June 29, 7447.

Just before entering a large room about two inches in diameter, which seems to be filled with ten layers of guardians, we are having a meeting for lunch. I ended up bringing both a rifle gun and an internet shooter. It's the first time you're going to be relative to ten layers of guardians, so you need to hit it just in case. Until the next guardian expects that the number of unscrupulous and strong minnows is increasing. Therefore, I had no objection to preparing guns for anyone, starting with Mizuchi.

"It must be Minotaur again..."

Says Guine throwing the leg-burned bones of the chicken he just finished eating into a hole he dug into the ground.

"Isn't it?

Tris answered by licking his dirty fingers with chicken fat.

Sounds convenient when the tip of your tongue is split into two strands.

"I know the eight and nine layers, but the five, six, and seven layers were also minotaurs, right?

And he asks me to check.

"Yeah, that's what the king tells me. They don't have a four-layer record, but it was probably Minotaur, I suppose."

I replied, sipping the dried meat soup I had made in my water bottle.

"How do we get there?

Ask questions while Xenom wipes his dirty beard by hand.

"What's the way to do it, with you all the time? The bell tangles with a net. Marceau shoots a guy who's not tangled up in a net. That's all right."

Ralpha, who had begun to skin his dessert as early as possible, replied with a freaking face saying what other way was there. That would be fine as a combat entry procedure. But Zenom's words are fine formations, personal spacing, the order in which Engela shoots, the order in which Mizuchi shoots backup at the same time, and that's something we should discuss in advance.

"Wouldn't the basic line be as good as when dealing with a nine-tier minotaur?

Bell says there's no other way to set up an operation.

What we need to discuss now is a reconfirmation of the operational pattern when dealing with Minotaurs who came out in groups on the Nine Layers and how to deal with unexpected events.

In short, first of all, the question of whether there is another anti-skills area. You should assume that this is a "yes”. If Mizuchi's [Troop Formation (Party)] runs out, they'll find out instantly, and if it seems like it's going on, I'm just lucky because I can ice it and kata it with attack magic.

Next is the question of the topography of the battle place. From what I've seen, this stupid big room doesn't look very different from the one in the center of the eighth or ninth floor. Assuming it's the same room, it's in a large column between the central transition crystals, and Minotaur guards the entrance and exit there. Around fifty meters around the pillar, there would be no hidden rocks or anything like that, and the ground of the tasteless, dry soil would be spread out.

The problem is if there were obstacles, hidden rocks, and in some cases trees like seven layers. Depending on its size and density, net shooters may not be effective. Discuss what to do in that case.

"... it's time to go"

Discussion is over, and when you bury the cusp of what you ate, such as chicken bones, in a dug hole, you start the last gear inspection.

Gun sword, good.

Knife, good.

Survival kit, good.

Bands everywhere, even the joints of the helmet, are good.

Everyone is inspecting their gear.

In addition to regular gear, Bell takes a bowl of net shooter. One more in case of blind arrows.

Mizuchi a spare net shooter. Three blind arrows.

And the rifle gun is Engela. Engela doesn't carry a shield this time.

Zulu and Bastral, who had carried the net so far, became light-hearted.

Hammer reference (Hammerhead Three), five meters apart.

Tris to the right of the zenom standing in the center of the front row, Ralpha to the right of it. Zulu to the left of Zenom, and Zulu to the left. The beginning of the hammer pattern forms a formation of T letters: Bastral, behind which is Guineh, hereinafter Engela, Bell and Mizuchi.

Then, entering the room, the first five people still proceeded from the outer circumference to every 500 m, almost simultaneously, disappearing the feeling of [troop formation (partisation)] with little time between them. I'm used to it in the eight and nine layers so far. Yeah, because it was predetermined, there's no one to panic about. Everyone is calm.

Instantly triggered the flame of the Flaming Sword (Flame Tan) only momentarily as Tris hid in the nearby rock shade. There are no problems with the use of magic items (magic items).

