Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle Lesson 28 In the case of Shizuka Sofang (26 at the time of the accident) (Part II)

"... Yes, how about this?

"Oh, thank you. Thanks for your help, Peggy."

A squire smiles at Peggy, who is applying ointment to his back beating.

Training ground behind the village lord's hall.

I still have Peggy looking mixed up with my squire who dawns in combat training today.

Of course, she is also one of those with wooden swords and wooden spears.

She's thirteen now.

For some time after she first noticed her inherent skills, she was trying arrow cod if she had time to do so. And soon I would meet God, but I couldn't ask her what she was busy with just two minutes of questioning time.

I had no choice but to continue to try things after that, but her perception is that if she had done it for six or seven years, she would have grasped almost entirely the content of her abilities about [Holy Hands (Holy Hands)].

The level of intrinsic skill has also long been MAX notation.

The [Holy Hands] ability she was grasping was the ability to heal wounds.

In addition, by activating the subject's body, it treats an incomplete but also some illness.

This ability increases the level of intrinsic skills, as well as its effects.

Now if it is an injury, it would be a trauma, but it would be a fracture, but it can be healed to near perfection in one shot. If there is pain and trauma that would spare slight paralysis, will the trace remain thin enough?

It was exactly what we deserved to call the Holy Hand.

Here time returns a few months after she used [Holy Hands] for the first time.

After that, for a while (I'm not used to it yet, so I'm already at the limit), Kawahara or the side of the road, but next to fattening, but I used to fall asleep on the spot several times so that I didn't even pick a place to be busy (I've been wondering if it's a nasty illness for a family looking for a daughter who doesn't go home while I go to play), but that's not the first thing to happen these days.

Of course, it is not a gift of her self-control. I realized in the very early days that I had not yet used it in public.

Naturally, there is a supernatural power called magic, so this power is incomparable, but it is definitely a very effective object.

(Oh, no. This deprives the healer of his job...... It would be nice for me to use this ability myself in the future to be a healer, but if my rumors spread to this village and neighboring villages... it would be too conspicuous. They could resent you)

So she guided the whole thing.

I tried to pretend that it was a special power from God.

Therefore, the ability of this unique skill must be carefully identified.

Peggy was six at that time.

The level of [Holy Hand (Holy Hands)] has just reached four.

(Speaking of level four, if you're a wizard, you're at a level where they say you can serve enough... I've heard if a normal wizard who's not an adventurer (Versatiler) can be level four after thirty or so. Then it seems good to think that my unique skills are as powerful as one serving)

The effect of the initial healing of injuries in the river plains has already been confirmed to be effective regardless of the degree of injury. Even those big wounds had a slight healing effect. Wouldn't the effect be greater now that the level has reached four?

That's what I thought. She tried to stab a knife in her leg out of her mind trying to get hurt badly.

Carefully, he tried to pierce the knife where he thought there might be no thick blood vessels.

But I couldn't do it.

Sometimes he was simply scared, and fearful of the pain and bleeding he foresaw.

It wasn't even a month after I was so scared that I forgot.

Until now, I had rubbed my knee kid against a ragged rock to create a fine wound that didn't hurt much, and I tried to use my inherent skills with it. For her, who may say that part of her spirit is already equivalent to an adult, there is no degree of abrasion, no amount of object. but piercing the knife is completely different.

After all, I couldn't stick a knife in my leg.

Her [Holy Hands] Cumming Out plan remains frustrated.

After that, Peggy hid and continued to use [Holy Hands].

And a few more months later about one winter day.

My oldest brother gets hurt badly during an audition for combat training. During the audition, even so, after the original audition was completed and all the squire serving the house returned home, he was treated by his grandfather and father in the residual audition. Peggy was hanging around the nest of ants with his second brother, who had finished his bare archery beside him.

Peggy, who was about to turn seven years old, did not yet participate in the audition, but since the beginning of the year, he had been told to watch beside him during the audition. At this time he was exempt from the tour because he was in the remainder of his original archaeological time, and likewise he was only playing with his second brother, who ended his bare hands.


My father shouted.

Peggy had put his father and grandfather's archery at the edge of his eyes with a degree of feeling, once helpful, before the voice sounded.

