April 28, 7447.

Seeing the faces of the near-aligned killer (Slaughters), Xenom advanced in front of me and Sean, who is surprised.

"Well, a corner. Take these guys to the Royal Castle for this delivery. Other than the Sabres, he said he'd only been in the royal castle as long as Rolic. It's a little crowded, but we can get in front of Nakabori, right? Show him the castle. I want to see it in a while, too."

That's a lot of people... I've got about twenty killers (Slaters) in here. Including the caravan from Barkud and Russeg the Warden, there will be less than thirty of them. Still, as Zenom put it, I don't think everyone has a problem registering as an employee of the Grid Chamber of Commerce. Probably, but you'll be able to cross the outer moat and put it in the bend of the Sanomaru (coming). I have to cross the middle moat to get into the two circles, but even if I'm not armed, I don't know if I can...

Although the Royal Castle is slightly deformed, it has a generally contoured structure in what is called a Japanese style, Hirajiro. Simply put, there are several rounded lands, large and small, with curved rings across the moat. Outermost, the outer moat is rounded (meow), and there is a fairly large trinomial curve inside it. There are several bridges hanging on the outer moat, but not bouncing bridges, but fixed sturdy bridges. On the three rounded sides of the bridge are all large gates, some of which serve as gatekeeping stuffs. If I had, I would keep my weapon here.

In addition to the gates, there are stables and quarters for garrison escorts in Sanomaru. It is probably because the army is also considered to cage castles, but also conspicuous empty spaces of considerable size. Compared to the Tenmochi, it is simple, but it sits as if it were the only bouncing bridge that protects the only bouncing bridge that leads from Nakabori to Niumaru, even if it is said to be the Sanomaru Castle, which has a three-tiered structure, or there is also an authentic one like a fort.

Through that bouncing bridge, over Nakabori, that's the curved wheel of the two circles. There are also a few gardens here in addition to defensive gardens. There is also a three-layer structure to protect the bouncing bridge that follows the main circle as well as the three circles. The building that serves as an outpost for the Royal Castle of each ministry is also here, as is the headquarters of each Knights from I to IV. Knights captains, deputy captains, headquarters staff, etc. will be here to work. My sister also belongs to the First Knights, but I'm not usually here because each Knights garrison, including the First Knights, is in a different place from the Royal Castle.

Normally, the delivery of armor takes place in one of these two or three tiered chambers. In one way or another, it is more often done in triple circles. It was only in the beginning that we made deliveries and orders in Sanomaru's vacant land, but the last couple of years it feels like we're going to Niumaru when we don't have just the right room in Sanomaru Castle. In short, I've only been there enough to count with one hand, too.

So, there's an inner moat at the end, and that's the bend of the main circle. There is naturally a heavenly guardian court here. Naturally, but I've never been in here either, so I've only seen it from the outside, so I don't know what's going on inside.

"Hey, I wanted to see him as a target."

Ginger enters next to Xenom and says:


I don't know who told you that, but is that so?

"... you know what? But I think the only way to get it in is through to the outside world.

"I don't mind. I'd like to see some of the royal castles I hear about."

said Sanno, clapping his shoulders.

Oh, yeah. I have to say this.

"And don't let Mizuchi, Xenom, Tris, Bell, and Rolic this time. You've all seen it before, and there's too many people on the boulder."

"" Yeah?

I left five people in the store who said something about coming around the corner, and still took more than twenty people to Royal Castle to deliver. I put it in the three circles without any problems, but I still couldn't put it in the two circles.

Still, they were all quite amazed at the elaborate and luxurious decorations that coloured the building and the vacant land that was splendidly mowed through the lawn. I was a little hissed that Rocco and Gel wouldn't even make a scene, but they also looked around slightly admiring the lavish construction of boulders, and occasionally just raised a small voice, "Huh."

It seems that it was about fifty years ago that this Romberto Castle was completed and began functioning as a castle. Forty years later, just ten years ago, the construction was completely completed, including decorations. Prior to that, a little north of here, he said, a former castle of Lomberto had been built around what was now a junior aristocratic district. Ten years after the reign of the then king, the now king's grandfather, it took him twenty years to make the old one an abandoned castle for the new castle of Lomberto to be completed by more than eighty years of construction, and to move it.

I drooled the knowledge of listening to it so hard that I even explained it.

