April 15, 7447.

In the end, as for Minotaur, the guardian of the Nine Layers, he continued to defeat them using net-firing guns only when he first fought from the front. I haven't even had a replacement fight yet. Maybe that jumpy minotaur of strength isn't mixed up, but he was still anxious. Mizuchi, Zenom and Tris didn't say anything.

He spent the rest of his time going to the tenth floor or attacking and defeating nine layers of minnows from behind.

Everyone's interest is in a replacement fight coming up from the labyrinth for a day, starting next Monday and the 19th.

"Surge, Zulu. What about you guys? Are you confident?

Tris is asking Bastral and Zulu. I guess these two are the target of the conversation because Engela is on her way to the eradicators (Exterminators) this time.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Tris? Isn't it decided to be okay? Didn't you see the Great Troll finish earlier?!?

"Even if you take the challenge, as always, until you do exactly what you can. Don't worry about it."

Bastral was confident and Zulu was responding pale. Indeed, Bastral has become more accustomed to the battle of augs and troll opponents than he did during the last replacement war, and can be seen in a similar way to other members. It didn't get any easier than it used to be, and I stopped paying more attention than I had to.

Zulu is still fully committed to doing his job in Zulu. The guy who does what he does well doesn't move so easily, and when he loses, he regrets it, but he can't help it, he just needs to be more refined and flipped again, it looks like he's on the frontier.

From my eyes, if it was them now, it wouldn't be so easy to beat them. I think it's a pretty high wall.

"That's right, Al, you must have some magic left, right? Look at that."

Ralpha has asked.

Totally really this guy...

"Oh, you, two levels"

"Eh!? Son!?... to, be... son..."

I'm pretty shocked to open my eyes.

"There's no reason for that, silly. I'm answering instantly in the first place. There's no way you can activate it in such a short time."

I say it with a bitter laugh as Tris tells me to do it. Zenom and Guine also have a slightly frightening look that says why this guy (Ralpha) doesn't notice right away. I spent more than twenty minutes per trip until yesterday.

You won't be able to activate the magic of a truly glowing eye (Sin Light Eyes) in an instant without using it a thousand more times. It'll take months even if we try to run out of magic more than once a day, as we used to.

"Damn, this..."

Seems like the first time I've noticed it since they told me.

He looks pretty shy, but he's staring at me with regret.

"Don't make fun of me. Not pathetic."

Mizuchi embarrassed me.

Ralpha sees it with less anticipation, a busy way of mouthing, and a little mischievous mind.

After that, although I ended up looking a little relieved to hear of the twentieth level, it doesn't make any difference that I seemed to regret it. And, even so, that seems to be for Zenom to be lower than the Mizuchi and Engella already found levels, anyway.

The day was appraised for the level of Zulu and Ghiberti. Zulu has twenty-one levels and Ghiberti has six.

Tomorrow I'll have to appraise the magic items.

19 Apr 7447

This time, the number of breakthroughs in the primary test, which is a physical test, was naturally increasing.

Previously on Carm and Kim.

This is a spare clearance.

Last time I spared a trio of gingers, meaths and gels.

Meath pulled her leg again, but the degree of pull was considerably reduced, a slight marginal clearance due to Ginger and Gel stretching the record.

And Vince trying alone.

Threshold critical passage, but big deal.

Unexpectedly, it was a group of Rocco and Kevin.

Kevin's record didn't even reach the threshold for nearly fifteen minutes, but Rocco showed an unusual amount of speed and ended up passing really critical. Rocco's health exceeds the threshold.

Wow, this guy.

Truth is, I've been thinking about it for a long time.

Rocco will try alone and not be enemies as long as he passes his fitness test is me, Mizuchi, Xenom, then the subtleties but about Ralpha. There's magic, so if you fight in a short time, you'll lose to Bell and Tris, too, but if it's quite a long stretch because you don't have to worry about restoring magic, there's a lot better against them. Of course there are many parts that are not hostile.

A little bit of a good addition and a little bit of champagne. Otsum also looks like a loose conditioner. But the strength that has been at the forefront of assault as an avant-garde (assault banguard) in sunlight (Sun Ray) for years is real.

Thirty-one years old who also survived fat as an adventurer.

It's time to get into the descent line, but the various abilities are now also at their highest.

At best, it lacks decisiveness because the score is a long sword.

Plus, if you get a decent hit, that's where it ends.

It would be hard on a boulder by itself.

The right to nominate for the challenge is determined by the ranking of this primary exam.

As I said before, I can't challenge the same guy. Even if the challenged side bounces off the first challenger, the next guy can't challenge the same opponent. It's a whole day of exams, so I need to rest, and I made him refrain from making them fight in a row. Since the opponent will also change operations such as pacing, he/she will not apply the results of one test to another. If you're dissatisfied, you should just rank the primary exams.

Carm and Kim naturally declared themselves challenging Bastral and Engela.

Bastral and Engela were originally set to be ready, so they can't see any upset.

If this is Rocco and Kevin, there's a better chance than them to flip...

That said, I think it's most likely to flip.

Ginger and the other trio expressed their challenge to Zulu, Tris and Ralpha.

I guess I avoided Bell and Mizuchi because they use bows well and have magic.

The three challenged people had enough face to lend them their breasts.

It's possible if someone is caught off guard and attacked by an ogre, and it's also like Tris and Ralpha's magic is exhausted with healing.

Vince was scattered, but in Bell and Mizchi, Bell seemed to be easier to give.

I don't think I've seen Zenom in my eyes since the beginning.

Bell accepted the challenge with no expression.

It'll be tough here.

And Rocco and Kevin slapped a challenging letter on Zenom and Mizuchi.

