Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode Two Hundred Six, Level Ten, One.


We talked about the moment while drinking and eating at Dollar Leon.

"This time, Carm and Kim were sorry. But I think I did my best to be critical. Bastral, Engella. We might be in danger next time."

There's a little booze in there, but it's not time to get drunk yet.

"It's still okay. It's not going to be that easy."

Bastral seems to have gained a little confidence today.

"Me too. I'm not going to lose if anyone else is going to defeat Auga."

Engela is also in good economic temper.

"There's something we need to talk about there. Magic objects (magic items) such as swords and spears. From now on, magic items (magic items) are completely prohibited. If you leave it alone, it's going to be a classic."

Everyone who heard this nodded at me. Yeah. Mizuchi's song knife (Simiter) and Guineh's spear (Spear) will be the first to be targeted because they have a proven track record this time too. I also think Tris' Flaming Sword (Flame Tan) and in some cases Xenom's Hand Back Throwing Axe, Cold Axe of Returning, are easy to target, at least because they are known inside the Killers (Slaters).

Not only do we have to break through the exams, but then we have to try trolls as well as orgasms without those magical weapons (Magical Weapon).

"Prohibited are drugs and magic items. And then you can do whatever you want."

When I heard that, the guy with the sorry face, the guy with the horrible face, he had all sorts of reactions. You can't help it, can you? The expression is a little strange, but it's like overnight exam study, and it's hard to say what you wear. It's going to simply dispute the order of negotiations to the owner (depositary). Manneri's not good, yeah.

Here's the next topic where you convinced me.

"Overall training tomorrow morning. I'm off the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but I train on my own team the afternoon after tomorrow."

Everyone stopped talking and listened to my words.

"The next day. As I told you before, in the labyrinth journey from the twenty-fifth, the slayer (us) strives for ten layers. Again this time people are not let out of the killer (Slaters) as they did during the eight-layer breakthrough. I'll annoy everyone for another week, but I want you to make sure you don't have to. The slaughterer (Butchers) is Carm, but the exterminator (Exterminators) is Ginger."

I'll double-check just in case. It takes the form of me nominating a leader, but this is what happens if you leave me alone, okay?

"It's the twenty-seventh day to reach eight layers of metastatic crystals. On the 28th day of the following day, when transferring to the ninth layer, the destination is selected to some extent. If we move to a place like the square in the middle of the example by noon, we'll make a breakthrough."

Hmm. Not a single guy with an uneasy face I expected.

"If I can break through the end well, I'll see how it goes after that. If there is no particular problem, we go back between the eight layers of metastatic crystals and take Giberti to the nine layers of metastatic crystals again. We'll take a peek at the ten layers."

I started enjoying drinking and eating again because I didn't seem to have any particular questions.


The metastases were repeated to the ninth layer about twenty times. Nine-story maps are still about 50% complete. You'd be luckier to have been able to move to that place in twenty times. Metastatic crystals can't be used for about a few decades after use, and we have a lot of time to find out where they are at the destination (we only get considerably less for this hassle). It hurts when it comes to being eaten for more than an hour when it comes to twenty times.

After that, it took about five hours to reach the large hall, which is thought to be the center of the hierarchy of examples. There are five mon rooms I went through by the time I got here. One of them was a room with an altar, but it was a ska.

The time now is just about twelve o'clock.

"Time's good, let's have lunch"

After breaking through here anyway, I went back to the eighth floor, so I also had the opinion that Giberti's lunch was good. But I decided to bring lunch after all because I could also think of going around lunch if time was eaten to transfer, move, and collect demon stones.

We took a quick break from eating with a soba lunch box at the right place in front of entering the great hall. There are many different ways to eat soba noodles. It is typical of dripping and eating olive oil. Plus, add the chicken broth seasoned with salt and pepper in a rind bowl and it will taste even better. It is delicious even if shaped into mounds and rolled with thinly sliced pork and cooked.

This time it was a little expensive, but the warm soba noodles made him hang some kind of citrus-squeezed juice with pepper and wheel (lemon) directly. This is also refreshing and delicious.

I took one on a holiday, and I could use each one.

"Okay. Shall we go?"

Everyone checked their stand-up gear and if they forgot anything.

It's a murderous place with rocks rolling around like a space stretching in the middle of eight layers. It is time to move forward with an umbrella number (wedge-two), starting with Mizuchi, who uses [troop formation (partisation)].

I won't do anything like step on the previous one this time.

Kill all the minnows like gatekeepers. One-on-ten. Both Bell and Mizuchi use bows. Besides me, there's Tris and Zulu using the shield. There are some Zenoms I can count on. Ralpha and Engela should also show you enough work. And Ghine and Bastral knocking out a lot of damage.

I guess there's no way you can beat this formation, even if it's a minotaur wielding a huge weapon like that.


Mizuchi's sense of [troop formation (partisation)] disappeared.

This is a meeting to double-check.

After all, [appraisal] is negligible and magic is no good.

"You're right. As I said before, the hierarchy of this labyrinth is protected by Minotaurs. I'm pretty sure it's Minotaur here, too. Nothing changed from what the king told me."

"But the first guardian is an amazing piece of equipment, isn't he?

Says Guine a little anxious.

"Oh, I see you do. But one minotaur can do anything."

Not necessarily one, but I don't want to lower everyone's morale here. I say it deliberately and gently.

"Okay. Maybe, but once you're in their sight, it brightens up all at once. Keep one eye closed if possible. From here, umbrella type number (wedge one). I go at three meters apart."

