Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle Lesson 28 In the case of Shizuka Sofang (26 at the time of the accident) (Part I)

True, there's nothing you can do about it. That's going to take a lot of work. That's a tough one...

Soufang Shizuka poisoned herself in retrospect of what happened last night.

She moved from North Kanto to Tokyo's headquarters in Shinjuku on a transfer order from work. I rented an apartment in a local city in Kanagawa Prefecture where I lived as a child because it was a corner, and decided to go from there. One of the attractions is that you can get to Shinjuku without a transfer.

I didn't have to go to work yesterday because it was a transfer day, but I wanted to start work late after this afternoon and sort out the company desk first, because I just unpacked the details of the package that arrived, which I didn't suddenly need.

Actually, Shizuka had a reason to stay in her current apartment. When I was a kid, I had a family relationship with my landlord, so the rent was cheap for one reason, but the other was because there were people who looked forward to seeing me.

The landlord owned a small liquor store as a main business and was the same age as his son there. When I was a kid, we used to play together, sleep together or even take a bath together. He used to get rid of wild dogs in kindergarten, and his back seemed very reliable. When I was in elementary school, you sheltered me from the heartless child who abused Shizuka, and I can tell you that I stood up resolutely to the harsh kids, and thanks to you, I had a great time as a Shizuka elementary student in this city.

Unfortunately, halfway through fourth grade, when Shizuka had just turned ten, with Shizuka's father's transfer, she left. At first, I was sending in letters, but in about a year I stopped without either. Later, at the same time as his high school graduation, Shizuka went to Northeastern National University, where he heard that childhood training was helping him work as a liquor store, a family business, after graduating from commercial high school.

Yesterday I was loading my bags, nostalgic, greeting the neighbors and didn't have time to see them busily. I had no choice but to tell the landlord I wanted to go to the tavern with him for dinner. So I went...

"Hey, it's dinner at the tavern, huh? Anyone who gets a job at a good college company is welcome."

"Huh? What's that? It's been a while since I've seen you today. Aren't you just trying to talk to me? What, that rhetoric? You're selling fights?


Your mother came out when you heard her arguing in the front door behind the store.

"Shizu, I'm sorry... this kid hasn't twisted me since I was in middle school or something... Look, just say sorry! Go."

With the body I said shabu-shabu, the childhood tame Ryu left the house and followed Shizuka.

"So, where do you want it?

"What? You invited him, didn't you? I don't know. I don't drink alcohol outside."

Shizuka was a little sorry to hear this (this guy, why has he changed so much). I only remember you always being nice to me back in the day. So now that she's around, and dating is going to be pretty good, I thought she'd know about a store that tastes pretty good, even if she doesn't say it's fashionable.

I had no choice but to go into the tavern of the chain in front of the station (the privately owned tavern had a hard time showing its face because of the fact that it was wholesale alcohol) and I heard a lot about it while eating and drinking. We broke each other up after a while, and I could also confirm that we could talk quite easily, as we used to.

In doing so, Shizuka grasped why Ryu had become such a character. The cause was on Ryu's friend. Shizuka didn't know (I expected), but Ryu, who rescued Shizuka from her abuse, did not abuse her afterwards, and stood by her fortitude. In the meantime, he interacted more after graduation with the abused kid he met in high school, and he's still dating. Ryu had been greatly influenced by his friends when he started helping his parents as they did after high school and his friendship with his age had drastically diminished.

Ryu himself referred to the friend as "I know a lot of things well, and I'm smart, starting with the social situation. And above all, I admire the power to discern the nature of things". But Shizuka I heard about (not just a Nekra online geek. And Neat's) I just thought.

The two lean their beer jocks as they follow the fried birds.

"Oh, hey, how much are you squeezing lemons on your own?

"It's better with lemon, isn't it?

"Or something unsolicited..."

The fried chicken was ordered another new dish.

Next, a stabbing platter was carried.

"Oh, I knew it wasn't like that."

