12 Apr 7447

Afterwards, it took a lot of work to comfort the depressed Rolic.

The handling of the witchcraft of appraisal was also discussed, but it was concluded, as Mizuchi pointed out, that the last damning push of the reincarnation's discernment would be the main use. Other than that, to the extent that it is used to investigate the merit reference values of members belonging to the current killers (Slaters), this does not require frequent use either.

Other uses that Mizuchi and I had envisaged in advance included the appraisal of magic items (magic items), including weapons, and the appraisal of various types of weapons and protective equipment. To put it plainly, the use of performance surveys was considered. But it seems that both Lorrick and Zenom were distracted by the fact that they appraised the person and found out the level, and they haven't turned their heads on anyone appraising anything other than the person yet.

I'm not going to mention endurance values or performance columns because I keep them private about HP, MP, ability values, etc. There are still a lot more things you don't understand. However, regardless of the creation date, it is significant that I can mention it in the [Effects] column.

By the way, Lorrick and Xenom were both of them and were of the opinion that I should avoid publishing about my mastery of appraisal magic at the moment.

"If you say so, you should leave it to the reincarnated."

"I agree with Lorrick."

"I think I should tell everyone...... can you let me know why?

Mizuchi asks. I dare to speak out against it and draw my thoughts.

"Well, you should tell me about it."

"Right. Mr. Xenom, please."

"I know Ralpha told me before, and I don't think anything more..."

Xenom said that the concept of physical level would be hard to accept for a person who is not a reincarnated person, a biological oath. Plus, take the earlier Rolic as an example. There is an opening between the original slayer (Slaters), who is also ahead of the labyrinth within the slayer (Slaters) about differences in physical levels, and the slaughterer (Butchers) and the eradicater (Exterminators). No one would complain or dissatisfy that it is more unfair now, but the reason was that it could lead to deep psychological impatience on the part of the members and to unexpected danger.

"You're sending a leader to contain a rush to rampage?

Mizuchi says, but you're absolutely right.

Keep it down to that extent.

Before that, everyone would be shocked like Lorrick at first, but I also showed it because I was sure that I wouldn't be in such a hurry if I put some time aside.

They're top veteran adventurers, too, aren't they?

You know there's nothing good about rushing in the labyrinth.

"That would suppress Tris and Bell, Zulu and Marceau... but..."

"Mr. Lal..."


That guy would say on the contrary let's incite everyone to earn experience and level up... no, that's not it. He's known about experience and leveling for years, too. She also had the knowledge that she didn't know as a number until now.

When I pointed that out, Xenom and Lorrick looked at me with a face that seemed suspicious.

"I've been able to figure it out for a while now. Together with his magic skills, he leaps forward to lift it..."

"It's okay. It's a strange expression that we both trust him a little bit about Ralpha... I trained a lot to make it magical, but he's not just working hard to increase his skill level. That'll make us all safer, so we're just trying."

Xenom is also a raised parent, so don't be so horrible...

"I know him best. I say on top of that, it doesn't. I'm doing it simply because Al told me to and because I want to use new magic."

Xenom assures me with his shoulders flattered.

I don't have any words to give back to my parents (Xenom) who insist that I know best.

"Mr. Xenom. Have you been talking properly with Lar lately? She's been thinking a lot about that."

Mizuchi fired back at me.

I agree with Mizuchi. I think he's thinking a lot about that one.

But I didn't know Mizuchi would defend Ralpha......

"That being said, Mizuchi. Lar has a long history of unthinking. Nineteen more, no. Is it really close to forty? As far as I'm concerned..."

I guess I'll always be a child if I try to be my parent, Xenom.

Well, fine.

"Okay. So shall we talk to Tris and Bell, then Zulu and Engela, just in case? Let's think again after hearing their opinions too. Do you want to go to the Boyle Pavilion..."

That's what I said and lifted my hips.

We picked up Zulu and Engella at the shooney, and when we returned to the Boyle Pavilion, Tris and Bell also exchanged to discuss it. All four of them wanted to know their physical level as well as Lorrick when they heard the story, but even if they tried, they could only use it once more, and they gave it up by saying they were magically tough if they didn't take a break today.

"After tomorrow...... well, when resting on seven or eight layers or later, if you have any extra magic, please"

You don't have to be in such a hurry because you're going to say it in turn.

When I tried to say that, Xenom told me the same thing.

However, Zenom was disputed to be able to say that for a long time because his level was already known.

I don't even think I need to know in such a hurry.

Something doesn't change from what I find out.

What do you mean because I found out it was about O above him or below him?

Well, Mizuchi and I are the only ones who know that you can't really guess the level or talent, and maybe it's with the mood for students to find out what's in the notification form around them.

But I think there is an error to the extent that the ranking of the national test is 50,000 out of 100,000, which is about 40,000 in Pramai.

