21 Jan 7447

In the last labyrinth row, guns continued to be developed in an eight-layer hall as usual.

Crush the fine issues, make improvements, and test again in the next labyrinth row.

If there is no problem there, I am going to use it instead of being the owner of the room in the aisle.

If that goes well, then I'm finally going to go to the Nine Layers and do some networking against a bunch of minnows. If it's effective against trolls or something, you can expect some effect from Minot as well.

And leave the labyrinth somewhat well (though not well), as a matter of fact, I'm on my way to Wang Du with Mizuchi right now.

While we were in the labyrinth this time, the Marquis of Darthline replied, saying that he wanted to meet and listen as soon as possible. The venue of the meeting is the area of the Palace Ministry in the administrative office of the Wang capital. I thought that, apart from other provinces, Miyagi (a department to divide Miyagi events, etc., and assist the king) and Castle Army (a department of military relations) were inside the Royal Castle.

Even the Japanese palace office is on the property of the Imperial Palace. Well, I asked him later, and he said it's not only in both provinces properly, but also in the other provinces and in the royal castle, but the royal castle is only a departure agency and it's like headquarters in one of the areas where the administrative buildings are dense.

So, even though the king is a minister and a politician and a bureaucrat, when he can run errands or wants to talk about something, he's going out of his way to call me from the administration they're serving. This stinks like the more great you get, the more you're called to the king, right? I wish there was at least an administration right next to the royal castle.

Of course, I understand that I have divided places because I would hate to see many politicians (also called senior nobles) and officials come to work every day inside a royal castle that serves as a place of royal life.

But I don't know if it's nearly a mile away from everything. I'll make sure I don't. I wrote it down in my mind's notebook.

Because you're meeting the minister, me and Mizuchi are wearing the kind of fine clothes we wear on Judgment Day. It was opened before it was reminiscent of a kimono from a previous life. There are no kimonos on the sleeves for men or women. Also, since the oath doesn't have a chin, it doesn't seem like it can be tightened. Wear a few loose pants instead and the shoes are the same combat shoes. Because I'm not in public office, and I'm a junior nobleman, so the colour of my belt is dark green. Mizuchi is bright pink.

First I stopped by the Sandark Chamber of Commerce, where he was close to me, greeted the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, and decided to go with him to the Palace Introspection. Upon coming to one of the administrative buildings, the place assigned to the Palace Ministry, the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce informs him that it is an invitation from the Marquis of Darthline to whether he is a knight or squire of the Third Knights of the Gatekeeper. We were to wait a little while on the spot. But I was interested in a different Knights man than I pulled into the back and some public talk about this building, so I waited more than fifteen minutes, but it wasn't too shabby.

Then they pass it to a place that looks like a reception room. Sitting on the couch there, around sipping two or three sips of the tea served, he said, "Hmm? Between McCasse? I thought I told you to let me through during the cam crap! ♪ Or I could hear you yelling. Face to face with Mizuchi. What a noise.

"There you are"

Says the chairman of the Sandark Chamber of Commerce, who fastened the belt of the same green lineage as me.

Is that the voice?

And one grandfather came into the room. He was a skinny, sharp old man. At the tip of his jaw grey beard grew in reverse triangle, and the same color, rich hair for his age, was slightly longer and caressed carefully to the back of his head. The item you are wearing is superior because you can see it. It has the same design as my kimono and Mizuchi kimono, but it seems to be hung with a few steps of gold. The color of the belt... Oh, my God, it's red. Not when you're a marquis and you're a minister.

Oh, the king is purple, the queen, the prince, the duke is blue. If my father sees it "officially," it goes black. The Marquis of Webdos is yellow, the Knights of the First Knights, and Baron Logan is red. I guess it's white in the squadron leader class. The colour of these belts is determined by the fact that they are aristocratic or by some rating among them. No matter how great a free citizen is, it has to be another color, like brown or water, or pink like Mizuchi.

I guess this grandfather is the Marquis of Darthline.

"Thank you, Marquis, for the other day. So these two are examples…"

The Chairman of the Sandark Chamber of Commerce gave us a look.

"Nice to meet you, my lord. My name is Alain Gried."

