June 29, 7447.

I even managed to find out that Ralpha raised her voice like she was frightened and turned herself away.

Soon, however, the sight that was in his eyes became indeterminate, blending together as if the paint scattered on the canvas were a mixture, transforming him into a view of the polar colors of Gunya.

My hands, feet and even my body become indeterminate and collapse, fusing with nearby objects and starting to turn into paintings of avant-garde art or some part of something.

At the same time,

“Wow," sounds like a bunch of featherworms,

sounds like beating concrete with guns and hammers,

a pompous, light sound,

Sounds like a piano like a “burn" and an unmade tap on a keyboard,

a string-like sound called "BYO ~ N”,

Sounds like the motor vehicle's engine is turning......

There are so many kinds of sounds that I can't describe everything.

Nausea is terrible.

I instantly felt a sense of crisis.

Anyway, I have to give the minimum necessary orders.

We have to do something about Ralpha who's gone crazy first.

"Ralpha Nine!

I can't even hear myself at all interrupted by strange murmurs.

But my throat is telling me what it feels like to have screamed for sure.

The pattern spreads like a white concentric circle, as if it suddenly blossomed even in flowers in front of you. As it spread away, it became more and more transparent and quickly diffused and disappeared.

I thought the view collapsed into an indeterminate shape, but at some point it was transformed like a black-black space with nothing. It travels at high speeds and disappears when a collection of tiny circles of polar colour or spheres is born all over it. Too many kinds of noise pour into your ears, but you can wonder and hear about the direction and volume of each sound.

But when I tried to see the area where the quail giant was, the sound of the loud featherworm moved rapidly to the front position. At the same time, I felt unnecessarily sick and became even more nauseated when I was exposed to a stream of colors and sounds that I had never experienced, flowing violently and relentlessly from my eyes and ears.


I can figure out what it is, but I can feel the feel of the sword holding it in my right hand firmly.

A number of bright red concentric circles moved over from my side and through me they still diffused and disappeared.

I can see yellow, green, and blue concentric circles from all over expanding at high speeds while overlapping, quickly becoming transparent and disappearing.

Can I just say that there are several overlapping wheel rubbers that are gradually spreading relative to the direction of travel?

Or is it a ripple that spreads through the air?

I feel a little different, but I don't care.

Concentric circles of light brown colour have also occurred from various locations at low positions, which I thought were on the ground, and this one has disappeared quickly before proceeding much distance.

It would feel like you took a nasty pill and rallied.

But the depths of my head are cold.

Something can be thought of even in situations that are suddenly and unexplained.

I don't feel as happy as I felt when the pills I listen to kicked in.

I don't know because I've never done any medicine.

Now that I've ordered Ralpha off the battlefield, I have to somehow restrain the giant in front of me. It's the mountains that want to take a distance from the giant once and do a rearrangement, but she turned up strange voice and things went wrong. We have to cover them coming to evacuate Ralpha!

But I can't believe the noise is distracting in May.

The sights in my eyes are all like a circle or a sphere with no idea what the color is.

I'm really confused because I don't know what it is.

Is this what happened to Ralpha, too?

A small scorched brown concentric circle springs up like a bubble of carbonated drinks from every spot in front of me.

At the same time, the sound of a large swarm of featherworms that seems to be the source around it has moved a little.

The giant was just around the corner.

At the same time as a clear metal sound arrived in my ear, it disappeared as soon as I thought the concentric circle, shining in a very loud seven-color, filled the area in an instant.

What the hell!

Nausea is as bad as ever.

Almost at the same time there was a piano-like sound right on my left, and it moved straight ahead of me.

But just before the sound moved before me, a small red concentric circle about the grain of poppy stretched out to me from its source, thrusting into its concentric circle and the sound of the piano, and at the same time a large red concentric circle spread from around my chest.

It's like someone pushed me through.

Around where I've been, a bunch of featherworms suddenly turned up.

I just got my right knee to the ground and I couldn't help but fall.

Are you lucky you didn't have to fall completely, or...

Oh, shit!

That's what this is about!

Sounds like the piano now and the red one is Mizuchi!