After finishing the delivery and tour and exiting the castle, I spoke with Carm on the way back to the Chamber of Commerce.

It was Tris who suggested to everyone about this royal castle sight. Tris said he wanted a little more understanding of my goal of creating a new country from now on. When I heard that, I thought I'd take a look at the royal castle once or so. Of course, there seemed to be some reason why everyone wanted to take a look inside the royal castle once.

Slowly on the way back to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters, I hear everyone talking.

"Hey, that was amazing."

"Yeah, you've only heard it in that gay tale."

"Mr. Sean's been in there many times, hasn't he? Have you ever been deeper?

"Oh, I've only been in the back a little bit once"

"What's going on up ahead?

"You had a more luxurious build. I could see some pretty handy gardens."

"Huh, garden! You even have that!

"Did you see the ceiling in that room?

"Oh, you had a beautiful painting in you."

"That's an old gaga story, isn't it?"



"That's right. Don't you know?

"I didn't know...... I was going to be blinded by how luxurious it was"

"Right. Not only was there gold, but there was a painted door."

"It's a portrait of landscapes all over the kingdom," he said.

"Huh? Really, Mr. Jamie?

"Pfft, you're talking about gay."


I was pretty impressed when I first saw it, too. I was looking at it everywhere.

I was wondering if that was what it was like at the beginning of the construction of the large temple Buddha's Palace in Kyoto and the famous cathedral in a foreign country. The subject matter of the painting won't be the same.

That's how I arrived at the Chamber of Commerce. I am greeted by five people with a bitter laugh. I was still talking about the luxury and splendour of the royal castle here. What are we all going to do after this? If you think so and ask, apparently they're all going to dinner. Last night, three people who came to Wangdu a foot early said they had booked a store.

Why don't all the merchants from Barkud and the guys from the store join us for dinner anyway? When I thought so and suggested it, Tris gently refused me. Drinking and eating together to deepen rapport was what he wanted me to do at night. There's something I'm not sure about, but if you say so, I can't help it. Sometimes it's hard for me to talk. Then I asked if I should be given some assistance, and they said no. I also thought it wasn't very funny to feel kind of like being left out of good intentions, but soon Tris bowed his head and briefly explained why.

As for this luncheon, Zenom and senior killers (throwers), including Tris, want to take the form of luxury for their juniors. Well, there's certainly no curtain for me to leave. They have led many times with them and earned quite a bit of trust as well.

But in the end, the majority of kids are only nineteen. To lead a leading adventurer in his late twenties and around thirties, he wants to care about all things as well as his trust as a leader and personal strength. Leaving aside the extent to which it makes sense to do so, I guess you decide that you should do something at all rather than do nothing.

Even the reincarnated are coming another time in addition to their past lives. I guess you want to show me that you're not just a kid with strong arms and a little head turning.

You have to present a future to lead people. Of course, there is no other way. For example, the method of giving fear, tying it with fear, would be effective to some extent. So many guys have failed, but I think there are more examples of success to some extent. I don't care how you start. If you can finally present the future and aim for it, and make yourself want to help it, there's no problem with where the starting point is. If you can take responsibility for yourself.

In short, you want to do something like a resolution rally.

If you want to get into it more, even Tris has publicly stated that he wants to be a senior nobleman in the country I make. So whatever the minister is right now, he wants it to be a connection to the future. Lorrick and Vince are aristocrats, and I hear Meath has a handover.

Then I'm just gonna do something different with me. Start by washing back and compiling the books of the Chamber of Commerce, and before you forget, go to the administration and pay taxes until last month along with this luxury tax on armor, ask the Yoturen mothers and children and Russegs about their customers, place an order for improvement on the next delivery, inspect the sausage factory to reprimand and improve if there are any problems, check on the progress of the education of the slaves, explain their expectations of future purchases as they greet the suppliers of raw materials for the sausage, and make a face to thank Tukerin as well. Whoa, I need to go to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce and talk to you about Amulet.

There are quite a few things you have to do even if you partition with Mizuchi to some extent. Mizuchi will need to go with the book checks first. I thought so and tried to speak up and I almost went out with the tris......

I'm going as far as you... I guess I'm not just going to play...... Thoughts themselves have been centered on Ragdarios (the language of Aus) for more than a decade now, and it's a little more efficient and easier to concentrate for some reason if you say 'I wish - it's a hundred yen - …' in Japanese, whether you want to use Soroban or do calculations...

