April 9, 7447.

About two days after I talk to Bell, I continue to slap everyone firmly about the gun. In the meantime, I used to say "I have thoughts" every free time and think alone.

Later, when we returned from the labyrinth and redeemed the Demon Stone and turned back to the entrance square, everyone else was just about to return to the ground. As usual, after traveling to the stalls of Murowa and exchanging information on the results of the battle, he is asked about the next replacement battle.

Yeah, I expected it.

"It's another switching battle into the labyrinth this month for the holidays that follow. So don't be after eighteen days. Then it's a way, but make it easier and easier to understand."

I was thinking in the middle of this labyrinth row about the terms of the replacement battle. Last time it was just too overprotective.

Everyone is paying attention to what I'm going to say next.

"Naturally, the physical fitness test is the way it's always been. I will do this on the 19th because it will be tight to say that this will go up from the labyrinth and the next day. See who you will challenge for each pair once you pass it. It's the same up to here."

Everyone has a faint laugh with such a confident and willing face.

Yeah, 'cause they're working pretty hard.

Maybe a couple of pairs or a couple of passes besides the Carm and Kim pair.

"Not from here. The last time I measured the time and looked for just the right auga and was traveling zorro and it stinked. From now on, we'll make the way we say it standard."

When I said so much and looked around at everyone's faces, he seemed to say, "Don't put it on, just say it." Yes, sir.

"It's no different to deal with Auga on seven levels, but from this time on, one shot battle, the exam content is simple. The duration of the exam is a whole day. I don't care how you spend the day. It's how valuable demon stones you can take home from seven layers in a day. One, of course, or a lot. Naturally, the only stone that counts is the demon stone gained in the seven layers. Redeem at Demon Stone Shop Dunhill for more denominations to win. Isn't that easy?

Hmm, and I heard a sigh of sigh. I also hear a small inclusive laugh. You seem so confident. Regardless of who the exterminators (Exterminators) are, the massacrers (Butchers) seem to have quite a bit of experience fighting Auga with that, too.

Of course, each group will also be given a seven-story map. In addition, several escorts will be attached to the surveillance of fraud prevention. But the escort always follows at a distance of more than a few dozen meters. I will check about course taking and how to fight, but I will not speak to the way the challenger decides, and I will not answer if asked for my opinion. Just tell me on the map the first location you've transferred. It also serves as a safety device so as not to rush into too dangerous a place, such as a mon room.

As for this escort, that's what I care about the candidates so that there's no wrongdoing. For example, at least one person from a challenger who hasn't challenged Bastral Engella's group of escorts who are seen to be definitely challenged at that time will mix. In some cases, the exam order of the guy being challenged can be turned at the end, and the escort can be consolidated with all the challengers. It wouldn't be that dangerous if either me or Mizuchi were mixed up just in case.

"Naturally, use the weapons and protective equipment you normally use. It is forbidden to borrow from anyone. You can't keep using it after the exam. And the challenger will have priority in the first fitness test ranking. If more than one challenger tries the same guy and everyone wins, it stinks a lot."

Here came some guy with a sad look on his face. I guess I hadn't thought that far. The most right-wing challengers at the moment are Carm and Kim, who took the right to challenge last time. I'm not going to be able to challenge Bastral and Engela without outperforming them on my physical fitness test. But he immediately convinced me that it was only natural.

"Naturally I'm free to spend the whole day. You can turn back to the six layers on the way to rest, get some sleep, or you don't have to go back. Well, I don't really recommend going back."

After that, a detailed question-and-answer session was held to finish the conversation.

12 Apr 7447

I finished my whole morning training. Yeah, yeah, it was worth having him practice attack magic as well as mock warfare this time. After a brief drain on everyone about the labyrinth row from tomorrow, we call off Rolic, who tries to head for lunch.

"I need to talk to you for a second. That's something I don't really want to be around to hear at the moment. I'm sorry, but after we eat, I want to talk in the labyrinth. Oh, shall I take Dender and Karim with me to the escort just in case? And for the record, I'd like you to keep your liquor down for lunch today."

Lorrick nodded honestly to me. I'm not the type of person who drinks during the day. Sometimes I drink enough beer on a hot day. I asked for extra ice float.

And then with Mizuchi, who's talking beforehand... I guess Xenom.

"What's going on?

Lorrick asked with a strange look on his face.

Dender the escort has moved further around the metastatic crystal, and Karim is positioned about 40 to 50 meters away from the crystal rod, further 40 to 50 meters ahead of us, to put him on alert to the monster.

"During this break, I finally completed the new magic I've been working on for the last few years. I'd love to hear your opinion."

Mizuchi, standing modestly, stares at me in a natural way.

Xenom had the expression "hmm".

"Oh...... that. Was it an extension of the status opening? Did you do it? Good for you."