"Because Odawara is close, even Kanagawa is quite fishy, isn't it?

"Here's the chain. You don't know where to buy it."

"That being said, I was..."

Here comes the long baking of the cilantro. Hormone-roasted pork colon, which has been around for a long time in this area, is typically seasoned raw and baked and eaten in bumps. There are enough on the menu to say it's a must for fixers serving lunch in the area. Soba barley restaurants also have a set meal on the menu. The long bake is not cut into pieces and reaches a total length of 1 m. That's what customers eat by cutting it to just the right size with scissors.

"Yeah, fluffy. It's still delicious."

Even a fluffy marshmallow gives me the indescribable feel of a mouthfeel that I'm eating. It has a little fat on it, and it has a dark flavor of miso, which matches the beer very well. It's good without rice, of course. Shizuka remembered when she was a kid that she loved hormone roasting with silicone. They weren't for sale at the butcher's place of transfer, or even if they were for sale occasionally, they were all cracked and boiled down. They looked and textured completely different.

Only this area was in circulation raw. Although I said it was silly at the place of transfer and went to buy it myself as far as my mother who couldn't buy it, I still went home without getting through and remembered that I apologized to my mother.

"Marcho would taste better in Nagano than here."

"Then why not Naganoya..."

And then the two of them went deeper and deeper.

"Hmm, I'm pretty happy with my life right now. I have customers. Well, the sales of the store are subtly falling, but this time of year, I can't help it. I'm busy with deliveries and stuff, and it's tough, but the time is pretty accommodating."

"I feel like sales are falling... not a big problem. Aren't you willing to turn it into a convenience store or something? You don't have a convenience store around here. If you come out, you're not gonna make it, are you?

"Convenience store... I'm here to talk. My father and mother have told me to do whatever you want... Satoshi says that convenience stores will fluff up franchise membership fees and then even if sales fall, they'll know pretty well, and the norm for what they want to sell is also tight..."

"Satoshi again."

"Huh? Did I say something?


Shizuka was disillusioned by the way she gave up her view, not to strike any measures at the current state of affairs.

"I wish I didn't have to inherit the house either... I guess it would have been different if I had taken a job at the company... but working for the company doesn't mean anything more than paycheck, and most importantly, it has a retard (shoulder spatter)."

I even learned the intention to kill in the dialogue that That would have been another different life if Ryu had been employed. Aside from cutting off surplus personnel, it's a natural story for the company to rebuild (retard). But I also feel like I'm going to end up with a regular window employee for the rest of my life for a guy like that getting a job. There are people like that in Shizuka's company. He can only think of his small, immediate life at the bottom of his belly with people who work so hard to get paid properly.

In these days, even if you work squattingly, your salary will be sparrow tears, and if the economy gets worse, the company will be poised for the convenience of its employees. What a lot of people think you don't have to work so hard at the company.

Shizuka thinks "work isn't just for the company". I think it's just a matter of polishing myself so that if I don't want to be poised, I won't be. I just wish I was someone who wouldn't be decapitated by the company.

I wonder why he became such a little thing to say. Even today, I was saddened to think that if I became a customer's privately owned tavern, I could be intimate with customers, and I could drink.

"Hey, Shizuka. I'm glad you didn't have to live this far back in Tokyo, even if you were relocating back to Tokyo? Why bother......? Ah..."

(Ryu (this guy), I'm absolutely mistaken right now)

"Nothing.“ Thanks to my uncle and aunt. "Because the rent is cheap. Oh, me, because I have a boyfriend."

My boyfriends were lying.

When I got on the train, a lightweight looking man with a guitar case came along the way and sat down with his crotch open next to Shizuka. I hear music leaking from his earphones. There are quite a few seats available, but it's not that I can't stand moving seats. More importantly, my phone (smartphone) also has a function as an electronic music player, which I just need to hear about.

Shizuka also heard her favorite music and at some point closed her eyes.

