
After moving to Wangdu the day before, everyone is separated during last night because of their own errands, etc. Earlier this morning, Mizuchi said, "I'm a little 'old'? I'll go say hello to Mr. Tukelin first with it," he said after breakfast when he stopped at the sausage factory and went shopping. I told her I'd show up at Tukelin's when I was done, too, and I decided to rendezvous with her at the treatment center.

First, I'll climb the castle with my brothers and deliver rubber armor.

Now most orders from the First Knights have been removed. Four orders were taken from the First Knights for the next time, and the remaining seven were all orders from the Second Knights. That said, this is not the end of our relationship with the First Knights. I've only bought about 60% of my knights and squire's rubber armor yet.

The other 40% will get an order when the time comes to apply for subsidies even when the armor they are using now can be used, and it seems that those who have already used it will also apply for subsidies and re-buy them after seven years of purchase.

The disadvantage is that rubber armor has a short service life compared to previous armor made from metal and leather. However, the advantage is that it is cheaper than metal armor, lighter, not less defensive, and even less expensive to repair. I'm really glad to hear that you're going to be able to build a relationship like this for a long time.

At any rate, it would not be as flashy as metal armor (plate mails) or sheet-metal all-body armor (full plate armor), and would raise the point that it doesn't look very good either. I think maybe this is the only place you'll ever win no matter how hard you try. Well, some ebony plates are pretty good luster. The colors aren't... they're too plain.

So the demand for metal armor will always remain for the aforementioned reasons. It's true that being pushed by our rubber armor will reduce the order itself compared to before, but it won't go away. Finally, it turns out that the defense itself is better with metal armor. Heavy though. Of course, there is a proposal to make the surface of the plate only look good in thin metal.

But if I get that far, hey... I have also talked to my brother and father about this, and I have come to the conclusion that it would be less savory to do so.

It would be better to spend years twitching and passing the name through the Barkud brand. As for the production volume, even if it has grown, I think it would be a good place to double or five times as much as it is now. Still, ten years from now, twenty years from now, we'll be the biggest manufacturer of armor in the country. I want to eat into the oligopolistic corner of the market and have some control, but I don't want to monopolize and buy grudges.

Anyway, from the next time, the Second Knights will be the main trading partner. Unlike the First Knights, which can be subsidized by half every seven years as an aid for the purchase of personal equipment, the Second Knights are expected to see a sharp decrease in the proportion of ordered persons compared to the First Knights, since only 30% of the aid is paid every seven years.

But the number of denominators is different digits. The Second Knights are five times as many cavalry knights as the First Knights. Five hundred. There are twenty times as many thousands of infantry squire. When this is third or fourth, the number of people is greater. Thirdly and fourthly, they don't pay for supplementary personal equipment, but if the time comes to replace them, I think they will buy our armor about 10% of the time.

Given the cycle of orders, raising a few orders will not have a significant impact on the market within the next year. Anyway, it seems to be a handful to the extent of making two pieces a year when it's a workshop that consistently manufactures metal armor (plate mails) from start to finish. Even in the division of labor workshop, there are five good clothes. So very expensive. The knights who are too expensive to reach that point come out crying overlay armor (Sprint Mail), metal belt armor (Banded Mail), at the end of the day metal scaling armor (Skyle Mail) and worst, and people who put up with just the claws (Chain Mail).

Our opponents are people like that or people who hate the weight of metal armor. Even the First Knights probably won't buy us some plain ~ armor. But most people who don't use rubber armor say they envy light armor. I'd be glad to see more buyers.

I broke up with my brothers returning to the Chamber of Commerce, and I went to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce. I wanted to hear about the progress on the example ring and the exorcism.

First, the ring, but they handed me a sealed letter. There's some family crest in the wax, but I don't care because I'm not familiar with the crest. I'm not really interested in which noblemen bought it.

"Hehe...... You're young and benevolent."

Without looking at the crest in a busy manner, I said, "I will see it," and the Chairman of Commerce said so after I just opened the seal and pulled out the letter, I saw that I had placed the envelope on the table so that I could not see the crest. That's right. I'm not going to ruin the commercial zone of the Sandark Chamber of Commerce.

I bowed my head one thing to get compliments and opened the letter.

- To the seller of this ring.

First of all, I would like to express my profound gratitude to you for selling a very valuable piece of magic.

In addition, the ability to discern the ring was confirmed by wearing it to actually perform as expected. It was then again identified as a genuine magic object by confirming it using special magic. Ability is recovery of health. The healing itself is to some extent conducive to recovery, such as injury, but it is no different that it is valuable.

Overlapping, I sincerely thank you for giving me such a precious item.

Zotroot, Marquis of Darthline, Minister of the Right of the Kingdom of Romberto -

Well, it's polite to write your name in a letter, isn't it, Aus?

I can't help but read what it says.

What, no!?

Speaking of the Marquis Darthline, he's one of the modern ministers.

Also known as the lead court magician.

He is the secretary of the palace ministry.

Even I'm a celebrity with a name.

He has a strong image of an old short pitiful grandfather who was driven away by Baron Logan for pressing his sister to show him his magic, but he is a man who reigns almost at the apex of politicians and officials: ministers.

I don't even know if you're waving your spicy arms around politics.

As many ministers in the past have already said, their tenure is not for a short period of time.

Unlike him, for example, who has been in office for more than a decade, Chancellor Taru Left Minister was replaced some years ago with a short term of just two years.

