Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle XXIX: In the case of Ryolong (26 at the time of the accident) (Part II)

One day, when I turned thirteen, a letter came from my sister, who had already received the knight's reign in the Knights of the Viscounts of Yorise. The letter was entrusted to a pedestrian and has taken nearly three weeks (eighteen days) since it was written to be delivered.

My father looked a little happy when I read the letter. But soon, thinking a little, I started talking to my mother somehow, but the next day a few of my servants told me that they would accompany me to Zahrax, the capital of the Viscountry. They say the purpose is to pick up a sister-in-law who's been assigned a Knight of Truth. I'm new out of the village, so I got a little excited. You're still a kid.

Zahrax is considerably further north than this village of Masmocci, and the roads are not kept busy, so they are in such a distant place as to drain a carriage and take nearly four whole days in one way, even in a considerable hurry. There's no rush this time, so he said he'd take more than a week to go slowly.

The carriage rocks me, occasionally letting me ride behind my father across the horse, across the hill, across the valley and into nature. Around here, trees about four to five meters tall grow deeper and narrower, worse than the mountain roads in the countryside in previous life.

On the road, at lunch along the road, etc., go down the road with a brief map written on the ground to this neighborhood and the capital, Zahrax.

The pink mark on the bottom left is the village of Masmocci, and the red mark on the top right is the destination, Zahrax. Blue scattered along the way is another city (not all, of course. There is no mention of the village of Winlow, a medium-sized village northwest of the village of Masmoch. Other than the village of Masmocci, only the most populous cities there are listed).

The black line below the village of Masmocci is the coastline, and the brown mountainous mark is a mountainous area that stretches from Mount Boards. There is little flatlands even in the blank of nothing, and there are many places where small hills like the ones that lay dozens of meters high on the floor are making a pussy. It feels like the Philippines or some chocolate hills I just saw on TV in my last life.

Just west of this map is a large peninsula called the Jindal Peninsula, with territory ruled by the Marquis of Webdos, and across the mountains on the map, from west to northwest, and to the north, Viscount Penride territory, they say. East is heaven, and southeast is the West Dart region, ruled as deputy by the Earl, whose father doesn't even know his name. To the north, the northeast of this map says this is also the Western Kandail region ruled by deputies.

That said, I've never seen you draw a map before. Until now, I had no such energy in Hetohetto every day because I was more concerned about the record of crop yields this season than about outside the village, the taking of taxes on farmers ordered by my father, the help of slave fishermen in frying water and checking if fishing gear was properly repaired, the manufacture of smoked and dried goods and their supervision, and the archaeology of the swords and spears of nobility's duty as lords.

I mean, it felt like these jobs were going to push me to the next level, so I really didn't care what happened outside the village. As far as I'm concerned, I wonder if my sister will find her husband and come home soon enough. The sister also joined the Knights of the Viscounts of Yorise two years ago when she turned fifteen. It was a good time to take the Knight's reign, and this time I'm really happy.

Thus, one evening after a lazy journey over a week, just south of Zahrax, he arrived in a village called Kelsamish. I was able to stay in the quarterbaron's hall, the lord, without any major problems because I had asked for accommodation in advance.

The time is midnight. Two moons, Kartari and Natali, floated in the night sky, a slightly brighter moon night.

I headed to a vacant lot a little further from the Lords' Hall designated Margaret, daughter of the Associate Baron's family.

I also felt like I had seen her somewhere, so there was a part of me that caught my heart.

At the edge of the vacant lot, Margaret made sure to hide and wait for me.

Immediately he whispers, 'Come here' and pulls it all the way out of the village.

Kelsamish is a large village (it may be more appropriate to say the city at the earliest), so it is a journey through grass bushes and vacant land some distance from unpopular (one) people.

'We can talk calmly here. You're Japanese too. "

"Oh, I guess you do, too, don't you?

We'll introduce ourselves again.

