
I discovered just the right orga.

Two orgasms joking with each other in a meadow about fifty cm high.

The distance from the woods we're hiding in is probably just over 100 meters.

"Bastral, Engella. Have you finished your consultation?

They've been doing this for almost five minutes now.

Why don't you reply?

Look, I just had the perfect time...


What are you doing?

The two brackets something elongated over the stone bump of Bastral's spear.

Ahhh... ahhh... that's...

[Blind Arrow of Blindness]

[(10) - Iron]

[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 24/8/7446]

[Value: 20000]

[Endurance: 40]

[Performance: 15-65 in addition to the performance of the projectile]

[Effect: Whatever the size of the wound or the place where it was hit, the creature this arrow pierced will go completely blind as long as it pierces it until it is completely hidden in the body. If the effect takes effect, the effect time shall last for at least five minutes. However, the blind effect has been lost even if it has been recovered and reused once it has had a blind effect. In doing so, it becomes a magic arrow with good performance]


I can't say I can't do it now...


"I see..."

Is that what you came for?

Xenom and Tris look at the work as if they were a little impressed.

"What are you doing?


Carm and Kim are asking Guine, who was beside him, "Sounds like an arrow...... ah....... Nfu. It's a pleasure to see," he niggered.

"... Surprised, huh? I was listening. I'm the one who talked to Bell and said I should like Bell. I've been waiting to know when to use it. I was so worried that Bell wouldn't give it to me."

...... hehe.

Nature and grin abound.

Both Bastral and Engela must have been desperate.

Mizuchi also knows that that arrow can only be used once.

According to Mizuchi, "most magic arrows often lose their potency once used," he says to Bell.

Still, Bell gave it to me.

I don't know if it's just one bottle or more, but I gave it to him anyway.

Just bear with me until I get to the point where I'm critical, or I might have said so.

Well, that's great.

I don't know, even if I use it here.

I left everything about the arrows with Bell, including where I used them.

And she decided it should be used.

Then it's not my act.

Sometimes I wanted it as a life-and-death arrow to turn a critical situation upside down, but that's just my aspiration.

If you are asked if this is a critical situation for the whole party, you can deny it without having to twist your head, but depending on how you think it is a critical situation for both Bastral and Engella.

How Bell judged what and gave them the arrows is trivial.

There's no way I can pry into her mind.

Well, fine.

It would be a good opportunity to learn about the effects of arrows.

Sounds like it's time.

The tweezers fly about ten centimeters out of the stone projection of the spear and are securely tied and secured.


"Master, thank you for waiting"

"Oh, wait a minute..."

Measure the timing while observing the twisted orga again.

It also looks like a gorilla or some kind of kid is kidding around.

You're not that cute.

"... do the left. That's the signal when you punch in. That's good."

Fire would be a little too conspicuous.

Now would you prefer a stone arborest missile?

Can we do the same?

A big flaming arrow is released from my right hand.

The left orga was deadly with a single blow with a flaming arrow on his side head.

The orga on the right was suddenly decent.

Looks like Xenom started measuring.

"No, ahhh!!

Engela stormed flashly out loud.


At the same time, Bastral dashes furiously with the spear's stone protrusion forward.

Engela has a long, blocky tail of hair.

Bastrals have short hairs and not as thick tails as Tigermen.

They were pinned with little shaking.

The two of them will reach Auga soon enough.

Naturally, the orgasm also notices two people rushing towards themselves, picking up sticks and coming towards them.

What if you wanted to make it a little shorter before you got in touch with your enemy when you stormed out loud and noticeably?

Whoa, you can't just be seen.

I have to be ready in case.

Especially if those guys are two-on-one. It would be an unsafe fight.

Shall we watch the game while we work out our magic?

Auga says, "Ngooooooooo!" He runs away screaming.

Engela dashes with her stripper flat (broadsword) pulled, and Bastral is pushing forward with a loss and spear at it.

Engela's speed is higher because it doesn't tend as much as a spear.

Auga shook her stick up loudly at the moment trying to smash Engela's head.

To flatter it, Engela is trying to lower her posture and turn to the left of Auga.

You can't swing a weapon in your right hand to the right because you're in a bad shape.

And although the bastral had followed the right rear of Engela all the way along, it stops about ten meters in front of the Auga.


But Bastral's most accustomed offensive magic is flame arrow, which still takes more than two seconds to activate.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing, I got upset.

The flame arrow is almost two seconds away.

Will I take the time to use even Flame Javelin, his strongest offensive magic trick?

There's nothing you can't take down if you want to hit it.

Not if I thought so.

Bastral had magic hanging around the stone of the spear.

It's been over five seconds, but the magic hasn't been activated yet.

What are you trying to do?

It's dangerous.

You want me to cover you?

But if Engela and Bastral even allow time, it's possible to defeat the Auga one-on-one.

Will you see how it goes soon?

I haven't even activated magic yet.

In the meantime Engela continued to take Auga's attention by herself.

Release the poke with a step flat (broadsword) as you circle to the left.

He was rolling to the right with an attack like a thunderbolt aimed at his leg.

As a whole, it's still moving to the left.

However, it was still slightly closer to being drawn by the Auga to a spiritually focused bastral.

Again, the orgasm.

There are only monsters in Melee that boast considerable strength.

It's not like Engela is going to catch me trying to turn right into the orga.

Um, it's dangerous.

I don't know what to do.

