June 29, 7447.

I put the hoof back in the leather bag, and when I tied my mouth, I deposited it with Zulu.

But it hurts not to be able to properly appraise about the quack giant.

Is that attack of confusion magic or special skill?

According to Mizuchi, it would probably be a [confusion] of special skill, but what she knew was a non-graceful normal (?) Amber Goliath, so Ralpha seems to have the same special skills, but I can't say much about it. That said, since I saw that complex glowing double eyed, it is presumed that that would be a special skill, not magic.

It reminded me of that experience while explaining what the situation was, and I was about to feel bad again. That was a really bad experience.

The net, which was entangled in a rolling corpse sprinkled with yellow fluid and green blood, would take a lot of time to undo, but I naturally recovered it because I also saw a lot of parts still available. The body has a use before Ralpha turns it into water and disposes of it. Attack the corpse with magic. Especially since it is necessary to check the crust strength of the part of the crust that seems to be sturdy, and to explore weaknesses such as crust joints.

We all tried everything based on Mizuchi's commentary. They say it's a rare monster enough to say if it can be seen once in a decade in her hometown. Therefore, there is no direct experience with Mizuchi just by listening. There are many things I need to check.

As a result, a sturdy crust surface was not possible, but if a complete direct hit was made to the joint, it was found that arborest-class attack magic was likely to do enough damage. Even the crust part penetrated quite a bit if it was barista class, and we also found that we could expect a lot of power. But you'll need at least more than a heavy catapult for the hardest looking back, elbows and knees.

Note that if it was a rifle gun, it pierced the crust wherever it hit, except for the seemingly most solid part. As for rifle guns, you can expect stone-heavy catapult class penetration. But I know from the previous use that rifle guns are less damaging when they are not well hit. Especially not limited to Amber Goliath, but the bigger the target's body, like an ogre or a troll, the less damage he deals if he hits it outside of the steeple. I have a bow with me.

The only exception is if you let the sword strike straight. Only at this time does the damage decrease, but vice versa. Damage increases considerably when Zulu waves down the two-handed sword (Bastard Sword) that he usually uses with one hand with both hands. Of course if you use it with one hand but it is a direct hit, it will do a little more damage. This is with Tris' sword and my long sword (long sword) if I take it off the gun sword.

However, when used with a gunsword (bayonet), or when attacked with a spear (spear), axe spear (halvard), or the like, the damage is not likely to be the same as when dealing with a normal size monster. Besides, Bell's infantry swords (short swords) and Xenom and Ralpha's hand axes are slightly less damaging when hit directly with the same sword.

Also out of standard is Mizuchi's song knife (Simitar), which can be cut off neatly, no matter how damaging, if it is a convex area such as the hands, feet, or neck, as long as it is a solid direct hit rather than a halfway hit. The [Energy Drain] of Special Effects seems to be working at this time.

Then, the Great Underground Vojanoi demon stone was both worth nearly 800,000 in appraisals. Sell it and it will be over ten million Z. More than five and a half million a piece or a boulder should be in the hands of Balduk's magician Dunhill. If I were to sell it, I would be bringing it to Wangdu's Demon Prop Shop Splendor. Well, I'm not going to sell it for the moment.

By the way, I couldn't find any high-quality equipment like Minotaur had. However, I noticed that the leather bag that had the hoof in it was double leather. If you flip it over, the leather that was affixed to the inside is engraved with intricate tattoos like those seen in previous gear, which can be described as a pretty fancy leather bag considering tabulating this one. It would take considerable skill to strike a fine and complex tattoo on this thin leather.

After the appraisal, [double (double) tool insert (tool bag)] came out. They say the materials are lamb leather (original table with a touch) and Abyssal Auga leather (back with a tattoo).

And now it's finally a break between the ten layers of metastatic crystals.

Well, what's going on?

We discussed our future policy.

