27 Apr 7447

Bastral first took out the demonic stone of Goblin.

The number is eight.

This is not going to be a very big problem because there is some error in the number of demonic stones in the less valuable goblins.

And the next thing to take it out is the Orga Demon Stone.

After that day on the first day of the exam, neither Bastral nor Engela were seen to have changed.

That's why we've got quite a few.




I carefully removed one by one with an uneasy look on my face, the total number of which was seven.

... this is also... what a subtle...

Sure, the Carms record is five, nine, two, two hundred Z.

Goblin's Demon Stone determines the battle......

Anyway, the purchase price Dunhill's father gave him is everything.

In my [appraisal], I know the result as soon as I calculate it, and I actually know the result because I'm just doing the calculation.

However, there is also a slight but slight error in the magic prop scale.

That error is part of the battle.



Dunhill's father calculates using a wide solo van (abacus) with ten balls lined up in four rows, four balls lined up in one row, and then ten balls lined up in two rows and four balls lined up in one row. It's not very easy for me to use even if I'm used to it. So I also make a Japanese style solo van and usually use it that way. It's a small one with only twelve rows, but it's still easy to use the Japanese-style one. I had a lot of trouble making it because I didn't have bamboo. He says he remembers the technology that was planted a long time ago, during his life, when he was a kid.

It is not uncommon for a kid to have attended Wen Formula or Solovan classes in the 1950s that it was the age when he spent a kid. About half of them went to one of them in the elementary school class with over forty people.

Dunhill's father's calculations were finished as he moved up and down the groove stones carved on the plate.

"Seven Orga Demon Stones and eight Goblin ones?... five, nine, two, two hundred Z in all."

Ooh. The voice goes up.

Perfectly the same amount.

The value of the Auga Demon Stone produced by Bastral was slightly higher than Carm's.

Not enough to make up for the missing Goblin Demon Stone.

"Same or..."

I also got a grunt poking my mouth out.

I can see that everyone who was snooping into the magic prop Dunhill counter paid attention to me.

It was out of my imagination that it was the same for boulders.

If the Bastrals win, if the Carms win.

It varies slightly depending on its degree of victory, but there was also a proposal for each.

Of course, if the Bastrals win, it won't change much.

However, if the Kerms seemed spared even if they lost (I actually thought if it was about the difference between one or two Orga Demon Stones), I thought I would occasionally be accompanied by a Killer (Slaters), and, originally, a Redeemer (Sabres) to gain experience about Kerms and Kim.

On the contrary, if the Carms had won, they were going to make themselves fixed leaders of the massacres (Butchers) about Engela and let Bastral do the auxiliary.

I didn't expect it to be judged as the exact same amount for boulders.

Unless my brain solovan made a mistake, but I think Bastral had only twelve more total Demon Stone values in Carm and Bastral.

Even though it is slightly less than 100Z when converted into the purchase price.

"We're all gathered in Murowa after this."

When I said that, I turned my heel back.

Next to me he had a blue face and a bastral who was slowly scratching cold sweat looked at me with a crying smile on his face.

I was going to keep my faceless expression, but my bitterness leaks.

Belle is amazing that you can totally get rid of her expression.

When I left the store, everyone stood outside and waited.

I guess you wanted to know the results a little sooner.

Engela, who had a worrying look on her face, can't seem to judge me compared to Bastral's.

I smiled and looked at Engela.

Engela looked up after meditating her eyes and leaned down a little.

Nice smile I've seen occasionally lately.

Everyone who followed me also stood in front of me.

Bastral still with a blue face.

Not so much, but still a nervous facial calm. And Kim.

You must have been confident, as usual, with a calm look Mizuchi.

Kevin, who has already given up but can't hide his expectations somewhere.

Gel and Meath were swelling their chests to expectations.

They seem to have seen Ginger's expression and imagined the results.

Ralpha eating baldukki at a time like this, as always.

Zulu as I could imagine on the result after seeing the look on Trice's face.

Others stood in front of everyone who was cut off from their feet in the primary exam and who, although following the secondary exam as an escort, still did not open their mouths by caring for members who seemed unknown about the results.

"Congratulations, Carm, Kim. Then Bastral and Engella. It's the same price, and all four of them are saviors."

Declaring so, I bothered at once.

"Then, Ginger, Gel, Meath. That was a shame. I'm sorry about Vince, too. Rocco and Kevin were...... bad opponents"

Another word where the stirring is going to get even bigger.

"Don't worry about Carm or Kim, okay? Remember, next time you'll be on the side of the challenge."

With that said, I guess I totally forgot about the other members' faces changing slightly.

"Then we're all going to Murowa. Let's have lunch and talk about the future system."