It was half a torn atmosphere, but that's all I've got left.

I can be absolutely sure of this place.

There can be no flipping.

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, rest enough to get tired, and tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the 21st, we start the secondary exam.

This time, in addition to the challengers, there are guards and watchmen to go to the seventh level, so all the slaughterers (Slaters) will be on their way. Of course, we can't act together, so we need to split the party up to the six-layer transfer crystal room. We divided the challenger into eight groups so that the challenger and the challenged side would not be in the same group.

I entrusted each of them to Tris and Mizchi for command. Guine, who is exceptionally exempt from the challenged, is a pair of Tris, and Giberti and Hiss are a pair of Mizuchi.

In addition to Sanno and Lutz, and Lorrick, I command my group of four combat slaves for a six-layer transition crystal. For them, the five layers anyway, the six layers will be the first experience many. If I don't follow, who will?

If you try this, all the massacrers (Butchers) got the right to challenge.

27 Apr 7447

I finished my secondary exam and just came back from the labyrinth at lunch.

Secondary tests conducted over four days, but all results are not yet known.

It's still in each bag about the demon stone I got, and I haven't seen it either, so I really don't know until I redeem it at the demon prop store. Including the meaning of escort and surveillance, although I accompanied one team or the other during the exams, I've only seen one side, and maybe half a day.

There is a set of results that have been found. It's just Vince, who got an aug stick on his hip a few hours after the exam started. It's unlikely that Bell will lose to the boulder because the demon stone he was getting by then was one from the orga and three from the goblin.

They all seem intrigued. This time, although we made the rendezvous on the three and six layers of the outbound route, the challenger and the challenged were still gathered together to do hissohisso as well as last time, and even after the exam, the sale of the demon stone was completed, because it would be boring to know the results along the way, and until the results were fully discovered, we laid down a warrant.

Of course, I was free to talk about things that had nothing to do with the exam. Especially starting with Sanno and Lutz, the first time I saw Auga, Lorrick and my battle slaves looked like they couldn't hide their excitement.

"Then let's go to the cash exchange."

Take a large group of people to Dunhill, the usual magic tool. Only me and one representative of each group will enter the store. It's pretty small.

Outbound, redeem the demonic stones obtained by the sixth floor first. It was properly managed jointly within each party to avoid being misled during collection. The demon stone can confirm the date it was collected unless it is joined, but it is only known by my [appraisal].

After that, each demon stone will finally be sold as a result of the test.

I guess I'll start with the challenger side. It's a pair of bags from Carm and Kim where the next chairman (top) was.

"Status open...... Hmm. Seven Orga Demon Stones, and ten or eleven Goblins?... five, nine, two, two hundred Z in all."

Dunhill's father's words echo in the strangely quiet atmosphere of the store.

I followed their escort and surveillance for half a day, too. A full day of escort and surveillance cannot be carried out continuously on boulders. When I was watching, I carefully set my aim on just one orga, and just two of us were definitely knocking it down. The battle was unspoiled and stable.

But you seem to have worked pretty hard on all seven of them in total.

I accompanied them from midnight on the first day until midday on the next day, but they would have been tired of exploring for a day, with only about five hours of rest and no showers to make the transition to the seven layers.

The meal was also basically a reminder that I would eat the lunch Giberti had made while I was on the move.

He tried not to dare look at the Bastral face he was holding back, and concentrated on Dunhill's father at hand.

Next up is the Gingers' group. I didn't see this.

What eleven Orga Stones you were earning! Eighteen goblins.

A total of 92,884,500Z was determined.

I can also hear some sighing.

I heard Ginger cough up while folding an empty bag.

And Vince. I told you earlier, you had no choice.

A total of 833,600 Z.

Don't be depressed. I'm alone, and I really can't help it. Luck is important too.

Finally, the Roccos. I watched it, but it was still a big deal.

The demon stones they were gaining were nine Orga objects and fourteen Goblin ones.

What more than a pair of carms.

The side of Rocco that came in beside me looked somewhere proud.

A total of 75,336,800Z.

Quite a surprise.

"Heh. We're not sleeping."

Go to sleep!

Well, the next one is finally the demon stone on the challenged side.

Zenom and Mizuchi first.

What do you think?

Xenom turns the bag upside down unwrought.

The gobbles and demon stones roll out.

That number, twenty-one. There is no goblin.

There is no question about their victory without waiting to buy it.

Rocco's jaw was wide open enough to think he would get to the floor.

"I only slept three hours."

Oh, so that's it. Xenom is rough for people, too. Mizuchi was "bad for my skin" or something.

And, Belle.

As usual, this one flips the bag unconstructively when it advances out with a faceless look like Nobu.

Seven. There are no Goblin Demon Stones in Bell's battle.

I don't have to wait to buy this or anything.

Bell used life sensing (detect life) on a regular basis and was likely looking for just one orga efficiently. And I guess he relied on magic, bows, and a sturdy sword, the Short Sword of Stardy, all at once.

"Seven alone..."

Carm shrugged like a blur.

Tris naturally advanced next.

He carefully removes the demon stone like a handful of books.

The number is nineteen Orga Demon Stones. There appear to be more than thirty goblin ones.

This won't mean anything about the buyout amount either.

Ralpha used most of her magic for life sensing.

These guys, they were also up against the three august opponents when Ralpha said, "I found a corner".

Then he camped in the passage of seven layers in a thick way without even going back between the six layers of metastatic crystals.

I've been harassing you.


I heard a groaning ginger voice.

At the end of the day, it's bastral.

He has a blue face.

Hey, no way!?

But it could be.

Bastral put his hand in the bag and began to take out the demon stone.

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