April 8, 7447.

Well, yesterday I continued to not use guns yesterday and was teaching them thoroughly about handling guns again, but it still makes me feel subtle to say that I will never use them when I think about the future. There's nothing we can do about the lack of experience, but there's no doubt that it's a valid weapon. The advantage of anyone being able to attack ranged with a certain amount of power is extra, minus experience.

I still want to keep it as insurance when confronting powerful monsters who said minnows, trolls and augs. These powerful monster attacks, even if they don't hit a steep spot such as the head, can be badly damaged by just a few blows or hits somewhere in the body. It would be a big trump card, especially if it could be used by Giberti, a loading carrier (porter).

While Giberti was preparing her breakfast, she thought a little about various things while inspecting her equipment in the corner of the room.

"Hey, Al. I talked to Surge on the lookout yesterday..."

Soon Larfa, who came next door, came talking to me in a whisper. Looks like I just took a shower and my hair was still wet and I had a towel wrapped around my head. I can't dry him out because I can't use magic here.

"Belle, were you sure you were pointing that muzzle at Al back then?

With a slightly suspicious look on his face, Ralpha put his face closer to me and said something even smaller.

Sure, the muzzle was pointing at me, and my fingers were hanging on the trigger. Otherwise you'd panic so much. Even Xenom was watching beside me.

"What do you mean?

"Um, actually..."

During last night's watch, Ralpha and Bastral were discussing Bell's actions, which caused the gun to be banned. And from time to time they did damage to the monster with sniping with a bow, etc., and the two of them could not forbid suspicion about the inadvertent handling of the gun by a bell deep in construction on their flying gear.

"Sure if you ask me..."

Though I did answer that, as far as I'm concerned, I was convinced that I had a conversation with Bell that night. He said he couldn't contain his excitement about the power of a gun a few steps more powerful than a bow. He was intoxicated by the power of even powerless minnows and trolls in one blow. A bow neglects minnows and trolls, and a bow and arrow doesn't go with a blow unless it really hits the eyeball from the front when it comes to the oak or hobgoblin position.

"That bell treats guns inadvertently..."

Ralpha said it was too unnatural for Bell to behave. Sure, it's hard to imagine that that bell is missing in such a basic part, even though I've always been annoying about gun takeovers if you ask me. Basically, Bell has never disobeyed me. Of course, I am not just a yes-man because I have objections and opinions, but I do not imitate things that I once decided to say afterwards.

Only then did she neglect safety...?

Certainly does not fall to your heart.

But weren't you eager to re-learn about gun capture yesterday......

"Hey, what do you think?

"Hmmm. If you ask me that...... I do feel weird too. Call Bastral too, no, talk to Bell directly"

"Yeah, that's how it is. But I'm sure Bell has some ideas, too. If you can, just the two of us, don't get mad."

That's right. Of course I do.

Bell leaves between the transition crystals for shampoo in the morning after Ralpha. She's the only one outside the room... right. Everyone else is in the room. I left my room with Giberti asking me to wait a little longer for breakfast. Don't get me wrong because you're not going to the tooth turtle.

Wait for the bell to return about halfway between the rock you are showering and the transition crystal.

"Ah, good morning, Al"

"Oh, Belle, good morning"

"Is Mr. Al in the shower, too? That's unusual. What's the matter, sir?

No, it's already part of it, but you're wearing armor. I don't need to take a shower anymore.

"Can I talk to you for a second?


Belle shrugged her head slightly as she wiped her wet hair.

"Hey, now that I've done it, I realize, do you have something to say?

"Pfft. I thought you were blunt for Al."

You're blunt, 'cause you're overbought.

'And even so, I was able to talk to you last night, so I could have either noticed it or not. But if you've noticed, don't you already know what I'm after?

I feel a little subtle listening to Bell, but did it have a purpose after all......

But, hey... are we trying to be thorough again about gun safety?


'Right. To tell you the truth, I didn't realize it on my own, so I can't be proud of it. "

'Fine, fine. But what I said back then is true.'


"What if Al tells me he doesn't need it?"

'Mm, oh......'

Other places included acting and convenience, you mean...

'Mmm... I can't help but dress up. Bell doesn't know what he wants or what he wants. Why did you imitate that?

'... really?

Really? Is that such a plain purpose? After all, trying to be thorough about safety management again?

"... but my purpose has already been fulfilled by more than half."

Bell said with a soft face.


'For the time being, we have banned the use of guns. In the meantime, we had time to rethink the handling of guns. "

Bell got his residence a little right and looked serious.

'... Al. Mizuchi and Zenom, Tris, and I discussed it the other day. Can you listen to me?

