Mar 4, 7447

Arriving late last night between eight layers of metastatic crystals, we took eight hours of plenty of sleep per head, nourished ourselves sharply before stepping into nine layers. Starting with the net-firing guns on the eight-story base, of course, with the amount of Trent material we saw in the spare. And after noon, he destroyed Minotaur, the guardian of the ninth tier, for a little late lunch.

"Are we going to be on the tenth floor today?

Bell asked me. Last time you took a little peek at the ten layers on the first day, right? But without getting lost, I said, "No, let's not do this today. After tomorrow, I want to make it when I can go for the whole day," he replied, pulling the iron ore that had been given to Giberti from the bottom of his luggage.

"Oh, is that a gun first"

"Yeah. Thinking about that Lesser Yo Wee thing, I guess I'll have to make a decent gun first,"

"Were you building a series of guns?

"That's right. I want gunpowder and bullets built by the end of the day."

I also bring brass and copper mines. Of course, I haven't forgotten the cotton, and the yellow dye has been replenished. Plus, I'm going to use Trent material this time to build a gun bed (stock) and a barrel (handguard). The last time I made a gun bed (stock) out of walnut wood, I thought it was quite well made for the first time. Especially since I've made some wooden guns in the past, I can't say it's the first time.

First is the manufacture of gunpowder and bullets? I'm already quite used to this one, so I can move on to the cleaning process right away. Since the ammunition also has almost no problem with adjusting the amount of explosives, it would not be a problem to manufacture it fairly smartly about the thickness of the flesh, such as the engine section.

In the beginning, when the amount of explosives was too high, after launching something, the drugpod swelled inside the revolving magazine (cylinder) without withstanding the explosion (there would be expansion due to the temperature of the explosion, but expansion due to the explosion pressure was the main thing), and it didn't pull through the empty drugpod, and in the worst case, it had to be broken. I didn't wear an ejector rod. In this case, the thickness of the medicine pod was also slightly thickened, which increased the strength and allowed for correspondence. The length of the pod was a little longer for that matter. I didn't want to sacrifice my power if I could.

Warheads and pods must also be refilled anew. And the detonator. Since the medicine pod has been made recently, it is very thick, so it is possible to use it around. Can I have a few eyes?

Now, while we wash the acid out of the cotton, we use our free time to finally create the gun.

I just want to say that what I make this time is a bolt-action rifle...... but that suddenly gets too complicated for boulders. I'm going to make a revolving rifle that rifles revolvers. The medium fold type (top break) was then exhausted and fixed (solid frame). Unlike modern revolver pistols, rotating magazines (cylinders) are not swinging out (swinging out). It is necessary to drain empty pods from the side loading gate one shot at a time and load new bullets one at a time, but the structure can be simplified for that matter. Then, for a simple amount, the strength can also be increased.

The shooting mechanism was also only for single action. Because, of course, we can simplify the shape of the parts. Low parts score as well. At any rate, only the smallest and two springs, the trigger, the shooting iron, the hand that rotates the interlocking magazine when causing the shooting iron, and the latch that stops the rotating magazine in place. Double action is similar, but the shape gets a little more complicated, and the number increases by one or two. You're next. Shooting needle (pin)? Yeah, you don't need it at the moment because you can tap the detonator directly.

Of course, there is no gas sealer, so when firing, the flame leaks from the gap between the rotating magazine and the barrel (cylinder/gap), so long gloves are required on the left hand side to support the barrel. You don't have to burn me if you're ready.

In about an hour I created the first gun parts. I also use chromium for the rifling part inside the barrel this time. Use tungsten with some confidence and only after it is properly shaped. Sharpen and roughly shape the trent material while clawing about the gun bed and the barrel as well. Combined, it should look like a rifle gun from a long time ago, except there's a rotating magazine in the machine section. A special jig was made only where the barrel containing the barrel was sharpened so that it could be sharpened to approximately the same shape as the outer circumference of the barrel.

"Scrape and tweak the details yourself"

So I gave Bell the skin of a fish that resembled a raven instead of a piece of paper or a sledge. The bullet would be about time for the sorting process. I have to go.

Thus the first day in the Nine Layers went down. Tomorrow we'll have breakfast and after a while, we'll exorcise the resurrected Minotaur and continue today. You keep the ten floors until the day after tomorrow.

Mar 5, 7447

Everyone was instructed to shoot, including Zulu and Engela, but the problem was discovered.

