Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle XXIX: In the case of Ryolong (26 at the time of the accident) (Part I)

Shit! That guy......

I couldn't sleep with humiliation for a while after I left last night.

I finished the morning delivery a little late because I slept in the morning today, and I had a late lunch and was complaining about last night.

I didn't curse directly, but every word made me feel like I was going to stick out.

Shizuka guy......!

Just because I got out of college and got a little bit of a big job at the company, I lost my sight of it from above.

If my family business wasn't a liquor store, I'd go to college and join the company to that extent.

And by now, I should have put myself in a big job with burly.

That's him...

I don't know what else to do.

I do business at my parents' house.

What do you want me to do with my oldest son?

My sister just got into college and university, and what if I don't do my job?

Well, then my dad just got fifty too, so I can still work.

I would have had the option of working in another company while I was young and gaining social experience.

But liquor delivery is heavy labor.

No, but I'll have to do it!

But a convenience store...

Indeed, as Satoshi put it, it is necessary to pay a considerable membership fee for the franchise headquarters.

You will also need to rebuild the store.

Even part-time jobs have to be hired.

But Shizuka said something in particular.

There are no convenience stores around here yet.

We'll only have a chance now.

In our case, fortunately, it's a big deal to be able to handle liquor as it was originally a liquor store.

A short distance away is another liquor store the size of ours.

If they cross over there......!

Oh, shit, Shizuka's right after all.

I know I'm the thinner.

Sooner or later, the business itself stops standing if it doesn't chop up the savings, which are not much more, as the octopus eats its own feet.

I just didn't have the courage.

I wanted assurances that I would definitely succeed.

But I also know what's wrong with that.

Now I still have enough strength to convert to a convenience store.

But since last year, I've been in deficit even if I half my salary, and now I have half my mother's salary.

As a liquor store, it's in short supply.

Corporate taxes have been carrying over blue deficiencies for years.

Well, you can't say this is just my fault.

... Do it.

I'm willing to die and I'll do it.

Satoshi will help me if I decide to.

There's no way he can stay around forever without a job.

I'll give you a byte.

When I thought of it, I grew thankful for the wonder and Shizuka.

Whatever the history, the reason you consolidated my feelings is Shizuka's words.

Even he would have had a lot of trouble.

He's a big company, so he's just a good guy around, I'm sure.

I know what it means to move to HQ in the meantime.

I guess I couldn't have looked at Shizuka very much.

I looked up at the clock.

The time has just turned a little over twenty minutes.

Shizuka did go to the office once after noon today.

It's daytime and it won't be crowded, so I was sure of the time when I said I was switching to the express at the terminal station next to the nearest station.

I can't catch up with Shizuka even if I'm heading to the nearest station now.

It's better to drive to the terminal station.

I want to say a word of thanks.

To her for making me realize the milestones in my life.

I was unconscious that I forgot to exchange my phone number and address, but I should say this directly, not by phone or email.

I think I can say it honestly now.

Thank you.

I was able to jump into the rear of the express train to Shinjuku at a critical point.

Anyway, I couldn't even confirm if Shizuka was on the platform because I was focused on slipping in.

But if you're on board if you head from here in the leading direction, you'll see him.

I even got to the lead vehicle about past the next station.

But I could find Shizuka.

I tried to call him, but he's wearing earphones and meditating his eyes.

It also feels like I'm already asleep.

I just sat there because the seat across from her was empty.

Wake up and wonder what you'll look like and say when I'm right in front of you.

I'm sure they'll tell you to shut up and look at your sleeping face and not understand your heart.

That's good again.

I didn't make it.

No matter how much I repent, I can't repent.

It was an accident.

Oh, they were throwing me out of my seat when I thought.

I immediately struck my head at something, heard a boggling broken neck bone, and my consciousness flew.

And if you think you've managed to take your life, it seems very different. It's been about a week since the accident.

I was a real example of reincarnation.

Besides, it seems foreign, and I don't know what the people around me are talking about.

I think it sounds like English, but I also think it's different somehow.

After a year or so, I was able to grasp the general circumstances surrounding me.

It seems that reborn is an aristocratic territory called Something in the Kingdom of Romberto.

I can deduce from the fact that the wind contains the scent of tide that it is somewhere near the sea.

I'm not very smart at first, but I think I've been able to understand what I'm talking about this way in the past year or so.

Well, if you keep your mouth shut on the boulder and listen to it for a year, even assholes will remember that.

There was nothing else to do.

One day while I was doing so, I found out about the status opening.

When my uncle or uncle from the neighboring village happened to stop by the house, he touched me and said, "Status open," and for a while, he looked at me a little off.

What were you doing then? I only thought so.

However, one day after that, a significant proportion of the dried meat purchased and stockpiled before winter broke down.

My reluctantly-faced parents called me a slave (yes, we had many families of slaves!), Somehow when I wrote the letters on the ground and instructed them to sort the dried meat.

My mother was the one overseeing the scene, but in the meantime I was carried by her with a strap.

That's why I noticed.

The slaves who were twisting the barrels where the dried meat was stored looked at a slightly different place from the meat when they touched the dried meat, saying "status open," and then compared it to the strange, lingering letters their parents had written on the ground.

I saw it. I flashed.

And soon I wanted to try it.

'Cause that would be, wouldn't it?

I've already practiced hiding and talking, so I can pronounce it.

Pretending to be asleep and nagging. The mother who took me to the bedroom left as soon as I closed my eyes.

I waited a few minutes just in case, and finally I said it too.

Nothing changes.

It suddenly got ridiculous and made me laugh, but then I knew how to use it right away.