The next thing to wake up is the moment of the accident. It was when someone's bag came into Shizuka.

Shizuka received a new raw life in a large village called Kelsamish, surrounded by woods and fields in Viscount Yorise. It might be more appropriate to say a city because it has a population of more than two thousand. Close to Samish, Viscountry's second city, it is a privileged place for both water flights and location.

As the eldest daughter of Associate Baron Siebex, lord of this village, she was named Margaret. My nickname is Peggy. It will be difficult to say that the eldest daughter will have a second son upstairs and succeed the housekeeper.

It was somewhat later than the others that she received the ritual of naming, when she was less than half a year old. Naturally, she also realized her unique skills for some time afterwards.

[Margaret Siebex/3/7/7429]


[Elder daughter of Lycan/Associate Baron Siebex]

[Special Skill: Super Olfactory]

[Unique Skill: Holy Hands (Holy Hands)]

(What is this?

I didn't know why when I realized it. But it can't be bad because it's “holy”. Shizuka (Peggy) wanted to use her unique skills and skills. Because I already knew about special skills.

But I couldn't use it at all.

She learned how to use her inherent skills when she was six years old. He was playing on the rocks of the river and fell, injuring himself tremendously from his tibia to his knees. The children we were playing with moved and just panicked because they had injured the lord's daughter.

Peggy was also panicking with pain and bleeding.

"So, someone's calling an adult who can use healing magic!

When a boy in the rank of Kid Admiral said so, the other children ran towards the centre of the village to scatter the spider child.

"Yes, it hurts, it hurts... Bill, it hurts..."

"Oh, Peggy... I'll wash your wounds now"

A boy in the rank of kid general known as Bill began to wash Peggy's feet when he drew water from the river. The flesh was torn and the bones were so big that I could see them. Even if I wash the corners, the blood will overflow, covering and hiding the wounds again.

(Ouch, ouch, ouch. I want to learn magic quickly. I haven't even sanitized that more than that. Don't wash it with river water, because it's dirty)

Peggy puts her hand on the wound and eats up her teeth for pain.

"Bill, get out to the road there. 'Cause when the grownups come, they might not know where they are."

Behind the overflowing emotions, Shizuka, an adult, could not run away and think a little calmly.

Bill seemed a little surprised to see Peggy's face, who suddenly judged calmly, but quickly rushed out toward the road running along the river.

That said, a six-year-old. I get anxious right away. I desperately (calm down, I won't die to this extent) calm my mind and untie my hips and tie my thighs with it in an attempt to stop the bleeding at all. I guess it was better than not being satisfied but not doing anything because I didn't have the strength. The bleeding on the hand holding the wound also seems to have decreased somewhat.

That's when I flashed behind Peggy's brain like a heaven. It's something I worked so hard to use a few years ago but ended up giving up without being able to use it.

(Inherent Mastery… Holy Hands?)


The hand holding the wound emitted a bright white light. The time it was glowing was short, but it did glow white.

At the same time, I realized that the pain in the wound was slightly alleviated.

It's far from fully healed, but it does have a slightly smaller scratch!

From here on the tibia to here on the knee, it tore fifteen centimeters.

But definitely just a little now, but it's getting smaller!

(What? My unique skills...)

Once again Peggy, using the Holy Hand (Holy Hands), realized that the wound had become slightly smaller again. And shortly afterwards, I was trapped in an overwhelming sense of fear crawling up my spine.

Peggy starts crying out loud. She also wondered why, but could not contain her fear of wounds. Even though I cried (I managed to calm down earlier...) I thought for just a moment but that was it. Anyway, I'm scared. The idea that I can't stop bleeding and die like this dominates my head.

Soon Bill would come back and take her side, trying to calm me down like I would, but that kind of thing would zero out the poles and tears, and Peggy would cry in an all-out voice.

Bill continued to flaunt the crying Peggy with a troubled face for dozens of minutes before the grownups rushed.

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