April 1, 7447.

After breakfast, Mizuchi and I went to the main office of the Chamber of Commerce in Wangdu. After carrying out administrative processing, necessary instructions, etc., he also shows his face to the sausage plant. The Bastral is here last night, so naturally I'm not operating today. The time was already close to noon, but either John or Terry must be there.

"" Ah, master, ma'am. Welcome. ""

When he arrived at the factory, John was disassembling and cleaning the grinder, and Terry was cleaning the wipes in the factory.


Cleanliness "feeling" is important when dealing with food.

Cleanliness by modern Japanese standards is impossible, and it is at a very high altitude, but it should not be flushed by it because it is unclean elsewhere.

That's what I'm sayin 'is worth the hard word.

It's a corner, so she made me some tea and gave me a break.

"Are we all getting along without a fight?

Mizuchi gave them a bag of candy balls he had bought along the way and asked. Kathy has reported it, but there may be something she doesn't realize. Fighting and abuse can occur anywhere in a children's society. Even among adults, it happens when it happens.

"There have been two fights since this year. It's Mush and Berg, Marl and Limby. But it wasn't a big deal."

Terry put the candy balls in his mouth, smiling and answering.

If we can fix this ourselves, do as much as we like fighting.

By the way, Mush and Berg are both boys of the same age as the Johns. This is good.

But Marl and Limby will be adults this year, the oldest men and women.

Stay close to me...

"And there's no such thing as abusing someone. Ever since then, Kathy's always been so harsh... and everyone's scared of her husband's big eyeballs."

John also says as he shaves his candy balls.

With that said, I guess it was about twilight last year. This happened.

Kathy told me you were about to be alienated because the youngest kid named Bjorg was moving badly. When I heard that, I got angry, and I said it was almost dusk, and I jumped on a horse and ran into the factory without taking off the armor I was wearing from the labyrinth. From Balduk's Boyle Pavilion to the factory, he flew a military horse and arrived in thirty minutes.

We arrived at the factory and had John and Terry, who came out to greet us, gather all the slaves. This day was already after everyone returned to the inn in the morning, but it didn't take an hour to get them all together.

And I punched John and Terry. It's natural for little kids to move dull. Teach him courageously and courteously. Well, I can't believe I'm alienating you because of that. If it doesn't work out, why didn't you tell me? Yeah, either you guys aren't alienated or you're not involved. Anyway, he's a future managerial candidate.

I yelled in front of everyone and hit him one shot at a time for that reason. Of course, I removed the cage hand that made the Meriken sack. Besides, I didn't need healing magic because I did a lot of work. Naturally, but I don't care where John and Terry are dissatisfied. I don't think I'm feeling it.

Cathy told me that some of the slaves she makes work at the factory are also older than John and Terry, and that Hierarchy by age is forming over time. Well, it's natural, and I don't think anything about it. Because it's just a good story if the older guy excels in this group just the way he is that age. I think Japan might have done just that.

However, John and Terry of Ancient Stocks have learned to read, write, and arithmetic by the Bastrals, with which they have become somewhat turning heads. The two of them will be thirteen this year. The degree of study and level of knowledge ranges from junior high school to senior high school. They're able to add and deduct fractions somehow. In contrast, some of the other slave children will be fifteen years of age adults this year, but somehow it seems to be around elementary school to middle school.

Due to the fact that Bastral is having a hard time taking the time to teach directly and the incomplete education by Kathy, who is also hearing from Bastral. Even for Kathy, all kinds of knowledge, starting with her computational skills, are about freshman year in middle school. In fact, it is a sufficiently superior category even to this extent. It is even remarkable in general, especially given the slave class and the origin there.

Until just a few decades ago, more people on Earth were unable to read, write or calculate letters. Those people don't even grow an educated basement to do logical or abstract thinking. For this reason, it was said, he was also not rich in imagination about anything other than his own living area. In my personal opinion, I even think that a low literacy rate may be essential to maintain the identity system. I also wonder if this is true of the global trend because the old Japan is just unusual.

Whatever it is, not all the slaves who work in this sausage factory right now are likely to get that job done in my country in the future. So some education is essential, isn't it? ruling class.

That's why John and Terry, who learn honestly and well, went out of their way to tell everyone from the beginning as being one step above the other. He also showed the difference from the others by telling them to listen to them as seniors and to give them private rooms in the factory as accommodation. And I also heard from Kathy that kids like John and Terry had not come out yet. So only the two of them scold in front of all of them. Well, I scolded him only once then.

Because of that, John and Terry were dishonored to say they would be scolded directly from me, but at the same time, being beaten up by me, one of Balduk's best adventurers, saying, "I'm leaving you guys to it," turned out to be all the more glanced at against them. Exactly what you're after.

