Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode Two Hundred Nine, Level Ten, Four.


He eventually defeated Minotaur, who stayed between the nine layers of metastatic crystals and came back to life while peering through the ten layers. That was not the case if I wondered if the nine would be resurrected at the same time, first the seven would be resurrected a few minutes apart, and the other two would never be resurrected only if the fog continued to swirl where they were seen to be resurrected. For more than thirty minutes, it was intact, so he instantly killed the seven resurrected men from behind.

When the body was appraised, the level was eight or nine digits across the house.

The animal, not so much so, nevertheless obtained seven extra, rather superior weapons, which were before Ralpha's bracelet magic recovered, so he had no choice but to pull the body and throw it behind the pillar.

Here I was supposed to be worried again.

The first minotaur that Engela and I dealt with was my opponent's thirty-two levels and Engela's opponent's thirty levels. I've never dealt with a group with a level difference so far when dealing with a bunch of monsters. Even if it's a monster resurrection, there are only a few different kinds of lords in a single room that I've seen and observed in person. Whether it was a population such as Slime and Giant Spider that resurrected, the levels were all together, or different, about one level.

It was true that even at the same time there would be fog, a sign of resurrection, the complete resurrection was sometimes subtly out of time, but only thought it was a few seconds - at most a few minutes, to the extent of error.

What can be considered from here is that there may be levels involved in the resurrection of the monster.

Would it be reasonable to assume that the higher the level, the longer the resurrection will take?

A distracting number of resurrections (samples) would be needed to validate the hypothesis. Hypothesis should only be kept to the extent of guidelines as a hypothesis.

Also, the ten layers I peered at, but they didn't look much different from the eight or nine layers I saw. The two minotaurs are not resurrected, so I just peeked and just went back.


Come on, the emergency food is the limit.

Let's go back today.

As always, the fog that the two minotaurs would revive remains swirling. Seven minotaurs are resurrected beside them. I can't help but worry. There was no art, but I ended up with another unintentional blow from behind.

Together with yesterday's body, Ralpha turns the bodies of fourteen minotaurs into water, and I try to put my face on the ten layers again.

Will it come out again that the crab is just a toilet wolf? You can use the magic of Audible Glamour to summon monsters, but why don't we move a little once in a while? I've been waiting for Minotaur's resurrection and I've been in between the metastatic crystals, so it would be nice to walk around.

I was returning my feelings to my beginnings and proceeding with my steps carefully.

"Something's coming! One...... fast!

Bell issues a warning and keeps an arrow on his bow.

Everyone gained some money and entered the battlefield.

I look behind the cave with my [appraisal] vision, too.

... What is that? The feeling I see looks like a large lizard about four meters long, but the shape of the leg is like an insect, followed by six legs. He comes this way with a noisy footstep.

[M/1/12/7444 · Lesser Yo Wee]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 462]

[Level: 11]

[HP: 603 MP: 1 (1)]

[Muscle Strength: 21]

[Jun Min: 35]

[Dexterity: 18]

[Endurance: 55]

[Special Skill: Poison Breath (Poison Breath)]

[Special Skill: Vibration Sensing (Vibration Sensing)]

"Bee Arrow Number (Arrowhead One)!

Say it fast or fly a fire arborest missile...... bounced!?

Everyone who sees it is shouting surprises.

The arrows of the flames flew in an unattainable direction and scattered against the walls of the cave.

Looks like he was bounced by a fine scale covering the monster's body surface.

The angle you hit was shallow?

Or is it pretty sturdy?

He just released a stone arborest missile with a reputation (in my opinion) for penetration, and now, although he slowed down slightly, he burst into it so that it was close to perpendicular from directly above his back.

On the boulder. This pierced the scales brilliantly, pierced deep and sewn onto the ground as if it were a specimen!

"Shh, shh, shh!"

Someone's unleashed Fire Javelin and arrow pierce continuously in his mouth with an unpleasant scream.

The mouth is lined with sloppy fangs, only there reminiscent of crocodiles.

He then used the magic of Grouse Spike to visit the skewers from below.

"Gee, gabble!

As he raised his voice of suffering, the worm lizard spat out a brown liquid like venom to peel, but its momentum was weak, and it did not fly five meters. Of course there is no damage here.

And when Xenom's axe twirled, he flew, and stabbed him in the head, he went back again.