In the middle of the covenant audition of his father and grandfather using his own spear, the tip of his grandfather's spear slipped into the clap his father had played, and he stuck it in the face of his elder brother, who was doing the audition right beside him!

My father and grandfather rushing over screaming my eldest brother's name, my second brother looking at it like he doesn't understand what happened right now. And I was watching the whole thing, Peggy.

Should I use that [Holy Hands] now?

Peggy got lost.

For her [Holy Hand (Holy Hands)] is the only trump card she can count on from now on in this dangerous oath.

But it was only for a moment that I was lost.

Dashing at full speed, he slips through his surprised grandfather, throws him out unconstitutionally as he pulls the tip from the side that his father is carefully trying to pull out, and immediately puts his hand on his brother's wound.

His hands glowed white, and his elder brother's wounds blocked as he looked at them.

It already only leaves a slight trace of it, and even if you look closely, "Is that an ancient wound a long time ago? It has healed to the extent that

I was surprised that not only my eldest brother at the time, but both my father and grandfather, who watched it on the scene, didn't just lose their hips. "Is that magic?" Peggy also shook her head when asked.

(It moved unintentionally... but it's better than your brother dying... oh, yeah. Things I thought about before...)

About this [Holy Hand (Holy Hands)], Peggy explained to her family, "I was given a strange power by God who came out of my dreams". In order for you to believe me, for a while, I showed my ability to the limit and convinced my family. But a week after today, he said, "God only helps me when I really need the power of this hand." "God's miracle will only be shown to those who are badly wounded to see and whose lives are in danger."

Then he said, "If you talk abusive or brag about having someone special in your family, heavenly punishment will fall. He also firmly added that the punishment of heaven will descend upon the land in all sorts of matters."

I thought it would be effective in an aus where civilization was not developing and where a wide variety of superstitions were passing.

At that time, the moment my second brother up there sneaked up on me later to brag about Peggy to a close friend, I happened to be convinced it was true that a faraway thunder rang. In fact, it also has to do with the fact that other families, including my parents, were willing to doubt what she said. As Peggy, there was nothing more to be thanked for than a coincidence that seemed too well done.

Anyway, the power of God actually manifested and the thunder that made me feel the omen of heavenly punishment changed my family's response to Peggy from this moment on.

Originally, she was a grown-up girl for her age, but by revealing her [Holy Hands], her youngest daughter was treated like she couldn't even go down there.

And the month passed.

Both the eldest and second brothers joined the local Knights of the Land of Viscount Yorises in the fourteenth spring of each, and last year, the eldest brother took nearly three years after joining the army to take up the reign of a full knight. My second brother has been in the army for two years, but I have yet to see a promotion to a full knight.

Viscount Yorise is a land of few contiguous flatlands with many deep, wooded hills about tens of meters high. Naturally, not very wealthy, but lacking in Knights gear, swords, spears and armor had to be prepared by the joiners themselves. The burden, which extends to the two oldest and second brothers, is heavy on the Associate Baron Siebex family. As for Peggy, he also had a negative feeling about becoming a soldier, so he said he was not going to take the Knights' entrance exam. However, since demons are the kind of land pattern that wanders around, he also thought it was essential to learn and do the archery at least for self-defense.

As for her, the biggest reason was that she had no reason to wish to join the Knights because she would not have any trouble living ahead if she used her inherent skills, and that's what she explained to her parents. The parents are also convenient, but there is no denying that the person is good for the daughter who has been given troublesome powers. In the depths of my heart, I can't deny that I felt afraid of my daughter.

As Peggy and I felt sensitive about the feelings of those parents, so I didn't care that if I had some self-reliance, I would be able to do something about it if I duped God's word again appropriately and went to some big city.

He was also [Holy Hands], but he realized that when he healed his injured family in combat training, even mild skin disease had healed with him, so he checked in another way in anticipation of certain ailments, or after healing his grandfather, who had been stabbed by Abu and suffered major injuries in an attempt to contain his rampant military horse, he began to grow subtly to his thin hair.

While carefully checking the effect, we also found that if the disease was mild, we could cure it together. Around here, Peggy said (can you give the other guy a little bit of time back that he touched with his hand?) I also expected.

