May 9, 7447.

We arrived in front of a mon room with seven layers of augmentation, supposedly.

It's a little late today because Carm and Kim are here.

The time now is about ten in the morning.

It's supposed to take about four hours to get here on the fast-paced seven-story.

It should be noted that we have been talking to them in more detail since last night.

Mon, we need a meeting to get into the room.

Even so, the content is a word.

"Wait here because I'm coming after you. Let's take a break."

That's all.

Oh, and I put hot water in Giberti's offered water bottle, and I ordered him to keep the tea brewed.

It's like a good place to rest.

All you have to do is sneak carefully into the center of the room, as usual, and as soon as you discover a bunch of Auga containing Augamage, solidify it with Level Eight water magic and fire magic ice and wait for it to choke to death. If it's true, you could have set up the White Soldier Battle as usual, but this time there's Carm and Kim, and, well, I figured I should show you more or less that.

Now we know that only ice that can be served at level eight can put an end to it. I don't need to use it for eight times as much as I did the first time. Right, level seven is tough in one shot. I want at least double it. Speaking of greed, if you can use it in three to four times, you can definitely stop the breath roots of a bunch of orgasms even if your aim is slightly off the center of the herd. Because Level Eight can give you enough ice to not have to worry about that, the MP used uses Level Eight for a total of two types of sixteen. It is sufficient to reduce the amount without further use of all of it. It's easy to turn it off at last.

Five meters tall and about thirty meters in diameter.

This is less than a third of the ice you can serve on level eight.

Still, it's three or five times level seven.

The reason I'm on ice is because if I bury it with about the same amount of soil with earth magic, about one of them will come out on the boulder.

Earth magic needs to come out in more quantities because it feels like dirt gushing out of the top of a designated range of space and falling down with a dosadosa unless it comes out of your hand. Naturally, there will be a time lag before it is completely filled, so it will also be moved. Especially since the MP needs to be low, I hope I put out a lot of it for that matter, but if the amount is high, it's hard when I turn it off in the anti-magic field when I'm looking for Auga's body to take the Demon Stone.

After solidifying with ice, I walk back to where everyone is waiting. Even a cup of tea that Giberti can prepare for you is a sip and a break.

"Um, Mr. Greed. What about Augamage...?

Carm, mixed inside the Redeemer (Sabres), who is seated and watching each other's backs, asks as he receives Giberti's offered tea.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm getting rid of it. You're gonna die soon."

I'm in the ring. I'll put on my mouth as soon as I get my tea, too. Carm and Kim don't seem to understand what I'm talking about. I was about to say something when I looked at him like a little.

"How long have you been here?

The two of them seemed to stop talking because Walrus Ralpha asked me sipping tea first, saying something and doing so. I guess it's because Ralpha doesn't seem to have any sense of crisis whatsoever. But it's certainly brewed in less tasty water, but come on. I know how you feel, but you can't look a little better, you're being too honest with me. This guy...

"Always with you. Isn't that a little over ten? You don't know because you didn't count properly. Oh, give me fried beans."

I got a stir-fried bean with tea from Guinness, and I poured it into a polypoly. Beans are delicious.

"It's still a nice room, right?"

"It's true, I don't know if this is the place where more than ten orgasms are solidifying for me."

"That's right, because when Mr. Al does it like this one, it'll be a good break"

"That's right, give me fried beans too"

"Go ahead."

Guine and Bastral are having a swallowing conversation.

Zulu and Engela are taking out the big knife for demon stone collection early and putting it aside for tea each, and Zenom seems busy pulling out the mustache that has grown in a weird position on their cheeks.

"Hey, Mr. Greed. Are you okay with this? Don't worry if I ask everyone, I'm just saying I'll figure it out soon and they won't tell me anything..."

Kim, holding a cup of tea with both hands, asked worryingly.

"I heard you magically clean it up..."

Carm seems a little restless, too.

"Oh, if it's an ogre, I've been putting it together and ice pickling it"

"" Ice pickled......?

"We'll all be dead in about enough time."

"" Everyone dies...?