This is a few seconds of something… without a magician who can use a missile at a rate that cuts three seconds, it's going to be quite a struggle.

He cut open the holes my magic made to expand and let Zulu collect the demon stones.

The Demon Stone is worth about 60,000. More than 400,000 Z if sold.

In this way, in addition to Lesser Yo Wee, I discovered that there were still, or metastatic crystals, as I proceeded to slaughter the Blue Battle Club and Killermantis, which became even more violent due to their different colors.

Shall we go back with this one?

"Oh, my lord! Safe!

Back in the eight-layer metastatic crystal room, Giberti greeted us with joy and tears.

"Sorry to bother you. I'll tell you more later. Give me something to eat."

We had stretched out our preserved food and endured it, and Giberti prepared it for us, until we had a full belly with cabbage, carrots and simmered potatoes and bread.

It should be noted that Giberti, who was free, was finally completing what should be called the prototype of dry bread. Because the method itself is a biscuit baked twice, and it's not difficult. It's worth teaching you to drill needle holes to make it easier to get through the fire, add salt as well as hops, sesame seeds, and sugar, and add high-quality stuff with impurities by boiling lard over and over again.

"I think that's where the flavor is. I think it's light and portable, so don't replenish the preserved meals you've had this time, and I'll make a lot of them, including your portion, during this holiday."

Giberti declared happily toward me for passing. The dry bread, baked in a square of about seven centimeters across, did taste good there. This, that's where it's actually important. No matter how well you make it, dry bread shouldn't taste too good. I usually eat it. Well, when it tastes that good, I can sell it as a treat.

Because butter is a super luxury product, it's not quite a tasty treat. Naturally, I don't use butter, so no matter how hard I try, it doesn't taste very good.

"Oh, this' kampan 'recipe. When you have something you think is complete, keep track of it."

You can buy it from Giberti later, or in some cases sell it as a Giberti personal. Of course it's after I own the territory. Surely this guy's dream was to do a diner.

Of the excess, only vegetables and other seemingly early-footed ingredients were returned to the ground.

"... and I managed to break through the nine layers in order to say it. The ten layers felt similar to the nine layers, but it looks like there are several new demons, and I don't know what the lord of the room looks like because I haven't been to the demon room yet"

He briefly gave a decade-layer report to the massacrers (Butchers) and the eradicators (Exterminators), showing off the loot he took by smashing the guardian Minotaur.

"I'll lend it to you if you want to use it. After you report it to the King. Maybe he'll give it back."

When I said that, Kevin wanted to use a single-edged (single-edged) battle axe (Valdish). Oh, you have high eyes for boulders. I thought I wouldn't use the double-edged (double-edged) battle axe (Battle Axe) that I had previously acquired, so I ended up letting it be used by Karim, Lorrick's battle slave.

Kevin once said he would use it, and everyone excited that there were so many superb products was quite a few guys trying to replace the weapons.

Ginger is intrigued by the cross (cross) spear (spear), and Gel seems to want the reverse spur (barb) trident (trident). Kim had to give up because there was nothing to replace the boulder because the score she was using now was too long.

Rutz seems to change his score from just a spear to a long (Paul) battle axe (boogie), and decided to give my battle slave Ruby a wide blade (Broadpoint) axe spear (Halvard) and Jess a ribboned triangle spear (Partisan).

Lorrick's combat slave, Dender, who was using the Hammer of War (Warhammer), did not try to change it for any reason. The sword (Grave) floated, but no. Bastral also says he'd like a spear he's used to.

After that, I will be away for a while due to reports to the King, etc., so I will not rest the entire labyrinth line of the killer (Slaughters), but the killer (Slaughters) will rest because I am not here (the new hierarchy is horrible without me), but the massacrer (Butchers) and the uprooter (Exterminators) will send a leader from the killer (Slaughters) as before, so I made him accept that he will go to the labyrinth again in three days.

3 Nov 7446

"… this is the armor obtained by defeating a group of minotaurs who were guardians of the Nine Layers"

The Demon Stone also showed off the loot while giving it away at the same time. This time again, the two kings and Her Royal Highness Lady Maurice of the First Queen, and the guard, are in front of His Royal Highness Richard, who is a prince and head of the First Knights squad.

Is that it? That's right, the fridge in the corner of this blind room (Refrigerator)... Did you see it somewhere?

