9 Feb 7447

Andersen invites us both into the right diner. When I sat across from the table at the back of the store, I ordered bean tea and Andersen tea. He was killing time with Balduk's story while she was away until the drink came.

"So, sister? Was it about"

I took a sip of bean tea and asked Andersen. This “sister” isn't the sister of the Viscount Andersen family, is it? It would be about a half-sister in another house whose father is just the same. A moment came to mind the face of Mr. Yorille, the young lady of the Baron Reface family. Speaking of which, I don't feel anything like it anyway.

"You already know my real father, don't you? Fine then. Then you know I have thirteen siblings over the age of eight."

There are eight outgoing children.

The youngest boy, born by Her Highness Ladyship Lady Maureen, headed by her now twenty-five-year-old eldest son, Lord Richard Lombardo, should have turned eight last summer or so. I know because I hear it from Rolic. Except for the straw growth a few years ago, the child must have been at the bottom.

There are five other known bastards.

This one's only relatively old. Missel Beirut, who was executed two years ago, should have been in the middle. It would have been six if he had lived.

I made sure I snorted. Andersen continues his words.

"Only one of them has a kid with me. Oh, the other kids don't know I exist. Huh? I can't tell you that. But that's all I'll tell you."

With a cup of tea and a damp throat, Andersen carries on the words in a lower voice.

"I also found out last year. Sounds like he's already starting to move, so Greed, there's been a move to you, too, hasn't there? The kid didn't tell me why, either, so I don't know all about it, but only three of the bastards are women, and they've been joining the Knights for years."

Oh, you've heard of that...

"They're treating us in the Knights, but the strange thing is that even your oldest son leaps over the hedge of the Knights to whom he belongs and mentors them. I hear it's limited to a small number of combat training."

Heh. Does that mean His Royal Highness Richard also chewed one?

Oh, about the Kings back then last summer, about this? I guess he's training properly and he seemed to confirm it...

But it sounds like you should avoid unique nouns.

"You look like you know. Then I'll stop talking here already. I don't think I need to tell you everything... My three sisters even flinch me to a fair amount of bait... I don't know if I'm gonna ru it, but whatever it is, I think I'm getting my butt slapped pretty good."

Looks like you did. Lady Yorille in the middle is the only one who came directly to me. Andersen's sisters, of the common sons, the woman is Neurula Siebect from above. Twenty-two. Yorile Reface in the middle. Nineteen. At the bottom is Michele Forcaine. Sixteen years old and three years apart, respectively. Even for the top Neurola, I can tell you that at the moment, four, no, I'm just three years different in a few days, so even if I marry you, I don't have any age issues.

But they've got quite a blast, haven't they?

I knew......

I looked it up quite a bit last summer after talking to Miss Yorille, but I didn't know that much. I could only look into it once. I had some anticipation, but there was only a small conversation at that time about the rationale. Well, let me ask you something.

"What about Mr. Andersen's standpoint? Which of you three has the deepest father's pet?

Seems like I was going to say a lot originally, and it's good enough to ask from here.

Andersen looks me in the eye and then says with a thin smile.

"The child of Cui's eyes."

Guh, I don't know. I hadn't even checked the color of my hair and eyes. Yorille, what color were your lady's eyes...? I also feel like it was Cui, but I don't remember...

"What color is your hair... blue"

Andersen said with a few stings.

Damn, I can't figure that out either. But, Yorille, can I exclude the lady? The last time I saw him, he had blue hair, but I think he was talking about dyeing it according to my taste.

Oh, my God, this sister is so happy to realize that I don't know the color of her hair or eyes.

"Don't look like that anymore. My youngest. Her mother used to have a bit of an edge...... that jerk...... only four years old with me...... damn"

Hmm. Let's just say we didn't hear it in the second half.

But that means when you were in the Second Knights?

Andersen's sister turns thirty-four this year.

I did hear somewhere that he joined the Second Knights at the same time as an adult.

If I were a sixteen child now, I think it would be around that time of year.

I could hear you.

"So that's not what I wanted to talk to you about today. Well, it has something to do with it."


"Mr. Gried, what the hell did you do? How much my father... that... but even if you're a good adventurer or literally accomplishing a tremendous feat, I don't think that's the only way he's going to break it to his daughter."

Andersen suddenly asked me with a hard eye. I'm not bragging all over myself, but I'm telling some of my dreams of making my own country. None of the killers (Slaters) know that, including the old Sunshine (Sun Ray) members.

When I spoke, I was surprised, laughed at, convinced, and had various reactions.

But, yeah, you didn't talk lightly or anything?