The sound of a feather is a giant!

You switched sight and hearing!

What looked like a concentric circle was sound.

What sounded like a murmur was supposed to be in my eyes.

Easy, me.

That's what I'm saying.

I guess I got caught up in some sort of magic or special abilities.


You should try the appraisal first.

As soon as I activated the intrinsic skills of the appraisal, I felt that the sound of the featherworms heard from in front of me was only slightly higher.

I guess this means the brightness has increased in the appraisal.


"You can use magic!

Shout out loud enough that your eyes are filled with a white concentric circle.

At the same time, I'll leave Mizuchi to the giant in front of me, and I should finish off with the giant who is caught in the net in the back.

Look in the direction of remembrance.

... uhhhhh... sounds pretty small than right in front of me but I did get another feather bug sound in my ear.

At the same time, there is a slight appearance of a small concentric circle of burnt brown in its source….

Over there!

There shouldn't be anybody around there.

I don't even feel like I can hear another noise between me and that distant feather bug.

There is no obstacle in between.

All right.

At the same time as there was a clear metal sound of "kink”, it disappeared as soon as I thought the concentric circle shining in a very loud seven-color filled the area in an instant.

... Is this Engela's rifle gun? Is that clear metal sound emitting light (muzzle flash)?

With his right knee on the ground, he opens his left hand and stretches it to the sound of a distant feather.

Stone barista missile!

I can't focus on too much nausea.

Sometimes I was in a hurry and felt a length that seemed like an eternity for sorcery activation, but still it would have been about three or four seconds at most.

The tall metal noise like the jet engine "Kiwien”, which occurred at the same time, quickly distanced itself, disappearing as soon as a blue concentric circle arose around the noise of the featherworm.

At the same time he was convinced of the hits of witchcraft and at the same time finally reached the limit of his patience, throwing up only one bite of gelo.



Taste and smell seem normal.

I thought it was only a little easier if it was because I threw up a bite of gello.

When colorful concentric circles occur from all over, they disappear.

When I firmly re-grip the sword that remains grasped in my right hand, there is a mild sound from around the sword that says "Pooh Pooh".

Is that the sound of a gun in my sight?

A small yellow concentric circle and a loess concentric circle have developed from the tip of the feather sound in front of me and are slowly moving away. There was something in my ear. I felt like the sound of bouncing with Bo Bo and the sound of Abrazemi squealing just as far away.

Either in Ralpha. Either around Guine or Bastral, who is either pulling her over.

Almost at the same time, it sounds like the sound of a piano beating a keyboard to tears mixes with the sound of a feather bug. A number of red concentric circles are also born as they move their sources to match the sound of the piano.

Is Mizuchi fighting while screaming something?

A rusty frame deformed and distorted while accompanied by a pink concentric circle there. The sound of "guillotine” approached and began to move to mix together. A small, brown concentric circle occurs around the foot. Footsteps seem to be common.


Something tall came so that it could be sucked into the feather sound, but the tall sound changed direction the moment a green concentric circle occurred around the area like it had come into contact.

Attack magic was played around Tris?

Furthermore, the sounds of cancer, engine sounds, and some sort of string-like sound approached each other.

"No, don't come! Everybody, get your distance! Bell, retreat! Engela, stop shooting! Just Xenom. Cover me, please!

You're gonna be like me!

You should leave it to Mizuchi, who is somewhat knowledgeable and has considerable avant-garde combat power.

You even have a sword that can turn down that jaw.

Besides, he's already on the loose.

The sound of "guillotine” went away.

"Mizchi! Five seconds after the signal, you stay down! I'm gonna smash you to death with a canon! Count them all down! Let's go!"

Yelling so and now pointing his left hand at the sound of the nearest feather, but as usual, he heard no yelling of his own, and just disappeared with a bright white concentric circle spread out in front of him as well earlier. I also feel that this sight is fuelling disgust. He is carefully starting to focus on the spirit of the Stone Cannon missile to make sure it's the right time as he yells.


At the same time, the colorful concentric circle expands from place to place and disappears.

Are we all counting down together?

It's a good thing we can afford it.


