
Both Carm and Kim make only a very slight noise like veteran adventurers.

Still a strange wind in the labyrinth leans closer to the auga, distracted by the sound of grass flaws.

From here on out, there is no way to know exactly where they are already approaching with low posture and caution.

"Hmm, Mr. Kim is a boulder anyway..."

Mizuchi shrugged.

You know what I mean?

Awesome, this guy.

"Where are you two now?

I guess I heard Mizuchi whining. Asked Mizchi as Bastral whispered.

"Mr. Kim is thirty in front of the aug...... about twenty-seven or eight m. Mr. Karm is on his right... about 20 meters away... Kim is easier to understand."


Xenom looks at Tris' face while holding the clock's demon prop, but Tris is shaking his head.

That's right.

Ma, no.



I see. If you ask me, I kind of figured it out.

Over there and there.

Kim cut fifteen meters to Auga.

Carm will be a little closer to Kim and about 15 meters to Kim's right.

Everyone seems to have figured it out and is watching them without wandering around.

Surveillance around us is neglected, but it's just Auga and them up front and the rear just came through.

Life sensing (detect life) and visual surveillance won't make much sense yet.

When Carm stood up and wondered if he'd only put his head out of the weed, the bow also came out right before it.

And fire an arrow.

It was from the oblique rear of the auga, so the auga didn't notice it and hit the back of his neck.


The auga with the arrow stabbed did it at the same time as jumping up and up and turning around so that it was played.

But he tried to crouch instantly when he abominably pulled out the stabbed arrow behind his neck and threw it away.

I guess I'm going to pick up my weapon.

Kim missed the gap so much that she didn't.

He progresses from the weed where he was hiding himself as if he were a short-distance athlete.

The difference is whether or not you have a big spear on your back.

And then a round long tail with a gold and black stripe tip similar to her head.

Kim does not raise the voice of the assault, but is in a straight line with the spear.

I don't think there was nearly as much distance from the tip when the crouched orga noticed Kim.

Kim's long spear pierced deep into Auga's right chest as she rushed to wake her body.

"Gooo!? Gaaaaaa!

Did you forget that Auga, suffering from surprise and pain, received an arrow just now?

I hung my hands on the spear trying to pull out the spear that stabbed me in the chest.

He doesn't seem to realize that Carm, who threw down his bow, is rushing through the weed, aiming and approaching the tendon behind his knee.

Carm has not even taken advantage of the dwarf (Gnome) tall lows and his head is not out of the weed.

Perhaps the lung-damaged Auga is comparing forces to Kim's in an attempt to pull the spear through as she drips blood from her mouth.

We should pull the spear out immediately if it's meant to be.

Regardless of being grabbed, if it breaks, you can't even hit your eyes, and Auga has enough of that power.

Especially when there's more than one opponent, there's a good chance they'll break into other orgasms.

But no matter how bad the degree of the otum in the orga is, it's not enough to break a spear stabbed in the chest with a stab (especially as it doesn't matter how much the otum is about this. Any guy would instinctively try to pull it out first, even if it wasn't just an orga) So only this time, sometimes the other guy is one, and Kim's way is the right one.

It can also be a glare at Carm approaching Auga, rather than a goal.


A voice of temper bursts out of Kim's mouth.

Kim moves forcefully one, two, and forward, as if she were going to poke the spear deeper against an orga who tries to retreat (and then again) to pull out the spear.

The muscles of the two arms holding the spear thrive, and you can also see the force around the nape peeking from the leather armor.


Carm mutilated the back of Auga's knee with her short knife.

Her short knife is not about the type 64 sword I used to make (though mostly my dad and Arnold made it), but it's still quite a trade and sharp cut.

Kim pulled the spear through the gap where Auga poked one knee, and now it looks like she just towed it.

Apparently it was behind his left knee that Carm mutilated.

While poking his left knee to the ground, Auga, who picked up the stick in a thoughtful move there, seemed to crooked his face and laugh.

It looks as if you'd say it's one of ours if you even got a weapon.

But by then, Carm would go around in the sewer and back to where he was, he would recover his bow and start shooting arrows.

Kim is well held back from being approached by Carm in an orga.


You fight pretty carefully except for the first time Carm approached Auga.

Both Kim and Carm are fighting each other with a safety focus.

But the auga doesn't end to that extent.

There you go.

It's not safe.


You thought you were damaged by the good feeling of sticking a spear in Auga's left arm?

But that's a big mistake, isn't it?

Maybe that ogre was after me on purpose.

I'm tightening my left arm muscles on that evidence to keep the spear from falling out.

And soon I shake the stick I gripped in my right hand.

But in a good way, Carm punched an arrow in the face of the orga.

So it looks like Kim pulled the spear through the frightened gap.

Almost destroyed the spear.

The [rigidity] Kim used when he first stuck the spear in seems to be already cut.

Now she is fighting not with power, but with its agility and timing of attack.

Carm follows it well, too.

It would still seem dangerous one-on-one, but in this form it would also be possible to deal with the augs adequately.

That's how he hurt the orga, weakened it and knocked it down.

"6: 27: 20."

Xenom says.

Sure, the start is about 6: 21: 30, so less than six minutes to go?

I've been using it for over a minute to get close to the Auga, so the actual battle time is about four and a half minutes, right?

That's a long time.

Too cautious.

Well, how long does it take to pick the demon stone yet?

Did it take about fifteen minutes to pick the magic stone?

Twenty-one minutes and ten seconds in total.

When I first came to the seventh tier, it was so fast that I couldn't compare it to those of us who were picking demon stones from the Auga.

We may approach Zulu or Engela now.

You just said the veteran adventurer was impressive.