[Refrigerator (Refrigerator)]

[Beach Materials/Iron]

[Condition: Good]

[Processing date: 18/7/7444]

[Value: 12800000]

[Endurance: 465 (492)]

[Performance: Internal temperature 4 degrees; 1489 value/day]

[Effect: Refrigeratable storage of items stored inside. No humidity regulation function]

... I see.

"... indeed... Looks like you've broken through the nine layers, Grid. It's a big deal."

I said it in a way Molene was impressed. His Royal Highness Richard is also keeping it with his parents' companions to look at the status of weapons and demon stones and open his eyes. Hmm, what do you say?

"What's the big deal? I guess I'm just clouding my tea like this because I didn't get a busy prey after all."

Heck, the king says to throw it away, but that would just be regrettable if your ancestors didn't merit it. I am embarrassed by that attitude by Moline and His Royal Highness Richard for the evidence.

"By the way, why did you come to the report this time after the last time? Last time it was an unprecedented feat, and I know..."

Moleen says wonderfully.

That's not true, there's no proof that the public will know that even if I say, "I went to the tenth floor," and it's up to you because you want me to officially admit the evidence. Pre-built.

"Oh, I see"

Ask yourself and put it down, but apparently Molene instantly understood.

No, well, come on, I want you to praise me, because I want you to review me, I can't say that. I'm a kid too.

"So clear! Damn you, you little brat! Exactly! What? You wanted a compliment? Huh? Awesome. The boulder is Balduk's best adventurer. You've done your best. Great!"

The king was turning bright red and grinning with his belly. Shit, they're spotting us. It's embarrassing, already.

"Ah... well, you're on your way to Your Majesty..."

Is my face red, too?

"Buhi, it's on the way!?" That's about it already "

Moleen shrugged and blocked the king. I also feel a little angry with the king.

"It's Gried. It's good to be proud of your accomplishments. Not to mention the ten layers that even His Majesty George Lomberto I couldn't reach, sincerely a wonderful place to work. We should be very proud of those other than those who accompanied us. Because we're the only ones who can publicly acknowledge that, right?

Moline smiled and said. It's hard for me to recognize Pre-Construction as Pre-Construction.

"Ha ha."

I can only lay flat.

"Just like last time, in the name of the royal family, let me announce the greatness of that."

Last time, soon after that, the royal family said, "Alain Gried. An adventurer risked his life to break through the eight layers of Balduk's labyrinth. Reach the ninth level. The royal family praises this honor". Thanks to this, we killers (Slaters) were able to do a bigger side in the city of Balduk than ever before. Though there have also been many more elephants who wish to join the slayer (Slaters). It was also around this time that the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) began to impose.

"Ha ha, thank goodness happiness"

Yeah, well, I didn't want you to compliment me.

I just wanted you to officially acknowledge everyone's performance, including mine.

Let's think so.

4 Nov 7446

On my way home from Royal Castle yesterday, I purchased iron ore from a blacksmith.

Finally, orders are also placed with specialized chambers of commerce so that large quantities of cotton just collected from cotton (about ten kg) can be purchased on a regular basis, which has not been treated in any way.

I also went to a dye shop and bought yellow dyes.

Yellow dyes have a history of being made of picric acid (trinitrophenol), which is the main raw material of DDNP Diazodinitrophenol.

If the aubergine yellow dye is picric acid, it's money.

Seal the iron ore in a barrel in a room in the Wang Du Inn and turn it into mud using the magic of Transmute Rock Tow Mad. Afterwards, iron is sorted, separated, and then molded. Hmm.



For starters, it's just an engine department like the simplest revolver. It even scrapped the automatic rotation mechanism of the magazine (it is necessary to rotate the magazine by hand each time it is fired. gloves would be mandatory because they would heat up), a very simple one. Finally, even a gun handle (grip) is just a plate of iron. Secure this guy with all your might or something and even thread it on the trigger (trigger) and fire it remotely. Now it would be better to test the bullets and improve their completion. Because I use gunpowder, I also need to consider safety.

A large number of other parts of the drugpods and detonators were also manufactured, including warheads.

It became the feather to recreate several times in order to grasp the sensation during sorting and molding, but because it was grasping some trick with the grinder, it was soon possible to make it at the right size. For once, the drugpod took the form of a bottleneck like a regular rifle bullet. It will also take a lot of filling to screen.

And then, as a good launcher (gun powder), you make a detonator (detonation powder) detonator.

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