That said, he took the lead position by the side of Mizuchi.

"Go slow, but when it gets brighter, think of it as the start of the fight. You can assume it was discovered at that point, so you're free to use weapons (Weapons-All Free). However, don't forget that the number of opponents may be more than one. Maybe alone."

Though I don't want to lower my morale, I just have to warn you for once. I hope there's nothing to panic about in case.

"In more than one case," as soon as you discover a new enemy, alert everyone loudly to their position. "

Ralpha got ahead of me.

Why don't you shut up, this guy?

How many times is this? Like I said, I've told you the same thing over and over again enough to have an octopus in my ear, so maybe I can't help it.

Even in the old exercises, I ate a war death verdict first from a guy like this.


"If you know what I mean. Don't be too vigilant in your own direction."

Then one more thing.

I have to make sure.

I have predictions, just in case.



Tris headed into a somewhat larger rock shade a little further away.

Everyone pays attention to him.

"Status open...... ok. Emeron."


The Flaming Sword (Flame Tan), as its name suggests, engulfed itself with flames.

Everyone's face breaks.

Tris immediately put his sword in his sheath.

I don't mind if they find out.

Either way, the light turns on.



The lights don't turn on.


"Mizuchi, Belle. I will decide whether or not to use it as originally planned... if it is too strong for one Minotaur, use it immediately. If there are multiple opponents or not minotaurs, the goal selection is solid. This time it's three, right? One for Mizuchi and the other two for Bell."



All right, let's go.

Going between the nine layers of transferring crystals, it's time to move on.

When the contours of the central pillar came to be blurred, the ceiling, as high as thirty m, suddenly emitted light, and the sound of tearing up the air called the example burn sounded in the great hall.

Minotaurs were there, as expected, ahead of them, illuminated by the sunny light from the ceiling.

That number greatly exceeds my assumptions IX.

I thought it was three or four at most.

No, it's unfounded.

All nine of those minotaurs rushed out, "Vmoohhhhhhhh!!" and raised their voice whether it was anger or hatred towards us intruders.

There is one guy who specializes in an axe spear (Halvard) that is big and nearly two and a half meters tall.

He's poking surprises in the back with eight layers all the time, big over two meters, and one guy with a double-edged battle axe (Battle Axe) to get it.

One of them is swinging a single-edged battle axe (Valdish) about two meters.

The other six are enough guys to cut two meters, but they all boast a great stature with muscular lumps.

They specialize in Trident, Cross Spear, Battle Axe (Boogie), Sword (Grave), Triangle Spear (Partisan), and Handax (Handax), respectively.

"Whew! There's a lot of them!"

"Ralpha, don't break formation! Intercept at the horizontal row number (Echelon One)! Each weapon is free to use Weapons-All Free! Mizuchi, Belle, do it because it's big!

The moment I ordered that, two arrows flew first toward the Minotaurs who would storm this way, and soon the other flew.

The arrow powerless three brilliantly big ones.

The attack with the bow and arrow responded, and the three big ones said, "Vega!!" "Gdai!" "Godyadho!! An upset runs to the Minotaurs for saying" or something like that and turning them into puppets just wielding weapons on the spot.

"They're coming!

Now is your chance for your opponent to come in frightened, looking back, and the formation breaks down.

Zenom to the left around me, Tris to the left, Engela to the left, Ralpha to the right, Zulu to the right as avant-garde, Guinee and Bastral spear (spear) right behind us.

Mizuchi and Bell release bows and arrows a little further back, at a point blank distance.

Because we have to deal with Minotaurs using weapons with a reach, our spacing is open for nearly five meters as well.

Good thing he comes running over with a hand axe (handax), the easiest looking minotaur to deal with is around the middle and he comes in.


Let's get rid of this weak one and reduce the number of heads.

"Guine is the cover for Engela, Bastral is the cover for Zulu! Finish it from the outside!

All were allowed to consolidate their defenses and provide cover for the relatively brittle Zulu and Engella, situated at both ends.

The number of people who went blind and bumped into us avant-garde (Vanguard) sideways with three people who turned into mere fans was six to six.

I stepped on the idea that if I just got rid of the guy in front of me and got free, I'd soon be in the vanguard.

However, the Minotaur with the hand axe (Handax) was unexpectedly powerful, and instead of ending it, he had to pour out his entire nerve to attack, bounce, and continue to sneak.

I think he'd be a pretty dangerous opponent if he was dealing with someone other than me.

The unexpectedly high strength of this guy is a big problem, but I still think I was lucky enough to handle it.

Maybe my strength is better than mine.

I've never seen a guy like this before.

I'm still able to figure it out by using a good gun sword, but the White Soldiers' moves (uh-huh), instead of me, would even slightly outweigh Baron Logan in that First Knights.

There is no longer a sense of time because we are fighting obsessively.

but still I've been fighting all I can for over five minutes already.

Jun Min is moving around and attacking, but he'll be holding it for a few minutes.

I have confidence in my health, but my breath is bound to rise one day.

Minotaur, by contrast, has shown no fatigue at all.

Instead, I even thought that the speed and power of waving the axe was increasing slightly.

And at some point when I realized, the number of minotaurs was down by as many as four.

I couldn't afford to care less about going around.

"Mr. Xenom, Lar, Tris is the big one in the back! Zulu and Surge cover Marceau, the rest cover Al!

Mizuchi was giving instructions early.

Damn it, but this is my strength, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Come on, help!

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