May 5, 7447

Back in Balduk I summoned Carm and Kim.

To make changes to a new contract for the Redeemer (Sabres).

The big change is the reward.

As for the Demonic Crystal Stone "other than" gained in the Labyrinth, it is a bonus to pay one percent of it at the time of sale. Along with that, I'll have to do the contract again about Bastral. The version of the contract went up to four. And more like a contract for the Saviors? No, just a contract change with a change in job description?

I'm not.

It's important.

"Think again before you sign the contract. I want you to think that this will make Carm and Kim a complete lottery student with us. I'm not writing about confidentiality in Dade."

"What now?"

Sarah and Carm sign with a face that says they know all about it.

"Me too. It's natural to have secrets. In the sunlight (Sun Ray). 'Cause there was a secret, did you forget? Any party in the first place is big and small and has secrets."

I received a pen from Carm and Kim also signs it, stabbing the pin I received from Carm in my finger and squeezing out the blood.

I'm not blinded by the prospect of a high reward.

Before this, Bell to Carm and Kim, that's not all.

Didn't you just hear what all the killers (Slaters) did?

... Sounds like it's time for me to stop looking so tired.

May 6, 7447

This holiday, but it didn't feel like much rest.

Me and Mizuchi aren't allowed the luxury of taking a holiday.

As always, it was a day to ask the supplier to go around about increasing purchases and adding beef, and instruct Russeg and Millie on how to keep a slightly more advanced book.

A small amount of free time was spent practicing witchcraft, and I always feel like I was doing something but eating and toileting and showering in the inn.

The only funny thing was that I was walking in the city of Lombertier to negotiate with the supplier, and I saw my sister walking in front of me. Of course, he wore what we call a western-style outfit on Earth and even a skirt, not formal clothing with a front opening like a kimono. Better than when you drank under your armor or in a tavern before. That's a lot of progress just because you bought clothes.

So, I mocked myself for not having a good taste in where I was going and who I was meeting with, but I followed up, and nothing happened. He went into our rubber work shed. He was holding a bag in his hand, fixing sandals or something. I got dumb and stopped tailing. That's what I should tell my squire. Catch a good man if you're off. Even a date. But I still feel a little sorry for your little sister.

Thus the vacation passed on a rush.

The Golden Week vacation ended yesterday.

Today is the holiday training day.

Looking at everyone who encourages training in the open spaces outside Mount Outer Ring, I gave him a little thought on the policy for tomorrow and beyond.

… First, the Eradicator (Exterminators).

I am concerned about the loss of Ginger and Hiss. Again, it would be tough not to turn the two from the Redeemer (Sabres). Who shall I make it the first time? Tris and Bell would be nice. I'm not going to let the boulder force me right after Ginger and Hiss fall out. I think if these two were you, they would find a way to fight and tell everyone, firmly and without imposing, even with their reduced power.

Next, the Massacre (Butchers).

I brought Ginger and Hiss instead of Carm and Kim falling out, so it hasn't changed much in terms of battle power. I think I've been a member of Sunshine since I was a former associate, and I think I've been able to regain some of today's training for collaboration. So this is Zenom or Mizuchi for more stability. I guess I should leave it to Mizuchi who can use magic just in case this time.

And the Redeemer (Sabres).

It's only natural to be a remaining member, but first we need to have a good conversation with the new members, Carm and Kim. Shall we speak in seven or eight layers, in a place where no one will ask?... but if we talk about it, we might as well have all the reincarnates. You'll be following a lot of things. And, is it better for the two slaves and Xenom to let them leave... no, I don't need to tell them all at once, and I don't need you to rush to understand. This time it will be good to stay in the first formation.

Then he even runs about Marr and Limby. Of course, when I run for an hour, I always pinch a break and tell them not to forget about hydration and nourishment. Though I leave it to Henry and Meck to some extent, they can't take care of the two kids all year round any more than they can go into the labyrinth either. If you can't seem to run voluntarily, it's another dream of battle slaves and other dreams.

By the way, with these two candidates for combat slavery, there was one commotion during this holiday at the sausage factory. The kid who started telling me he wanted to be a combat slave like them continued. But I could easily fit in on this. Because if you want to be a combat slave, you must be fourteen years old or older and be able to run Balduk's Mount Outer Ring running course in less than two hours.

Sometimes only Marl and Limby were fourteen when I explained that they were fourteen years old or older, but they all convinced me that I was old enough to leave home and start doing adventurers.... Hmm. Every hopeful person won't be able to be a combat slave, but if even a few hopeful guys come out, is that what you make considering the price you bought first......

And, not surprisingly or anything, John and Terry didn't come here to tell me they wanted to be combat slaves. They both did seem to have longing, but because they knew the reality of combat slavery for a long time when they were dealing with Zulu and Engela. Besides, they seemed to have parents for a reason.

I had some imagination about this from the few conversations I had with them so far, etc. Both John and Terry are kids, but they only worked in stalls popular with adventurers for quite some time, and they know exactly what Balduk's combat slaves are like. Well, the two of us who just turned thirteen don't originally qualify where we wanted to be.