"Of course."

If I had an opinion, starting with Bell, I'd listen to whoever it was, and if I thought it was worth hiring, I'd naturally adopt it.

'Hasn't Mr. Al been chronic lately? No, I don't mean weird. I couldn't find the right words... yes. Has the gun cleared up once it's done? Hmmm, this isn't appropriate either...... right! Are you paying too much attention to everyone and losing sight of your original purpose?

Huh? Gap? Were you out?

Well, there are things you won't notice yourself, and if you can point me out, thank you.

Bell carries on the words early in the arrow.

'Mr. Al says he won't let anyone kill a member of the killer, he won't let them. Of course, that's splendid and wonderful. I agree with you a lot. But that's not the kind of thing you can promise as long as you're in the labyrinth. It's pre-construction, isn't it?

... It's tight when you say it to the face, damn it. As far as I'm concerned, I really don't think so. But I can also understand what Bell has to say. There's no way I can promise not to let the dead out, as long as I'm diving into Balduk's labyrinth where I don't know what's going to happen. But you can't say anything about the future. At the very least, I think it's my responsibility to make that one of my goals, and I even think it's my duty.

'I understand. But just remember this. People will always die. We've seen a lot of people die in the labyrinth before. "

"Well, that's right."

By the way, why did Mizuchi and Tris keep moving out this time? If you were Mr. Al so far, you'd be sending me and Marceau, the stretching marceau, to the slaughterer and the uprooter, who could have done well in the previous labyrinth shooting practice?

When I suddenly started talking about something completely irrelevant, I wondered if anyone had approached me and looked around, but that didn't happen.

'No, there's no particular reason. Strongly speaking, I wanted you to concentrate and train first because you seemed to be good at shooting both of us, I guess that's why.'

Yeah. Both Mizuchi and Tris have good guidelines there, and they can use magic, so I thought full shooting practice could be done later. I just gave priority to Belle and Engela, who were going to be things sooner than that.

I heard my answer. Bell seemed to be complaining about bumps in his mouth somehow. He says, "Not at all anymore" or "Thanks to..." I don't know... I think I've behaved unexpectedly about my candidacy within this killer. Surely you didn't leave us here these days in a row for no particular reason.

'This time, Mr. Mizchi was actually going to talk to Mr. Al. Since it was originally consulted by Mr. Mizuchi. But I can't help it. All I could think of was that I would.'


'Already, why am I all the time talking like this... I'm not sure I'll tell you well... Mizuchi, Xenom, Tris... oh, sorry'

Something seems difficult to say.

"Mr. Al. Would you like to stop using guns in the labyrinth already?


What are you gonna say?

'Oh, no, no. Using a gun is good in itself. Not good, but it's good.'

I don't know why.

'I naturally put my trust in Mr. Carm and the others as well. They, they're regular oath people, but they've been dating and think they'll be quite trustworthy. But I'm from Aus. I'll say no first thing in advance that I'm never fooling around with. I hate to say this, but I don't know the real scare about Earth's weapons, starting with guns. If you explain it properly, you can imagine it to some extent, but there's no way you can understand how scared you really are.'

Probably. Maybe not. Either way, it doesn't bring certainty, does it?

'Uh, right. I think, no, we're going to die sooner or later in the labyrinth. Of course, no one wants to die. Neither do I. I'm not going to die.'

Oh, whoa.

'On top of that, I dare you. I don't care who dies, right? If only Mr. Al hadn't died, the dream would have gone on. "

Yeah! That's not good!

"Mizuchi told me. He originally said the gun was going to work on it after the territory was created... You saw us struggling with that minotaur, and you brought the plan forward, didn't you? Please don't. Don't take big risks for us."

Hmm... Well, I'm pretty sure I started making net-fired guns because I certainly didn't figure out when that powerful Minotaur would be back. I can't use magic.

'Sure, at first we were all drunk about the power of guns. Excited. And so am I.'

Bell's explanation continued as he went and went all over the place. Here's a quick summary of the main points.

I want you to use guns when it's just the reincarnators and Zenom, Zulu and Engela, plus Giberti. This will mean everyone who currently knows about the existence of guns. Yeah, I can see it. Rocco and Gel are pretty tall, too. Even if they find out about guns, it's hard to think about divulging information to so abusive. Because divulging the secrets of the drivers of the killers (Slaughters) running at the forefront of Balduk is an unthinkable act of suicide as an adventurer belonging to a top team.

But I don't know if it's next time or next, but one day someone will come out to win a replacement fight and take turns. I would continue to use the gun then, as I have done before. Moreover, if we go to a deeper hierarchy in the future, it is also conceivable that more powerful monsters will emerge than that minotaur.