The new system for killers (Slaughters) decided as follows:

First, the Redeemer (Sabres). The leader is basically me. The front line of the labyrinth, the lower level, is the main responsibility. And the addition of Carm and Kim this time brings the number of combat personnel to twelve, apart from the gibbertie of the cargo carrier (porter).

Of course, it is not appropriate for everyone to transfer at once, so at least two people, if possible three, will always travel from here. As always, it would be like duty in a form close to carrying around, except for Guine.

Next slaughterer (Butchers). A normal adventurer's party also has the main force and the strength to get through the six layers of the labyrinth. If you're a killer (Slaters), you'll be in charge of the middle class. The two of us are out of here this time, and if we stay put, the formation will fade. Reinforcement is therefore necessary, but since the bowman (blast back) Kim and the spear (attacker) Kim fell out this time, Ginger and Hiss, whose positions overlap in the sense of compensating for them, were transferred.

Ginger, Rocco, Kevin, Jer, Meath, Vince, Hiss, Henry and Ruby will be in the form of a single outgoing leader from the Redeemer (Sabres) being added here.

And the Eradicator (Exterminators). I don't go as far as first-rate adventurer parties, but it's good to see as a force of about second-rate to first-and-a-half, and my track record is starting to show. I'm in charge of all four levels. This time, Ginger and Hiss have fallen out, and the power down is remarkable.

Fixed members have become seven: Sanno, Lutz, Lorrick, Dender, Karim, Meck and Jess. I just want to get you two out of the Redeemer (Sabres) if possible. Two combat slaves per person, replenishing them, should also be taken into account. I care about that more than half of the time.

And here's your golden week announcement.

Tomorrow or the day after, a caravan will also come from Barkud. For once yesterday or today, it's not strange that you've already arrived and waited at the Boyle Pavilion. Besides, I would also like to go to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce if possible to talk about what the situation is like with the example amulet. Also, I want to go out to Tukelin's and talk about preservatives, and naturally I can't even leave the Green Chamber of Commerce alone. Of course, don't forget to go to Master Mira.

Today, I announced that I will be off until next month's 5th and that I will be going to the whole training on the 6th and the labyrinth from the 7th.

Also, at the same time, I paid 2% of the salvation equivalent to everyone except my combat slaves for the demon stone sales I got this time, totalling just under 68 million Z, and 1.36 million Z this time with a special fractional cut. I paid twenty-one people, so about twenty-nine million disappeared with bonuses.

Here, Kevin looked and said with envy at Lorrick, who also received Dender and Karim's share.

"I think I'll buy a battle slave too... an arm like Henry would be quite useful"

Of course I don't mind.

I'll pay for it if you work properly.

"Kevin, you, hey, think about it. Slaves are pretty tough just to feed, huh? If you're a combat slave, you need a pretty decent place to rest, so at least you should take a shoney class inn, and you should feed them properly. Plus, you need a paycheck, and you need all your gear, right?

I said it like Kim made Kevin look like a little fool.

That's true.

I care a lot about other things.

"Ha... well, that does quite a lot of expense. Dender and Karim don't have to do anything. They need it every month."

Says Lorrick a little modestly.

Is it hard to get the same share this time because we are only fighting outbound and have been someone's escort and surveillance all the time during the exam?

But what Lorrick says is particularly special, taking Kevin's Henry as an example, 60,000 Z a month for the inn, and more for the morning and evening meals. Sometimes this is because I keep it unlimited. I also put in other salaries and it costs about 200,000 a month.

Whether or not you can earn that much each month if you are an adventurer belonging to a party that is not depressing, such as a normal and more dominant place of work. Henry's performance will not fall in the Labyrinth thanks to the cost of a single adventurer, but he will not be able to perform adequately because he has also lost the rank of inn and meal when he is badly treated.

"And if he dies, it's over..."

Meath also followed and joined the conversation.

"Henry says he originally paid 20 million because he looks like a knight, and his gear's pretty expensive, too, right?

Kevin looked convinced when he heard that. Rocco seems to be using his fingers to do the math at the table listening in silence next door. And I opened my mouth, mostly.

"Huh, Kevin, listen carefully. We make nearly two hundred a month here. There will be more than 1.9 million. After this year, it's $2 million."

Everyone who heard that, over their heads? Mark floats. If it's close to two million a month, the average should never exceed two hundred. Well, the truth is, since this year, the Massacre (Butchers) do earn that much when Zenom directs them, because sometimes they get the Orga Demon Stone, on average. But I figured I was just a little glad this guy didn't win the replacement fight.

"From here I deduct 400,000 as my own cost of living. The rest is 1,700,000. If I were to buy a Henry-like combat slave, it would take about a year. You need to think about your gear, but don't worry."

It would fit here. It's the lowest class, second-class adventurers, that the cost of living is 400,000 a month.