Hmm... well, you two couldn't use magic... then I can also nod that I don't understand enough.

Of course, it doesn't mean you don't know what you can do to get ice pickled.

"Well, we'll see about that later."

Waiting for the appropriately time crushed and iced orga to suffocate to death, it's finally Demon Stone Collection.

If Mizuchi were here, I'd be practicing anti-magic fields and letting her get rid of the ice, but since she's not here, I'll get rid of it. Allow an anti-magic field about five meters square to unfold in front of your left hand and walk around to erase the ice.

When the body came out, they started Zulu and Engela, who had prepared a knife in advance, and everyone rushed over to a small run to protrude the knife quickly.

Just in case, there's talk between Kim and Carm from a little further away from me watching the perimeter.

"If only I had done this from the beginning..."

"What are you talking about? If that were the case, Mr. Corritt and the others would still be sucking my money."

"Oh well."

And then nobody died.

"But on the way, I thought someone would die for sure..."

"That may be true, but I didn't think I'd die if I got my arm broken"

"I was watching it all behind me... I was really surprised to see you come using magic"

Nothing. They weren't talking to Kosokoso either, so I think he sounded like someone who was nearby.

There was a bitter smile as I gently glanced at Guineh's face picking demonic stones nearest them.

The corpse of an ogre with a distressed look on its face.

A young Dwarf woman with a bitter laugh as she cleaves that chest.

It's a little surreal.

and arrived between the seven layers of metastatic crystals.

In the Mon Room, Carm and Kim seemed surprised enough to see the orgasm-hardened ice to slip through their hips, but they looked impressed when they explained how they had discovered how to level up their magic skills and gain experience on the road so far.

I took a short break and moved to the eighth layer because it was still early for lunch.

"Eight layers is different after all..."

"Was it a troll, what is he... I couldn't believe it until I actually saw the wound healing in front of me whether I poked it or not..."

By the time we arrived between the eight layers of metastatic crystals, both Carm and Kim seemed pretty tired. I sat back when I thought I was blurry. Would it have been a bad idea if there were minnows left?

"Still, if you leave the wound healing alone, you can knock him out."

"It would have been easier with fire magic, wouldn't it?

Guine and Ralpha are speaking to those two. I'm just going to start taking off my armor and hand the parts off to Zulu. As long as Giberti gets me my changed underwear out of my luggage, I'll be able to go shower whenever I receive it.

"But you just struggled, and the Troll's Demon Stone adds a lot of value."

Carm said happily.

"It's a bad color, but it's bigger than an orga."

Ralpha also answers as he quickly takes off his leather armor.

"Besides. Big bugs, it's a lot easier to take them down than an orga."

Kim also had a somewhat bright voice.

"Right. That would give you about a hundred grand worth of demon stones. Honestly, if you're going to make money, it's easier to walk around the eighth tier than wandering around looking for an auga that's hard to see, right? It's very strong."

Ma, it's easier for me to be an ogre. You don't have to use magic less often because you don't have a lot of people to come out. But, well, bugs don't give off a deadly dozen of one-shot death classes like an orga, so I also nod what Guine says. Ah, the Kamakiri sickle is not meant for cutting, but for grabbing and securing the person to be preyed upon. It's not like being grabbed by an armorless arm or being cut off to the point of breaking either the ulna or the radius at best. You'd be in danger of boulders if you got hit in the neck, but that's not limited to Kamakiri, is it?

Today only relatively expensive demon stones could be obtained because the scavenge crowler didn't happen to come out.

May 10, 7447

"What's that?

Carm asks Giberti, who, as usual, was in charge of the net-firing gun.

"Hmm? It's a new bow."

Don't say Giberti is good. I'm letting him learn how to shoot a gun, too, and I'm teaching him the word gun.

"Bow? There's no string, and it's weird... it doesn't seem like a crossbow."

Kim was also asking strangely.

"It's for use against a group of minotaurs in front of a nine-layer metastatic crystal. If you look, you'll see."

Bastral goes into a little detail, but in the end, he doesn't explain it to anything.

It's okay.