A Buddhist bell named Cheyne, a bell-like sound, is sucked into the featherworm and keeps ringing.


I guess the Xenom axe, huh?


Carefully turn your left hand to the sound of the featherworm as you work out your magic. I guess it's because I'm supposed to see it, I can get a good idea of where the feather sounds.


And the magic is done.

An oversized engine sound like an F/A-18E fighter that torched the afterburner from the tip of my left arm.

Mizuchi won't be able to get the timing wrong in case.

I believe you.

The feathers are at the end of the eyes and nose.

Distance at which missiles are attached but not lumped outside.

F/A-18E fighters (super tinned bees) rushing through the middle of the feather sounds.

Shortly afterwards, the sound of the featherworms dispersed in several ways.

All of that can be heard from above the ground.

Did you do that?

I don't know if it's wacky or not, but it's my strongest offensive witchcraft.

There's no way the featherworms can beat the super tinned bee seniors.

I know I could have killed him if I had hit him, but I can't be alarmed because I don't know.

"I want to kill you!? Somebody hold my hand and wake me up if that's enough"

The sound of the piano and the distorted sound of the frame approached.

I felt my hand wrapped in the sound of the piano as I stretched out.

Did you do it...

Unexpectedly, I felt comfortable with the sound of the piano.

I didn't know what to do if it wasn't Mizuchi for just a moment, but this feeling would be Mizuchi.

Even if you look at your body, it's mostly transparent enough to see small concentric circles occasionally occurring from all over the place, like gray grains of poppy.

The piano sound gave me a hug back.

Apparently there are no other threats.

"How's Ralpha doing? It could be the same as me. If you're alive, hold my hand."

When a colorful concentric circle occurs in front of you, it disappears.

"Ma!? He's dead!?"

When a colorful concentric circle occurs in front of you, it disappears.


He held my hand hard.

"Are you all right?

He held his hand hard again.

"Oh, bad. I can see, I can hear, but I got hit in the eye and in the ear. And it's disgusting. I'm gonna throw up."

I already threw up once.

When a colorful concentric circle occurs in front of you, it disappears.

Oh, come out of the water and rinse your mouth. Where?

Etiquette is important.

Even now.

"I understand that you're talking about something, but I don't understand the content at all. I know where everyone is standing, but I don't even know what they look like. I think my eyes and ears have changed."

When a colorful concentric circle occurs in front of you, it disappears.

"Ralpha could be something similar. Somebody hold his hand and reassure him."

"Mizuchi or anybody, can you hang a magic detector (detect magic) on me and watch? If there's a reaction, I don't think there's any injuries, but I need some sort of healing magic."

Sooo nausea left while I was freaking out and talking, and at the same time my senses returned.

I was relieved from the bottom of my heart.

Mizuchi cried with her eyes bright red.

Everyone else seemed worried about me.

There was no particular major problem in appraising myself.

Thanks. They had a magical reaction, but all the cure-based and remove-based healing magic they knew didn't achieve anything.

Is it about to expire?

Once again, it seems that the battle time itself was less than a minute after Mizuchi fired the net launcher. The time I was going crazy seemed to last more than enough, but Ralpha said he was recovering in four or five minutes.

She said all the people around looked like the same person in her previous life, including Amber Goliath. When she was a young girl, she was disturbed because she was her grandfather, who had seen where she died while suffering from lung cancer. I guess it was like a kind of trauma. I didn't ask for details because it was a story in my body, but it looked like a severed demon situation and sounded familiar. You must have been scared.

According to Mizuchi, the effect of Amber Goliath's confusion seems to be that, in most cases, he looks at the hallucinations of people he has seen in the past. Or, if you're unlucky, they mistake everyone around you for Amber Goliath, and sometimes they attack you by mistake. They've never heard of a symptom like mine. How far out of luck are you, me?

He also told me that the lightning bolt cage disappeared as usual the moment I finished my second Amber Goliath.

It should be noted that, as we can see in this situation, Stonekanon was naturally hit brilliantly, and the torso of the quail giant was crying apart in his upper and lower body. Everyone except Ralpha, who hadn't seen it, spoke as excited because it was a powerful sorcery that had never been shown about this either in the past.

