29 Apr 7447

To make him give up two businessmen, Marr and Limby, who want to be combat slaves, it was five people, Sanno, Lutz, Lorrick, Dender and Karim, who showed up where they were strangling Zulu and Engela. They just showed up sweaty after a morning run, and the five of them came over to let John and Terry make breakfast balduckies.

"Good morning, Mr. Greed. What the fuck are you doing?

"Hey, have you already run? Zulu, Marceau. What's the matter with you?

Sanno and Lutz have been calling out. Ugh. Don't interrupt.

"If you're Balducky, tell me because the Mecks are cleaning inside."

That's all I answer and I glance back at Marr and Limby.

Apparently, Sanno and the others walked into the factory.

They look at me resentfully, as always.

Even if you look at me like that, you won't be able to use anything that's useless.

In general, I can't believe you want to be a combat slave, even around telling me all of a sudden.

That would be nice if you reported it harshly, but it wouldn't be the kind of story that needs so much urgency.

We should start by talking to Zulu, the slave-head, and ask him to join us after convincing him, or Cathy. She'd be easy to talk to. John and Terry did something in the first place.

Flew Zulu, the slave-head, and sue me directly.

Can't you see that Zulu's position is gone?

I guess I did because I didn't understand.

Oh, Mr. Ronslyle, you haven't finished properly...

Zulu still looks tough.

Well, we're not usually together.

Now you're wrong to blame Zulu, so don't look like that.

My face says I'm not worried about myself.

"Hey, both of you. You guys want to die?

"No, I don't want to die"

After a little silence, Marr answered as a favorite.

"What about you?

I spoke to Limby again.

"Oh, you know, I don't want to die either"

It is a little tearful.

"I guess so. I don't want to die either."

Throw the rest of the Balducky skewers in your mouth that you had in your hand and whisk the remaining skewers.

"You guys, you're telling me you know what a combat slave is?


I don't know when you're gonna tell me to be your shield, okay?

We don't know when we're gonna be abandoned to buy time for the getaway. Hey, you know what?

I don't know if I'm going to use a guy who can't afford to buy any of his time!

If there are more people, we have to carry food.

There are no more wasted seats than a limited number of people who can transfer at once.

Both Zulu and Engela now go by in fairly well-known combat slaves.

Busy, unproven rookie (Newbie) adventurer. So much so that even if we meet on the road, we avoid it softly and it's only there that we begin to ear punch.

After breaking through the eight levels, this way, even in the Wang capital, would be quite a rumor.

That's why I don't...

It's weirder that these guys haven't heard that much either.

"Why don't you take me to the labyrinth once or so?

Lorrick came out of the store and talked to me.

I'm sure it's none of your business.

On the contrary, assuming we make these guys combat slaves......

"Lorrick, if I'm sorry, but you can't be responsible, would you give me a break? Besides, if we're gonna use these guys as combat slaves, we're gonna put them in the Eradicator (Exterminators), right?

You and Dender, Karim, and Meck already have four battle slaves with Jess. If you're bad, you'll be full of combat slaves.

Of course, it's not forbidden because some people like Roswella use the slaves of the elite (elves). Even in view of the fact that no rebellion has been waged against slaves in the labyrinth, Roswella is evidence that she is firmly grasping the hearts of the slaves and treating them accordingly. Whether it's a rebellion or a monster kills me, I can also say Roswella has earned the loyalty of a slave because she didn't know where to sell the battle slave who lost her husband in the course of her inheritance.

It should be noted that, naturally, it was OK to consolidate all ten with combat slaves, but I don't think it would work properly where we made such a party. It's a good thing we don't have a supervisor. If we move further, we'll be skipping there forever.

"Well, well. Sure, but I'm also studying my life to show you a little bit more." Strike the iron while it's hot, "you also say. Wouldn't it be important to work out when you're young?

No, I know where I'm going to tell you, but if I die in the process of showing you a little bit of that, you won't have an ex or a child...

"Whoa, I just asked Larry if they want to be combat slaves?

Lutz has also stuck his neck in the story. Seriously, I guess it's okay. Well, in this guy's case, I guess most of it's intriguing.

"You can't. You won't be able to handle weapons, and it's the smell that kills you right away. It's not that sweet."

Sanno has joined us, but he seems to be representing my feelings. Behind him is Dender and Karim holding up a small leather bag. Looks like you could have bought a proper baldukki for breakfast.

"I think so, too.... to the extent that you guys are quick to get killed by demons and just reduce my fortune. Give it up."

When I told him to throw it away, Marr and Limby just drifted further.


You can't fight in the labyrinth if you can't say anything to this extent.

