Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode Two Hundred Ten: Endless Development



A burst of gunpowder echoes in the middle hall of the eight layers.

"Can I think of no more 'underdevelopment' in boulders..."

While performing the gun test, I leaked to myself.

Because, why haven't you been in the central hall of the Nine Layers, the front line, there, you can't use magic. I've been there a couple of times since then to kill the minotaur that's been resurrected every time, but the first two amazing arms that Engela and I dealt with still haven't resurrected, killing only the other seven.

Stock because it is inconvenient if the magic remains unusable (?) is going to kill Minotaur until he runs out. As a result, the eight layers of minnows were stopped in the middle of last month, or the resurrection had stopped. Well, because of that, I'm even trying to build a bullet that can fire a decent warhead as well as a netshot. I was going to do it someday, and I hope so.

"This is just the one thousand and two hundred shots."

Bell said. I can hear it twitching through my earplugs.

As a result, everyone within fifty meters of the gun during the test shooting is forced to wear earplugs.

I couldn't get it on initially, but the firing sounded too loud in the labyrinth beyond our expectations. I guess it also has to do with the fact that the ceiling is only thirty meters high, even though it is a large room with a diameter of one kilometer. Although we had heard about the firing noise, Zenom, Zulu, Engela, etc. who could not even predict the exact volume made earplugs because they looked a little frightened by the loud firing noise.

Special earplugs in slightly distorted shapes are available along with those of Zulu, Engela, and Bastral because the holes in the ears of Bell's head are different shapes from those of the Pu (Hume), the Elite (Elf), and the Mountain (Dwarf).

Being a raw Aussie until they had a proper earplug, they were either keeping them on guard in the distance or trying to get them to go to the slaughterhouse (Butchers) or the uprooters (Exterminators).

This shooting test combines the investigation of the endurance limits of the barrel (barrel) and tail barrel (receiver), but it's like a sliding cannon with no rifling or carving, and even if you say it has a rotating magazine (cylinder), it doesn't mean that the tail barrel (receiver) has a complex structure because it's a virtually single gun that doesn't rotate automatically. The utility limit should be quite high for a very simple (simple) structure alone.

First of all, I'm trying to build a mesh gun source, and I'm just talking about not carving it because I don't think I need a rifling, and I actually have a rifling carved barrel to test with. This one is made from chromium, not chromium-plated, for internal rifling. It's a luxury.

I've been laying tests every time I dive into the labyrinth since then, but I'd say it's pretty complete. And although I'd say it's about fifty out of a hundred. I can't make an original hundred points, and my goal is ninety. Actually, that's a goal that smells too high.

Rubber, sword, and gun, I don't want to recreate what's modern Earth. I believe that the quality that can help me with this oath is sufficient. Something perfect. If any decent craftsman showed up, he'd make it right, and that wouldn't be my role. But of course, we have never moved beyond the high quality, and if the quality is constant, there is nothing to be overstated, so we are going to do what we need to do to get a little closer to it.

They imitate me anyway.

Then I'll just be a little bit imitated and have a hard idea.

In my case, that's just what I call a magical entanglement, and if I didn't have the magical talent, I would have taken a lot more time, but I would have done a lot of work. As for guns, two kinds of gunpowder are impossible to make without at least as much magic total as Mizuchi so far, and in this situation I can assure you that an extreme story, even if a whole dozen of the prototype guns were stolen, would not be able to fire more than the number of bullets stolen.

And with the oath's working accuracy, it would be difficult even to make a copy of my prototype gun. I don't think I can do it at all. Even if I pushed quite a few times to make a copy, I think I can only make something that is subtle in accuracy, inferior in durability, and subtle in calling it a degraded version that does not reach the feet of a genuine (original) regardless of how it is raised.

Fifty points. That would be very satisfying for me.

These days, I've done about a hundred to two hundred test shots in a single test, but the bullets and gunpowder have been fairly stable around over five hundred shots. The gun of the sliding chamber cannon also now, with this bullet, if the bell carefully adjusts its position, the collection rate will fit within a circle of two centimeters. At the same time underdevelopment has been reduced to less than 3%.

There was also a lot of hard work to get here. There was also a great harvest.

Shall I start with hard work?