If we were talking, there's nothing Andersen doesn't know now. Either way, Vilheimer and I sold my information to the King. You won't miss it. Oh, no, I think it's "unrealistic to build your own country" after knowing it, and I also feel more likely that it's just not linked to that about dowrying the daughter of a common son.

or "such a dream story. It's a joke anyway," no wonder I didn't believe it from the beginning. I might as well hit the idea over here. Whoever wants to laugh, not funny as far as I'm concerned, should be laughing. Still, I'm not gonna stop trying.

"That's what I'd rather hear..."

Andersen looked up to the universe when he heard my words. And

"That's true too...... That's why you don't know so well... he seems to know something, but he won't say that much..."

And I said in a blurry tone.

"That's right, was it Mr. Lockwise? A new wizard. What about her?

"Oh, meme? Hmm, I wonder if it's there... But the attacker's not so good..."

When I asked Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) about the wizard he had recently joined, it wasn't very good in color. Somehow it's pulled out of a second-rate party to the point of showing its face on four levels. The original party cherry grass (Primrose) has certainly been seen several times when camping among three layers of transferring crystals. I don't even remember the level, but it's never convenient for a wizard of that magnitude to suddenly regain his Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz) strength.

"For the time being, we'll have to get used to it on four or five levels. Oh, yeah. Greed, will you lend me your battle slave for a while?

"Oh, no."

"That's right... let's buy a combat slave..."

That's the only way to quickly increase your power.

14 Feb 7447

Day two into the Labyrinth of Balduk. I woke up among three layers of metastatic crystals, and all the reincarnates turned nineteen, including me. The Pu people are capped by Jun Min (?) just stretched by one point, but the guys of other races are subtly different.

But you're already nineteen. When I get older, I feel like a year is short and I don't like it... in my subjectivity, a year doesn't make up 2% of the time in my life. In my previous life, when I was a kid, I felt much longer... Of course, I understand that this is just my sentiment, and it's an equally identical year to everyone, at any age, but I can't deny that I'm going to feel so short that it won't be long.

I've been through my birthday more than sixty times already, so it's unusual or irrelevant. Instead, I feel stronger that it's not a very good day to make you recognise the course of time.

Giberti, who distracted me, was cooking me rice with a slightly better ingredient. I also let him buy sweet ingredients when I bought them out the other night, so he can act a little sweet this evening. Well, it's a day when you can make a little change in your diet for a reason like this.

As Larfa, who was camping amongst these metastatic crystals and rendezvous, recalled, "Ah! Somebody change their minds about the exterminators? He said," but no one responded. I guess both Zulu and Engela expected to be able to have a good meal on this labyrinth trip. It's going to be a long time, so I have some good ingredients for stress reduction. You're the one who ran for me in the first place.

"There's some untrained, but you can't help it, can you, Mr. Lal? Come on, let's go. Starting the day after tomorrow, I have to go back to the ground and carry supplies. Here."

Ralpha, who was so voiced by Lorrick, dragged away and disappeared into four layers.

Shall we go, then?

Hope you can make it to the sixth floor safely today.

16 Feb 7447

It arrived between nine layers of metastatic crystals before noon. Of course, the guardian, the seven minnows, once again took care of the net-firing guns and disposed of them. Why didn't you come this far within yesterday, because they ate the time to pack the gun-manufacture-related luggage that we had prepared for the eight layers so that it would be easy to carry.

After this, I'm going to take a short break and have lunch and I'm going to leave a gibberty to start preparing dinner for the eight of us to go to the tenth floor. It will be eighteen hours before Minotaur is resurrected anyway, and it will be unknown tomorrow.

Starting tomorrow, I intend to make and improve guns properly. Since the net-firing gun proved to work properly, he decided to go outside the area where nine layers of magic could not be used to manufacture or improve the gun. First we need to build a spare net-firing gun, but I wanted to forget about the annoying gun improvements on the first day or so we got to the ninth floor.

By the way, I'm not going to go to the mon room even if I go to the tenth floor because there's no Zenom or Ralpha this time. This has been said to everyone. The avant-garde is pretty tough unless I get in if I lack those two in the boulder. I could think of that as part of my training because I've only been dealing with monsters that I've fought many times before, but I'm afraid of the first sight of my opponent pulling me out of the rear guard on a boulder.

"Shall we go then?"

After finishing his lunch, he took a short break before leaving for the tenth floor.

I have been here before, but the appearance of the ten layers is almost unchanged compared to the eight layers and the nine layers. The width of the passage and the walls in the labyrinth are the same. At the end of the day, there are metastasis crystals everywhere, probably eight layers, but only nine layers, and it's not hard to imagine that they're also metastasizing into areas that you've never set foot in before.

I wander around until about evening, killing monsters I meet in the aisle appropriately, picking demon stones, and then pulling them up.

Days went by with a start like this.

February 30, 7447

It will be about time for a boulder.

How dare you start caging between nine layers of metastatic crystals today for the fifteenth day, two and a half weeks.