"Al, if you put it that way, you won't be able to say anything... Hey, you guys?

Yes, even if Lorrick calls me, of course the two of them keep their fists clenched and items dripping.

I thought Lorrick was used to dealing with slaves, but it's pretty sweet to see it this way.

I'm pretty sweet, too.

I really think I'm dealing with people.

When it is an object, it cannot be divided if it is consumable, merely property.

I've never had a child since my last life.

Though I adored my nephews and nieces, it would be to the extent of being the uncle of a slightly wussy relative who would occasionally tip me when I met them.

I spent very little time with Zed and Becky until they were two and a half years old, and they weren't dating until they had a proper personality. Well, I knew about the character of the two of us, but character is only character. Infants have no personality. We've never spent time together and looked at growth until a single human being can think of something in his own head.

The closest thing in that sense is my sister Miloo, but sometimes I was an infant myself, and the only decent touch I had was when she turned five. Considerable personality had already formed in that period. I don't know when personality occurs around the age of three to four.

In addition, Miloo was born in a beautiful aristocratic house, not to mention in the de countryside, as well as the education of his father and mother. Besides, I grew up with plenty of love. It would not be comparable to an urban slave child.

By contrast, Marr and Limby were born slaves, surely five to six years old? Was it long ago? Anyway, I've been alienated from my parents since I was a little girl. It may not be an exaggeration to say that you have grown up with little knowledge of your parents' affection. Broadly speaking, we can also say that we have grown up with neglect. Initially I bought them, not only these two, but they were all equally skinny, lacking in facial expressions and poor eyesight.

It also looked like the wind that was afraid of me, your husband.

Especially since then, I've been quite a well-known adventurer, and I ran the Chamber of Commerce there.

I had no choice but to think that.

That's what I've been claiming and expressing my hopes for after only a year of bending.

To that extent......

The glow of those eyes.


More than that, you're a combat slave...


Do you admire how dangerous that is?

"Call Meck and Jess, no. Meck!! Jess!!

Without responding to Lorrick, he shouted at the factory.

Speak to Marl and Limby between the two of them.

"You guys, be able to run the same course on Mount Outer Ring as us in two hours by the end of next month. I'll listen to you again when I can do that."

You still didn't admit you looked like that.

... bastard.

I feel sorry for it.

... bastard.

- I suggest you live a life where you don't just regret it -

You sure do......

But I can't drink the spit I threw up once.

Henry, Meck, Ruby, and Jess.

You guys have been having quite a bit too much fun.

I'll give you a little mental difficulty.

After pushing Meck and Jess to take care of the two kids at the moment, I joined Mizuchi when I just left for Tukerin's treatment center. I greeted him, placed an order, and paid in advance. It's a Dart Plains investigation. As a result, the cost of the investigation was estimated at Z 25 million. Tall. Both the Dark Elves (Dark Elves). If this is a nasty investigation, I'll stir up Mizuchi at night.

... a year after that. It will be time for Claw and Marie to retire from the Knights of Webdos and leave.

Last year at twilight, they were all appointed knights. Especially since Marie was entrusted with quite a bit of practice in accounting, she said that it would take about spring to take over work and retire. On his way to Balduk after retiring, his arrival will be in the summer to autumn because he is asking to inspect the Dart Plains.

They are sending 20 million Z. as a stipend for horse purchase costs and travel expenses, just in case. I'm telling you to procure two decent military horses, so it's really going to be this much money. If we meet up, we can get 20 million Z back in six months.

Well, I'd like to go to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce in the morning if that's possible. Mizuchi and I went to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce, but the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce did not meet because he did not take an appointment. When I checked the free time, the old man said that it should be free around the evening even if it was late, so I said that I would go back out in the evening and left.

I had no choice, so Mizuchi and I split up and greeted the suppliers of pork and other products. Of course, greetings are secondary and are really an investigation of the share among the suppliers. It would be better to say a negotiation to increase the allotment of wholesale meat to the Green Chamber of Commerce, a new guest. If I can, I want not only pigs but also beef to be wholesaled. If this is possible for a butcher shop or subsequent rancher, we are slowly continuing to negotiate using even the magic of Sagestion.

While I was doing that, the time was going around four o'clock. Join Mizuchi and take another trip to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce. and a bunch of excited-looking people were about to come out of the Sandark Chamber of Commerce and board the carriage. The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce seems to be coming out to the entrance to the Chamber of Commerce to drop off the organization.

Big business partner, huh? As soon as I watched at a distance so as not to disturb him, the carriage left. Mizuchi and I approached the chairman of the chamber of commerce because he was asked to make a gentle meeting.

"Hey, Mr. Gried, it's an example of earth magic (Earth Amulet), but you have a good reputation!