But even if appraised in its shadow, it has become [the corpse of Great Underground Vojanoi].

Now Zulu, relieved by my recovery, is about to pick a demon stone.

Having made sure I was safe, Engela also tried to start walking to the quack giant in the back.

I have to appraise about the status and confusion of the quack giant.

I looked first in the appraisal, but this one too was unfortunately [the body of Great Underground Vojanoi].

It is said that little information can be obtained even if it is determined that [the body of] will stick to the name of the status.

"Engela, look at the status. If it weren't a corpse, I'd use forensic magic."

I look back and tell Engela I stopped walking.

Engela walked away again when she returned the acknowledgement.

"Hey, so, what was the magic item?

said Ralpha, who had also done a rebuilding out of the confusion mentally.

This right after you recover from the mess?

The boulder is my killer (Slaters) and the number one money-keeper.

I was a little impressed, but I'm pretty sure everyone, including me, had completely forgotten.

Yes, the first guardian you see must have a magic item.

Everyone sees the body of Amber Goliath crying up and down that Zulu is dismantling.

Zulu is already playing gossip on his upper body, so if he finds anything, he should report it.

There is nothing to say about it.

The lower body flies ten meters as it rotates into a smashed clap, pointing the torso wound this way.

It feels like I saw that one too. It doesn't look particularly equipped with something.

Next I saw the body of the one Engela was crouching beside.

"Your husband!

Engela's voice sounded.

That was this way.

Come on, it's time for your loot test.

"Is this... gold (ingot)?

There was a large leather bag hanging on the waist of Amber Goliath's body, where Engela was removing nets to collect demonic stones. You can see a metal mass like ground gold from the mouth of a leather bag that was transferred to the ground.

"You did it! There's a reaction, and it's not magical metal!?"

Earlier than me, Ralpha, who had arrived here in the dash, had already used magic sensing (detect magic). Ever since I started saying I could use appraisal magic, I've been wary that it's a cursed item (a cursed item), and I'm waiting for my arrival without touching anything that looks like an unidentified magic item (a magic item).

But with the magic metal!?

I accidentally appraised you.

[Breeze Horseshoe, a breezy hoof]


[Condition: Good]

[Generated: 29/6/7447]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance value: 524288]

[Performance: Same as normal hooves]

[Effect: Auto Repair (Auto Mending)]

[Effect: One body nail (hardened skin) and a hoof mounting surface need to come into contact with more than 50% to use this hoof. If the requirement is met, it automatically deforms and adheres to the shape and size of the target organism's nails exactly. The organism fitted to the nail with this hoof in the state of use will be capable of being transported up to twice the weight of the luggage that the organism would otherwise be able to carry, after starting use, without fatigue due to travel up to 12 hours of continuous use. In addition, no more than 10% of the body height of the organism to which the wave height is attached on the water also allows normal earth similar movement, and even more erratic terrain, such as mud, allows movement in the same way as normal earth. When removing it, it can be easily removed if the wearer touches it. Note, naturally, that it will not work unless it is worn on all the nails necessary for movement]

I just looked at it for a while, but it seems like there is no such thing as a curse, so it's good.

Lift each leather bag so that it does not touch the contents for once.

That's a lot lighter than I imagined from the swell.

I don't know if you've got ten kilos, this.

And take the bottom of the bag and turn it upside down.

Then, seven, eight centimeters long, one centimeter wide, five millimeters tall bars or plates of shiny silver metal rolled out. It looks like there are two or three hundred of them at a glance.

It should be noted that leather bags seem to have no philosophy of any kind.

As they watched, they sat in a hush in front of a small pile of metal plates and began to work their magic for the magic of their glowing eyes (Sin Light Eyes).



"Lar, what was the reaction like?

"Hmm, I wonder if it felt like magic and earth magic, wind magic..."

"Heh... what is it?


Sorry, let me wait.

It'll take a little longer to complete the magic trick.

"There's a lot of them, and you're going to sell them a little?

"I don't know that."

"So is that."

"But if you're a magic metal, maybe you can make a sword or something... uhh"


That's a long time, isn't it?

