7 Feb 7447

Day five into the labyrinth.

He's trying net-firing guns on the main opponents of the mon rooms on the eighth and ninth floors.

It's a plain task to actually use it and crush each of the newly discovered fine problems.

As for the eyes of the net, it was found that it would suffice to be considerably larger than the football goal of about 25 cm per side, as initially expected. However, we also learned that the number of needles such as fishing needles to be attached thereto should be increased slightly. Plus I needed a trick on how to fold a net. You failed quite a bit, didn't you?

And the problem is still discovered about the gun's biggest problem and its expected weight as well. It weighs nearly ten kilograms. It's like forcing two guns into one, and the drugstore is pretty meaty, so I can't help it.

I was going to let Bell use it, but even with her high muscle strength numbers, it was difficult to maintain a long shooting posture. That said, if it's a short time, there's nothing wrong with it, so it's better than having her put up with it. We're just talking about transporting it to Zulu if Zulu is around, and Tris is just transporting it without it. But I still can't trust the figures of the various abilities (statuses) that can be seen by [appraisal] themselves.

Of course it serves as a guide to some extent, and the fact that Bell is as good a proposition as it seems (needless to say, it doesn't leak in the example of a typical Bunny (Bunny Man) woman, but muscles have developed quite a bit these days compared to when we met. I felt the muscles developing under the fat layer whenever I touched my hands, feet or abdomen due to wound healing, etc., and I felt subtle. Even Mizuchi's abs are cracked) They are also quite powerful.

She also has some muscle strength training besides running. Besides, I'm an adventurer no matter what you say, and I haven't neglected to arch bows and swords, so instead of being a normal girl, I'm the one who can move quite brilliantly among adventurers. Again and again, even muscle strength is actually excellent. Even if it is not as numerical... even if it does not extend to the value of muscle strength, it is good to see that there is also a lot of actual force.

I don't think you can beat me first when I wrestle with a raw man who hasn't even auditioned there. But I think my father was stronger when I was a kid than Belle and Mizuchi. Bell's current [muscle strength] is twenty-four. It's as strong as my father's muscle strength when I was a kid, but I just think my father is stronger, no matter how hard I look at him. Likewise, the muscle strength value is the lowest because of the level problem and the gibberties, but because he carries loads all the time, or he exerts the best of the killers (slowers) for the carriage of heavy goods. Except for me.

Perhaps all kinds of abilities that can be seen in [appraisal] are capped at “I can train up to this number”.

Well, I couldn't help but think about my talent any more, and most importantly, I'm testing my gun right now.

"I've largely figured out my habits already. If you're about 30-40m away, you can definitely get about five minotaur populations involved as well. You want to go?

Mon The size of the room is difficult to test at an assumed distance because, on average, one side is often about fifty m square shaped. Shooting in from the aisle outside the room isn't entirely possible, but it doesn't necessarily mean the monsters are wrapped up. As it is possible to check the spread of the flying net, it is not sufficient for testing.

"Okay, shall we go? It's almost past lunch today, so let's make some money and go to the center tomorrow."

I solidified my resolve, and when I proclaimed so, I kept Ralpha, Guine and Bastral, who were collecting demonic stones from monsters, in the corners of my sight, on alert behind another aisle. This time Zulu and Engella lead the slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators), respectively. Eight, but if that strong minotaur isn't mixed up, it's fine.

Even if we were mixed up, if we could restrict our behavior, even if we didn't hang it on the net, if we could all go taco beating, we'd win first.

8 Feb 7447

"Well, then, folks, do as you're told. I'll check. If the Minotaurs find this way, they'll pull it up to 30 meters before Bell shoots the net."

Bell nodded and when he opened the gun pharmacy he packed an empty bag. There are no netted sticks in the muzzle yet. Bastral carries it because it weighs a lot. Take it out now and fold it carefully for everyone before loading it.

"Bell immediately changed gear to a bow. Bell's escort is Mizuchi. Mizuchi shoots as many bows as he can while escorting."

Mizuchi becomes a valued supporter and escort. In the unlikely event that Bell's net fails to tangle many minotaurs, the danger increases dramatically without her bow.