May 8, 7447

I've been in the labyrinth since yesterday, and now it's between six layers of metastatic crystals. This time the Redeemer (Sabres) has his first attendance, Carm and Kim, so he doesn't imitate being forced to go up to eight levels in two days. but both of us, from one layer to the other yesterday, didn't have much of a problem, but we were still quite fatigued when we went through the four layers to the six layers today. I have experience coming with me at this pace, and I guess I still don't have enough absolute numbers of experiences to say I'm going through more hype when rescuing Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz). I guess this pace for a while.

"So, what do you do? Are you gonna talk to me today?

Ralpha asked me when I was done showering and dressed in an easy way.

"I'm going to. Is there a problem?

"Yeah, I was just wondering because they're all twitching."

When I looked at them, they certainly looked a little too dull.

He spans beside Giberti, who began to prepare his meal, whispering something.

They also felt that Carm and Kim had had a strange vibe since they reached this room, and they both looked uncomfortable a little further away.

Hmm, looks like we should just talk.

"Carm, Kim. Do you have a minute?

I climbed the stairs behind the shower room for Xenom, who showers instead of me, put hot water in the shower bucket, and then I spoke to the two of them. "What?" the two come closer to me.

"There's something I'd like to talk to you about briefly. First, listen to me now. Even if you want to ask questions along the way or have questions, for now, I want you to ask them through once."

Sit back on one of the benches opposite each other and point to the front chair.



Soon Ralpha sat next to me on my right. Everyone but Giberti, who was preparing meals, gathered beside them. On the other side of Ralpha, next to the left, Guine sat. You guys...... what if Xenom gets out of the shower. Looks like Zulu, Engela and Bastral stood behind us.

Don't even feel like an interview between the two of you. I feel like I'm intimidating you because of my mind.

"What the fuck, you guys, don't stand behind me. I'm not telling you not to come, but if you stand there like that, you can sit beside me."

You've got a nervous look on your face, too, Carm and Kim.

"Don't be so nervous. Because we'll be done talking by the end of the meal. It's not a big deal."

Still, the two of them couldn't get out of the nervousness, or maybe they were drinking cockroaches and spit.

"... Well, where did you talk from... Right. Look at my status first."

That's what I said and offered both of them my hands. The two of them looked at their status as they were told.

"Yeah. You two, look at my status. What do you know?

"There's nothing wrong with what. That's exactly what I know, right?

Carm answered curiously on behalf of the two of them. Right.

"Well, look at Ralpha's status next."

The two of them saw Ralpha's status just like they did when I did, but nothing has changed. Hmm? Kim's expression is a little...

"Next up, Guinness."

Looks like we both noticed if we keep standing on the boulder. It looks a little bit like a face.

"So, Bastral."

Now I guess I already had predictions ahead of me. I couldn't peek at the look that surprised me. Either that or you saw something creepy, don't you think? I can't help it.

"Oh no, all four of us have the same birthday......?

"Is there such a coincidence...?

Well, I wouldn't be interested in someone else's birthday if I wasn't too close. I'm not interested in birthdays other than the ones I'm close to. You remind me of the "birthday paradox”. According to that, there are nearly thirty killers (Slaters) right now, so two of them have about a 60% chance of being on the same birthday. It's not weird. It's not very unnatural, even though it's the same birthday as me and Ralpha because I'm of the same age.

"There's no way. It's no coincidence. Oh, no, coincidence, huh? I don't know how to say it well. Because of that, Rolic and Tris, Belle, Mizuchi... and Hee and Fio have the same birthday."

to boulders. This answer seemed to exceed their expectations.

It is flashy.

"Well, that's foregone. This is where the real deal starts. Wonder why we're on the same birthday? I have to explain it from there first..."

Another world. Accident. Rebirth. I continued to crisp and explain looking at the two pompous people. I don't need a minute.

"No... all of a sudden..."

"You're telling me to believe that? But birthday......"

"Yeah. Believe it or not. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not asking you to believe me. I hope you understand that we believe that. I won't stop blaming you for thinking you're stupid, or something, or crazy. I don't think so. Because they just confirmed my birthday as one of the grounds for believing it. I don't mind seeing Mizuchi's status later, of course. I don't think they'll say they don't like it either."


"Plus, if you add one more thing, the guys you just named have something else in common. All of them, their eyes are black. And your face is somewhat thin, isn't it? Actually, the hair color is all black too, like Rolic and Fio. Even my hair is dyed. Drop the color and it's black. If you look at Ralpha, it's easy to understand, right? The root of your hair would be black, wouldn't it? This is a characteristic of the 'human' of the world in which he lived." Human beings are like the common people of the other world. "

You seem to have noticed about this one. Naturally.

"Well, now you think," That's right, "and you listen. Try us, if we lived quite relaxed, one day we suddenly died in an accident. That's fine because we had no choice, and we couldn't help ourselves. But I wasn't dead, I was saved, and I knew I wasn't. I thought you were a baby. Naturally there are strangers around, and I don't even know what you're talking about. We didn't know Ragdarios..."