I was a little worried about what I would do to stop using the net-firing gun as well, but eventually decided to use it.

Before that, I'm scared of boulders if I don't use Carm and Kim while they're still around.

In the first place, unlike rifle guns, this guy himself has little killing power.

A flying stick can cause some scratches even if it is a direct hit, but it is also known.

Um, not a good name for a net-firing gun.

You should turn it into a net shooter.

... word games.

Well, I kept my mouth shut on Carm and Kim for once more than I decided to use.

We both have that deep understanding of party confidentiality, just in case.

"But nine layers..."

"If I say nine layers."

But you lost interest right away, and Carm and Kim started whispering something.

Apparently, he's talking about food.


"Uhma! You crab!

"You said crab, didn't you? I really like this."

One crab knocked down on the way through the nine layers. That was worth putting Giberti in charge.

Carm and Kim were delighted to eat.


I don't make that much noise about boulders anymore.

Because I eat it once every time.

I don't get bored though.

"Oh, it's good to be in the Redeemer (Sabres)......"

"I just ate it once... it was worth the effort..."

I'm glad you said that.

But I know you're joking about hard work with crabs, but that's cheap, dude.

Sometimes Bastral used to come home with crab legs and tweezers, and Tris used to come home with a little crab miso.

Don't you know?

Weren't you there when Bell made Kanishu Mai?

Then you ate just the Redeemer (Sabres).

I stopped using soy sauce once because I didn't have it.

What's more impressive about the online shooter than the cyberguns?

That'll be tough with ten layers of mapping starting tomorrow.

Stay sharp.

Thus, after about two months of hard work, a good portion of the ten layers of maps went into Gühne's head.

In the meantime, the avant-garde of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), the Bath of the Elite (Elves), Sarah of the Pu (Hume) and the Shield Holder (Shield Holder), who said Benno, were so badly injured by the opponent that they fled back with the other body that they were forced to suspend their activities for a while.

Yeah, purgatory flames (Gehenna Flair) seem to be walking around the six layers carefully. Also, Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) apparently bought a few combat slaves.

Yeah, well, it's an amulet, but the fourth of August is due.

You're just over a month away.

I'm really excited to see how much it will add.

We killers (Slaters) were doing well too.

Carm and Kim are also firmly blended into the Redeemer (Sabres), where they can rely sometimes because they were originally first-rate adventurers. Carm had a very definite knowledge of the discovery of ore, especially by mining. It's crusty around here, and Carm said he'd get some kind of ore or gem about once every ten times. Lots of cheap stuff, though.

Mizuchi says Gnome seems to be good at this alongside Dwarves. When I heard that, I had no knowledge that mining was a mineral vein. Xenom was bending his navel, though. With that said, it was a tease that Berkud's dwarf squire, Arnold's father, Gerdan Flintgael, who is in charge of blacksmiths, was also a craftsman for blacksmiths. The opposite of Xenom was very strong for booze though.

Carm came out of a servant's house serving the Baron who dominates the mining district of Count Rosenheim and said he had considerable knowledge, although he had never worked in the mine in earnest. Be reasonable. She says there are hardly any more than six floors untouched, and there are occasional suspicions even as she walks down the aisle. In particular, the ten layers differ from the previous layers, and the number of places where surveys work has increased considerably. I can tell you that it was good for Carm to move even if he took all this.

Also, magic items (magic items) were not possible, but there were three magic tools (Sabres) and the massacre (Butchers) were also discovering colorless, transparent lensed glass that was expected to be in the 10 million Z-class when Mizuchi was the leader. Although it may seem slightly overpriced, colorless, transparent glass is very expensive. Because it will be seed glass. The president of the Sandark Chamber of Commerce said that something similar had exited Balduk several times before. I bought this. It seemed like it could be used first.

Between the end of June and July, the time has come to dispatch two Carm and Kim, respectively, as leaders of the slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators). We can't both use magic, so I won't make it much of a force this time.

Except for the Redeemer (Sabres).

Finally, the time has come to cross ten levels.

How far can you go to a guardian without a rifle?

Should I at least have an internet shooter for once?

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