I do think he was just a duke with a name that doesn't have a decent territory with the king's cousin or something.

It should be noted that the head of Sandark's main house is also the de facto Territorial Minister, who is one of the right ministers and concurrently heads the Territorial Ministry (Ministry of Land). I officially said something about a territorial misstatement or something.


When you look at me, the chairman says, "Daimyo, you're surprised to know the buyer, right?," he said with a soft grin.

"... no... well, I stuttered..."

That's all.

Sure, I'm surprised by the name of the Marquis Darthline... but I'm more interested in “special sorcery” than that.

This, if you ask, won't tell me......

I hope you just show me at first sight.

"I don't care. I don't think you care that much. I'm not surprised it says his name in the letter."

The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce said so, but if I can get a chance, I would like to ask you to teach me about "special magic" and ask you to show it to me. Of course, I'm not at all dissatisfied with going through the Sandark Chamber of Commerce if we're going to do any business.

Note that the exorcist is giving advance notice of the auction (auction), and I was just watching the first reaction. After compiling this, initial reaction, the actual bid deadline is set, and the minimum bid price is also determined at the same time, and once again it is officially notified.

"Quite a value expected"

The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce said with a happy grin.

They still won't let me know how much it's worth.

I was wondering if I wouldn't sell it if it was going to be very cheap (doesn't reach 100 million)?

But it would be nice to go through something called an auction once or so.

Prepared to receive the price before the evening, he promised to revisit, and on his feet headed for the treatment center run by the Dark Elves (Dark Elves) Tukelin. It is new to my memory that about three months ago, I was overjoyed when I examined the sale of Balducky.

When he arrived at the treatment center, Mizuchi, who did not accompany him to the royal castle or the Chamber of Commerce, was wasting his tea with Tukelin and his wife. They bought it at some fancy store at the table, and they have a crate of sweets that is old, and it seems that the contents are already gone. I guess it's also a story that accumulates quite a bit between the countrymen. I didn't seem to be talking about business until I arrived. Looks like Mizuchi.

"Lord Gried. I was contacted by my home country the other day. If possible, I would be glad to have 3,500 balduckies per month..."

I feel that Tukerin's response has become a little polite.

But three thousand and five hundred... is that okay?

Now the factory can cover just by crushing the holidays and keeping them running for a day.

I look at Mizuchi's face unexpectedly, but she nodded with the face that she had no problem.


Have you increased the number of caravan flights to Wangdu (Lombertia)?

On purpose?

Surely there are several Dark Elf warriors escorting one carriage... Is it close to a cup if one carriage because it weighs almost four hundred kg?

"Of course there's nothing wrong with that at all. Yeah, and then, if you want to wrap it in a hemp bag and seal it with a rubber pulled cloth bag, you can eat it deliciously for two months at room temperature. Guaranteed."

Maybe two and a half months will be fine, but just in case, I made a slight declaration.

"Oh! That's fantastic! Long lasting quality helps."

"So what do you do with the flavor? There are five varieties, so mix (assorted) with all the flavors of 700 bottles each?

When asked so, Tukelin came a little embarrassed and said, "I want everything to be normal Balducky, please". Yeah. Well, you'll have a preference, and that might be best at first. Oh, is it embarrassing because it's the cheapest? I don't know, I don't care at all.

"And the price is better, because it's really good for 30% of the market value?

"Yeah, of course. She (Mizuchi) has asked me to do the same. Money is outrageous."

Eh, even if I sold it at market value. Three hundred Z a bottle if it's a normal Bardukki.

Money is not enough for a single coin (millions of Z).

I'm not paying the slaves any incremental allowances for their holiday attendance, I won't lose anything, and if you appreciate it, it's better that way.

I told the customer that it would be OK if she contacted me about ten days before the scheduled delivery and left the treatment center behind.

And then... oh, yeah.

I also have to buy iron ore and other ore.

Besides, most importantly, the Russegs and the Yoturen family should, of course, keep their tax payouts on the employees of the killers (Slaters). When I get back to the Chamber of Commerce, Mizuchi and I will be chased today and tomorrow for calculations and clerical processing. It stinks. I want a calculator.

January 5, 7447.

Tomorrow I will be in the labyrinth again.

I've been pretty busy this New Year's Eve.

At the end of the year it was carried out by collecting deliveries, checking books, paying taxes, etc., entering the labyrinth with a large quantity of dried goods, going to Master Mira's for magical training. When I got back, I went back. I returned to Wangdu again and chartered a passenger carriage to carry the ore to the inn in order to carry the large quantity of metal ore that I had asked the great chamber of commerce in Wangdu to put in place.

After that, he trained in the magic of fireworks (pyrotechnics) and Necromancer Crusade (Grave Strike), newly learned from his master, and the magic of descending smoke (ground smoke). Incidentally, I asked a question about the “special sorcery” that was in the Marquis Darthline's letter during New Year's training, and I was very sorry to hear that Master Mira had no idea either.

It is true that according to my sister's story, the level of magical special skill of the Marquis Darthline should have been seven magic or something, so even if it was really “special”, I don't think it makes sense that I couldn't master it.

At least it turns out that whatever very advanced sorcery God uses, it doesn't cover Master Mira and the rest of the fairies or all the sorcery that exists in the world. That doesn't make any difference to being an important master to me.

Well, I'm ready from tomorrow, and you want to go to bed.

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