That's right, though it was dumb that someone from the Third Knights of the King's Capital Guard complained about rushing through the city near evening but still high enough in the sun, and was paid a fine of up to thirty silver coins.

It was noon as we talked a lot with the two of us. Terry says he's leaving a message this afternoon. I was doing a good sweep without even going to play, so I'll let John have some dinner. I asked John out for lunch first, thinking that Terry could use a little allowance for that, but "I'm sorry, I had an appointment..." says John at home.

Well, these guys will make about a promise of rice.

"What, right? Then you have no choice. Don't hesitate. Come on."

When he said that, John thanked him and went back to his room.

He looked either heartless or happy.

"John said he was having lunch with his old man today."

Terry said. Oh, so that's the face. Surely John's parents were slaves to a merchant who was about to crumble. Did you manage to keep going? I also thought I'd give John a little money just for a moment, but I stopped it. You should make your own money for your parents and treat them with the money you saved.

When John returned from the room, he lowered his head and grabbed his purse and threw it out.

"That's what you are?

"Oh, that... me too this evening..."

"That's exciting."

Mizuchi tells Terry.

"Eh heh."

Terry grinned.

Mizuchi and I, after lunch, showed up at Tukelin's treatment center and then went back to Balduk after a few greetings.

April 6, 7447.

I arrived late last night between eight layers of metastatic crystals at a rather imposing speed: breaking through four tiers in a day after entering the labyrinth yesterday. And finally, starting today, I will use mainly rifle guns in the mon room on the ninth floor. If it feels good, use it on the Minotaur as is. Let Engela shoot with a rifle gun only when used for minnows. Bell is the most important net-firing gun.

"Are you ready? It's a big load this time, but good luck, guys."

I stepped into nine layers. The net-firing and rifle guns are forcing Giberti to carry them. Mon, change your gear in front of the room.

"Hmm... here and now. It's that way."

Follow Guineh's directions down the aisle. He quickly defeated Spotted Cave Cricket, the spotted toilet koologist that came out along the way, and kept going.

And we arrived beside the mon room, which is suitable for you.

I just want to scout what's out there, but this time Mizuchi is going to the Massacre (Butchers). We left the lead to Xenom and Ralpha, and our main team slowed down a little and proceeded with a sliding leg. Of course, the bell is loaded with bullets and has a rifle gun that caused the shooting iron.

Gently, Mon. Zenome peers into the room and sends a signal with his left hand.

Troll or Cave Troll, or four Troll Kins?

Set the formation by issuing a pre-arranged signature.

This time, Bell's gun is creepy, so all of a sudden I won't have an avalanche in the room. The first step is to solidify the perimeter around the bell. Giberti is keeping her waiting a little further away.

A bell with a gun pointed upwards gently advances, through between Zenom and Ralpha and around the center of the entrance to the mon room. Zenom and Ralpha wait on either side of it. Of course the earplugs are worn.

I set up a wooden gun next to Zenom, too. Hmm, Cave Troll?

Make sure everyone's in position and send a signal to Bell.

Bell put the gun bed on his right shoulder and stood cheeky on the rifle gun.

A few seconds later.


A rifle gun emits a special bullet with a roar.

Troll, who was in front of him and was lying on his side, fell flattened as he was.

The bullet was not even jacketed, so to speak, only the hard iron muk core, so it seems that it did not penetrate the head without deforming into the body after the hit.

The other three turn this way, who immediately made a roar.


If you think there's a small hole a little below the left eye of the guy at the left end, try to collapse on the spot and fall on your back.

You're noticing that or not, the other two shake up their sticks and come this way.

It would be time for some bells to limit themselves.

"I'll do the right!

I slammed the Flame Catapult missile into the guy on the right and let him die instantly, screaming.

The guy on the left has Ralpha and Guine, Bastral shooting and releasing Flame Bolt.

Zulu and Engela attack him with their money.

When Xenom threw the axe with no push, the magic axe stood from the front on the troll's forehead aimlessly.

Then he falls into Bell's gun, taco beats all two cave trolls that keep freaking out and cramping, and kills them completely with enough damage that his regenerative abilities can't keep up. Oh, [appraisal] I forgot about Sang.

I checked the head after I killed him, and Bell's released bullet was completely penetrated, and the exit side of the bullet had a slightly larger hole and a gray brain sticking out.


Did he faint because he was hit in the head and caused a lot of damage to the brain, or was he dying instantly when his brain was destroyed...

It's not about lead, but it weighs there, and it's a warhead made of hardened iron only, so I guess it didn't shake so big at the time of hit. Probably less deformed than a full metal jacket. Maybe I should still make it soft point or soft hollow.

