April 6, 7447.

"Al, what the hell are you doing just now?

Xenom came to me observing Troll Kin's head to delude me into concentrating. You'll need an explanation, and there's no way you can come to a conclusion if you think about it any more. Just fine.

"Mm, I'm looking into the wound. Look at this guy. Here's the bullet from the cannon."


"So, I'm going straight through the skull, and I'm going through the skull on the back of the head, and maybe I'm stabbing one of those walls over there."

"You have a bigger scratch in the back. The one in front is smaller than the arrow wound."

"Oh, I guess the angle slipped slightly as I went through the skull over the face. So, I guess it was a little diagonal, not front, when it went through the skull of the back of the head. The momentum of the bullet is almost unchanged, and only the bullet is a little bigger."

"Well, well, well, well."

Speaking to boulders about kinetic energy and shock waves would not be a good idea. I said it as plainly as I could without touching them, but it also seemed out of comprehension for Xenom. But I don't think even Ralpha and Guine understand, so there's nothing wrong with that.

"Need ammo improvements?

Bell has also participated in the conversation. Especially in her case, it would mean something completely different from Xenom.

"Mm-hmm. I still don't know if I need it. I wish I could use a few different kinds depending on the opponent, but that's on the boulder...... (Huh?

I looked back and looked at Bell as I replied, and I could almost retreat with my voice raised by accident. This guy, this guy, give me a look...

Bell shimmers her eyes, her face slightly upbeat. The mouth is affixed with a monstrous, gruesome grin, and the breath seems to be getting a little rough. Oh, this guy... is that it? Is he dangerous? But there's a problem before that.

"Belle! Don't put the muzzle down! Take your fingers off the trigger! More than that, just call Giberti and give him the gun."

I screamed out loud.

"Huh? Oh, excuse me! La, I'll get Larry."

Being noticed by me for something very preliminary, Bell rushed outside the room, turning bright red from embarrassment. The gun is properly supported from the top at the base of the gun bed with your right hand and from the bottom with your left hand, and the angle of the gun is thirty to forty-five degrees with the muzzle pointing up. He had a refrained gun posture.

Yeah, that refrain gun (highport) has to be made naturally without awareness.

I could have done that earlier. Ooh...

Today, from now on, I was going to let them all take turns shooting at biological targets as I watched how things were going, but first it's considerate that Bell is that way.

Because I need it for shooting, I taught only the firing base gun (kijo) posture and the really basic gun holding posture, such as a refrain gun or a stand gun, but at this rate, the gun holding coach, I guess I have to do it?

I guess not.

Shall we also strap the gun next time?

After all, he decided to refrain from using the gun on the grounds of Bell's unsafe execution. Because you've gained enough power, and you won't get any experience anyway. If we can't pay attention to the safety of our surroundings, in case there are enough injuries in the event of an accident, we still can't take them back if even the dead get out.

Besides, it would be about time we started making ourselves aware of joint and several responsibilities on a wider scale.

Bell apologized in front of everyone at the dinner step that night.

"Well... guys, sorry I took the opportunity to practice today because of me"

I guess you feel responsible around apologizing to yourself before I say anything.

The atmosphere was going to get a little darker, and I don't want to make it into a situation where I blame Belle.

"It's good to feel responsible, but that's something everyone who was by Bell's side at that time and she was in sight should feel equal"

I will take this opportunity to explain once again to everyone the revocation of the gun, that is to say the holding of the gun.

"... there are no safety devices attached, especially for this gun right now. I am not overly attentive to the safety of my surroundings. Be careful."

I repeat what I don't know how many times I've said it since I first made the net-firing gun. Especially this time. Everyone seemed shocked that even Bell, who was seen as the best when it came to shooting, was intoxicated and neglected in safety, and more than usual, he could ask.

"Again, there are three different shooting postures apart. There are five different postures when you have a gun. But for the time being, the shooting position is standing. Only two types of guns should be handled thoroughly except when shooting. This goes on until we can all be unconscious, including Giberti. Until then, it's forbidden to use them in action."

Save it because you won't need an ambush (of course) or a knee shot (of course) in the labyrinth first. Truth be told, the shooting isn't in the militia books I know, but the shooting was based on the fact that in the labyrinth you would shoot at a distance of dozens of meters, and in some cases it would be closer, so you could move quickly. This one would be more effective. I can't even lower or hang guns until I can strap them. Take charge. Only guns are possible, but that's about the time I dress up and march, so I'll skip this too. A gun? That's what you don't want until you have an army and you need a salute.

Anyway, I just have to tap in the refrain gun when moving with the gun and the standing gun when stopping.

Besides, I have some experience with this one.

It might be a good time to discuss the case.

Of course it's about "witchcraft of appraisal."

Talk to Mizuchi and Loric when we get back from the labyrinth.

I joined Bell that night on a midnight watch.

She came again to apologize as they both sat on the bench beside each other sleeping and sipped hot bean tea.

"At first I was nervous that I couldn't take it off anyway and I didn't realize it, but then when I dealt with Minotaur, I was boned by the power of the gun that Marceau shot. I've wanted to use it since then and I wanted to try shooting it and nodded and couldn't help it...... On the second Troll Kin, I was so excited to see a monster fall with one bullet. Maybe I'm not the right person to use a gun..."