The conclusion was that after the next time I was facing Amber Goliath from the outside again, the room would be brightened by being discovered or recognized, and as soon as the lightning bolt cage came out, I would have to try some magic. If magic is usable like this one, strike magic and kill it by the time the quail giant comes near the side. You can aim well with a rifle. I would have been fine if I hadn't looked at both double eyed at the same time from a considerable distance.

Me and Ralpha have been in a lot of trouble this time, but it's good news that magic can be used if you're even careful about it. We can also go into the second half of the Labyrinth about this and say that it is a bright topic for a long time outside of the discovery of treasures.

Unfortunately, so far there will still be a considerable amount of time before the resurrection of the guardian, and it would be the first exploration of a large room surrounding between the metastatic crystals. Then if you can afford it, take a little peek at the eleven layers and defeat the resurrected guardian at least once before heading back.

It will likely take nearly twenty hours to resurrect, as it did with previous layers, and there is time to spare. When you get back to the ground, you'll be carrying it here twice or so, but you won't be relieved if you finish what you do before then.

In the evening, I stepped into the eleventh layer.

The metastases are naturally preceded by the metastatic crystals that we have grasped so far.

This is the same as usual.

And it is likely that the place will be just off the outer wall.

The perimeter of the transitional crystal, which is like a small semi-circular square, is surrounded by a cliff-like wall that cuts into the bottom part of the semi-circular, and a deep forest in which the depressed and trees thrive as it surrounds it.

Looks like an oak tree (oak), an evergreen broad-leaved tree.

Also, the eleven layers were different and had light than before.

Soft orange rays like dusk are pouring down from the ceiling.

It's not as bright as daylight, like seven layers, but it's not like it hasn't been before.

So I can say that there's nothing wrong with this far.

But a big difference with one eye.

First of all, the ceiling is not as high as a hundred meters as the seven layers.

Perhaps it was at a far height of the unit, and strangely it even looked like a cloud.

How did you know that, because they didn't think there was a passage?

Far ahead of the gaze beyond the top of the surrounding forest was an elongated column stretching to the ceiling, like an orbital elevator that appeared in the SF novel, and beyond it stood behind a thin wall that was probably the other side.

I mean, fourteen layers (?) as the hierarchy itself seems to be a very large room.

I don't see any walls shaping passageways as far as I can see.

"This was... unexpected"

With a shield in place and a flaming sword (Flame Tan) in his right hand, Tris shrugged like he had lost his mind, but he was sending an alert gaze around him. I am not letting the sword wrap a flame around me.

"It's like dusk, but it's time now...?

Bell also groaned as he looked up into the sky with his demon sword in one hand, but no one would be able to answer that question.

"You don't seem to have any monsters nearby..."

Xenom says as he sets up a magical axe and observes his surroundings as well as Tris. Naturally, I have been looking around with [appraisal] vision too, but I couldn't find anything unusual.

"I dare you to shake the number."

Guine takes the brush and ink out of the storage and writes "1" on the appropriate stone.

"Why don't we just keep going?

A bastral stood beside her as she speared to protect Guineh with two people, Zulu and Engela, voiced doubts, but nothing seems more so than to do so.

"But, you know, like that pillar is where the metastatic crystals are, right? Maybe. It doesn't look like there's a wall, and it's going to fall out easily."

Ralpha says as he points to an orbital elevator that can be seen far ahead with a magical axe in one hand. If you're right, you're right, but don't you think it's that easy to go with a glimmer?

"It's like that place except for the bright ones and the woods...... oh, was the ceiling lower?

Simitar, with one hand, Mizuchi tells me to check on you.

"I just thought so too."

I answer as I continue to observe my surroundings, but I did not see anything particularly dangerous, such as monsters or traps.

"So, is there only a boss here?

How about that? As you just said, the fourteen layers (over there) were places like here with no lights, no plants, no growing anything. The ceiling height is completely different, and not necessarily what lurks in the surrounding woods.

"If so, I hope it's not him."