And I'll touch myself and say it.

"Status Open"


[Dog Race]

[Special Skill: Super Olfactory]

[Unique Skill: Override (Overlight) 10]

What is this? Kanji or Japanese?

[Dog People]?

Dog, huh?

I knew it somehow.

I had a tail.

At first I thought it was an undisclosed land inhabited by Western-like people.

There's gonna be a lot of Westerners in Africa, and there's gonna be a lot in South America.

I thought you might have been born into a family of people with ears and tails because of the genetics.

But now I'm perfectly clear.

It's not even Earth, here.

[Special skills]?

[Super olfactory]?

[Unique Skills]?

[Overwrite (Overlight) 10]?

I don't know anything about this one.

Why is the text so red in the first place?

While I was spending some time watching how things were going, I figured it out.

Most things have a name.

But to the best of my knowledge, I'm the only one nameless.

This [overwrite (overwrite)] guy is named data (?) Wouldn't you be able to override it?

Though the number next to the 10 doesn't make sense.

He's skilled, so I'm sure he has a way of using it.

Looks like I can finally use it after several attempts.

I think I'll try it with my clothes first.

Until recently, my nappies were [underwear (toddler)].

It would be diapers, think in common sense.

Diapers, diapers, diapers...... that? Kind of makes me very sleepy......

I think I fell asleep at some point.

There's nobody in the room right now, and you want to see how it turns out?

"Status Open...... Ooh!

It appears on the blue window with [diapers] when you look down at your lower body while you fall asleep.

That's where my mother came in.

"Is that it? No one... weird?

Or so he said.

Um, should I be more cautious when looking at the status?

I don't care if you're spooked by what you're talking about.

They consumed the usual meal, which was not very tasty, like porridge.

Should we eat here honestly?

There are some things I'd like to try on my own.

All right, that's naturally my name next time.

My family calls me Wally.

That's why it's Wally.

Wally, Wally, Wally...... yah!

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

It hurts so my head can be tightened!

I can't even speak up for so much pain!


[M/14/2/7428 · Sir Heimdall's eldest son]

[Dog Race]

[Special Skill: Super Olfactory]

[Unique Skill: Override (Overlight) 9]

The pain lasted so long that it seemed infinite.

But when I checked my status after the pain pulled off, my name was stunningly on the top.

Mm-hmm. There's no way anyone's gonna think I'm anonymous about this.

Is that it? That said, it wasn't like it was a weird fuss when they saw the status even though it was my uncle...?

Isn't that kind of bad? This?

Huh? And the numbers are down!?

Why is that?

Six months later, I began to understand.

I don't remember when, but I met God.

In my dreams, though.

I could hear a lot of things.

It was mostly predictable, but I wasn't Earth. I was reborn in a different world.

I can't even go back to my original life (especially about this, I gave up in the beginning, that is, a long time ago).

Besides, Shizuka's out there somewhere.

Ma, I could say this is snakefoot.

Not now.

[Override (Overlight)], which is an inherent skill, also seems to have almost exactly the same effect as the one I was hitting.

Is this complete? When I heard about it, it was different, so I didn't figure it all out.

You ate quite a bit of time to get this far, didn't you?

And then I heard a few things about the world.

Is that a dream? After I woke up thinking, I'm guessing it wasn't a dream because there was a window floating around that said I was kidding.

If it's what God did, I don't understand it, but I stop thinking and convince.

Because it's God.

You can do anything.

After that, I was rotten to find out about the details of my abilities that I didn't understand no matter how much I asked God.

First, the number of times used.

I don't know why this is, but it gets more every now and then.

Rarely more these days.

Then [Overwrite (Overlight)] is valid for a period of time.

I've figured this out several times since then.

Actually, right now, there's an addition to the representation of unique skills, this is it.

[Unique Skill: Overwrite (Overlight) (LV.5) 5]

Feels like it. Maybe it'll work for nearly a hundred days now?

Anyway, it was out in six days in the first place.

I was relieved when my name disappeared without anyone noticing.

Later, it grew to double the twelfth when the level dropped to two.

When it was three, it was even more than twenty-four days.

I had a hard time counting the dates so they wouldn't be noticed.

I don't have a calendar hanging on the wall.

At this point I anticipated that the period of validity might be doubled once the level had risen.

At level four, it's 48 days.

And the number next to the level notation.

I also found out somehow about this.

Occasionally, when I used [Overwrite], that pain would strike me one day.

And the numbers are reduced by just one.

I don't know what happens when I get to zero.

But somehow, I think of this number as something of a respite.

The point is, "You can make a mistake." That's how many times you have left.

I have made four mistakes other than when I [overwrite (overwrite)] the first time to myself.

It would be like a warning by using the original name against a subject who shouldn't [overwrite (overwrite)].

Five times when I used it for myself, when I used it for ants who came into my room, when I named it "Million Yen", “Starship Musashi", and then "100% Malt Yuuhi Ultra Dry" on my bed.

At all times, the [Overwrite (Overlight)] itself was successful.

I understand that trying to [overwrite (overwrite)] a name for a creature or a name that is unlikely to be in this world would be a warning.

That said, “LCD TV" or “bicycle” is OK, so I have a subtle feeling that my guess is correct.

And finally, there was a time when I was officially named myself.

[Walter Heimdall/27/9/7429]

[M/14/2/7428 · Sir Heimdall's eldest son]

[Dog Race]

[Special Skill: Super Olfactory]

[Unique Skill: Overwrite (Overlight) (LV.7) 5]

Hey, I'm glad it didn't stay with Wally or something.

I had a last name, too.

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