February 30, 7447

It was Kim and Dender, respectively, who were turning to luggage at the Killer's (Slaters) camp as they passed between six and four layers of transferring crystals. I guess neither Xenom nor Ralpha is going to let my combat slaves have luggage numbers that would make them rest.

I asked them to "return once to the ground, but rest slowly on the ground two nights today, and return to the labyrinth the morning after tomorrow". There is no replacement of members.

Massacres (Butchers) and eradicators (Exterminators) without dedicated porters like Giberti are known for the amount of luggage they can carry at once. So in this labyrinth row, they're barely resting, except for the luggage number. This time, although slightly, we will return to the ground, so both Zenom and Ralpha will have the appropriate time to rest.

Back on the ground, when we looked up at the long sunset sky and stretched our backs, we redeemed the Demon Stone. I broke up with Boyle Pavilion and Shooney once after only deciding to have dinner at the usual Murowa.

Bastral spoke to me as a favorite in front of the Boyle Pavilion.

"Um, excuse me, now I can ride the final ride to King's Capital. Can I go home tomorrow night?

Oh, well. You were letting Bastral tell Kathy she didn't need to go back to Balduk because she didn't have a holiday appointment.

"Mm, okay. Come on."

I heard my reply. Bastral rushed into the Boyle Pavilion in front of him with the sleaze.

"Eh, Mr. Surge, that's good..."

Says Guineh as he climbs the stairs to the room.

"What about Guine with that guy?

Bell asked. That guy... I don't know about that. As far as I know, I've been telling a lot of people lately.

"Well, I'm tired of it."

You know what I mean!? And “I'm tired of it"...

"He was putting it back in front of Peggies before this. People who are vulnerable to alcohol are a little... poorly dressed."

Hih, hih. You'll have physique, and even Zenom is weak for liquor... Mountain (Dwarf) values? Xenom is vulnerable to booze, but he just seems to garner a lot of respect from Dwarves all over Balduk...... What does that have to do with being weak, mostly alcohol resistant, but poorly dressed? Well, I haven't even figured it out, but come on...

"You're that guy now, aren't you? See, of purgatory flames (Gehenna Flair)..."

Tris says something windy about finding out, but it's the Gurn of Purgatory Flames (Gehenna Flair), anyway. He seemed to like it for quite some time.

"Oh, Mr. Royle? That guy, he's nice there, but he's got eyes on him. As soon as I'm drinking, I'll turn my hand around my hips..."

Well, wasn't it?

"I knew Mr. Zender looked good and liked it"

Who is it? Zender, Zender...... I think I heard it somewhere, but I can't remember.

"Oh, Mashes'?

Apparently Mizuchi knows. And isn't Mashes a cheap clothing store? I don't know who the clothes store clerk is.

"Yeah, yeah, that guy, he's got good taste, right?

"Huh? Yeah, right"

"I had dinner with you last holiday in Las Runes, but you pulled your seat for me, you had a good taste for alcohol, and your fingers are so sexy, don't you think, Mizuchi?!?"

"Ah...... yeah. I think so, don't I?

I asked Mizuchi later and he seemed disturbed. He seems to be Mashes' tracking son in a Pu (Hume) with all his face. Certainly seems to have good taste in clothing and seems to be popular there mainly with good golden adventurer women. But Mashes is just hanging cheap clothes. Tailored clothes in Wangdu are more sensible and comfortable. Even Guine is happy to tailor a single item of women's clothing in Kennorton, Wangdu, where she often goes and says, "It's great!" Oh, the quality of the product you're dealing with doesn't matter, does it?

Several other letters were left in addition to regular reports from Wang Du, which he leaves to Russeg when he enters the Boyle Pavilion. Appropriately flush and read the request for a wish to participate in the three killers (Slaters). Then I glance at a message that seems somewhat important.

One was from Madame in Ronslile, an invitation to a wedding banquet with her third husband. Late April? You're making money.