Could you keep your mouth shut about a gun that could easily defeat a very powerful monster? Sometimes it leaks from a conversation within a buddy without having to blow it directly to someone.

I don't like the conversations of members of the killer (Slaters), who are only noticed if they go deep with the ten or eleven layers in particular, but get more attention.

I'm not going to increase the "likelihood" of divulging information about guns that will be a major force when they become independent in the future with this. If you really have to use a gun, it has to be when there are only members of the Old Killer (Slaters).

Even if someone was sacrificed because of it, we should split it up there.

If that's unacceptable, you can do it about the replacement battle. Race or whatever, so don't replace it.

That was the conclusion reached by the four of them.

"Belle, you, are you serious?

'I mean it. That's how many people die along the way. "

With a faceless expression like Nobu's, Bell said coldly.

I certainly would have thought of something similar a while ago......


"That's Mizuchi and Zenom, and Tris is with you, right?

'That's right. That's what Mr. Mizuchi originally said, and that's the conclusion we all came up with when we were consulted. "


'I built a gun by putting the plan forward to reduce the danger. That would be good. But that can cause trouble for the future. Mr. Al, what are you going to do with such sweetness'

Sweet, hey. I can't help but be told that it's sweet to make my men sacrifice less and make them a little safer. Maybe it's sweet. But I don't think so...

You don't know what this is going to happen. You get a huge treasure without taking one victim in the Labyrinth of Balduk. I think it's a tough goal that even that George Lomberto I couldn't do. But I'm pretty sure it's a little different than what the Bells are saying.

It would certainly be great if it could be done without a gun.

But the unscrupulous, strong guy who was in that minotaur. If that's going to come out in the future...... it'll come out. It's a tough business to do something without a gun. Even Dougazer didn't know what would happen if he fought again.

"... it's a message from Mr. Mizuchi."

Bell overlapped words where I breathed in to reply.

'That… is a message from Mizuchi, but what we are about to say is also the summation of the four of us. Until now, it's that kind of pre-construction that Al seems to like. Even so, I'm pretty serious about leaking information... but the truth is...'

Is it true?

'Even a small child can kill you instantly if you only use a gun. I'm scared.

Certainly not necessarily that if you see the power of a gun, there won't be a guy who will change his mind. If it's any good, it would be possible to even try to kill us with a gun while we're asleep and sell us in, say, a new weapon to the Kingdom of Romberto, for example. You won't be able to make new ammunition, but it will be quite a lot shortly after you manufacture it to some extent.

Bell goes on to say.

'First of all, I know you're overthinking it at an unlikely level. Starting with Mr Carm, all Members now rely on Mr Al, and naturally we respect Mr Al's intentions....... We have a strong will to talk about dreams bigger than anyone else and keep running toward them. We all know quite a bit about Al. Besides, I'm stronger than anyone, smarter than anyone, and I'm thinking ahead of everyone. And... he's more attentive to everyone's safety than anyone else, and he's crushing my heart'

What kind of saint is that? I'm not that big of a deal.

Besides, don't say that in a straight face.

It took a lot of effort to enjoy wanting to get out of sight.

'Didn't you know? Everyone, starting with Mr. Carm, says he's going to be noble under Mr. Al. Well, it would be good to make a lot of money in the labyrinth (here) to be a noble squire somewhere...... Yes, even Mr. Meath, who said he was going home one day, said he was discussing the future with Mr. Jer, right?

Mr. Rocco and Mr. Kevin also started showing their faces about last year at the study group on Surge, which they had refused to bother with until now to behave elegantly. Yeah, all Surge teaches is letters and arithmetic, and me and Tris are at the center of that one.

Mr. Sanno and Mr. Lutz have mastered until the quota the other day. They say Zulu and Marceau are not only the slaves of Henry and Meck and the others, but also teach Dender and Karim a lot. Everyone says they want to participate quickly in the lectures by Mizuchi, Xenom, Lorik, Tris, and my five Al, to be on that level.

There's no one else playing around on the day off. '

Huh... I didn't know. But...

"Ah... Lal and Guine are... the..."

Yeah. I knew that.

'Anyway, it's hard to think about betraying Mr. Al and leaking about guns, but even if you don't, there's no denying the possibility that it could really leak. It's an unpleasant way to put it, because around it would be different from the reincarnators and Mr. Al's slaves in the first place from consciousness......'

Oh... well, maybe that is...

"Mr. Al, you are already everyone's hope. This is the hope of all those who want to entrust their lives to your dreams. Of course, that's with us. I don't want you to sneak around in case it's boring. '

That's what Bell said and smiled.

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