They should have been like that in the Sunshine (Sun Ray) era.

"A year later, I buy a combat slave. The amount of money that can be spent... is three and a half million, minus two to four hundred thousand and two hundred thousand. But for the year to come, it won't be very luxurious, and it will be a deduction not to go to the honey collection. After that, I went on to endure for another six months or so in my life, and it's my account that I'll finally be able to collect what I bought as a combat slave. I don't care if your last years in your twenties are good."

Except for the real beginning, it was surprisingly decent. At last, everyone, including me, was stunned by the fact that it was a fairly well-reasoned explanation.

"Ready? I worked hard in the labyrinth without playing for a year and a half, and I can finally get my ex. If you die by then, you won't even see it, and if it goes well, then try to have a slave die in six months or so. Then I'll call you an asshole."

Rocco closed with a face that made Kevin look like a fool out of his mind.

Ugh... Mm.

I wonder what it would be like to put out Henry, a former knight, in the example of a combat slave, but this would be good because it was originally Kevin's request as well.

But I don't have that Rocco...

Kevin is just staring at Rocco's face in a pompous way, too.

"Rocco, you, did you even eat something weird?

Ginger also says with a surprised face.

"Am I right? Is this the guy who's weird?

Rocco responds to Ginger with a lowered face as he licks the balducky with his cracked tongue ahead, refined with vanilla (lemongrass).

Ginger said, "Die! I said," I started another conversation with Hiss.

"Gel, do you understand what Rocco is saying now?

Meath is asking Gel at a slightly away table.

"Oh, I get it. Of course, right?"

Gel that answers without incident. Meath looked satisfied, too.

"Then explain this evening how different it is from when you went to the Redeemer (Sabres) and when you stayed at the Massacre (Butchers). Convert it to money, too."

"Whoa, I think I can explain exactly, huh?

Oh, I'd like to hear that, too.

But why is it doubtful? Are you still not sure?

After lunch, I go home to the inn.

I got dressed, took a shower, deposited my money in the shrine locker, and when I came back, a caravan from Barkud was just arriving. How dare you lead the caravan this time, Sean the squire chief.

I was talking to Mizuchi.

He says he will stay overnight in Balduk and head to the King's Capital tomorrow morning.

There is no special reason to disagree.

There will also be a few killers (Slaters) going to King's Capital as they enter the big holidays.

Ralpha, Ghine, Bastral, I'm about to take a change of clothes and rush into the carriage.

The sun went down when the young squire who had accompanied me told him a story in the labyrinth.

Ordering battle slaves from Ron Slyle... even in my spare time after tomorrow.

Before going to bed at night, Mizuchi, who was in his room, said, "Maybe tomorrow's going to be a little surprising, huh? I asked back what happened because he said something like that, but he didn't tell me.

April 28, 7447.

I woke up in the morning and we all ran as usual.

The Ralphas didn't seem to be the only ones who went to King's Capital last night, and they were almost the only ones around the rescuers (Sabres) and my battle slaves. Other than that, the only people I ran with were Carm and Kim, who seem to be in the mood because the Redeemer (Sabres) decided to come in. That's okay. Everyone else is on their first day of the big holidays, and maybe they're just sleeping. Rocco and Kevin in particular were dealing with Auga all night from yesterday to yesterday. I would be so tired.

When we got back from the run, the Seans were already ready to leave. Seeing that, Mizuchi and I hurried to take a shower, get dressed and try to cross the military horse. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. If I try to leave right away, Mizuchi won't have breakfast or anything. But so is that. About enough for breakfast. The caravan waited a little and the two of us went out for breakfast.

Mizuchi couldn't afford a cup of tea.

Me, too.

Tris and Bell are also going to King's Capital with them around this afternoon, and Zenom said he's going slowly to buy shochu and smoke tomorrow. My battle slaves and Giberti are taking me to the King's Capital with them as Carm and Kim go out to play. Only Zulu seems to go to the King's Capital without saying anything. Ha ha, is that Murowa's sister?

Me and Mizuchi are also walking to the merchant's escort, so I'll take a couple of hours to relax.

He arrived before noon at the Green Chamber of Commerce in Wangdu, but surprisingly most of the killers (Slaters) were there. Besides, they all wear pretty good clothes.

I'm not here... Ralpha and Guine, Kathy and later, they're about my slaves.

Tris, Bell, Bastral, even Xenom.

Carm, Kim and the Gingers are here.

Have you had a relaxing meal and stayed ahead of me while I was here?

On the contrary, he was dressed in clothes that didn't even look good on Rocco or Kevin.

"Hey, why is everybody here? And that outfit...?

I asked Mizuchi unexpectedly.

"Huh, surprised?

I'm surprised.

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