'I'll say it again. My name is Margaret Siebex. They call me Peggy. "

"I'm Walter Heimdall. Call me Wally."

Then we see each other's status.

"Oh? Even the Japanese don't see the inherent skills."

'Sounds like it. Peggy, what's your unique skill?

She gave me a slightly contemplative look when I asked her that, and once she exhaled, she said, '[Holy Hand (Holy Hands)]. I can cure my injuries like magic' and looked me in the eye. The injury can be cured, which is pretty amazing, but won't you tell me about this man, the level of skill? Then it's already MAX, but so am I.

"Mine is [override (overwrite)]. I can name things like they're named (named). There are things that can't be done with creatures as a start, and there are time limits. And even so, I don't think the name will disappear on an annual basis now '

I heard that. She looked a little impressed with 'Phew' as well, and she quickly made a fool of herself for 'plain enough, you can't use it much'. I'm not even angry because I'm sure it's plain. But it feels nasty even though it's your first meeting. I also feel glad I didn't tell you everything. Well, I know what part you were hiding.

After that, we started talking about each other, and the story moved on to the future.

Peggy seems confident that she can live to a point where she won't have trouble eating if she successfully uses her inherent skills, and she wants to live in a big city like Zahrax in the future. I wasn't thinking deeply because of my "plain and not very usable” inherent skills. At best, I thought if I bought silver gold and processed it into the proper form and [override (overwrite)] it wouldn't be a problem.

Yes, that was years ago. When my level of inherent skill became MAX and I got tired of [overwriting], I stumbled upon my father hanging a status opening on Silver Joo for my regular paycheck. Remember my interest. I asked my dad to show me Silver Joo's status, too.

[Silver Zhu (Silver Rectangle)]

And out. Afterwards, “silver coins” and [override (overwrite)] were made at the end of a fearful appropriate tree. I was ecstatic then. Then for a while I was ready for that pain to hit me, and I tried using [override (overwrite)] on various things again.

As a result, I found that I could [overwrite (overwrite)] silver coins and silver joos for anything. You won't be able to tell anyone about all this when your mouth is torn. You'll need a lot of help buying silver gold and developing equipment for processing, but I can be a billionaire any day.

I have to save some money before I do. And then it's going to be tough there because the studio you'll be building in the future will even have to keep it a secret from your family and absolutely hide it through.

While sending a raw warm glance at Peggy for making a small fool of my inherent skills, I dig back into my memory that it's the face I saw somewhere, but I can't remember. He's watching me with his eyes that seem warm. Well, I guess I'm feeling like I've seen it somewhere because it still has the characteristics of the Japanese.

"Hey, haven't we met somewhere? Me, my previous name was... '

I was originally going to leave Masmocci Village in the future.

Shizuka, no, Peggy was also going to leave Kelsamish village in the future.

We didn't want to get involved in agriculture or fishing because we had experience of each other being born and raised near major Japanese cities. I'm not even going to stick to a territory equal to this undeveloped land until I abolish my older brother and sister.

The two of us came up with various ideas.

Some were rejected and some were judged worthy of adoption.

"Then I'll be your squire."

'You don't have a choice there, do you? But we're a lot of people. "

"A series of stewards... I know I can't help it."

"But don't think if you do well, you'll be able to have delicious thoughts."

'Sure it is. Don't sound great. It was my idea. "

'Well, well. There it is.'

You know what I mean? You're gonna have a hard time at first, aren't you?

"Mm-hmm. I don't think so."


"Yes, I am."

"Shit, you haven't changed...... hey Shizuka, not Peggy"


'... well. Wait about two years. When I grow up, I'll pick you up.'

'... yeah. I'll be waiting. Now......'


"Heh heh, secret"

The time is near dawn.

I have to go back.

It must be hard today because I haven't slept.

Return to the hall with Peggy while it is still dark except the light of the moon.

Soon Peggy was grabbing my hand.

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