.

The two held a meeting in a small voice.

Looks like it's over in less than a minute.

"Is that enough?

The two snort. Look at that. I snort, too.

Xenom has prepared a clock magic prop so that we can understand it.

He's the alarm clock-sized guy I always use in the labyrinth.

"Don't hesitate to tell me when you want backup. If you're watching, you don't have to tell me to move on your own, but don't feel bad."

Both Carm and Kim nodded in the face that they knew so much about that.

All right.


Kim, holding a long spear with herself low, straightened, and Carm began to move around slightly to the right with a bow.

Is it about 120 to 30 meters from here to an orga in the meadow? Depending on the speed of travel, it will take a minute to catch the enemy.

They all watched Carm and Kim approaching Auga from behind the bushes of the trees, but soon they both hid in the grass of the meadow and became invisible.

"6: 22."

Xenom says while touching the clock demon prop.

"About thirty seconds."

Mizuchi, who heard that, says it as if to answer, but that would mean that the situation (test) started about 30 seconds before 6: 22.

Bastral and Engella seem to be paying attention to the perimeter of the Auga.

I took my gloves off my left hand with me and was nervous that I could magically cover you at any time. I don't want to lose Carm or Kim here.

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