Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode Two Hundred Eight, Level Ten, Three.


Hmm, [Bloody Handaxe "Bloody Handaxe"]?

It's a big magic weapon. Maybe it's just right for Ralpha. It's perfect for an asshole to go high performance as long as the battle lasts. For this minute, it is likely that Ralpha will continue to be on the front line even in her twenties and thirties, according to this.

I observed him constantly twisting his hand axe (handax) around, trying to wiggle it with a pattern.

"Yeah, well, you're fine. Looks like Ralpha doesn't have a problem, and it's a noisy name, but it's not like there's a curse."

That said, I also reassured Mizuchi by grasping the pattern just now. "Are you okay?" asked Ralpha, and Mizuchi didn't pursue me any further because I had the pattern.

"Hmm. I knew it wouldn't suit me. Hey, Ralph, I'll leave this to you. Sounds like magic is hanging, it's an axe, it's just fine."

"Huh? But this axe..."

Ralpha thought he'd be happy, but he doesn't seem to be.

Why? I thought so, but I have a fusi in mind. The hand axe she uses now (Tomahawk) has been used by Xenom for many years. Originally a good item there, so it lasts a long time.

Some years ago, I turned every hand axe used by Ralpha at the time into dust and knocked it down. That's when I let her use Xenom's hand axe for losing her weapon, and Xenom equipped her with a sword of picking. After I got back, I bought a pretty good axe and apologized. Then Xenom used the new axe, and Ralpha used the axe Xenom had used until then. Later, even after passing the magic axe to Xenom, Ralpha continued to use the same axe without changing his weapon.

Ralph gets drunk and talks about when.

- It's me, I wanted this axe. Xenom has been protecting me with this axe ever since I was little, so I'm used to seeing it, but it's the most reliable thing for me.

Nothing but a mere sentiment, but if that makes you feel better, I left you alone thinking I wasn't in the mood to say something. I would have used it many times if I had watched it by my side over the years, because I thought I was used to it and coming close. I'm not accustomed to the balance and weight of weapons, because I thought it might sound like combat power, but I just thought, as the basis of my thinking, "It doesn't matter what kind of weapon you use".

Of course, I don't think it would change much about the good or the product. Speaking of polar theory, there is not much detention about whether or not magic hangs. A superior weapon is better determined, but whatever blunt it is, it hurts if you get hit, and it doesn't make a difference if you get stuck, you get fatally injured. [Appraisal] If you ask me to tell you some difference in the performance figures that you can see in the [Appraisal], it is about amulet or resting.

Personally, I think the only important part is the value of endurance and whether the shape of the weapon is in good shape to handle. Mizuchi laughed at me when I said this. I guess I thought it was a joke. But I haven't forgotten about the "possibility of someone who can't be hurt if it's not a magical weapon" that you told me at the time. The world is huge, so I'm sure there are monsters like that. With the dragon?

Anyway, it's no big deal that it only works on individual equippers. It's just one of those luxurious personal gear that adventurers and lower-end soldiers treasure. Of course, I won't deny it until it means consolidating myself into such high-performance, luxury equipment. It's normal to ask for some high-performance weaponry, and I want it too. But it's just that there's not as much restraint as everyone says.

I can't deny the "possibility of someone who can't be hurt if it's not a magical weapon" I just don't sell it. I'm just taking it and putting it away, and so far it doesn't make any more sense, but it's actually not much.

"Right. Then someone else said," You didn't say you didn't want it! I'll use it!

Ah, that.

Then tell me from the beginning.

"Look, take care of yourself."


Ralpha is swinging as if to make sure the axe is balanced quickly.

"Anything else?

I wonder if each of the nine minnows has a magic item?

No, right?

I knew it.

Isn't that sweet?

[Axe Spear (Halvard) with Wide Blade (Broadpoint)]

[Double Edge Battle Axe (Battle Axe)]

[Battle Axe (Valdish) with Single Blade (Single Edge)]

[Reverse Spike (Barb) Trident Spear (Trident)]

[Cross Spear (Spear)]

[Long Pattern (Paul) Battle Axe (Boogie)]

[Knife (Grave) with Hooknail (Claw)]

[Triangle Spear with Ribbon (Partisan)]

These are some of the finest products I've got this time. All of these are very valuable each. Wouldn't 40 million Z be dropped if they sold them all? It should be noted that the [double-edged (double-edged) battle axe (Battle Axe)] looked exactly the same as that obtained from Minotaur, who felt to have been the guardian of the eight layers seen (when I took it back and confirmed it, it was exactly the same except for the scar that I thought came with it in the fight).

It should be noted that the biggest big boobs that used axe spears (Halvard) were [Bull Nation (Minotaur Guard Leader)], while the others were [Calf Nation (Minor Minotaur Sentinel)] or [Inferior Bull Nation (Lesser Minotaur Sentinel)]. Because of this, the level was mostly single-digit, but only the [Lesser Minotaur Sentinel] that Engela and I were working on was above the thirty level. Reasonably...... just kidding, damn it. Well, it looks like my experience was high enough for that.