"It's Mizzerit Chiztungrl. It's a pleasure to meet you."

We said hello when we got up off the couch.

"Oh! Oh!?... GREED? Somewhere...... GREED...... and excuse me. I didn't bother calling you up. I'm Darthline....... WHAT, GREED!?"

Marquis Darthline would naturally be the first to know about our information on the seller. I guess the name Gried sounds familiar because I've been obsessed with your sister. Especially since I haven't heard a whole lot of names from my sister lately, I was wondering if I'd given up or if I wouldn't be that free at all.

Me and Mizuchi slowly sat back on the couch in front of the Marquis Darthline, who was staring at my face while trying to sit back on the couch.

"All of a sudden I'm upset to hear this, but do you have any relatives in the First Knights?

Marquis Darthline asked me in a position that remained solidified.

"My sister is taking care of me in the First Knights. You know very well."

"... Alain Gried... of the Gried Chamber of Commerce... the Killers (Slaters)... with reason"

Heh. You know a lot about sloppy adventurers. Well, it's not surprising to launch a chamber of commerce centered on rubber products, whose founder is still young enough to be a kid, and whose name is about known because the other day he was an adventurer who outran the feat of His Majesty George Lomberto I, the first king of the kingdom. Anyway, I've become a little celebrity besides adventurers in its shadow.

"Oh, no. Excuse me from time to time. I hear your sister is very good as a magician. Are you good at magic, too?

I thought they'd say something similar.

"That's a little better than people. If it's magic, this Mizuchi is better at it."

Mizuchi smiles when I tell her.

"Hmm, Dark Elves (Dark Elves)... Then it's not weird if you have something good at magic… Sometimes, with Mr. Chizumagrol, what's the level of unwitting?

Marquis Darthline asked Mizchi as he sat back on the couch.

How dare you, you.

Mizuchi seems to have blurred and missed hearing.

I'll poke you with my elbow.

"Ah!? Yes! Shh, sorry. Too nervous......"

I repeated the Marquis's question because I had no choice.

You know what, why don't you stop me?

You don't want to offend the big man's heart.

I don't have a choice.

"It was five the other day. My lord."

I heard that. Marquis Darthline was surprised with his eyes round. The truth is, it's seven.

"Adventurers who use magic everyday and in action on boulders are prone to increase their magic special skill levels."

Apparently this grandfather used to go into the Labyrinth of Balduk when he was younger too. But he knows that being a leading court magician on a boulder causes direct damage with magic, and that magic experience is more efficient when the subject dies later. Of course, the efficiency of experience and mastery of witchcraft are completely different, and it is more overwhelming that adventurers are conserving their magic to healing witchcraft for when they have to deal more damage with attack witchcraft. So not much is known.

I also wanted to ask how much I knew by pretending I was impressed with it, but I didn't like being a snake, and it didn't mean that I would get anything out of it, so I flushed it.

This is how we do a few minutes of public speaking, and the meeting finally gets to the point.

"That's right, about today, about that ring. Is that still what you got in Balduk's labyrinth?

"Yeah, that's right."

The Marquis Darthline didn't know about me, the seller of the ring, so I guess he didn't even know I was from Balduk. I was told that he would then tell them what he had obtained from the nine-tier altar, with the kind of face he was impressed with. Hmm.

"By the way, it was touched upon in a letter you received the other day, and I hear the ability of the ring is to“ recover ”?

It is very valuable to adventurers if “healing” is “promoting healing”. Even if you get injured, you only have to sleep on the ground for a short time, and that leads directly to your earnings.

"Hmm. I myself confirm that it will have the same name and effect as the Guardian's Ring of Protection, passed down to my ancestors from generation to generation"

"I see..."

If it weren't for my misremembering, that would have been a reduction in damage, not a recovery.

"May I ask in what way you have tried it for later school?

The Marquis Darthline, who heard my words, gave me a brief explanation.

The method is as follows:

I think I know because I've talked before about mixing demon stone powder with my own blood and pushing thumbprints on that as an alternative to ink when it comes to contracts, etc. At that time, I usually use a pin to hurt my fingertips. HP is not inherently reduced by that degree of scratch. but pain hurts. It's not a big deal, and it's not enough to inhibit mental concentration on magic. Well, this depends on people. In the case of the vast majority of people, it is possible to do so to the extent that they are concentrating on using magic if they are serious.