He defeated a group of nine layers of minnows a total of twenty times, including the first time in this labyrinth row. That's a hundred and forty. Coupled with previous fights...... how many? Anyway, I killed a lot of them. I also went to replenish food six times. It is also not very good for mental health to continue to close and cage in a labyrinth with a ceiling for such a long time. First, the cotton of gunpowder material for gun improvement was exhausted.

Thanks to this, the gunmen had a satisfactory finish there for the net-fired guns. One cloak shall be left on the appropriate plate during the eight layers of transferring crystal. I would be a little out of line to explain this. I used to know from the fact that I built a shower room or something, but the crafts and workpieces I leave in the labyrinth break considerably faster than the ground when I have more than a certain amount of time not to use them.

If I haven't used the shower room at all, the rope tied to the shower will loosen in about two weeks. After a month, the rope will be completely unscrewed and scattered. But if I use it every few days, it won't break first except for aging. When time passes when no one touches a bucket made up of plant parts alone, a mere leather armor, an empty rucksack of unused metal parts, etc. thrown out onto the ground, this one breaks in the same amount of time, or each part that makes up the article is variant.

We know that if no one touches it for about three to four days and it is not used, it will start to loosen. But strangely enough, they would be using it if they even stored it in a bucket of water, and unless all the water evaporated, they wouldn't see a problem. It's okay to add dried meat.

Besides, there is no such thing as a stove or clock. Dishes and the like are also perfectly fine because there are no wooden sharpening or elements to break down if they are ceramic. Naturally, knives and forks have wooden patterns, but whether decorated or not, this one is equally perfectly fine.

What is even more thankful is that even if the buckets are not well made of metal and the hoops are not filled with water, they last quite a bit longer than the change is felt in about two weeks. I don't see any problems with knives or balls either.

In other words, it only degrades to the same extent as on the ground if it is a simple one that does not combine members, a metal processed part is used, a magic prop, something that seems to be in use, but even if it is processed, an article consisting solely of natural products, such as textiles and leather processed products, degrades unusually quickly.

It may be more appropriate to say that deterioration is not a deterioration in the quality of the constituent members, but that the shape of the item cannot be maintained. Of course, these events don't have to be discovered by us, and are half common sense among adventurers camping in the labyrinth.

What we probably discovered in all of this was a very simple thing that we didn't have to leave directly on the ground. For example, if you put a bucket containing hoops made of vines or the like in a bucket or toilet with a proper metal hoop, it's okay after a month.

This harvest will certainly have killed a large number of minnows, but we will have been able to start a full test of the type of gun that fires a bullet with a properly carved rifle barrel. It's not like I haven't done it at all before, but it's about replacing the barrel of a net-fired gun, and it wasn't something that made everything exclusively.

Like a net-firing gun, it is a complete single-shot gun that does not yet have a complex structure and is not even a bolt action. After all, however, a simple structural malfunction did not even require consideration for the malfunction, and the accuracy turned out to be a pretty high gun.

This brings the total to three for guns.

Between the nine layers of transferring crystals for the older mesh guns and the normal single shot guns, and between the eight layers of transferring crystals because the weight is also somewhat lighter for the new improved mesh guns and with that it is easier to carry.

Naturally, as for bullets and blank guns, they are now placed in appropriate buckets, but in time, I also think it is necessary to make a special storage box. I want to be able to get through the nine layers without difficulty by mid-April, when the replacement battle takes place. Let's order a special crate by specifying a size for mid-next month. You'll need the kind of ammo box you can carry.

Both Zulu and Engela seem to have gotten used to a lot of gun-firing noises these days, and they no longer show any fright at all. There also seems to be some interest in the power and destructiveness that are not comparable to bows, especially by watching many real gun tests firing bullets. It's a close perception of course for the reincarnated, but I'm not here with the two of them, but Xenom is also showing considerable interest.

Except for the reincarnated, however, he still hasn't said "I want myself to shoot you" as one person. It also seems significant that we were witnessing an accident during the original ammunition manufacture. Also, it's probably a big deal to say that your mouth is so annoying that your mouth gets sour about ammunition, gunpowder handling, etc.

Mizuchi, Tris, Ghine and Bastral, who were unusual to shoot at first, also seem to have gotten tired of it lately, often serving as Bell and my aides who continue to test fire so hard.

I'm pretty sure it's getting hard for Belle and me like that.

"I missed the ground on boulders. Shall we go back?"

"" Once!? "

That's right. I'll be diving again for about this time. This gun prototype gave me a lot of confidence. Next time I'm going to do a prototype for a bolt-action rifle. I need ingredients, and I have to go buy cotton and yellow dyes. Oh, has the yellow dye reached the Boyle Pavilion yet for the cotton anyway?

On his way back to the ground, he still remained piled up in the corner of the eight-story room, and after seeing the trent material he hadn't taken to the ground, he was circling through various thoughts.

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