Is that too much for a boulder?

But in this case, I think there will be a brake in 10,000 units.

I don't know what to say, but I have over three and a half million experience points because I have [genius of heaven].

But if you make it a third, Lorik will be lower than Zenom or Mizuchi, anyway.

I guess I'm less than the number of monsters I defeated directly.

I don't know if there's a diminished chance of defeating monsters directly here.

Regardless of the entrustment, the conclusion was that it was still divided into two parts here.

"Because it's the result of all the hard feelings I've had so far to earn experience," Tris insisted he should tell everyone, and Bell was of the opinion that there was no need to say it now. Zulu and Engella, as always, could not even be described as opinions with no shards of self-assertion, "as your husband's heart is". When I pointed that out, I said, "I don't think it would be helpful where we said our thoughts."

Still good, I told Zulu to let me hear it, "Now, with all due respect..." he prefaced and finally started talking.

"If what your husband calls a“ physical level ”is similar to a magical level, the higher it is, the more it will help your husband. I know it's similar because I've heard about it before, and I don't feel very confident about it, but I have some thoughts about leveling it up. … it would be a good thing to know magically as a number…"

To put it that far, the words seemed stuck and silent for a while. Engela opens her mouth a little reluctantly this time to take over.

"It's not all good. For example, Henry and Meck are from a knight. They deserve it. They can fight pretty well, too. I won't put it out on your mouth, but it seems you're quite proud of it too. But perhaps, for the longer time spent in the labyrinth than before, the physical level is sometimes higher for Master Zulu and myself."

I mean, don't tell me.

"Surely the idea is reasonable. Marceau is sweet."

Mizuchi says.

"No, ma'am, no..."

Engela seemed a little embarrassed by the light.

"But, Marceau, you really want to say this, don't you? Just because we've been to more layers, two layers, and more recently, six layers and seven layers, Mr. Carm and the others will have quite an opening, just like Lorrick and me."

"Ha, well..."

I think it would be advantageous to appeal in advance to Engela because she will be on the side of being challenged in the replacement battle. But Engela or Zulu wouldn't think about that. Higher or lower levels will be my strength, and I believe that people who can help me should belong to the Killers (Slaters). I'm just glad it's me, and I don't think I can replace it if my strength is better than mine. It's really a slave book.

"But it's the result of my efforts so far, and I think I should tell them right..."

Tris, listening to what he's been saying, again claims to be self-explanatory.

Save some time and say that if you can think calmly, it will be an exciting material.

I can snort that idea too.

I felt strongly about it, too.

That's not all.

But if you say what I think, it's going to be decided.

But we won't all give in.

Being self-assertive isn't a bad thing, though.

It would be an honest point to praise that it is unlikely to be a sinister atmosphere.

But, come on, somebody notice.

Do I have to look at Mizuchi...

"Ah! Yes!

Lorrick shouted a little louder for attention.

"Let's put aside a bit about the physical level. Knowing won't change anything, will it? I can also say it's just a matter of future mindset. Mr. Al, one more time, you said you could use magic, right? What happens when you use it for things?

Everyone paid attention to me when they heard what Lorrick said.

I was a little relieved to think you'd finally noticed.

Not to mention the physical level this time.

It is very important, of course, to be able to confirm your unique skills and the level of magic.

"Of course, you know a lot. I can still use it another time, so let's try it. Tris, bring me a clasp."

Tris rushed to the room to pick up his armor. In the meantime, I've already appraised Mizuchi's sword and told him that four special effects have been identified.

Explain it by pretending to use the magic of appraisal on Kuchiko (Chain Mail) while also explaining it to Tris who is back. It was even more than Mizuchi's Blade of Durrow, and all admired the fact that it had six special effects.

"Until now... If you knew, please tell me from the beginning."

Tris complains, but Bell is embarrassed.

"It's our fault you don't notice right away. I can't believe I didn't think of it until Lorrick told me... Okay? Appraisal magic works. But I can't use so much. You should immediately realize how to use it effectively. It's important to be able to identify people and see if they have physical skills, but we need to instantly realize what's more important."

"... it sure is. Excuse me, Mr. Al. I've spoken of a tremendous dissatisfaction. This is a simulation, right? For analyzing the information you get yourself and choosing the best way to instantly... damn, you can't be alarmed."

"I'm not exaggerating that much. But whatever Tris or Bell I heard later, I was hoping you'd notice Lorrick or Xenom a little sooner."

I said with a bitter laugh.

"... right. Sure when you ask me. Levels. Skills. Learning more. There must have been some sweetness in me for Al."

Xenom said as he put his arms together and looked at Tris' armor. And

"It's weird what I say, but they're all sweet on Al. I rely too much on you."

He said and tightened it.

Well, that would help if you said that.