So in the case of aristocrats with a high percentage of people who can use magic, many people hang healing magic immediately. Neither do I.

Apparently the Marquis Darthline, who fitted the ring in this case, scratched his own finger with a pin as well as at the time of the contract (which he also used in official documents, etc.). The wound was done, but no matter how much I squeezed my fingers, I didn't bleed. Finally, they immediately blocked the wound. Thereafter, on that day, the ring never took effect.

The next day, this time without fitting the ring, he hurt his finger with a pin. When I squeeze my fingers, I naturally bleed too. After confirming that, I immediately fitted the ring. Then, the wound blocked and the bleeding stopped, as usual.

He said he came to almost believe that this had exactly the same effect as the Ring of Protection, a guardianship ring passed down from generation to generation to the Darthline family, which he possessed more than before, and that the same name really had the same potency.

Having listened so far, I wondered a little bit. Will “Reduce Damage” also work on the damage taken before fitting the ring? I can't even call it damage to the extent that I hurt my fingertips with a pin in the first place. If it is to that extent light damage (as with experience, the likelihood of decimal damage is uniform, but possible), would it be eligible for reduction if less time were not allowed?

Finally, the good Marquis of Man also showed us the Ring of Protection, the guardian ring of those who passed on to his ancestors from generation to generation.

[Guardian's Ring of Protection]


[Condition: Good]

[Generated: 16/10/7112]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance: 49]

[Performance: Recover Damage; 1HP]

[Effect: If an object fitting this ring has something that damages HP, it can heal only 1HP damage from the magic of the ring. Recoverable damage up to 1 HP per day]

The appearance is very similar just subtly different, along with my [appraisal] content...... hey.

But I didn't even let that happen, and I purposely used magic sensing (detect magic) magic to whine like I was impressed.

"Certainly a magical object... excuse me, status open... you're right, the name is with you"

Hearing my words, the Marquis nodded slowly and received the ring, opening his mouth.

"Also, I was convinced it was the exact same thing because I used some“ special sorcery "to confirm it."

That's it, that's it! What I wanted to ask.

"With that said, you wrote in your letter. What kind of magic is that“ special magic "?

"I'm sorry, but I can't say that much. But this will be difficult to convince. A" special sorcery "is a sorcery that compares the magic powers of two objects. You can use this magic trick to compare the magic of a magic object in your hands."

... Hmm? I didn't know there would be such magic.

"Did that magic tell you it was the same thing?

"That's right. These rings have no other power, but are a treasure for the healing of small wounds. I'm glad to be able to give in. Well, when you come out of the depths of the labyrinth, which were not even extended to His Majesty, the nine layers that are passed down to our house from generation to generation, you will also rise in character."

As Niyanya, the Marquis re-fitted the ring.

Mizuchi hangs around next to me uncomfortably.

They look pretty much the same with the magic of comparison. Besides, it turns out that this Marquis' “special magic" does not extend to my [appraisal] inherent skills. That's enough. All that remains is to the extent that I still have some doubts about the ability of the ring of the person I found, but it's not a great ability at first, and there are other things I care about.

After that, he left as he wished, talking a little bit about the labyrinth, etc.

The Chairman of the Sandark Chamber of Commerce and I broke up when we left the Palace Ministry building.

We had a conversation with Mizuchi on the way to the headquarters of the Green Chamber of Commerce.

"That minister, is it true you wanted to hear the anecdote when you got the ring?

It is also superimposed to raise the character of magical objects that are passed down to me and this house when I hear that they have finally come out of the Nine Layers.

I heard that. Mizuchi pulled his own horse over to my horse.

"Hey...... just one"

"Am I? Was something wrong?

She's got a serious face. She whispers in my ear.

"He was only lying in one place. 'There's no other way'. Hey, is that ring really what you said it was capable of...?


I did just [appraise] it, and I'm busy checking my abilities...

I understand that [Appraisal] is not (supposedly) perfect...

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