As per the operation, a member of the hammer pattern moved forward and we moved to the horizontal row number (Eschlon Two). As soon as the guardian enters the sight range and the room is brightened up, Bell shoots off the net, he will now rearrange his line to the balance number (Balance Two) so that Mizuchi can take command of the whole thing.

I should be thorough with the avant-garde pawn without the flying gear.

You can use my rifle gun, but then the avant-garde power falls extraordinarily.

So far, there is nothing particularly unusual about the room in the center of the eight or nine floors.

Proceed about four hundred more meters and you will be in the sight of the guardian and a cage of lightning bolts will occur.

We proceeded with caution.

The room was brighter in front of the expected point, followed by a lightning bolt cage. There's still a rattled rock out there. Although the size of the rock itself is as small as the height of a person, it is not possible to ascertain the appearance of a guardian who seems to be under the pillar that is visible earlier.

Tension runs on everyone, including me.

More than fifty meters were planned ahead.

This is not a minotaur!

Even if he's a Minotaur, he's even more powerful!

"Sharp Arrow Land Code (Arrowhead Six)! We don't have a good view here, we're moving forward! Belle, if you see the target, shoot him!

Immediately leading the bell, the Redeemer (Sabres), who moved to its left and right rear into a formation of Mizuchi and Engella, speeded up the forward speed according to my life. The fact that the room is brighter means that the guardian has distracted me, so there's no point in moving where it's time to hide the footsteps now.

Besides, to say that they were distracted at this distance would seem to have a sharp sensory sense of augmentation, or else they would have [vibration sensing (vibration sensing)], like Sandshark or Lesser Yo Wee. As a prep, I don't even know if you're using it.

Dashing about twenty meters, Bell set up a net shooter as he jumped on a rock that had gotten smaller by less than a meter in height. Then Mizuchi and Engella also expand to the left and right, each with its own score. At the end of their gaze I could see a big man-shaped monster coming this way that would be more than three meters tall, which could also be called two great.

My legs look thick and sturdy, my toes break into two large pieces like a two-finger, and my toes are sharp at the end.

The heel seems to be as big and pointed as a finger.

His arms are thick, and he seems to have four fingers, but all of them are like sharp paws as his feet.

It has a wide, chitin-covered torso and its color is dark brown (amber) close to black.

He has a large, flat head on the side above his torso like his neck was embedded.

Almost as wide as the torso, it seems to be close to a meter.

Below the front of the head there was a large mouth that was likely to reach from the edge of the flat head to the edge, and countless fangs were visible inside.

On both sides of his mouth were large fangs about ten centimetres long that curved inward.

One has a curved jaw that looks sturdy like a gizzard scarecrow on the inside nearly ten times the length of its inner fangs on the outside.

The other one has a big jaw like an outer fang, but this one looks a little bigger than the inner fang.

Although a pair of animal-like eyes line up on the mouth at less wide intervals, it can also be seen on both sides of its outer, flat head, as large as an insect and as double eyelids glowing yellow and green.

What the hell is that? A quack giant!?

The quail giant gradually accelerates and runs as he growls.

The footsteps of Dosun Dosun echo, and they unreservedly recognise the giant's physique.

It would be great if Bell could get involved at the same time because there are two of them, but I can't tell you the luxury.

Just one or the other.

It looks like a troublesome monster, but if Mizuchi gets involved with the rest, that'll be it.

Mizuchi, who saw the monster, breathed only for a moment, but fired the net shooter as it was. Almost simultaneously with Bell. Mizuchi pulled out his lower back sword and screamed as he threw the net shooter he had shot off.

"It's Amber Goliath! Spread out!

He's a dangerous person to watch.

All over the body surface it reflects light as dull as a beetle or quail.

I've heard the name Amber Goliath itself from Mizuchi before, I feel.

You think you ever came across it during underground city expansion work in her hometown, Elle Hay?

I remember him being a good tunnel digger.

Yeah, well, in status, are you going out with Underground Vojanoi?

Looks like Bell and Mizuchi's firing net entangled a small individual on the left jaw.

"Everybody, open up as much spacing as you can! Don't look at the avant-garde, just in case! The bows and arrows are coming through.

Don't be impotent!

But no one complains and blunts their actions.