Mizuchi, who was looking at the status, said, "Is this big the original nine-tier guardian? But it wasn't like he had a magic weapon..." or a bumpy whine, but I don't care. The problem is these guys are likely to come back soon. From now on, you'll always be able to hit the lead from behind, but the nine are hard. Oh, no, don't you? I don't know, but I still have to try a couple of times here.

"Mizuchi, think later. As long as there are no other enemies yet... the Lightning Bolt cage has disappeared and isn't there?

I went back to the area where Minotaur noticed me and left a few stones to mark for the most part.

Is it still about 50 meters from the column?

Around which is no longer rocky, just like the eight layers?

The vision in the dark is a good place 50m.

If you observe it carefully, too.

Normally, about 40 m is foreseeable.

The eight layers were similarly in the middle of the nine layers of transition crystals.

Bring in the loot and take a break. In the meantime, Ralpha seemed to be using his magic bracelet to turn the bodies into water all at once when he had Zulu and Engela collect the bodies of the Minotaurs in one place. Yeah, you should have turned the bodies of the eight layers of minnows into water, too, right? But I didn't want to use it.

"Al, it's a pain in the ass for nine minotaurs to come back."

"Mr. Al, what do you want to do?

"The breadth of this aisle makes it best for four or five people to line up, even if it's stuffed, right?

Says Xenom, Tris and Bell. Yeah, I know. I don't even know how Minotaur might show up. The way it appears will be with the eight layers, but it is completely unclear whether it will appear side-by-side, solidified or lined up.

"Wait a minute, please"

I'll put my hands up and block the conversation and sort out my thoughts a little bit.

Once the Minotaurs are back together, they can't use magic or inherent skills, so it's hard to pick someone who looks strong and kill them by accident. There would be enough mountains in Sekiyama to leave luck to heaven to wrap four to five by accident. The only advantage is that you can always target unintentional strikes from behind. That's in the favor of being unscrupulous.

I don't think we'll have the kind of struggle that we just had where we shot and leaked the higher-level one for what hit us between these metastatic crystals. However, if you come here again from outside, it is different. It's likely to be a dangerous battle like just now. To the extent that salvation would reduce the rank of the weapons Minot possesses, it would be no great consolation if you tried that on me, as I mentioned. By and large, there are only twenty more blind arrows left: Arrow of Blindness.

What are we gonna do?

There will still be room until the revival of Minot.

You want to take a little peek at the ten layers and stop exploring the labyrinth here?

Even the treasures that come out up to the ninth floor are quite considerable.

There is also a good chance that if we dive again and again, as we have done so far, we will still find it.

... but according to the Mizuchi theory, there is no denying the possibility of more treasures in the depths of the labyrinth.

And I mean, everyone, including me, is now beginning to believe in Mizuchi theory.

Honestly, Mithril is Adamantite, and there's no denying that you can get valuable ore that you haven't yet.

It exists, I'm sure...

There are also powerful equipment such as [Elfin Cheinmeil, the clasp of the elite clan].

It could shape the war phase, as represented by Wand, who will be able to use fireballs for anyone...


I can't help but worry about me.

I just need to be able to do something about the minnows in the first place.

"If you stay here and Minotaur is back out there, you won't have much of a problem. I don't think we're going to struggle this time because we can do it in half by accident and then we won't be able to use magic."


Mizuchi hammered him with a worrying look. This guy's face worried about when he came here again from nine layers outside.

"But the problem isn't that way. The next time I come here. I can't be surprised."

"Indeed... the minotaur Mr. Al and the Marceaurs were dealing with was very strong. I could see it clearly."

Belle seemed to understand what I was trying to say.

"Oh, yeah. That's not good. Unless you can clearly tell by the look, but the feeling I saw was with the other minotaurs. It's a miracle Engela managed this time as much as she was injured. Just so we're clear, it's not weird if I'm dead."


Xenom and Tris were out of line. I guess they don't know because they haven't crossed paths directly.

"There are only two ways to break through safely and securely"

When I said that, I noticed not only the four Zenom, Mizuchi, Tris and Bell, but the other five as well, stopping by and listening to me.

"One thing I don't have to tell you is that I'm going to be stronger enough to take that minotaur off my hands. I've told you a few times, I think you're going to kill more monsters than you've ever done to increase your physical level."

It's natural, isn't it?

And then I change my face and look around at everyone.

I looked in turn at the faces of Zenom, Ralpha, Tris, Belle, Ghine and Bastral. Mizuchi and the two combat slaves have no doubt about it. Maybe, but you can trust Tris and Bell, and maybe around Bastral. And also Xenom, depending on the way you think. Mm-hmm, Guiney will be fine, too. Ralpha... there should also be a distinction between good and bad things to say to the boulder.

What, are you okay?

Continue the words.