That's the best story of the day!

"Really! That's good."

"Although I gave the auction notice because of it, it's hard not to be able to start bidding. Well, stand up and talk. Go back."

As I've said before, auctions for expensive items are not an open competition method. People who buy that kind of stuff and people who can buy them are busy, so there's no way they can get together in one place on a specific date and time. The procedure for the auction will include, first, prior notification. Make sure that some people who are likely to take part in the bidding, their knowledge of the item, etc. see the item. On that occasion, the chairman of the chamber of commerce will also be consulted and the lowest bid price will be determined.

The lowest bid price can then be communicated at the same time by giving formal notice to those who are likely to bid again. The prospective bidder takes a closer look at the product on a convenient day and offers the desired price to the Chamber of Commerce. After all those wishing to bid have seen the goods, the Chamber of Commerce again draws up a list of the desired prices for all those wishing to bid and distributes them to everyone. And set a deadline for a private bid. The bidder looks at the list to determine the final bid price and communicates it to the Chamber of Commerce. Because of this, it can be said that the determination of the desired price is a rush. Therefore, there will be no bidding until all bidders have seen the item.

Because the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce said, "I want you to look at it for at least six months to be valued."

"Those of you who want to bid now, too. You've come a long way to accompany the Knights Commander and the Treasurer."

"Hmm. That's..."

"The price they were talking about earlier was four and a half billion Z. This is around the average of the desired price for this auction, right? Otherwise, the winning bid is expected to be roughly one or five times the price."

Colour! Yes, one or five times!?

Hey, that's close to seven billion!!

"What? You mean 67, 800 million?

Says Mizuchi, who peeled off his eyes just like mine and drew the Z (Zeny) mark in his eyes.

I guess I look the same.

"Master Left. Business has long been profitable for a billion dollars in a single shot, even for us. Thank you, Mr. Greed."

Chairman Sandark bows his head to me and Mizuchi with his face.

Of course, we're pretty much faces too.

Five billion in brokerage fees and taxes, five billion!

More than four billion will remain on hand even if bonuses are paid to all the Redeemers (Sabres).

My money will more than double at once!

"Nine people have expressed their willingness to bid, and there is only one left to open the goods. Please wait."

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Keep your neck long.

Apparently, whoever wants to bid on anything is not only in the Kingdom of Romberto, but also in the Empire of Granan and the Kingdom of Bakurney. Naturally, I have not contacted the nobility of any of the countries directly. The embassy is contacting the home country by visiting a departure agency like the embassy. Although the main task of the destination agencies is to collect information and negotiate customs duties, occasionally these tasks are also carried out. Trading in paintings, sculptures and other works of art can also be a source of splendid inter-state negotiation.

It should be noted that although Lombertia also has a departure agency for the Kingdom of Dabus, it is largely non-negotiable because it is in dispute over the border once, and the departure agency is also being monitored by the Knights. Of course, it is surveillance in the sense that the degree of surveillance is so high that it is overtly monitored as to be known. Naturally, that kind of opponent can't even be told to hold an auction.

Apparently, all countries wishing to bid at foreign embassies with early horses have finished inspecting Amulet and are now being inspected by those wishing to bid among the country's leading customers, the great nobility.

Oh, I have to ask you this or something.

"Oh, speaking of which, it's the cost of the sale, can I have it in white gold?

Five billion is five thousand pieces of gold. Worst of all. That's fine, but it'll be tense, in weight and volume. I'd like to take the opportunity to see this because I've never seen the real thing in some way since I heard about it.

"Hehe, naturally. That's what we're setting the minimum bid price at 100 million this time."

They say it's customary to limit the type of currency they pay by the lowest bid price for anything. Naturally, there is also a selection of people to tell. If this is the case, "Billion units are required. I won't tell anyone who doesn't have the ability to pay in the first place, but spare me the chill," he said.

April 30, 7447

Yesterday, or early this morning in the dark, me and Mizuchi were heading back to Fairy Town again. Going through one and two layers, singing your generation from three layers to the area of the two layers of fairy land, as usual, breaks through the pitfalls of the example and the fountain of the serpent for a rest until midnight.

"Go to sleep first. I'll wake you up in four hours."

Making a simple bunk that just laid my robe on the floor was the first thing I was supposed to rest on.

"Yeah. Then I'll let you rest first."

I closed my eyes instead of my pillow the caged hand protector I removed.

Something hung right up on my body.

Mizuchi must have hung her robe for me.

"The rainy season was shorter than usual this year, so it's getting pretty sweet."