"Just look at your feet! It would be confusing to look both the outside eyes of Amber Goliath nearby! Marceau, you take your distance while retreating, calm down and aim."

Engela's rifle gun roared on the way Mizuchi was saying.

The bullet did hit him and hit him in the leg of the guy who grew the jaw.

You were right to aim for your leg because it's the iron plate that hurts your leg first and scrapes your mobility.

But what do you mean!

Isn't there a spark scattered on the surface of the crust that covers your knees like armor!

Sparks scattered means bullets were bounced!?

Oh no!?

But another shot.

The rifle bullet released with another roar hit that big abdomen.

Nothing like turning up a spark this time, seems to have done solid damage.

A pus-like yellow liquid is gushing out of an empty little hole in his abdomen.

I was just a little relieved.

"Back off, Marcel! Just keep your distance!

At the same time Mizuchi's harsh voice flies, "Huh!" Xenom threw an axe in his temper.

The axe flew as it twirled and spun, standing on the right arm the quail giant tried to defend.

Nice tow!

"Gimo, wow!!"

A quack giant with a scratch on his belly and right arm comes running with a scream of agony, yet without slowing down, shaking his big nail-bearing left arm.

By the way, is it a special skill to be confused when you look in the eye?

Then you can't use it here, can you?

Just in case.

"Come on!"

Bin, and the bell releases a bow with the sound of a bow string ringing.

Looks like he targeted the head eye, but the quail giant slightly shifted his posture and received an arrow in a position other than the eye.

The arrow was bounced.

"Arrows are bounced! Bell's in the vanguard, too! Zulu's Cover Ginseng!

I set up my sword and dashed hard as Mizuchi yelled at Bell.

Bullets go through the belly and chest.

Then you can handle my sword.

"Woo, Sam! Pick it up! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Scratch your left arm nail while briefly communicating your policy and stick it in your lower abdomen and where you think it is.

Nice move!


Don't scream in your ear. Because I can't do it.

Choosing a sword is an attempt to increase the damage.

"Surge! Give me Al's cover! Lal picks up right, Tris and Zulu picks up left!

He was instructed by me and attacked with a pulled back arm while listening to Mizuchi's command flying out early in the arrow.

"Ha ha!

There's a spear on my head.



Gakun and the giant disfigured.

Apparently Ralpha's axe hit his injured right arm.

Xenom's axe fell off alone in the corner of his sight, and he rotated back.


Tris slashed into his left flank as he wrapped a flame around his sword and ran through.

The wound makes a loud noise, and the unpleasant smell can be stuck in an instant.


There's a deafening scream just above me.


Looks like Zulu hit a two-handed sword (bastard sword) on his left arm after Tris' run through.

Excellent and good collaboration.

It would be a gift of regular training.

Mizuchi said, "Marceau! Tow to the other one!" I got in position to go into my cover screaming.


Is Bell finally switching to the sword and starting the assault?

Ralpha continues to watch from me and continues to tow on the left.

"Right heh!

Guinee called me out, and I pull out the gunsword as I deflect my body to the right of the giant, as instructed.

The giant's posture collapsed and its left knee reached the ground.

A magic spear rushes through the space my body has always owned.

But Gabba opened the giant's jaw all the time and made me...!

"Disease (sigh)!

One hair at a time, Mizuchi, who was in the cover, slashed one of his big jaws off for me.

Almost at the same time, the gunfire of Engela's traction sounds.

Again, Bastral and Guine unleashed a poke and diverted the head of a giant with only one jaw left from me.

Full octopus punch mode.


That's Ralpha's voice!

Fear, anxiety, excitement, confusion, confusion, various emotions.

I accidentally turn in her direction.

Naturally, there are giants with one knee in between...

A giant with his inner fangs of his maxilla slashed off one side and his head pointing back at me.

A large double eye at the base of the maxilla gets into both the left and right eye.

Every little double eyed eye is fine and bright with chickadees.

What? This?

I can't keep my eyes open.

I couldn't help it when I saw it in the distance......

Suddenly nauseated, gnawed, and distorted vision.

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