I don't know exactly what the caliber is, but I imagine an M80 normal bullet, a copy of a 7.62 x 51 mm NATO bullet that was employed in militia and used in a 64 or M1 small gun, so it looks exactly like what I saw. I don't even know if the quantity of launching pills is equivalent to a reduced ammunition.

Judging by the penetration force, this would be fine for the caliber and the amount of firing pills.

I think the warhead can remain as it is if we consider penetration as well. But that's for someone who's hard to penetrate like Lesser Yo Wee or something. Trolls, augs, and minotaurs are basically the same soft goal as a human horse, so maybe we should come up with something...

The revolver type of frame-fixed rotary magazine makes replacing ammunition a hassle.

But whether it's bolt action or auto, it's hard to suddenly function a magazine other than a rotating magazine because the complexity of the part shape is out of step.

Besides, if you can even replace each revolving magazine considering the replacement of the actual packet that is in the pharmacy, the revolving magazine will have a military boost. Anyway, you can replace every pharmacy.

Well, you can go after them. It's not like a bullet with high penetration won't kill you.

I'm more afraid of remaining pregnant with the possibility of not being able to penetrate the epidermis.

That said, even if you can't penetrate it, you will receive the kinetic energy of the warhead, so there will be no damage at all.

Both of them, right?

Nevertheless, the usefulness of rifle guns proved.

If you can penetrate the troll's skull, Minotaur will be fine.

Even if you can't penetrate your skull at all, if your goal is large, your torso is not covered with hard bones, such as your chest, so there is a problem.

If I can get my lungs hurt even if I pierce them hard, I'll have trouble breathing soon anyway.

It would be one shot in the heart.

Seven Minotaurs also entangled four with a Bell netshot, causing Engela to instantly kill one with a rifle gun and seriously injure one. I guess you'd have been lucky to let him die instantly. Looks like the bullet broke in from the screaming mouth and fell straight into the back of his head.

If it's worth one or five, we can do anything with the rest of them.

Yeah. I'd say it's a big success.

With this, there will be no more enemies by the ninth level. Even the ten layers are not a problem.

Very satisfied.

I tried to [appraise] the side of Engela picking demon stones from Minot.

Of course I couldn't.

I stare at the two fogs that are still swirling abominably.

If you think about it, except for me, Engela was the first one to kill Minotaur all alone, right?

It was always taco beating.

Even when I couldn't beat up an octopus, I didn't have to kill it all by myself.

Engela should certainly have leveled up a little later to level 22.

I'm sure I've leveled up in my current minnows.

I'm going to go to another room on the ninth floor after a break, so can [appraisal] be done then?



....................................... is that it?

[Experience: 1429651 (1430000)]

More... No...?

No, not much more?

What about the other guy? Bastral is fine.

[Experience: 844678 (950000)]

It's about 2,000 more than before I fought Minot, I think. I'm not sure. But I can expect this degree.

Why is that?

I think that minotaur was definitely an instant death.

Hmm, instant death may be too much to say, but it should have been infinitely close to it.

As soon as I shot him, he was picky like a troll, but he was dead no matter what I saw when he slaughtered all the guys involved in the nets and stepped down to pick demon stones.

I do seem to have gained over a thousand experiences, but I guess that's because he was beating the guy tangled up in the net with us... is that my mistake?

Let's focus on the experience of the little gunman one more time.

What is Bell's experience now [Experience: 1133265 (1260000)]?

Bell finished one of the two Troll Kins. This is the guy.

[M/28/10/7447 · Families of the Great Fairy Clan (Troll/Kin)]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 0]

[Level: 5]

[HP: 292 (292) MP: 1 (1)]

[Muscle Strength: 37]

[Jun Min: 16]

[Dexterity: 10]

[Endurance: 28]

[Special Skill: Dark Vision]

[Special skill: Super Regeneration Type III]

The other one was all killed by taco beating while Bell did nothing.

Everybody's experience is about a hundred to five hundred more, except me, who didn't take part in the fight.

The bastral that was poking the spear through my head is multi-eyed, but I understand that.

Ralpha and Zulu, who stood at the avant-garde and stopped attacking Troll Kin, are also comfortable. That's good too. I already understand. It is important that experience is gained without falling significantly short of expectations.

Bell is knocking it off by himself, so you can expect about two thousand for this opponent.

[Experience: 1133265 (1260000)]

... Just kidding.

Think while observing Troll Kin's head shot out by Bell.

If it's a sword or a bow, it's OK. Not if it's a gun?

What the hell's the difference?


Because a bow takes physical power of its own to pull?

Even a crossbow is a manpower after all.

In times of war, knocking down enemy soldiers with stone throwers (catapults) doesn't give you any experience?

Damn it.

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