The two remaining senders were Neurula Siebect and Mimile Forcaine. Of the three common daughters of the king except for Andersen's sister, two are above and below. The content is similar for both of us, saying that we definitely want to meet and talk to each other once, or praise our great accomplishments as adventurers, and not a single step out of the range we expected when we confirmed the sender's name.

Surely it was last fall that I met Miss Yorille in the middle, so a few months late for her? According to Boyle Pavilion's superintendent, both parties' messages appeared directly to him and he left a message on the spot telling him that I was not in the labyrinth. The date written was certainly about a few days ago and shortly after entering the labyrinth.

"Hmmm. Unlike that Yorille lady, don't leave it to her to be used by her squire, did she come in person... don't be a little impressed"

When I said that after reading the message in the room, Mizuchi said with a slightly unpleasant, restless look on his face after a little thought.

"Mm-hmm... normally, you're very fond, aren't you? But as far as I'm concerned, I guess I have to give a negative rating... If she is just a town daughter, she may feel favorable with a positive rating. But if you want to shoot off the future queen's seat, isn't that a downside to such a mild act of sudden coming in person?

Mm, if you ask me......

This guy seems to be thinking quite a bit too...... no.

"Hey, you... don't say things you don't even have in mind"

"Huh? Not even in my heart... I think about the future..."

Apparently it was a star. Mizuchi's eyes were swimming flashly.

"He's got to be seco, you. That's what Belle and I are going to say after a lot of thinking, isn't it?

Mizuchi shyly discolors her complexion from light blue purple to light red purple after being pointed out by me with a slight nigga.


"'Cause there's no shit. In the first place, don't denigrate someone to reinforce your position. If there's a clear rationale, it's still just imaginary, isn't it? You don't look good."

I think Mizuchi's remarks just now are a little overstated. Maybe they haven't heard that I'm ultimately aiming to interest the country. It is possible that he has only heard of one of the candidates to ascend to a higher nobility, so promising that he will be entrusted with one of his future territories.

Is it mild? No, no, why do you think you're trying to marry me? You should probably grow up, too, me. Even the information I'm getting is just a story about the king hanging a blast, and even Andersen's sister hasn't said a word about them actively trying to shoot me in the heart. I simply said that I was being hung up and slapped in the butt.

"Mm... sorry..."

The sober Mizuchi apologized softly.

"Don't say things that don't seem like much. For example," My Lord Associate Lord Gried, Your Majesty ordered me to do this, so I only came to make the track record that I met you anyway to get through. It's possible that the concubine (I) will say something like, "Please forgive my disrespect."

It is also possible that you visited me in person to apologize (?). If so, it would also be polite to say that it comes directly. I don't think it's based on the content of the message.

"Oh, yeah... yeah,"

Ma, if you try this one, it will be a clear and uninteresting story. I can't even understand how difficult it is to convince myself in the depths of my mind just because I think about it and admit it theoretically. But it is natural in some ways to have more than one spouse if you are a senior nobleman or king. Not just aristocrats, but also civilians, if wealthy, who have multiple spouses. Not just men and women. I don't know if there's love there.

Mar 2, 7447

Without running or training, we assembled at the entrance square around 6: 00 a.m. Time is running out on boulders, so the square is full of adventurers and merchants. I was able to come here after running off time because I had to be heard a lot, but I don't have time for it. Today we're going to go all the way to four layers of metastatic crystals at once.

Here and this labyrinth row is dominated by gun improvements and so little time is devoted to exploration, so it is possible to train in any number of large rooms enclosing between eight and nine layers of metastatic crystals. I did more than usual because it was huge, running mock wars every few hours, training and distractions such as armrests, abs, etc.

Just like every other adventurer's party, we check each other's gear in the right corner. It is necessary to make sure that there are no loose strings or bands, that there are no forgotten items, that the weapon is in a usable condition without any problems, and that only confirmation is made. I don't want to miss this and have a big problem in case.

Finish the confirmation and head to the entrance as usual, drawing the crowd together. Then after paying the admission tax, Mr. Church, the guard, spoke to him.