Tension also comes from around me.

There's only five meters between Bastral and Auga that keeps his mental concentration going anymore.

If I get that stick where I'm concentrating...

And finally, bastral magic, which took nearly ten seconds, was activated.

The magic used was darkness, the reverse magic of light.

Light magic can turn on lights that last for five minutes or three hundred seconds if used normally.

Darkness, its inverse magic, has an effect time of about a third of a hundred seconds, but it expresses darkness in such a way that it absorbs visible light at a point in an object that has been the object of sorcery.

The only thing that seems to absorb is visible light, which naturally doesn't make much sense if infrared vision (Infrastructure Vision) is used.

For the most part, the temperature of the weapon is often slightly higher than the ambient air.

Once upon a time, I asked Mickens, an elf squire in Barkud, if he used infrared vision (Infrastructure Vision), a metal weapon would look blue and black.

But Auga doesn't have infrared vision (Infrastructure Vision).

Might be effective in deluding the august opponent of a weapon's reach.

It is a less usable sorcery, also coupled with a shorter effect time.

Normally, however much you practice, it takes about a few seconds to activate a comma, so unless you're someone who can use magic in battle, there's nothing like being practiced.

I mean, it's me.

... he practiced dozens of times not knowing he could make them express themselves in this amount of time.

The surrounding light is absorbed toward the stone projection of the spear, which has become the center point of sorcery, and the pitch-black sphere spreads so that the darkness lights (though it is also a strange expression) at last.

Is the diameter of the sphere about 3 m?

The closer the sphere is to the center, the more pitch-black it becomes.

Even though it's three meters in diameter, the darkness is about a meter in diameter in the center so much that you can't really see anything, so it's not very wide to say true dark parts.

Put up the spear in the dark again, and Bastral said, "Let's go. Ooh!," he burst into an orga that was approaching another five meters or so with a roar.

Noticed of Bastral's weapon anomaly, Auga shouts "GO!?".

With a stick on his right hand, he seemed to be paying proper attention to the Bastral as well as to Engela's attack, which wrapped loudly around him.

But as soon as Bastral in the dark moved into the assault screaming, Engela made an attack close to abandoning him!

... Huh!


Auga tried to intercept Engela with a blow all over her body in an attempt to unleash an attack of abandonment.

But Engela seemed to be reading that attack.

Low and low, he took a crawling stance and jumped into its nostalgia with a rather unscrupulous posture and a hairy, august attack.

That's where the bastral poke strikes.

Auga, who excelled in white soldier warfare moves, tried to flaunt Bastral by rolling himself, but seemed misguided.


Raise a shout of surprise.

And he began to wield his stick to the blind law as he rolled.

A bastral that quickly replaces the front and rear of the spear.

The rolling but risen Engela steps (broadsword) were wet in blood.

And it didn't take much time to slaughter the blind orga.

Maybe I haven't been fighting for a minute.

The Bastrals have a time of seventeen minutes and twenty seconds.

altogether fifty-six minutes and thirty seconds.

More than a minute ahead of time for Carm and Kim.

Why don't you replace it?

Looking forward to next time.

"Oh... couldn't I?"

"I figured it out..."

He changed from World War II to a rear attack. He also used his head outside of the actual battle by borrowing magic weapons from Mizuchi and Guineh. Thank you. He spoke to Mizuchi and Guineh in advance. Yeah. I'm relieved it doesn't just feel like fighting. It's a fair sport.

I want you to use your head, including negotiations, to see how you can do it in your favor.

In that sense, Bastral and Engella had also properly negotiated with Bell to borrow a magic arrow, and even for that Darkness sorcery, I guess I begged for teaching around Daifa Mizuchi because I don't remember using it for years.

"Kee, what's the record...?

"How was it!?"

Bastral and Engela came back holding the demon stone.

"Congratulations. You guys win."

Xenom was smiling and teaching him.

The two people who heard it exhaled like they were out of their minds with a ho reassuring look on their face and sat down on the spot.

"I lost this time, but I'm not gonna lose next time."

Carm is honoring the winner.

"Congratulations, both of you. But Carm's right, we're going to win next."

Kim reached out to Bastral and Engela.

And oh? I look at Engela's head with the look on her face.

Engela removed her helmet and examined the surface.

Did you get a scratch?

As a result, Engela's helmet design follows the basics of a rubber protector with a plate plate attached to the back of the militia helmet (Teppachi) along with mine, Mizuchi's, and Guine's.

It's like a warrior-era helmet with only (lumps) hanging, just without a stirrup (freshly) like a blowback or a shape-shaped fixture.

It's obvious because I made it look like it.

However, the one dedicated to the Dog Nation (Dogwer) has been rounded up and finely crafted so as not to interfere with the ear in a different position from that of the Doksh family of the Werewolf Nation (Wolfwer) in the village of Barkud, and the number of (lumps) has been reduced to three somewhat larger rather than five.

I don't know why.

There was a scratch on the surface of the helmet.

The stick of the orga must have plundered.

Hey, don't look so pitiful.

Take that amount of scratches, Russeg, and they'll be fixed in no time.

"Good day to both of you. We're all in Dollar Leon today. I'll pay for it."

When I said that and tightened it, I cheered.

I could see the hard work of the four of us.

Well, fine.

Huh? Cathy, too.

Oh, come on, let's call them all.

You've got a bunch of guys on vacation anyway.

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