Lorrick replies, "Congratulations." That's a slightly distracting reply. So I'm going to tell you what it is. Zenom also replied, "Well, that's good," which was a little clapped out.

Especially since the original explanation also said that it "aims to enable status opening without touching hands”. This reaction was expected to some extent, as it is sold that the name of the subject and the type of special skill will be secretly verifiable while remaining somewhat apart.

"First, this magic consumes a lot of magic. I wonder if I can use it five times now."

"Al, but he said he can only use it about that many times... what do you think?

Xenom looks surprised and asks, grinning his mustache.

"Yeah. But I can expect more than that. Give me a minute. I'll use it for Rolic."

"Fine... but don't touch my hand. It might be good to be able to open your status, hey. Even if it's more effective than that, Mr. Al said it about five times..."

Lorrick sits back on the labyrinth floor a little distance from me, even though he gives a slightly discouraging response.

Heh heh, look.

Besides, I'm starting to concentrate.

That's right.

I started concentrating.

In fact, it is true that we have developed new sorcery.

It took me a long time to complete this sorcery.

I only worked on it with one hassle when I remembered.

Named "Glowing Eyes (Sin Light Eyes)".

In addition to MAX-level magic for magic activation, this requires MAX-level all-element magic, and each of them needs to be used in about thirty to thirty-five times. The MP used is amazing. It's 1450.

Note that the effects of witchcraft are as good as words read. I can make my eyes shine. I have enough duration to multiply my physical level by sixty seconds, especially if I don't extend it, but this is always cancelable. If you know the effects of witchcraft and look carefully at it in a dimly lit place, you will notice that my eyes emit light in thin blue.

Also, it should not be forgotten that no one will be able to imitate it even if it is seen because of the abnormally high number of MPs used. Even if there is so much magic that it can be imitated, it will explain that it is the magic of appraisal (identity fiction), so that even the acquisition of glowing eyes (Sin Light Eyes) will not be remembered because the effects and the use of magic are not compatible.

It has no other effect.

I tilt all my mental powers for magic activation and stare at Lorrick.




My eyes should be shining a thin blue light now.

"Rottrick Falergers, renamed November 11, 7444. Rottrick Falergers, renamed or named December 7, 7428"

Naturally use [Appraisal] shortly afterwards and start reading out Rolic's status window as described in the Appraisal window.

"Male, born February 14, 7428, of the Pu Nation, eldest son of the Earl of Falergers, knight of the Earl of Falergers......"

Until now, it's information that can be obtained from windows that can be viewed with normal status openings.

Lorrick and Xenom have a slightly frightened eye at me for even starting to talk to the date without even touching their hands. I only know for the most part how much time has passed on my own. Did you take the time to activate it? Still, I was practicing so that I could activate it within five minutes.

Extreme mental concentration is causing sweat on my forehead, and it's starting to flow off.

"Condition, good"

"" Huh?

The two raised their voices a little surprised.


"Age, nineteen"

The two turned out a little discouraged.


"Level, fourteen"

You two don't know each other very well.

"Physical level, perhaps?

Looks like Mizuchi's follow-ups just came in and understood.

There's no way they can figure out if the number fourteen is high or low, but Lorrick's face seemed somewhat satisfied and he found his nostrils swollen slightly.

Probably because it's too high a number compared to the level of magic special skill.

Because of this, I know you've figured it out already, but as a member of the top team, I can't say it's lower, but it's not embarrassingly low.

Rather, given the initial level, I think we can say that we have worked quite hard over the last two years.

"Inherent skills, resistance, parenthesis virus infection parenthesis closing. No level, lateral bars, no hyphens?



Though I heard about the lack of level information, I didn't think I heard what kind of notation it was.

"Special Skills, Earth Magic, Level Three, Fire Magic, Level Three, Looks like you got more. Tell me when you level up your magic special skill. Don't forget. Wind magic, level two, wind cut, hey, I'm telling you to use an air cutter. No Magic, Level Four"

"Oh? Status Open............ Huh! This..."


I've already got a pretty impressive face.

Looks like you're busy.

Mizuchi looks at it from the side and smiles a little.

You've decided to be a little surprised, haven't you?

"... experience"


"Am I? Oh."


Mizuchi's face also affixes a surprised look.

I still decided to keep my mouth shut as premature.

I wanted to prank you because you're calm. Sorry.

"This is a lie. But I guess there's something. There are several unnatural empty rows."

"Mr. Al." Well, wait, there's a little more. I am pleased that the Count of Falergers, Erection and Lombert Falergers were awarded as rewards for funding when the Kingdom of Lomberto was founded. The current housekeeper is the twentieth generation at Varish Falergers "

As I read through the subwindow of Count Falergers' house, Lorrick's face opened his eyes and let his mouth gently open, distorting in amazement.

Is that surprising?