And when I answered that, with my brush on, Guine said, "What do you want to do? I've heard."

"Let's do some metastases again."

Metastasis to the eleventh layer was repeated about twenty times. However, it would seem that all destinations would be at the peripheral wall level as they were at the beginning. I had Ralpha check the direction several times, but I got a rough overview thanks to Guine's [topographical memory (mapping)] for the orbital elevators visible in the center to get into view.

Again, it was a huge room about 10 km in diameter, and all the destinations were somewhere in the outer perimeter. According to Guineh, the center pillar and the outer circumference beyond are always visible, so mapping would be the easiest layer ever.

"Hey, if you try jumping up with wind magic, you can see far away, right?

Unexpectedly, Mizuchi makes an unthinkable and abusive point from his usual words and actions.

She says it's me or Mizuchi holding Ghine and making something like a cannon shell with ground magic to get inside it. And then a little climb inside the shell and use that level of wind magic at your feet to jump up in the air. When falling, continuously use wind magic to attempt a soft landing. Who would do such a foolish thing to treat me or Mizuchi's remnants with healing magic in the unlikely event of a failed landing, if not instant death? It was also such an unrealistic suggestion to consider that it seemed like an idiot.

She had a similar experience when she rejected it without one or two, and I also found that it was a reasonably well-founded proposal, but there's no way I could do that right next to the outer wall. Just slightly wrong angle to crash into the outer wall or moped down to be the Buddha. It doesn't have to be. It's a forest down there, and it doesn't necessarily mean you can fall well into the square.

Ralpha and Bastral said, "I see!" He says it's a good idea to punch him in the knee, "but isn't Guine pale with a face that's still going to blow bubbles? But, naturally, the idea of letting Guineh check the perimeter from high ground is a logical one in itself.

The exterior walls are like six or seven aisles, and there is no clue to the extent to which the rock climbing experts of the previous life can climb (...) with specialized tools. After paying sufficient attention to safety only once because I had no choice, I let the tallest looking tree nearby climb the gnee to check the surroundings and it turned out to be quite as expected.

First, along the outer circumference there is a thin donut-shaped forest about two to three hundred m wide.

Perhaps all of the transferring crystals from the ten layers will be placed in woods that thrive along the outer perimeter. Only a few hundred meters along the outer circumference for this, except that there was no metastatic crystal, it seemed certain first because there was a small square similar to the one that had been metastasized. Assuming that every 100 m there is a square at equal intervals, it can be assumed that the number of destinations to this layer will be about three hundred and fourteen. Probably no matter where I transferred it, it doesn't make a big difference. If the interval is less than 100 meters, maybe three hundred and sixty places.

Through the forest, which extends around the outer perimeter, the meadows, which are still about two hundred to three hundred m wide, with their short grass growing, are spreading in a doughnut form. Beyond that there seems to be a mixture of meadows, wastelands, another forest or forest. That's all the terrain I could see from the top of the tree, but hey, if the trees are still growing ahead, you should try climbing again. Then, from what Guineh saw, he couldn't find anything like a monster.

"If you want to go straight to that pillar, you feel like you can go."

Guine gave me the good news. But he was pretty scared, and he doesn't look very good. It doesn't sound like he's afraid of heights, but the tree he made Guineh climb was about 10 meters tall. She climbed up to about six or seven meters tall, but being scared would be scary.

"Was there a pond in the river?

Xenom asks.

"I didn't know that much."

Assuming there are no monsters and no guardians, you won't need two hours to get out of this layer. Even if I were there, I wouldn't be much different without the trap and the injury.

"Shall we get this far today? It's about 20: 00, right? I'm getting hungry, and if things go well, he'll be back in the morning or so. I want to kill you by accident after a proper appraisal."

We need time to repair the nets, and for today, let's finish the meal with kampan and dried meat soup.

There are still about twenty rounds of rifle bullets left, and if you can use magic, then it's easy to bust it.

You can do the monster appraisal later, but slowly.