Well, it's Bastral and Engella's turn next. Shall we go back and transfer to the seven layers again?

Wouldn't you like to win?

I could conveniently meet just one orga this time.

The same is true of being in a meadow covered in tall haystacks.

Like the Carms, Bastral and Engela also said they wanted to have a little meeting, so they decided to take the time.

I talked to them briefly about something. They immediately told me it was prep ok.

All right.

Xenom slaps me softly from the side.


"7: 26."

At about the same time as I proclaimed it, Xenom said the present time.

Including an earlier reflection, Xenom was asked to look at the fit and touch the clock, so that he could signal in a good spot in Kiri.

Unlike the Carms, Bastral and Engela, who heard my proclamation, rushed out of nowhere to hide themselves.

Naturally, Auga immediately noticed.

At the same time, I can see him rushing out to the Bastrals with a stick.

"You're going to buy me a little time... it's going to hit me from the front, but that's a hand too"

Tris squeaks.

"It would be possible for them right now."

Taking it, Xenom says, but when he hears his words, Karm and Kim ask Mizuchi like a little.


"Give me that aug... from the front..."

"Mm-hmm, you've got quite a few occasions for an august… I've seen Marcel and Surge do the august one-on-one, too, many times."

Mizchi replied without taking his gaze off the bastrals' backs.

On the left of the bastral running with a spear, Engela also runs, pulling down the steps of her escape (broadsword).

Soon the two of them were relative to the Auga.

I was wondering if Bastral would poke the spear in without killing the momentum of the assault, but it seems a little cautious.

I began to scowl the orgasm with a spear.

Engela's is moving to get around behind the orga.

Auga hates it and tries to tow it with a stick, but Bastral was efficiently towing it even further.

It was a move that I completely read about the behavior and behavior of the orga.

Engela moves around the orga in a judicious manner, creating a gap in the orga.

Bastral climbs into that gap to hit a thoughtful thrust.

He took two clean hits of Bastral, and Engela mutilated the dull orga's neck all at once.

"7: 28: 20."

Xenom said.

It has taken me two minutes to finish the aug.

Yeah, I saw it. I was carrying it pretty carefully.

Is that because it's a war?

"7: 45: 30."

Nineteen and a half minutes in total?

Engela was used to picking the demon stones of Auga, so Bastral was moving at her behest like Engela's assistant.

Still slower than the Carms.


"... mmm"

Carm and Kim had a sinister face.

The Carms say they want Bastral and Engela first in World War II, so they switched the order with hope.

The Bastrals' time was nineteen minutes and forty seconds slightly later than in the first round.

The time of the Carms, by contrast, shrunk considerably, what a huge surplus of nineteen minutes.

eighteen minutes and ten seconds.

This is because the collection of demon stones reduced the time a little further.

And one more thing.

Carm borrowed a magic song knife (simiter) from Mizuchi, and Kim borrowed a magic spear from Guineh as well.

Looks like he backfired for this.

You can fight with this weapon twice in WWII and WWIII.

This is not a violation of the rules or anything more than I said I could do.

When you say that, you have to be exactly the same up to your gear, and then the guy with the position overlapping with me, Zenom, Mizuchi or something will be murky first.

However, the Bastrals seemed a little dissatisfied.

Don't look like that.

Especially Bastral.

You've been using Bracer of Might since the beginning.

And a third round across lunch.

The advance is from the Carms back to normal.

Why did the time open up so much, because WWI and WWII both wanted to have a single aug against them, so it took them a while to find just the right one.

This time, even in the same meadow, the height of the sesame grass is about ten centimeters.

Instead, rocks as tall as hips are by the way, but they are not very concealable.

But this time there are two of them from the beginning.

One of them declared that I would magically punish him, and this time it signaled a start.

Other than that, I decided to get a glimpse of what was going on from the woods just like before.

This is not a shrub, but can be observed hiding in a weed about a meter high.

"It seems impossible to hide and get close... that sounds delicate"

Tris is whispering to Guineh.

"That's right."

Guine also replied with a difficult face.

"Hey, what would Guiney do?

Kim also asks Guine something, but if she doesn't have the flying gear, she'll have to storm.

With some distance between the rock and the rock, it would be possible to steal the eye of an orga from here until the first rock, which is about twenty meters away.

But I guess there's only one person who can hide.

"You attack with magic."


Kim shut up.

You wanted to ask me how I wouldn't use magic if I tried it on Kim.

But they know very well that Guineh can use magic.

Anyway, Kim has been treated for some broken arm by an orga.

And I also know that bastrals can use magic.

But we've never fought together, and you don't know how much we can use it.

Bastral didn't use any magic when we met on the seventh floor.

Bastral also used to talk about how the magic level of each element had risen when he was new to magic, but he stopped saying that immediately.

I can see Fushi thinking "it won't be a big deal" from their mouths.

Well, it's actually no big deal.

Still, there are times when I train to do damage aggressively, and I have gained experience very efficiently.

Elemental magic is level two, and fire magic is level three.

Those who are unmagical are at level four about three months ago.

I don't go as far as a single wizard, but I can already use Flame Javelin.


I nodded when I asked Carm.

So is Kim.

"Xenom, I can't have just the right time this time because there's also the right time. Fit this way, please."

"Oh, okay"

Two orgasms just pounded a gap that wasn't paying attention to this one and slammed a fire arborest missile into the back of one's head to finish it.

Carm and Kim popped up at the same time Auga collapsed.

They struggled thanks also to their magical weapons, a good record of eighteen and a half minutes this time.

Fifty-seven minutes and fifty seconds in total.

The Bastrals need to be in a pretty hurry this time to get beyond this.

I guess I'll have to cut the fighting time by two minutes.

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