I know I'm just tired of watching.

But come on.

"Your husband is concentrating, more over there if you want to talk..."

Engela, you're a really good guy.

I'll pay you back.

Plus one point.


Finally, my eyes are shining now.

I'm sure no one's noticed because they keep staring at the metal on the ground.

"They say it looks like this and it's a hoof. [Breezy Horseshoe] That's the name."

That's what I said, but only two people beside me, Zulu and Engela, raised their voices like they were impressed and congratulated.

Everyone else is a little further away.

"Hey, Mizuchi. Can magic metal sell high?

and Ralpha, the keeper of the money, wanting,

It's worth a lot of money.

Mizuchi also nods often with his face.

"Can you make arrows or something?

When Bell asks in the same voice he expected,

"Something made of magic metal can be quite aggressive."

"So it works better than guns?

"Um, I don't know about that. But it could be imminent. What do we do, Belle?

"If you ask Mr. Al, he'll make it, won't he?

And Mizuchi and I start talking about something.

"With all that, you seem to be able to make spear tips and stuff, right?

Redeemer (Sabres) The sole spouse has begun to say for discretionary calculation,

"Wouldn't Mr. Al be all right?

With two powerful magic weapons (Magic Arms), the extra Tris answers that.

"Come on, don't all say anything unsolicited. I don't suppose you've decided it's magic metal yet, do you?

"Yes, absolutely."

Xenom, Ghine. You (Dwarves) are the conscience of the Redeemer (Sabres).

"But if you're so pretty, why don't I pierce it open? Seishen in Wangdu is a goldsmith's accessory, it's so popular right now, isn't it? If it's a magic metal, it looks super proud."

"Oh? Pierce. My father had one ear open when he died..."

"Huh? Doesn't that look good?


"That's right, I think it's sinister to pierce just one ear"


"And it's magic metal, and it's that glow, isn't it?

"Shall I open it, too?

"If Mr. Xenom wears Seychen's piercings, he'll look great, and I'm sure he'll look great."

"Ho ho... but that would be delicious if I made it and drank it even if it was bad alcohol"

"Ah! That too... that's nice too"


"Even make a small plate with bad liquor and matching, and even place salted olives stabbed with matching yangzhi looks good!

"That would be extraordinary."

Leave your weapon behind. If it's an accessory, it might still be... make a drinking tool out of magical metal. These two (Dwarves) were the cancer of the Redeemer (Sabres).


"" Ha!

Zulu and Engela were in awe.

"It's not you guys."

Lots and lots of cancer cells came together.

They all look badly sorry, but only about one of them held hands behind his head and said, "It's not getting any faster!? I thought it took a little longer yesterday" or something.

"They say it looks like this and it's a hoof. [Breezy Horseshoe] That's the name."

Again, when I say, "hoof!?" or "This is it?" or "heh" or "unexpected." Yeah. I didn't even think so.

"Maybe on this wide side, is that okay? seems to be worn automatically if you can come into contact with your hooves more than half of the time. Traveling continuously from morning to evening makes you less tired, and doubles the weight you can carry. They'll be able to move on the water and on the mud."

Everyone seems surprised and voiceless.

Truth be told, so am I.

I can't try it here, but when I get back on the ground, let's put it on my military horse, Uranus, first.

By the way, why would Amber Goliath have something like this?

Without any concern, Engela pulled out the demon stone and saw Amber Goliath's body with two nets still tangled in a mess. Little jaw. Is this body a scalpel? Or is it just a big kid with a figure?

Two on the toe side and one on the heel. The sole of the foot, which was completely dirty with dirt, was securely affixed with a Y-shaped metal plate.

When I touched them each with their chopped fingertips, they peeled off and peeled off, becoming plank-shaped similar to the other hooves as I looked at them.

There were two hundred and fifty two hooves in the leather bag.

Two hundred and fifty-six if you combine what we recovered from the soles of the feet of the two Amber Goliath.

A horse can organize as many as 64 long-range ultra-fast mobile units.

It would be awesome to have a carriage pulled using rubber tires and a bearing axle.

Oh, can't the carriage be on the water?

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