"Pull your jaw and tighten your right side more. The gun bed should be properly placed on your shoulder. Your left hand is further ahead..."

"That's what I was told."

Only Guine had a small body, so her arms were correspondingly short and she couldn't handle the rifle in a proper firing position.

I tried to teach you properly just in the shooting position first, but I can also say that it was good to notice it early. The left hand barely reaches the front of the rotating magazine (cylinder), so no matter how many gloves there are, it will be dangerous, and it will be difficult to target them in the first place. The gun bed is too long. Should we make a special gun for Gwyne or Xenom?

When the screening gun was being tested, he was simply pulling the string tied to the trigger with a bench rest shot, and he was totally overlooking it because he let it stand on his back except for the bell when the portable netting gun was being tested.

Hmm. Making another clove of this type is a boulder...... You can replace the gun bed, but it's a hassle to replace either... I wonder if it would change my habits and affect my hitting accuracy if I was rosing every time I exchanged it. Should I when I make a proper practical bolt-action rifle......

But I wanted to teach everyone how to shoot before a bolt-action rifle. Well, can I make a double action revolving rifle? Let's make it easier to use with the gnomes and the gnomes. I'm going to have it used by Carm, Kevin, etc., so it won't go to waste.

And for the record, I've been building guns since this afternoon. The amount of iron ore I have prepared thanks to you has been considerably reduced. Don't lose about 10% less bullet warheads than you planned, damn it. On the contrary, I figured it out in the shooting drill I started today, but it consumes bullets faster than I expected. Yeah, I can't use it around to retrieve the warhead. There's only one time you can get mud in Transmute Rock to Mad. Of course, if you melt it and pour it into the mold, you can use it again or twice, but if you think about the price and hassle of iron ore, it's not enough to bother doing it.

It'll be pretty early than planned, but we should probably go back once.

March 6, 7447.

I went up to six layers to replenish the food. At the time of the transfer, the massacrer (Butchers), who happened to be led by Xenom, was on break. He said it was time to go back to the fourth tier today.

"Is it a long time this time?

Meath asked.

"Hmm, I was going to, but I'll probably be back on the 11th of this month. So next is the last time you'll be here on the 9th, so please do me the favor."

When he answers that, he doesn't think it's going well. Xenom says worried.

"Did something go wrong?

"No, it's not a problem. I just had to get back to the ground once to replenish it. Looks like you made a lot of money, by the way."

Rocco and Kevin grabbed some demonic stones that looked like they belonged to the orga and measured the weight and saw the shades and made some noise. Around it, I started carm, and Vince, Kim, and Gel seem in a good mood. Isn't there about ten demon stones?

"Yeah, I've had some luck, but I've met a lot of orgasms one or two today. I could take down a total of nine."

That's amazing! That's over seven million! Henry and Ruby won't be in the head count, so my share is one-ninth. You made 700 grand minus expenses. This is why the massacrers (Butchers) are in a good mood.

But when I heard that, I thought about it a little. You need to make 40 million to give the Killers (Throwers) a bonus of 800,000 Z per head. This time, we didn't do the math right, but we only earned about half of it outbound.

I wasn't going to wander around for a long time looking for an aug on the seven because I was going to go back in a day even if I was going to go through the seven, eight or nine layers from now on. Hmm. You can explore ten layers in earnest for a day or so... No. It's too scary to go to the mon room without Zenom and Ralpha. There will be first sight monsters, and haste forbids. At least until the gun can be handled properly......

"It was just a small number, so everyone wanted to do a pre-replacement exercise, but I don't know about that on the boulder. Don't worry, I've dealt with them all exactly."


Of course, Zenom would never do anything light-hearted. Maybe no one else will. I trust you there.

Mar 8, 7447

"Don't close your eyes when you shoot. Keep an eye on your goals."

"Yes, I'm sorry, sir"

I looked sideways at Mizuchi, Tris, Bell, Ghine and Zulu training for the White Soldiers in the distance while teaching Engela how to shoot. Because I'm free, I think I'm putting quite a bit of heat on it. Bastral is sending him to check on the rock he is using about 100 meters away. Bastral, who has confirmed the target, makes a big bat mark with his hands.

"You're off. You'd better think if you close your eyes, you won't hit your target. Whatever you do, get used to it fast."

I sent a hand signal telling him to come back to Bastral with that said. Observers are the hardest. Come and go with the shooting location at all costs. He yells at me for cursing. Ma, this is one of the workouts.

"Yes. Understood."