"Everyone else is going to storm with me. Minotaur is expected to have seven resurrected. Split up. Me, Tris, Bastral from the right. Xenom, Ralpha and Ghine come from the left. The first target is the one who couldn't catch it on the net. The guy caught in the net wipes out his first goal before dealing with him. All right?"

Everyone else makes sure to snort and quickly attach a stick made of raluk tree, a launcher, to the end of the net that Bastral unloaded from his back, folding the net like a ninety-nine fold. The trick is to fold the edges slightly narrower and wider around the center. We need to be careful here so the needle doesn't get hooked. It should be noted that the net is created with all the lines beside the top and bottom being slightly stuck so that the eyes to which the needle is attached do not interfere.

The preparations were over and we started moving forward.

Me and Xenom lead the way. It's a formation of sharp arrow numbers (Arrowhead One Two) with members like arrowheads. Tris and Bastral in the back right of me, Ralpha and Guine in the back left of Zenom, and Belle and Mizuchi in the back of me and Zenom.

And finally, relative to Minotaur.

Bell's set mesh gun erupted with the roar as it hung in the middle of seven minotaurs storming loudly toward this one.

The nets tangle up five of the scattered and thrusting minotaurs near the center.

Big success!

A fishing needle planted in a net is eating into the skin of an almost bare minotaur, and another fishing needle is eating enough to break out. I try to wield an axe in my hand, but a net made of wire doesn't cut so easily. All that or the end of a net being pulled and an extra needle eating into another minnow. I thought it would be your word if you held it for about thirty seconds, but this looks like it's going to last more than a minute. That's a happy miscalculation.

He was fucking laughing as he put up his sword and stuck it in the minotaur at the right end.

The roaring and protruding triangular spear (Partisan) was gibberish, and as he jumped into Minot's pocket, he profoundly stabbed the gunsword into the empty flank, slashing it aside (Koji) and running behind him.


Minotaurs raise their voices of suffering but there they say, "Emeron!" Tris is slashed screaming, followed by Bastral's first poke at his heart.

Cooking will be over in no time.

While I was tangled up in a net and doing the dull minotaurs of movement scattered at the tip of my sword, you see, it all came to an end already.

"It would have been a great success to try."

"Hmm. You can take this down safely. You'll be safe here any minute now."

Xenom answered me as I wiped the blood off my axe head on my words.

"But it looks like it's going to be hard to recover the net..."

"You rolled me flashy, hey"

"You're a little out of a thousand. That's a lot of power."

Observe and say minnows where Ralpha, Ghine and Mizchi are still desperate, entangled in nets.

I'm sure this one is miserable. Some guys tried to rip off every net of fishing needles they ate into their bodies, and some of them made small scratches all over their bodies. Some of the nets are also entangled in a mess, and surely the bones will break to recover this so that we can use it again. It came with my imagination because I was testing a troll or something, but I should give up the net because it involves as many as five boulders... No, no, I had a lot of trouble making this.

"I'm sorry. I want to collect it and reuse it as much as I can. It's pretty hard to make this..."

"It would be a little easier if we watered Minotaur's body all at once with Ral's bracelet."

Bell says with a satisfying grin. I see.

"That's true...... so picking demon stones from these guys first"

Bastral pulled the big knife for demon stone collection from his hips and approached the minotaur at the end, avoiding the eyes of the net and starting to cut open his chest. The other members who saw it also pulled out one knife after the other and started working.

Eventually it took nearly thirty minutes for eight people to collect the bodies and turn them into water before spreading the nets properly and folding them. That would be acceptable. I have no choice but to repair some of the cut parts.

9 Feb 7447

On the first day of the third holiday, we talked about our most recent plans when we were all eating lunch after our entire morning training.

"The next labyrinth trip, but the killer (Slaughters) dives into the labyrinth for more than two weeks, one drink this month if possible. I'd like to be able to get to the 10 levels somewhat safely by the April replacement. In the meantime, the slaughterer (Butchers) is Zenom, the eradicator (Exterminators) is…"

"Yes, yes! I'm coming!

"Bye, Ralph. You."

At any rate, Ralpha will just hate the fact that he keeps putting Minotaur in the labyrinth with his opponent. Everyone, including me, doesn't like it...