The vertebrae that snapped my hair to my right is waving a hot valve at the buyer in charge of the middle-sized supermarket for green fruit. The formal presentation ended last month at a visit around the end of October, when it was determined that the Thai mango of our importing Namdokumai breed was more expensive than the Philippine pelican mango handled by other trading companies but had good food and packaging, and today is its first delivery date.

The other side was also hammering with satisfaction.

She must have been the first customer to take charge.

You struggled at this time, didn't you? I couldn't really attack it, and I happened to be able to pioneer a purchasing route for green fruit, so I made him suggest a mango that I don't usually deal with.

That fitted well.

I thought you were thrilled with your first order.

Thank you. Mr. Buyer dropped us off at the elevator hall on the reception floor.

When the elevator door closes, the vertebra says, "Thank you. I was able to order more than half thanks to Kawasaki," he bowed his head to me. The earlobe mollusc is noticeable, partly because the hair is clamped when the head returns.

This happened too...

It woke me up.

Time for a change.

Attach a cage hand protector while standing up from the bed and stretching.

Now it's Mizuchi's turn to take turns with me.

Likewise, when the cage hand protector was removed and placed in the pillow position, Mizuchi lay down on the sleeping floor and hung a robe.

I sat beside her, on the wall of a cave.

"Good night."

"Good night."

Mizuchi closes his eyes with his caged hand protector facing me instead of his pillow.

About two hours have passed, and the time will be around 21: 00 already.

I stared at her face as I clawed the warhead of the bullet that was in my rucksack pocket.

The wounds on his face that didn't heal in the end are noticeable.

I'm a little sorry.

In the end, the magic of curing the disease remains unusable.

'Even a small child can kill you instantly if you only use a gun. I'm scared.

Reminds me of what Mizuchi said from Bell.

... Right.

Stray bullets on the battlefield are horrible.

So I have to make sure that only guns are never used outside my camp.

It's an absolute secret until the time it should come.

I should have thought so...

I've changed.


Her face was concealed by her hair dyed white on a clap with a slight change of posture.

I'll gently stroke your hair and put your face on it.

Elf-specific slightly pointy ears became evident.

There are no molluscs in the earlobes smaller than the Pu (Hume).

It's obvious when it comes to natural because it's a new body.

Again claiming the warhead in your hand.

Pin, and play it with your thumb, grabbing it from the side where it fell.

I've done the same thing over and over again.



[Condition: Good]

[Processing date: 26/3/7447]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance: 114]

[Performance: 10-120]

[Effect: None]

(Doing), hey... Oh no, the drugpot was [brass craft (brass craft)], and the netting gun or revolving rifle gun was [metal craft (metal craft)]. As for gunpowder, it stays [cotton (processed)] or [dye (processed)]. What about a warhead with numbers in the performance column and a barely perceived weapon?... Better than being recognized as a stick?

Whoa, is it time while I'm thinking about this and bawling?

It's time to get up.

"Mm... ah... what... no... shy..."

You, what the hell are you making me do?

May 2, 7447

The magic that Master Mira taught me this time is two things: the glue of peace (Peace Glue) and the noise wall, Lowering Wall. Both sides had a lot of difficulty mastering. Regardless of the noise wall Lowering Wall, we would like to ensure that immediate activation of the glue of peace (Peace Glue) is possible. Besides Tris and Bastral, Vince and Lorrick could be available.

Returning to Wang Capital without sleep, Mizuchi and I decide to get some sleep first.

Even though it's still a while till dawn, I'll sleep till noon today.

After all, it happened around 9: 00 for both of us.

Poverty, isn't it?

Well, Mizuchi and I had plenty of discussions except for the time spent mastering magic.

Marr and Limby will return the running course to its original slave if they cannot run within two hours by the end of this month. If you can run, ask Henry or Meck to put it on spear archery. You can be a reserve member of the whole killer (Slaters), or you can integrate it into the eradicator (Exterminators). That's when Claw and Marie rendezvous.

About the investigation of the Dart Plains would be the first degree of reference.

Mizuchi says he thinks he's going to report the truth that he was able to investigate, but his investigative skills are unknown, and in some cases Claw and Marie may look sharper. If we can properly investigate this, we'll have to form an investigation team soon.

And Earth Magic Exclusion (Earth Amulet).

Again, the power of being able to cancel the magic of earthly magic alone or of combining earthly magic with only magic without a half chance is a big deal. Speaking of polar theories, even Stone Cannon, my most powerful attack magic, could be cancelled. Especially since there's ice cream and flames. I'm not too scared even if my adversaries were equipped.

But that price is fascinating.

According to the Mizuchi theory, it is also possible to obtain even better performance objects in less than ten layers.

It's a new system, and I think we should get some heat.

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