To avoid being suspected that both Mizuchi and I would not believe it, I decided to talk about it to some extent, including this, but if I really looked into it, I would be able to investigate it without taking that long. In any case, the Count Falergers family is quite famous within the kingdom. Of course, it stinks, and I have [appraisal] in the first place, I'm not investigating anything. I can't put my full credibility on the talent level, but I think it would be enough to believe this kind of information. There is no way to investigate.

"Oh, that, Mr. Al, is the word really...?

"Yeah. I just read what it says. I didn't say anything like that after looking into it."


"What the fuck?

Lorrick keeps his mouth shut with a serious look at me.

"Can't you just shut up about the matter, other than the people on this scene? I'd appreciate it if you could just forget about it."

That's weird all of a sudden, this guy.

"Not if you say so. But it's not something to hide, is it?

When I asked in wonder, the answer was simple. The Counts of Falergers are in their nineteenth generation, ostensibly their current masters, and the reason for giving them the countenance is also a reward for raising military merit in one war after the founding of the Kingdom of Lomberto. It seems that the only people who know this are the Royal Lomberto family and the top of the Earl family in the inheritance of the governor, and what else is considered a secret.

It is his son named Corbish, not Lombert, who is supposedly the first generation of the Falergers family for Lorrick to speak of. Lombert was praised for collaborating with George Lomberto I in the establishment of the Kingdom of Lomberto back then, but it turns out he had betrayed the Kingdom a long time after his death to fund the Empire of Granan. Naturally the king will be furious and the fall of the Falergers family will also be in view. This scandal was pardoned by Corbish, who had succeeded Count Falergers at the time, for offering a great deal of money to the royal family, buried in darkness, not in public.

It was a man named Marquis Clavel at the time who accompanied and took it from me, and is said to be a feat of the founding of the Kingdom.

At the same time, the poor reception of King George I of Lomberto, who was still on the throne although he was old at the time, led Corbish to declare that "the Falgars family will start anew over his own generation" and to call himself the first contemporary of the “nascent” Falgars family. I have been told that I also gave them credit for raising my hand in the war. Corbish then endeavored to wipe it out thoroughly about his own father, Lombert's record, and it was good to say that it was almost successful.

However, it has been spoken of only to the owners and heirs of the Count's family, and they have told them that the Marquis Clavel family, who have made every effort to avoid the destruction of the house, in times of crisis, will serve a house that will be crushed to give back its old grace. Because of his eldest son, he was also told by Rolic, who was in a position to succeed the Count Falergers family, when he received the knight's reign. With your permission, Lorrick left the house. Now his brother seems to be the first heir to inherit the Count's main house, so he's going to seal it at the bottom of his memory.

It is too bad to hear that a senior nobleman, who should somehow be pledging allegiance to the Royal family, is within the same kingdom, and at the same time has the object of allegiance to other houses. It is also against the morality of the nobility. Of course, there is no law tying that up, but it is not subject to derogation.

Because of this, they say that the Marquis Clavel family has never been in a state of emergency because it has a territory there in the north of heaven and a stable management is in place.

Anyway, the witchcraft of appraisal was recognized as useful thanks to the hard talk of what was not intended to be a secret only at the top of the clan. It was also significant to mention that Lorrick's level of fire magic had risen.

As I said this time, the novelty is four things: confirmation of [level] by numerical values, confirmation of [status] and [unique skill], and confirmation of the level of skill with a level. [Age] It's not very important. And then what you shouldn't forget is that there are empty lines and smell like there's going to be other information. It would be nice to see how things are going in the future and be able to say it in stages.

In particular, both Loric and Xenom were impressed with the ability to confirm the presence or absence of [unique skills]. I guess you thought this would help you find a reincarnator.

"But you can only use it about five times, and you can only use it to get the ultimate certainty that you're likely to be a reincarnator and make the last mistake to the person you're hiding from yourself."

Mizuchi said unfortunately and tightened it for me.

I was impressed that it was not something that I could use depending on the allowance.

Naturally both Rolic and Zenom wanted to know the level of others. Lorrick was depressed when he told them that Mizuchi and Zenom levels were twenty-two and twenty-three, respectively, who were unable to be on the scene. Me? I just got to level thirty-one, but I ended up being made to confess.

I put my hand on Lorrick's shoulder and tried to encourage him to start writing letters on the ground, but I stopped him. You hate it too much. But the Xenom...

"It still seems easy to gain experience if you go to deep hierarchies. I think you should think you have experience like the inherent skill as Al said before.... Hey, Lorrick, don't be so depressed. We're just gonna have to work hard, right?

and placed his hand on Rolic's shoulder.

Unexpectedly face Mizuchi.

Of course Zenom doesn't have any offense or dust.

Look, you started saying "That's all I'm trying to do..." with a dead look on Rolic's face.

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