I had no choice, so I told Anna to buy me a sandwich, and I checked the books as I scrolled through it. By the time I went to the administration and paid my taxes afterwards, I had gone around three o'clock significantly.

It's still a long day, but let's get Shawn and the others to tea with Yoturen and tell them about complaints from customers and how to improve the product. Sean and the others won't be around forever. That's how the sun went down. Russeg and Milly, who had gone to deliver to the Chamber of Commerce under contract or something, finally came back after some work. When Engela, slightly reddish, turns up at the store, she says she will come and eat with all the killers (Slaters) because she will leave a message.

The slave kids who work in the factory are going to go to dinner with Zulu at the centre, so they don't have to worry. I originally do enough pay to eat dinner, and I wasn't worried about anything over there. The factory says Giberti is leaving a message.

Anything. There's a resolution rally in Lowkid this time, and they're all still there, including Bastral and Kathy. If it's a fancy restaurant in Wang Du, it's just fine in the sense of taking Shawn and the others on a long journey. It was already a banquet when I went out with Barkud's squire, the Russegs, and the Yoturen. Ralph and Guineh laughed out loud. You're about to mistake that low kid for corrupting a cheap store like the one in Balduk.

Everyone is totally drunk and cheerful. Hi. Looks like we were having a study session about the manners of the meal.... Dude, wasn't that a resolution rally? I don't mind. Sometimes it's a good idea to make a fuss while stumbling through fancy dishes in all these fancy stores. Hannah and Kanna were delighted.

29 Apr 7447

Last night, after all, we were having a banquet late at night. Thanks to this, the rapprochement between the squire and the regular employees of the Chamber of Commerce and the guards (Sloters) was also considerably deepened. That was a lot of fun. Starting today, the faces of the Killers (Slaters) seem to stretch their wings thoughtfully and enjoy the holidays before returning to Balduk. Sean and the others are going to take another night off and then head back to Barkud.

Before dawn, when I woke up Mizuchi, who was still asleep, and went for a run, I met the slaves of a sausage factory who worked for a run, led by Zulu and Engela. I thought it was a small number of people, and I asked them, and the other half of them would be led by Henry and Meck this time after they got back, and they'd go running. I thought there were more elders in reason.

At that time, a voice hung from among the slaves. If you think of anyone, it was two men and women, Marr and Limby, of the elders of the factory slaves. He wants to talk to me later.

I don't mind.

Negotiating salary increases?

Not much different so far, except for John and Terry.

That said, they're both elders, they have a strong job, and they're just doing a little more than the rest of them because they seem to take care of the little ones.

If that's what you think, to my surprise, I've said I want to be a combat slave.

Some of them are different.

I went back to the inn, took a shower, then showed my face to the store once, and as soon as I called the Yoturen who had been at work, I left the store behind. I was thinking of putting my face on the Sandark Chamber of Commerce first today, but first I went to the sausage factory because of some earlier matters. It's also for an extraction test, and to talk to Marr and Limby. I decided to ask Mizuchi to go to Tukelin's. I'll be late, but I'll be there later.

There are twenty-two slaves working at the sausage factory, except for John and Terry. Eleven of them bought it at the right time last summer when they started operating the plant. Later, nine people were added, and two more people bought it to adjust Tris' clasp (Chain Mail), and when they were ready, they went into the sausage factory.

So it won't be much different about the factory's production capacity where the two of us are missing out. But these two, they're of adult age this year, aren't they? Just one or two, I wanted a combat slave, but it won't be a force of war. I need to make him proficient in handling weapons for at least a year. I'm afraid he's about to, and he's not very much, but I shouldn't take him to Balduk.

Please work quietly without giving me weird tones. So, you guys stick around appropriately and give birth to a kid after a while. Sometimes I want it done about five years later.

When we went to the factory, Marr and Limby were waiting for us with the Zulu guys.

"You said you wanted to be a combat slave."

When I pulled the chair that was in front of the factory and hung it there, I asked Giberti about the grilled baldukki he had offered me as he hung it for breakfast.

"Yes, sir. I want to be a battle slave who can make money like Master Zulu."

Marl knelt down and replied with a serious voice.