Almost no accidents appeared during the stage of making smokeless gunpowder (nitrocellulose), which I prototyped when I was a kid.

However, there were two outbursts during the drug-packing phase of the firing drug (gun powder) using smokeless gunpowder, which blurred even until all the fingers on my right hand didn't cut a thousand. It was a successful form that I was making in small pieces, with very little caution. I wouldn't be surprised if I was making it all at once to make it easier.

For once, they also made shields for work. He's the bigger guy on a shield like the welder uses, and the small peek window is diamond (relatively inexpensive in oaths. Still a little more expensive than the crystal). Secondary damage was also avoided because at both times it was going in the corner of an eight-layer central hall with no people around it.

Also, I thought that the manufacture of warheads, drug-casings, and minefield parts would further increase the magic moves of Transmute Rocktoe Mad, but again, it made me feel the difficulty of this magic that it was only to the point of cutting forty minutes.

Note that a significant amount of brass (brass) ore can make hundreds of capsules at the top. I can make as many as a thousand thunderstorms from small copper ore. Even if it takes time to mud, it takes little time to shape or mold. It is also remarkable to note the appearance and the fact that it is possible to mould in a uniform size with perfect sizing.

Because of this, the detonator (detonation powder) in the detonator was safe to make DDNP, Diazodinitrophenol, so there wasn't much problem. But whether the original secularity had made it do so, or whether it had stained its customs in the militia with the assumption that it was common sense, it had made the drug casket into a centerfire boxer type. This boxer-type detonator pod should be collected and cleaned after use and used for a considerable number of times. No, I'm giving a reason, especially, but the truth is, that's all I remember.

A very small amount of DDNP is pushed into the detonator tube by making a slight crease in the center, and then the lid is easily covered with a smaller amount of hardened wax. Now we can do the detonator. When the detonator was inserted into the bottom of the medicine pod, it erupted again and again. At first, we assembled only the parts without packing gunpowder to check the procedure and fitting of the parts, but they failed quite a bit at the time of production.

If I hadn't made a special jig in anticipation of my failure in advance, I would have felt quite painful again here. When it comes to jigs, it's not that difficult. It's just a thick cylinder of iron. The bottom of the jig is merely a plank of wood, where the detonator is placed upwards to place the iron cylinder, which is the jig. Place the pod gently from the top and use only a little hand force to feed the detonator into the pod. After that, place the plate on the medicine pod and tap it vertically into the cone with the hammer to fit.

It is difficult to add or subtract the force of beating. Too weak takes time, and too strong is an outburst. Even if it erupts, there is no damage due to jigs, but in addition to working time, the material is wasted. However, more caution is demanded when filling the pod with firing pills and fitting the warhead.

Because the outburst here means firing a bullet.

Naturally, the jig was also prepared exclusively. Drill a hole in the middle of the thick iron plate that is slightly larger than the warhead, keeping the inside thin and raw rubber. Make sure you push the warhead in there. Flip the pierced iron plate of the warhead, carefully align it against the drugpod that stood with the bottom of the detonator tubing in place, and tap it in slowly.

And here's the harvest.

Tris, who seemed to fail every time, has told me to leave the preparation and the work to me.

At first, no matter how many [scales] I had, I refused to think it was dangerous because it was not yet a proper procedure or other well-established task, and I wasn't used to it, but I immediately reconsidered. Well, when I first met him, I was expecting that he might indeed be useful in the manufacture of gunpowder in the future. A small amount would not kill you instantly if you failed. If you don't die instantly, I can cure you.

"[Scale] or... Right, please. Be safe..."

and teach Tris how to formulate, work procedures, and how to use jigs. Tris listened if he nodded Hmm, and every time he asked, he made it a success at once. I just sit around in a horseradish and squash the ingredients I make with my hands in an appropriate amount of sight. Occasionally, you say, "The amount of firing pills is just like this, right?" and so on. "But they're doing more work accurately than I am when they check their performance after work.

Even when inserting the detonator, he subtly shifted the position of the plate "... here or" and slapped it with a scone and a hammer. Confirming it, it was well embedded, and my struggles seemed stupid enough. Even when you insert warheads made of iron (copper is cheaper but higher than iron, and lead is considerably cheaper but has to be picked up in Balduk). Naturally, there was not a single bullet made by Tris that went undeveloped.