"Mr. Greed, how much are you planning on doing this time?

I haven't confirmed my plans for the period I'm always diving into adventurers...... What a breeze...... there's only one thing. I don't know who one of the three of them is, but I'm guessing he was asking Mr. Church. I don't care who.

"I can only say that it would be somewhat long as last time......"

"I guess so."

Mr. Church nodded heavily.

Have a meeting and go down the stairs to the basement.

It was around twenty o'clock that we arrived between the four layers of metastatic crystals. However, everyone seems to be deeply satisfied that they were able to arrive in less than fifteen hours and the atmosphere is bright. Only one person, not taking part in the fight, but only Giberti carrying a large load seemed pretty spicy. I'm sorry.

It was Lutz who had luggage numbers on four levels. He seemed to be oiling and caring for leather armor in front of the slayer (Slaters), but had already started cleaning up. There is no one else.

"Is that it? I heard you're going into the labyrinth today... a mistake?

"Hehe, what do you think?

Says Guineh with a strained chest that he is not proud of. Engela smiles just like me as she looks at it. Engela and I met eyes. I strayed immediately.

"It's too late to come in yesterday... today, after all? Four layers in a day... depressing."

Rutz says lightly without looking depressed.

"Look, if you're up to four layers, you'll be able to do it soon."

Says Tris as he takes the cabbage wrap out of the rucksack and gives it to Giberti.

"Hehe, I hope so. What are you doing today?

Lutz asked Giberti with a face that seemed to drool. You, from time to time, after a long dinner, right? It's fine if you can eat.

"This evening," Woconom Grill, "he said. Do you want some?

Okonomiyaki, right? I went to buy it out yesterday and a good squid sold it. There's no sauce, no blues, but there's mayonnaise, and I had a request for Mizuchi I was with, so sometimes it's good. Giberti will be tired today, so I made him look less laborious, including cleaning up later.

"What the hell? Yummy?

"I've eaten a few times, but you can go there."

It should be noted that the okonomiyaki is rarely eaten because Bastral has worked part-time at the okonomiyaki shop during his lifetime, and he comes to coach me on how to stir the mouth loudly. Sometimes it's about eating when someone says they want to. It's not a very tasty dish because I don't have any sauce.

After the meal, the man just got on the floor after leaving me and Engela on the first watch to clean up quickly. I can take a shower tomorrow. But did the woman come to luxury recently or did she go to the corner of the room to wipe her body with a towel wet with hot water?

How tired Giberti was, he's already had a regular sleep trying to do it. Tris is already snoring a little, too, and Zulu and Lutz aren't hanging around like they're dead with their bloated bellies. The two of them disposed of the multieyed portion. The most terminally rounded bastral had a crisp toothpick. When I sent a reminder that I couldn't do it, I became quiet.

I can hear you talking from the other side of the room, where you made an easy partition with a towel. It doesn't sound busy to the content because of the distance.

"Ah, Mr. Bell, it's nice. It's big... and Mr. Mizuchi has a shape..."

"Don't touch me anymore."

"Isn't Guine sexy, that black kid on the chest, too?

"Oh, this? I didn't used to. I've had it since I was a kid."

"With that said, I used to have a big black kid in my right hand, too, but now you're gone"

Looks like Guinee is still offering the topic based on how his voice feels. I had Engela massage the back of my right foot soaked in foot water strewn in a bucket.

"If you were reborn, you'd have black kids out and gone..."

Engela seems to be hearing the women talking and laughing bitterly.

Dog people (dogwarts), so even if they don't have [super hearing (super hearing)], their ears are better than mine.

You're talking about black kids.

It's not going down.

I wish Mizuchi had a black child by the side of a place he couldn't speak to.

It is easy to understand because the color of the skin is too thin for the Dark Elves.

Wang Du's healer, Tukerin's wife has dark purple skin, but I know the black child in her jaw, so it doesn't matter.

Ah, it feels good... there, stronger.

Next, to the left.

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