However, I had to abandon the idea that the boulder had no thump in it to see the various examples. For example, a severe illness or an inborn illness because it develops rapidly, complains of severe abdominal pain, and sees it rolling around. For example, a fever (Tetanus) in which the symptoms have progressed beyond the cure of some healing magic. For example, in the early days, a severely advanced infectious disease (Variola) had only a resting effect similar to healing magic.

I feel sorry for every time I see a freaking family or village crowd whenever a faraway thunder strikes, but if I grumble "it seems like someone is taking it lightly" or any other appropriate kind of word like that, I get everyone's attention tightened.

Extremely, it was when a group of merchants, such as those coming to the village only very rarely, were attacked and eaten to death by demons between leaving the village and heading to the neighbouring village.

It is uncommon to say whether these incidents occur somewhere in Viscount territory, as they do every year. But after the incident came to light, one of the village's servants came to the Lords' Hall and confessed to the merchant in question that he had talked about Peggy.

His father, the lord, also whipped his squire twice as he turned blue when he heard it.

At this time, I thought Peggy was gone.

I just made my squire feel more guilty than he needed because of me, or even whipped me for no reason... I'm sorry for my squire, but I was filled with regrets for my father, who had to do it.

(I should have kept my mouth shut all the time... no matter what happened after I cured your brother... yeah, I can't help it. Yeah but what would have really happened if I hadn't told you then...... but......)

It was a later festival even as I thought about it with a grudge of thought.

And Peggy, thirteen, goes back to where he's allowance for his squire.

"You! Hey good!?"

A mother is calling her father from her mother's house.

Peggy, whose allowance for the squire was over, grabbed the wooden spear and began the archery again.

Near that evening, the Lords' Hall was welcoming guests.

About three hours ago, her mother was calling out loud because the person touching the guest line had arrived in the village and requested accommodation.

Peggy has guests, too, so she wants me to say hello.

In the line of lords from the south, the lord, the lord, and his son, lodged in the mother house, and the escorts seemed to stay in the house of their servants for a minute.

Compared to merchants, noble guests are rare, but there are two to three times a year.

There are rooms available in the house for guests like that.

The guests, the Serfs, are like dogs (dogwarts). She is also a werewolf (Wolfwer) and somehow has a sense of intimacy in Dogwer if compared to other races.

I felt strong discomfort when I saw the other child's face when I greeted him.

Nostalgic, face with dark Oriental blood, black hair, black eyes.

Besides, he looked familiar somehow.

Though I couldn't remember where I saw it.

He looked a little surprised over there.

"What's up? Wally. Are you being seen by the daughter of His Lordship the Associate Baron?

When Sir made fun of his son, his son blushed and denied it.

Even for Peggy, he was seen by his son, so he switched consciousness in a hurry.

Of course, it goes without saying that we liked each other's appearance and were not able to see each other.

Peggy twists her head wondering how we could talk alone, not unnaturally, until dinner.

At dinner with the guests, Peggy went out of her way.

Signal first.

A boy named Wally was unresponsive. As for Peggy, who kept sending a meaningful gaze to call without being suspected, I was surprised at the boy's bluntness.

(Is that? Isn't he Japanese...?

If you think so, you look extra Japanese.

I have no choice but to appeal to the last resort. The maid told me that she would carry the tea and purposefully poured the tea into the boy's cup.

"Sorry! I didn't burn you!?"

Peggy trying to get the handkerchief out and wipe the dirt I had prepared in a hurry to apologize.

The handkerchief has a note written in charcoal. The note was in Japanese: 'Midnight, 100 m of vacant land behind the house'.

"No, it's no big deal, don't worry about it."

In fact, it wasn't a big deal.

A boy named Wally dropped his gaze on the handkerchief for a few moments while politely wiping the dirt when he received a gentle handkerchief from Peggy trying to wipe his thighs and it looked like he had read what was written. And he quickly took the handkerchief out of his own pocket and gave it to Peggy's handkerchief.

I guess that means I got what Peggy meant.

After dinner, Peggy, alone, spreads her handkerchief. Handkerchief who twisted to his handkerchief wrote in Japanese: 'After midnight, I want you to tell me where I can't be seen'.

I felt a new doorway of destiny open.

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