"Me, too, sir. Please put me in the Slaughters."

Limby kneels down and says the same.


At this age, I guess there's something to admire.

Or maybe he wants better treatment after all.

I also felt like I wanted to see the faces of Zulu and Engela holding back beside me, but I stopped.

Looks like Giberti is pulling into the back of the store and starting to break down the grinder.

Both Marl and Limby have just gotten to three levels.

At the beginning of the purchase, there was a slightly lower level of ability, as well as an improvement in diet, corresponding to the age of the Pu people.

Of course they are both fine and healthy.

"You don't like making and selling baldukki?

"" Eh! Never such a thing......!

The two replied like they were in a panic.

Sorama, you'll have to say that.

"You guys have dealt with weapons... there's no way"

"" Yes. But I will always remember and it will help!

I don't know, this unfounded confidence.

"Hey, you guys, get up"

I said a sip of Balducky.

"" Yes ""

Two get up.

My eyes were sparkling with hope.

Too much licking.





"Hit him."

"" Ha!

Marr and Limby each beat him down with one blow and pressed his cheeks to squat, wondering if the sound of beating him badly overlapped.

Bitterness leaks.

He said he was a handyman.

As it is, ten seconds pass.

After all, the gibberties are the best baked or subtracted. Delicious, this balducky.

"Marr, Limby, your husband ordered you to“ stand up. "How long are you gonna be asleep?

Marr and Limby stood up in a hurry.

Oh, don't worry.

I know because I used to have a scattered beating with my sister, and I'm also getting punched and kicked in the face by Eisenside, Sean, Whitney and Mickens, who were my father and then chief squire during the sword archery.

Even if I hit him with my bare hands, I know what kind of damage it does to HP.

"Hit him."

"" Ha!

The sound of Baki overlaps again.

Now Marl and Limby got up quickly.

You're out of hand again.

"Now you know, right? You're not helping things."

Somehow I felt sorry for him, but I called him out.

Both Marl and Limby are dropped.

They both seem to have swollen cheeks on both sides.

But I don't even have a nosebleed.

Marl is repentantly eating up his teeth and leaning down, clenching his fists by both sides of his body.

Limby is similarly leaning down, but with long blue hair, her expression is hidden and invisible.

Well, I guess I'm about to regret it the same way.

"Your husband asked you, didn't he? Reply."


"Hit him."

"" Ha!

Now the sound of saying doh overlapped.

Both Zulu and Engela seem to have hit the body.

"" Grr......!!

Marl and Limby managed to get up, groaning but pressing their bellies.

But it takes about ten seconds.

I'm sorry to hear that, but no matter how many you are, you can't fight slaves.

Silence persisted for quite some time.

"Hey, Marl. You're gonna die soon, aren't you?

No response.

The silence just continued.

"So are you, Limby. It's the mountain of Sekiyama that kills you around the oak or the hobgoblins."

There is no response either.

I'm just shivering whether you dropped your gaze at my feet sitting in a chair and thought of your powerlessness, or whether you feel remorse or even fear.

Perhaps you're unhappy that it's unreasonable.

Well, I don't think these guys even think it's unreasonable because they're born slaves.

Hold on, if you think you can handle it to this extent, you lick each other too much, you kids.

I look at Marl and Limby from the chair holding a skewer of Balducky that has completely cooled down.

I could see a remorseful look that seemed slightly resentful while distorting the pain.


I saw the upper left. I see Zulu's tough face.

I saw the top right. I see Engela's face disguised as faceless.

I also feel like we both have some kind eye.


It's not good for these two to die yet. Not good though.


Other guys could be in crisis trying to shelter these guys.

Oh, yeah, if these guys die, my fortune will be diminished.

Shall we go with this?

That's when I tried to convince you.

"I'm hungry. I want to eat fast."

He said it's factory day off.

John and Terry are here.

"... that?

"Master Gried."

"Marceau to Zulu... and..."

"You look like you could eat a balducky. Greed, you have it in your hand, don't you?

"Whoa, good for you, sir!

"Yeah, I like eyeballs and balducky for breakfast."

Sanno and Lutz, plus Lorrick and his two combat slaves.

Is it a run home?

All five of them are sweaty.

"Dude, what's with the serious face?

"What? In the middle of something? Listen to the owner, okay?

Don't mix it up for me, okay?

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