All that or increasing the number of jig holes fitting the warhead, and six shots at the same time went with a fine face to the detachment of fitting the warhead. Now it's a situation where I create the ingredients, Tris measures the quantity, and even assembles them. All I have to do is build an empty cannon for mesh shooting stuffed with rubber stoppers instead of warheads. It's a task that even toddlers can do if they look away from handling hazardous materials.

In this way, the manufacturing time was significantly shorter because Tris was good at making bullets, but he still eats quite a bit of time. Even though it took less than two hours to test a hundred rounds, the rest of the time was almost the end of what was spent making bullets.

But anyway, I might say I saw a bullet or a gun that fires it.

The rest is to redesign the gun bed and so on so that the gun body is portable, and rebuild it to the shape (but simultaneously fired) of a medium-fold double-shot gun. Also, if possible (and if I can afford it), I would design a real gun capable of firing live ammunition as well. Whether it is revolver or bolt action if you can, but equip it with a magazine to carry out continuous loading to shooting and, if necessary, slotting. This is an automatic small gun (semi-automatic rifle).

Wouldn't it take years, no matter how short?

Even bolt-action single-shot guns have been neglected since World War II, and have been used since, even when I was killed in an accident, in a tough working format employed by military guns. The famous Finnish sniper was able to shoot sixteen shots a minute with a bolt-action rifle without this safety device.

Back on the ground, I went on winter break.

The caravan should arrive from my parents' house tomorrow or the day after, and I'd like to keep my face at Master Mira's if this is possible.


I came to Wang Capital in the form of accompanying my brothers, who have led the caravan.

In addition to Mizuchi, there are more than ten accompanying people.

In addition to six other escorts, with the exception of my brother, who originally had many eyes on the two carriages.

Ralpha and Guine are still changing the color of their eyes to shopping. As usual, the Zenome for Smoking can afford life by making money in the Eradicators (Exterminators), and the Lorricks want the slaves to see the King's Capital. Rocco and Kevin are breathing trying to play them all over. Carm and Kim seem to have something they want to buy, and Vince and Hiss seem to be new to weapons. Other members seem to enjoy their holidays in Balduk.

"So many first-rate adventurers escort you as if you were a transport unit for important supplies on the battlefield," said Sean, the squire chief. As a matter of fact, he eared to me, "Dear Al, after less than five years Al has gotten a lot of great distributions, and it's really a big deal". It's awkward to compliment you, but I still don't think this is enough.

Also, starting with my brother, my servants were surprised to hear of my achievement of greatness.

"You really are a big guy! I have a high nose, too. It's my luxury today! Let's go to a good store!

and my brother stroked my head. It's already eighteen. I don't think it's time for that.

"What is that! We've got a good souvenir to talk about!


"It's a boulder!

"Be truly splendid...!

The squire also celebrated with all his heart. It stinks, but I'm honestly glad.

Climb up to the Royal Castle as usual to make deliveries, receive the balance and take your next order. At the same time, I receive half the money. You carry so much cash, and you have no choice but to have a multi-eyed escort. It's been too little so far. According to my brother, I have been able to afford quite a bit of money, so I have allocated a large number of people to spread the sight and hearing of my servants.

He also said that the biggest factor was that there was some room for numbers because the use of bull horses for agriculture saved a lot of effort. In addition to the three military horses used at my parents' house and four walrus horses for carriage, a total of as many as sixteen cow horses are now used in agriculture.

They also said that the opportunities for the squire to be directly involved in farming have decreased, and that they have more time to take on sword archery. And the opening went well, and the farmland expanded by nearly twenty ha in total from the time I left the village, mainly in the rubber plantation. I didn't look around every corner when I got back to my head this year.

It also appears that Mun is currently caged with his second child.

... I'm glad you look happy, Mun.

I'd like to think I could repay you a little, too.

It should be noted that there seems to be no congratulations for the brother and his wife. Now my sister-in-law Shani would have made friends her age again if she was pregnant. When I said that, my brother said with a slightly bumpy face, "Zed and Becky can really burn their hands...... they're full of crap. Al (Aylard) has always been made to play a hard role," he blurred.

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