When Engela said so, she repacked her earplugs and wore a helmet. He still seems scared about guns that erupt with the roar and fire powerful bullets. But this still makes Engela still better compared to Zulu.

Shooting training continued after that, replacing shooters and observers.

March 11, 7447.

As I told the Zenoms the other day, I decided to go back to the ground once. Actually, the bullet was out yesterday. I've been investigating monsters that emerge in the ten-layer aisle since this morning. There are many things you can do and have to do even if you can't use a gun. To be honest, I didn't have to go back to earth to knock down the resurrecting minnows. Ma, there it is. Even I made a corner rifle gun, so I feel like using it fast.

Last night, when I thought about it, I thought I hadn't shot a single shot myself, so I figured I'd get back on track. If you get to the stage of using a gun and my shooting is the worst, you won't be in a spill.

Back on the ground around evening, he heard from the slaughterers (Butchers) that the Ralphas. The exterminators (Exterminators) were also on the ground.

"What's going on? You took a lot of cotton this time, didn't you?

Ralpha asked as he rode around Balducky.

"Supply because we're running out of warheads"

Tris is answering in a whisper, but if it's Japanese, why not whisper? Well, fine.

"Zenom, Ralpha, we're taking turns today. The Massacre (Butchers) will serve Mizchi, and the Eradicator (Exterminators) will serve Tris"

In anticipation of this one, Mizuchi and Tris had focused their shooting exercises on the way. I think we can both handle it quite a bit now.

"Since when do we get in next?

Xenom asks. That's unusual.

"He came back this time to fit, just fine. As usual, I'm not leaving until the end of the month from the 15th in three holidays starting tomorrow. Oh, the 14th, of course, is the whole training."

I informed everyone of my plans with a response to Xenom. Xenom wanted to go to Wangdu tomorrow to buy smoked. It was just fine, so I asked Engela to take me with her and buy me some iron ore. I'm going to buy it from a blacksmith in Balduk, but it's a little cheaper in Wang Du. Oh, Zulu looked a little pitiful when we talked about this, so I exempted him. You must have wanted to be with Murowa's sister anyway. Fine.

It seems that Bastral is headed to the King's Capital without even having dinner. I asked this guy for extra yellow dye and cotton.

March 30, 7447

He returned from another long labyrinth row spanning two and a half weeks. Both the slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators) are all on the ground because I have told them of the plans in advance.

"We're going into the labyrinth again next month on the fourth of the third holiday... It's time to learn a lot about the demons in the ten layers of passage. Next I'm going to challenge you to the Ten Story Demon Room. Minotaur, the guardian of the Nine Layers, is still resurrected, so we just have to keep knocking him out."

Next time, I'm going to use my rifle against Minotaur first. This time when I'm back on the ground, I'm not only taking a net gun to the eighth floor, I'm also taking a rifle with me. I'm going to try my power in action against the monkey room lords on the ninth floor and demons in the aisle on the outbound route. If there seems to be no problem, I intend to use it for Minotaurs as well, and I intend to use it on even ten layers as it is.

"Well, anyway, I've got an eye for getting out of the Nine Layers without any problems at the moment. After the next labyrinth, we'll have a swap fight. Anyone who wants to be named."

"I'll try again."

"Me too."

It's Carm and Kim. As expected.

"Neither do I."

"Me too."

"Of course."

Gel, ginger, meath. This is what I expected, too.

"Naturally, I'll try too."

"Neither do we."

Lorrick, Dender, Karim. I knew it.

Yeah, we'll do it, too.


Sanno and Lutz. That's right.

"I'm alone"

Vince. I tried it last time.

"I'll be alone, too."

Hiss. You're on fire. Good luck with that.


"Take us."

"" I'll have trouble getting you to forget!

Rocco and Kevin? Aren't they all?

I saw Bastral and Engella. We are both smiling invincibly.

Though I tend to skip exploration here, I train quite intensely for it.

Plus, no matter what you say, trolls, minnows, and other monsters who have more experience than augs are pretty much dead.

I think you've grown quite a bit.

But even they kill demons like former killers (Slaters), and they earn considerable experience.

It's not like you can recover all you want because I'm not in the boulder.

Well, what happens now?

We're not going anywhere with each other.

"All right, are they all challengers? Okay, I'll make sure to decide on a proper evaluation method by the end of this holiday."

Tomorrow I'm going to show my face to the King's Capital Chamber of Commerce, and I want to see the factory. You can think slowly while you're on the move.

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