Rebirth with no physical movement at all, only consciousness retains the consciousness and memory of adults over fifteen years of age. I don't even understand words. Mind. untrained to the original life, giving up shortly after.

We talked without exchanging emotions.

And when I was completely familiar with the oath, I met God who presided over the reincarnation. Explanation of why it was the last damned push, although it had already embraced reincarnation. Because of the thunder of heavenly punishment, God's mercy seems to have been accepted.

"Now, let's talk more important from here. Be prepared and listen."

The atmosphere was also changed to gallant.

The two of them sit in awe with a tense face.

"Before I say this... I have to tell you one thing. What I'm about to say is quite important. In other words, Slo, the contract you signed the other day as a companion of the Redeemer (Sabres) is absolute. You've already signed it, and from now on, it's me and Toshio Ichiro. But I'm not gonna make it worse."

When I said it in a pretty serial way, I said to the two of you, "What are you talking about now?" I was told to keep my voice together.

Surely it was now.

"They say it's a condition that something level up to meet God. Of course, a magical skill would be fine. But most of them meet God before they learn magic. So, I thought. There are other levels besides magic."

The level of magic special skill is only visible to me. Then it's not surprising that there are things that I can't even see, a reasoning that is almost close to reason. Description of the physical level with it. Perhaps that elevating it is one way to increase your personal fighting power.

"So the Killer (Slaters)..."

"Everyone is always young..."

My description (?) The two of them looked at each other only for a moment when they heard.

"Well. I think so."

The sound of the shower stopped when I replied with my shoulders flattered.

Fine. Let's keep going.

That it seems quick to kill some creature for rising physical levels. However, anxiety must remain to place great trust because the physical level is close to the concept. But to be believed as a definite being, not a concept.

"I'll explain the physical level again, even after the meal"

The magic of glowing eyes (Sin Light Eyes) takes time.

"Killers (Slaters) don't run away from demons because..."

"Our physical level? To raise...?

They both look open and squirm.

"Is this the place?

I looked around Ralpha and Guine and said. If you have any supplements.... There doesn't seem to be any. Is that true? I haven't told you everything, including my inherent skills, and you wouldn't know what to tell me to supplement it. I haven't touched anything at all, especially that Earth's civilization is about a thousand years ahead of Aus.

"Huh. Refreshed. Al, let me dry."

Zenome came up from the shower, wiping her head in what she saw all over her underwear.

I'm used to seeing Dwarf's old man half naked.


I'll interrupt the conversation and dry Xenom's head.

Then Xenom started talking as he got a warm breeze and wiped his head with a towel.

"Carm, then Kim. What a surprise, huh? Can't you believe it in Russia? I used to be stunned when Ralph told me. But Ralpha started talking about it a year or so after she was born. Normally, it's hard to think. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't want to believe it. Before Al and I met and listened to a lot of stories and got good at it, it must have been a big deal that I knew the whole story."


"I don't know how far Al talked. But just remember this. I don't know if Al can even tell us his secret, but he told us something important anyway. Seven and eight layers tomorrow, but I think you guys are still surprised. Look at that, know, figure out what you think, but don't hesitate to ask if you have any thoughts. I'm sure he'll answer. Thank you, that's enough."

I've been freed from a Zenom-dedicated dryer, so let's add a word before dinner.

"Now, like Xenom said, I'm not hiding anything about us being reborn, so it's not a secret. So if you want to tell me, I don't mind telling the others. But if you want to talk, I want you to think about what that means. Including how what you say affects your surroundings."

Both Carm and Kim nodded silently.

"I just want you to keep something about the physical level a secret for the time being. Even against slaughterers (Butchers) and exterminators (Exterminators). I think it's too early to tell them. Just think about it and you'll figure it out, right? If I find out about this, I won't necessarily get on with it and do it unscrupulous. You can't help but think I'm killing demons... not yet."

"Sure... if I'd listened to it more than a while ago and believed it, so would I."

"But given the strength of the Redeemer (Sabres), I'm convinced... I could have done quite a bit too..."

I guess so.

If you were a jerk, you might have had an experience (monster) meeting within your peers at the same party.

No, it's not strange that it does.

Although there is some danger to them, especially to the extent of goblins and knolls, if you are a well-lined first-rate adventurer, you are not worried about your life.

I might get a few injuries, but at best, that's about it.

"It's also a problem for this story to flow besides the slayer (Slaters)..."

"Right. Everybody kills demons and gets stronger."

"But reckless idiots could die on their own."

"I don't think those idiots are in the Green Corps (Verdegli Brotherhood) or the Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair), though."

Looks like we've both regained ourselves to the point of being able to tap lightly.

"Yeah, I don't mind talking to the person I know, but if it's on the ground, it doesn't necessarily mean who's not listening around. Because we're getting a lot of attention. Be careful there."

Looks like we're just finished preparing dinner.

And then we'll talk slowly, even after dinner.

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