It's troublesome to make the nets you used reusable again even if you can make a net-firing gun, and I don't want to do it if I can. Besides, it's easier and safer to strike surprises from behind right after resurrection than a net-fired gun. So I wander between the metastatic crystals in the center of the Nine Layers, but I have to travel quite a bit to use magic there, and I'm really disgusted considering the fact that I'm going to be in a labyrinth for a long time. Of course, I'm going to sew between Minotaur resurrections for a change of mood and go to the Nine Storey Mon Room, or even the Ten Storey.

I don't think even that gun can be said to be complete. Above all, if I remove it, there will be no aftermath. That said, there's no way I can shoot in a row more than by shooting a net that's quite a size. I would have to create another one with a spare. In addition, there is still room for improvement, so it is necessary to continue with various tests. The room in the center of the ninth floor is also magical if it comes off the center diameter of 500 meters, so I'll have to do it there.

"The slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators), as usual, will come into the labyrinth from the twelfth. Killers (Slaters) enter the labyrinth from the thirteenth day of a day late because they also have food and consumables secured. We'll also arrange for consumables after the first week of the slaughterhouse (Slaters), so the slaughterhouse and the uprooters (all) will be asked to transport up to six layers of metastatic crystals."

Make sure everyone understands, keep the words coming.

"Keep a letter in the example pan during the six-layer metastatic crystal in case of contact or unexpected events. I'll be in touch with you about your plans and everything."

That said, when I tightened it, it dissolved.

Of course, use Mizuchi's [Force Formation (Party Formation)] again. I can only contact you from Mizuchi, but I can't let go of the convenience of being able to immediately inform the members who are acting separately in the event of an anomaly. Because Mizuchi uses his unique skills every time he enters the labyrinth, the level of [troop formation (partisation)] is still eight (he doesn't seem to gain experience with his unique skills for extended effect times. Also, you will not get the same experience if you do not place more than an hour interval for continuous use).

Don't level up five hundred more things for Max in itself, so assuming you get ten experiences a day in a row, it's possible without taking February (fuzzy). I only did it when I remembered it because I forgot about the magic training. Maybe it's not a bad idea to use the little magic or unwitting of a proper appointment to make him take time when this labyrinth row is over and settled. Experience bonuses and proficiency bonuses are also fascinating.

We split up three ways and again as we head back towards the heart of Balduk. I headed to the grocery store with Giberti. Once you have ordered and paid for it, then with Mizuchi you have to show your face to the Chamber of Commerce in Wang Du once and give the necessary instructions. I have to finish the instructions and administrative processing by tomorrow and when I get back to Baldukki with Baldukki, I'll have to check for any missing orders for consumables and let Giberti confirm that I'm due to arrive and take what I can receive......

"Oh, it's been a while."

When I went to the grocery store with Giberti, Andersen, the leader of Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz), was there. No, this sister was also with Vilheimer's of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) to circulate my information to the King... Nothing to blame, but I don't feel good.

"Oh, thank you very much. Hey, Dad, it's an order."

I told my father at the store that I would pass by Andersen's side just for a loving laugh and a meeting. Andersen said he was coming to the store with Kirk in his hipster wipes, and then he passed by, and the two of us are talking about something without worrying about me. I didn't originally use combat slaves or loading (porters), and they would buy out consumables themselves.

Half-broken and three less heads, Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) is now a first-and-a-half adventurer, to put it well. I hear you've been recruiting members lately, but no one seems to be right for Andersen's sister's glasses, and she's just frustrated to pull one wizard out of a second-rate party called Sakura (Primrose). The proud will not be long, or the prosperous will perish. I feel a little sorry for you, too.

"Mr. Gried, do you have a minute?

I finished my order and was called off when I tried to leave the store.


"It's hard to talk about here. I'd like to come in and talk to you somewhere."

You know, I'm busy. After this, we have to get to Wangdu. I don't have time to talk to you.

"Well, I don't think it would hurt to hear it. You came all the way to Gary and Lot and Marin's funeral."

What the fuck?

"Talk about my sisters"

Andersen said as he whispered in a suddenly low, small voice.

"Giberti, tell Mizuchi I'm gonna be a little late."

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