Even if I were you, I wouldn't die that easy in the future, just in case.

Even now, massacrers and uprooters are challenging the labyrinth more often without me.

I'm dead. Yes. Until then, that would be a little sad.

Regardless of my dying or bad luck, I want everyone to have a habit of analyzing and utilizing the information I get from many sources.

And Xenom's right. It's still sweet.

I'm glad it came with a lot of confidence, but in the end, my consciousness of being behind me is hidden.

"So, what do we do? What do you say to everyone? Or will you shut up for a while?

I ended up telling everyone.

However, it is only the members of the slayer (Slaters) who precede the Labyrinth.

I would naturally say if someone were to come in as a result of a replacement fight.

By the way, when I said it was a pain in the ass because it meant two things to say in one bite to the killer (Slaughters), they all agreed. I want to think of another name for the old slayer (Slaters) who precedes the labyrinth. Tell everyone at dinner this evening and have them think about it overnight. Tomorrow morning, when we go to the labyrinth, we will all discuss and decide.

Honestly, I don't like murderers (Slaters) from the start. I'm used to it now, and the streets are already better, so I'm not aware of it at all.

13 Apr 7447

As for the name, my plan is to "Blue Flame" in a group of legendary adventurers who used to exorcise the Green Dragon a long time ago.

Then Ralpha won't talk about it.

Because you have colors in you like the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) and the Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz).

Even Blue Flame is brilliantly destroying Green Dragons.

But in the end, it was rejected unanimously.

Then I asked him what you were like and he said it was a "butterfly orchid".

It's like a flower name or some kind of second-rate party, and you have bad taste.

I like the walnut orchids because they're luxurious and beautiful, too.

Xenom came up with a proposal called "A Hundred Years of Dreams," which impressed the majority of his members, starting with me.

But he said to Bastral, "That's the name of the premier shochu you bought last time, right?" His face was turning bright red when he was stuck and he was the best at it.

Bastral, who said that, joined Zulu and Engela to propose the exact same idea that I had previously thought would soon replace (Sooner): "The Murderer (Slayers)".

Quite a few endorsers, but it's still a noisy name and not my taste.

Rejected, dismissed.

Guine came up with a proposal called "White Snow (Snow White)" but rejected it because it was too cute.

Giberti came up with a proposal to say "GREED ARMY" and was admired by Zulu and Engela, but was overrated by everyone else.

Mizuchi had come up with the most proposals.


"Black Lightning, a pitch-black thunder"

It seems like a shame around here.

"Golden Dawn"

"Burning Eye Brave (Flair Braver)"

I can still understand this area.

"One Thousand (Samurai Master)"

"The Vertex of Justice (Grand Slam)"

Gradually I didn't know what it meant, and with that, Mizuchi got a lot excited, so I summed it up and rejected it. Write a thousand and read Samurai Masters, likewise Grand Slam should have meant total domination or something, but I didn't know what you were seriously talking about like justice (blame too much).

In the meantime, there was a proposal called "Saviors (Sabres)".

For this reason, it was Tris and Bell who came up with this proposal.

Did you both think of a name I might prefer?

He named it that because he often helps someone in the labyrinth.

Redeemer (Sabres)......


Redeemer (Sabres)?

Don't you think I'm the perfect lead?

In the end, the new name of the former slayer (Slaters) was decided "Savior (Sabres)".

14 Apr 7447

"Hey, can't you do it anymore? Absolutely? I can't?

Ralpha looked at me with anticipation. This is between eight layers of metastatic crystals.

He insisted on saving my magic for the appraisal, and everyone fought more carefully and boldly than usual.

Starting with Tris, both Ralpha and Guine used attack magic to tailor monsters until they were out of magic.

"I'm done for the day. Tomorrow."

The two Bells and Engella are on the move this time, so I was communicating the appraisal results about them yesterday morning when I decided on the party name to the Redeemer (Sabres). Even though the product can be appraised, I thought I was concerned about the physical level.

And when I was in the step of taking a break between the eight layers of metastatic crystals, everyone told me to appraise them all with extra magic. Today's appraisal took place against three people: Tris, Guineh and Bastral. Tris and Guine's level is twenty and Bastral is eighteen.

Note that the order of appraisal was determined by labelling.

"Eh, I don't know what else to do... but Bell's twenty and Marceau's twenty one, right? So, your father's twenty-three and Mizuchi's twenty-two, right? So can I expect, like, twenty-two, too?

... You're not much different from Bell. Twenty.

Xenoms that vary greatly in experience from start to start won't even reach Mizuchi and my slaves, who have worked hard in the labyrinth from time to time until the holidays.

Naturally, in this labyrinth trip, we will conduct an appraisal of everyone's level and magical objects (we decided).

What I can't do is about Bell's sturdy sword, Short Sword of Stardy, which I won't accompany this time.

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