"One more thing, there is... this guy isn't easy. No, it's easy to say, but we have it, and we don't have to collect some amount from the ingredients. Besides... training... no, I need you to keep absolute secrets about how. We need you to swear it."

Again, they all looked like what they were doing now.

"You know, sometimes I think, Al, why don't you just trust us a little bit more? I'm not going anywhere betraying you now."

Ralpha says with his mouth pointed. I understand (understand) what you're trying to say. I understand, but all this doesn't go either. I'm not worried that I'm going anywhere now. It's just troublesome when you get excited to talk.

"'Gun', is it?

Tris knows, but he says it with his face. Hi. Looks like Tris was talking to Bell. Bell is also nodding. But I'm poking at a good spot, but it's a shame. Ralpha and Guine when they heard the word gun, Bastral looked surprised and rolled up.

"" What!? Can you make it?!? "

I can't make it, not yet. It's ok whenever it's about a fire rope gun. But, in addition to the spark's phone, the firearms are difficult to prepare or handle just before firing gunpowder and bullets. Even the amount of gunpowder will need to be learned. Plus, the powder that lit the fire splashes from the fireplate when it was fired. Every time you fire, if you make a lot of small burns on the beautiful Bell's face, you'll be magically devoured by healing. Fire one shot and burn yourself in ten places. Bell's magic is halved.

That said, chain-type (bolt action) or semi-automatic (semi-automatic) small guns that utilize metal pockets can make parts with ore and magic. I've only touched 64 fully automatic (full auto) small guns, but the structure is too complicated due to the high parts score. In that regard, I used the semi-automatic (semi-automatic) M1 garland even for large defenses, but I finally remember because the mechanism was quite simple compared to the 64 formula, and the disassembly maintenance was also more numerous than the 64 formula in the dauntless. No problem. The shooting will be many times more than the 64 formula. It was an empty cannon.

Fire medicine (nitrocellulose) is fine too. You can also make DDNP, Diazodinitrophenol, an explosive. Whether it's the worst silver or thunder mercury. I've made them all from a certain amount of natural objects in my previous life. In the lab, with proper tools. Unlike firing pills (nitrocellulose), this one hasn't tested anything yet, so it takes a lot of time to adjust. The gun body won't suddenly be able to make anything that can be used either.

Plus, there's a bigger problem. It's a personal cannon. If I let him hold it, he won't tell me who it is, but there's always someone on track. Sooner or later, the time will come for proper training in the labyrinth, and the guns will be kept until then.

"Unfortunately, it's not like a 'gun' that fires bullets and kills them. I still don't tell the other guys in the killer (Slaters). For the time being."

With that big, sturdy looking body (even the smallest one boasted a length of nearly 2m, and there were guys who hardly frightened after a few attacks), it wouldn't make much sense unless you hit a small bullet or a steep spot if you also had better health than that ogre. You're about a trained bell who can do that to a moving opponent in the first place.

"If it's not a 'gun', what is it?

Tris asked a little unexpectedly.

"I'll use 'Gunpowder'. But it's not a gun, and I haven't tested any gunpowder for bombs yet. Yeah, I've never even made it. But there's no problem with gunpowder that can fire a bullet. Yeah, maybe 'gun' when you say 'gun'...... but I guess it's not what they commonly call 'gun'. If it's easy for you to understand, it's like" Bazooka Cannon of Fire Rope. "Oh, no," Bullet Throw (Grenade Launcher) "huh? Something similar."

I'm not really sure what I'm talking about while I'm saying it. It's not that big of a deal.

It's a firewire gun.

Build a coarse (rough about 25 cm) net with a durable (quick for me to make metal wire) rope that measures 1 m vertically and 40 to 50 m wide, and plant something like a fishing needle with a small return everywhere. The size of the needle is about twenty-five, no, thirty. Keep it folded in waveform at the appropriate width. Keep a gun on both ends, something like an arrow that will be a warhead to say or say cannon.

Make something like a gun with some amount of firing pills, like a large-calibre gun, like a sprawling horizontal double-rifle gun a little further away, and stick the arrow just there in the front mount and fire at the same time. If successful, it will be possible to spread the net and intertwine the Minotaurs. After that, you can stick him in a spear where his movements are dull.

It won't work out all of a sudden, but if you manufacture and modify for a month or two, practice, you'll be fine. Anyway, it's okay to aim for something. I don't mind not being able to tangle all nine minnows. One way or the other, it would be overwhelmingly harder to adjust the amount of gunpowder on the launcher and the angle of the muzzle or something.

The problem is the launcher and the net phone. It would weigh a lot. but it seems that the guardian will not be resurrected one of these days if he destroys it over and over again, so he may seriously continue to cage here and destroy it.

If you think about it, it might be a good idea to make a real gun for a few bucks or so. Anyone can do it if they want to target the other steeple a few meters away from the entrance. I don't sneak out because I can slow down and aim.

What do we do?

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