Apologizing in terrible embarrassment, Belle was as stubborn as a child.

"If you noticed it yourself there, it would be fine. Besides, what if Bell doesn't play shooter? [Shooting Sense] is going to rot."

I joke and say, but the truth is, I hadn't even thought of Bell coming up with that much.


Bell is bending over while creating an atmosphere of fright at something.

"Even the 'militia' does take a long time from the first time a real gun is loaned to the actual start of shooting training. I'm also referring to" shooting guns "and gun takeovers as" shooting guns ", but I think the responsibility for not tapping them in first is heavy. When I said whose responsibility was the best in this case, I was the worst I used in action in such a half-way state. I'm sorry."

Ralpha, who just replaced the watch, is diving right behind us into the blanket. I answered by dropping the tone of my voice to keep me awake.

"No! Please don't apologize. Regardless of my proper posture, I... I know a lot about the power and dangers of guns, as well as the lal, the gne and the surge. We should have been safe."

Belle shelters me by turning away from the atmosphere of losing most of my confidence.

"Yeah, that's the way you'd see it. But I'm the one with the most knowledge and experience in handling guns. At least I shouldn't have used it in action to a level where I could be sure there was no problem with everyone's handling.... I guess I was in a hurry too... sorry"

The gun was complete and I was floating the worst. I did want to be able to get through the nine layers safely, but I didn't need to rush.

"... su, excuse me. I... I don't know what I would do if Al told me I didn't need it..."

What!? Why does that happen?

"... hey, that's not what I'm gonna say. It's not just Belle. Don't say that to anyone else in the slaughterhouse."

Do I look like I'm gonna say that easily? slightly concave.

"Yes, I know that. But before I went into the labyrinth this time, I talked to Tris. Guns have great power. If I could make all that stuff, I'd be able to get to the back of Balduk's labyrinth in no time... Besides, if anyone practices a little, it will be easy to hit them as long as they are far enough to fight in the labyrinth. Then I'm just a little good at shooting... when will I be told to take turns with someone from the Massacre (Butchers) or the Eradicator (Exterminators)..."

said Bell, who filled his eyes with tears.

Were you afraid of that one?

But when it does, it does. I guess I'm not talking about levels where I can't help but...

When there was no gun if you try it on the bell, her bow and arrow jumped through it, except for magic, and it was a powerful means of ranged attack. That's why I would have been proud, and I guess I had the confidence supported by it. Everyone admitted that even when a gun was made, Bell's shooting moves were still pretty good. I guess she understood that herself.

But given the two simple marksmanship moves, Bell is not the best at using unique skills. The shooting still says things the practice times. Of course I was the best at handling guns in the past. The correct shooting posture is also effective in suppressing recoil, especially when shooting continuously. I have a day long that I naturally understand the action of shooting iron and its meaning. I'm the one who designed and manufactured it in the first place.

Especially since it's only a matter of time before they pull it out.

Well, I'm good.

Even Bell never seemed to think of surpassing me from the start.

There, an unexpected ambush appeared. Engela. It was at first that Engela, whose hips had drawn to the explosive sound of gunpowder and even showed fright, let her practice shooting and, when she got used to the sound of firing, she dizzled and improved whether she had a gift of nature. Not long ago, even Bell couldn't get fat without using his unique skills. Maybe if I made it a bell, I would have remembered the crisis.

But you're second only to me.

Maybe my shooting moves aren't as good as they were originally and won't improve that much in the future. Still, I don't mind if I get as close as 100 meters. Bell also boasts considerable hitting accuracy, even if he doesn't use his inherent skills if he's as good as a few dozen to 100 meters as I am, and the moves are still growing.

I didn't know that was going to bother me so much that I saw the power of the gun and got a little on track and neglected my safety...... Maybe she was the only one who had confidence in the shooting.

"Well...... I don't think he's here to try Bell at the next replacement. Besides, can you make it so easy for the future Marquise? If you want a place, you can have Belle and Tris sip the mud with me."

I reply with a nihil-like grin that hoisted only the edge of my right lip that I consider sinister myself.

"Yes... yes... right. But let me just say one word."

Bell sitting on my left looked up at me with a crying smile on his face and said:

Hmm? What?

'You don't have to dress too well and delude me. Be a little more honest with me. "

Nature and grin overflow when you hear Bell's words.

'Hmm, well. Right. Bell. So is Ralpha, but to such an extent... is it so easy to let you guys go? You guys were the first Japanese friends in Aus. "

"Oh, what about Tris, Guine, Surge? So is Lorrick, and if I say that, what is Mr. Mizuchi's position...? And what about Mr. Xenom and Mr. Carm?

I guess I'm feeling a little clearer. Bell climbed out on me and said upwards.

It's a teasing tone.

I have trouble finding a place for my eyes.

You said “Japanese for the first time"...

He scratched his head and stretched his spine so that when he put his butt out in front of his thoughts he could flutter back to the low backs of the bench, looking upside down at everyone sleeping and trying to delude him.

Ralpha, who should be sleeping right behind me, was looking at this one as she woke up her upper body and nibbled with Nimanima.

I saw it through my eyes.


Sleep when you can, you.

I'm not waking up and eavesdropping.

I was a little tight on my posture, but I'll stay put and make the call.

If you're awake, you can hang out a little.

Looks like Belle got up to brew some new bean tea.

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