June 30, 7447

[M/30/6/7447 · Great Underground Vojanoi]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 0]

[Level: 10]

[HP: 744 (744) MP: 20 (20)]

[Muscle Strength: 35]

[Jun Min: 15]

[Dexterity: 15]

[Endurance: 80]

[Special skill: Excavation (Excavate)]

[Special Skill: Confusion (Confusion) Type III]

The other female is similar.

But it's really scary to hit (back stub) from behind.

During the first resurrection, for the magical usable timing verification, we left the gnee in the room of the crystal stick, while the others surrounded the swirling fog for everyone to wait until the resurrection. Eight layers and nine layers of minotaurs had taken seventeen and eighteen hours to resurrect, respectively. Is this going to be nineteen hours? Though we had expected that, to be a weak basis, we naturally woke up quite early and waited until the resurrection while simulating many times so that we would not see both eyes at the same time.

It's still after 7: 00 in the morning, which is seen after nineteen hours.

Finally, the fog of resurrection began to swirl.

In the meantime, he confirmed that he could no longer use magic, unique skills, and then the special skills of his race.

And just like Minotaur, Amber Goliath waved down all his thoughts as simulated the moment he was resurrected in a crouched position on one knee. Bad hitting attacks may not be damaged without being inhibited by hard crusts and penetrated. Still, as long as the four or five of us keep beating each other up, we can keep breaking down, and the guy who can afford it will hit us with an attack aimed at the crust joint.

That's what we all thought.

But the crust of Amber Goliath, who had just been resurrected, was white as an albino, as if it were jelly. It was as soft as a crab or crab right after the peel. Besides, the room brightens up and the sound of the lightning bolt cage rings, while the GUINE says, "You can go!" and shouted from the entrance and exit of the room. I stopped the octopus beating. I tried to tap into some powerful magic immediately, but I didn't need any magic. So at this time it had become [the body of Great Underground Vojanoi], even if it had been appraised of a body, once again.

I had no choice, and I still needed to test it, so I stick to the resurrection one more time (I spent my free time researching ten layers of unexplored areas), and take a step outside right after the resurrection, like when I was in Minotaur, kick it in and activate the cage of lights and lightning bolts. Immediately afterwards it was pulled into the passage leading between the metastatic crystals.

And now I waited more than an hour between the metastatic crystals from the resurrection until the color of the crust was sufficiently black. You just said what you appraised in the meantime, didn't you? Oh, [Confusion (Confusion) Type III]?

Seems that to use the special skills of Confusion Type III, both double-eyed eyes must be seen at the same time, and that the distance must be less than half the height of Amber Goliath.

Subjects imprisoned by special abilities can be hallucinated by unpleasant sights and fears of the same race as they have known in the past, but the likelihood of being able to see through them is almost nil. They're coming sneaking into my mind with a reality that I can believe is sufficiently real. Or they make all creatures other than themselves recognize themselves as Amber Goliath. Each of these possibilities is 40%. But there are times when you change your senses like I do. This possibility was the remaining 20%.

You were really unlucky, weren't you?

Afterwards, Mizuchi and Bell, Tris, Ralpha, Ghine and Bastral magic were all available, including the meaning of the practice, to unleash attack magic aimed at the crust joint behind his neck. I can tell you that it was easy to win because of the damage done at once.

One more time. Now he returned once to the nine-layer metastatic crystal, eating well, and after resting, before Amber Goliath was resurrected, he came again between the ten unprotected metastatic crystals. At that time, I was a little naked, but I brought a blanket. Now at the same time as the resurrection, you're going to put a blanket on your head, make sure you block the double eyed, and then try to beat the octopus without using magic.

Yeah. If it's unintentional, you're going to manage without magic.

Even if you fight from the front, you can see if I can magically do something about it by breaking in from the outside at the right time for another resurrection. As an insurance policy, you can have everyone but me waiting among the metastatic crystals.

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